Search Results (List)

Dataset: WILLI
Search Criteria: Canada; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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William & Mary Herbarium

44891Nunan, R W   
Canada, Ontario, detailed locality information protected

9853Uttal, L J   
Canada, Quebec, detailed locality information protected

10759Uttal, L J   
Canada, Quebec, detailed locality information protected

10774Uttal, L J   
Canada, Quebec, detailed locality information protected

17767Massey, J R; Boufford, D E   
Canada, Quebec, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
9918Uttal, L J   74741970-07-16
Canada, Nova Scotia, Cabot Landing historical site (south of Cape North)

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Achillea borealis Bong. sensu Fern.
10750Uttal, L J   75151970-07-18
Canada, Nova Scotia, New Haven: tourist shopping area just north of boundary of Cape Breton Highlands National Park

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51078Uttal, L J   139331985-08-16
Canada, Ontario, County Road 20 where lake abuts road, Amable Twsp. Spy Lake.

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69153Salamun, P J   227621969-10-20
Canada, Alberta, edge of Lake Louise in Banff National Park, 1829m

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7666Krivda, Walter   1966-08-20
Canada, Manitoba, Cultivated in garden, The Pas.

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10769Uttal, L J   73561970-07-12
Canada, Quebec, Ville: Lemieux. Mt. Lyall., 823m

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40596Murray, David F; Murray, Barbara M   5221966-07-10
Canada, Yukon, St. Elias Mountains. Observation Mountain and vicinity. At terminus, Kaskawulsh Glacier., 60.816667 -138.733333, 1676 - 2134m

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Dryopteris intermedia (Muhl. ex Willd.) Gray
10246Uttal, L J   74471970-07-16
Canada, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Highlands National Park. McIntosh Brook picnic area.

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Platanthera obtusata (Banks ex Pursh) Lindl.
75828Daggy, Tom   103261989-06-16
Canada, British Columbia, Kinaskan Lake Provincial Park on Cassiar Highway (Rd. 37)

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10755Uttal, L J   73011970-07-11
Canada, Quebec, -

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75819Daggy, Tom   102801989-06-14
Canada, Alberta, Near Meanook Research Station of the University of Alberta, north of Edmonton

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10784Uttal, L J   73931970-07-14
Canada, Quebec, -

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10241Uttal, L J   73001970-07-11
Canada, Quebec, Gaspe-Ouest, Faribault, 914m

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75862Daggy, Tom   103711989-06-18
Canada, Yukon, Near Kluane, Kluane Game Sanctuary. Alaska Highway (Rd. 1).

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8846Welsh, S L; Moore, G   77021968-07-02
Canada, Yukon, -

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8494Krivida, Walter   662011966-08-10
Canada, Manitoba, By the Saskatchewan River, bottom of Patrick Avenue, The Pas.

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9915Uttal, L J   75201970-07-18
Canada, Nova Scotia, -

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Dryopteris campyloptera (Kunze) Clarkson
10753Uttal, L J   73121970-07-11
Canada, Quebec, -

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10781Uttal, L J   74211970-07-16
Canada, Nova Scotia, -, 396m

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44899Nunan, R W; Cook, Gene   s.n.1965-10-24
Canada, Ontario, -

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9857Uttal, L J   74011970-07-14
Canada, Quebec, -

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Luzula parviflora (Ehrh.) Desv.
40590Anderson, J H   36251978-08-15
Canada, British Columbia, -, 1585m

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9899Uttal, L J   74401970-07-16
Canada, Nova Scotia, -, 396m

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44935Krivda, Walter; Madrigga, F   1978-08-15
Canada, Manitoba, -

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9846Uttal, L J   74501970-07-16
Canada, Nova Scotia, -

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40613Anderson, J H   36451978-08-15
Canada, British Columbia, -, 1650m

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51214Uttal, L J   139731985-08-15
Canada, Ontario, -

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10777Uttal, L J   72701970-07-09
Canada, Quebec, -

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48364Ware, Donna M; Baker, Gail S   84411983-07-23
Canada, Yukon, -

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9850Uttal, L J   74101970-07-16
Canada, Nova Scotia, -

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40605Murray, David F; Murray, Barbara M   7581967-06-25
Canada, Yukon, -, 1646m

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8843Welsh, S L; Moore, G   73201968-06-25
Canada, British Columbia, -

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51025Uttal, L J   139381985-08-15
Canada, Ontario, Bruce, Co. Rd. 20 where it abuts Spy Lake, Amable Twsp

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10782Uttal, L J   73531970-07-12
Canada, Quebec, Gaspe-Ouest, Lemieux, 823m

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40606Anderson, J H   35661978-08-09
Canada, British Columbia, -, 1650m

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9916Uttal, L J   74981970-07-17
Canada, Nova Scotia, -

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19333Nunan, R W; Cook, Gene   s.n.1965-10-24
Canada, Ontario, Upper Island Lake north of Sault St. Marie

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9917Uttal, L J   74281970-07-16
Canada, Nova Scotia, -

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Arnica frigida C.A. Mey
48363Ware, Donna M; Baker, Gail S   84401983-07-23
Canada, Yukon, -

40578Anderson, J H   35721978-08-09
Canada, British Columbia, Lower Llewellyn Glacier. Camp 26 and Marble Mountain Nunataks. 1500-1800m.s.m., 59.16666 -134.33333, 1500 - 1800m

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9900Uttal, L J   73571970-07-12
Canada, Quebec, -, 823m

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9859Uttal, L J   74441970-07-16
Canada, Nova Scotia, Inverness, Cape Breton Highlands National Park. End of access road to summit of White Capes region off Cabot Trail

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59558Straley, G B   20151979-05-20
Canada, British Columbia, ca. 10 km. north of Keremeos, B.C

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40607Murray, David F; Murray, Barbara M   5851966-07-17
Canada, Yukon, -

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11205Duncan, Thomas   20151972-06-17
Canada, Ontario, Essex, W side of Stone Road 0.3 mi. S of East and West Rd.

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Valerianella locusta (L.) Latterade
836Eggers, Donna M; Bangma, G S   21751967-06-05
Canada, Ontario, Welland, Point Albino Rd, 0.7 mi. s. of its jct. with Michener Rd. near Pt. Abino, Lake Erie

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69152Salamun, P J   27461969-08-20
Canada, Alberta, Victoria Glacier Trail at NE edge of Lake Louise in Banff National Park

37212Uttal, L J   
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, detailed locality information protected

Carex houghtonii Torr. ex Dewey
44850Krivda, Walter   s.n.1975-08-17
Canada, Manitoba, Northern Region, Whittaker lot, bog on edge of Lake Atibameg, The Pas

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40591Anderson, J H   36061978-08-14
Canada, British Columbia, Lower Llewellyn Glacier, 26 and Marble Mountain Nunataks, 59.00000001 -134.00000002, 1500m

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40584Anderson, J H   36071978-08-14
Canada, British Columbia, Lower Llewellyn Glacier, 26 and Marble Mountain Nunataks, 59.00000001 -134.00000002, 1500m

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33052Cody, W J; Munro, D   217671975-06-13
Canada, Ontario, Leeds, St. Lawrence Islands National Park Region, Aubrey Island, 44.28333334 -76.18333334

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Carex nigra (L.) Reichard
9842Uttal, L J   75031970-07-17
Canada, Nova Scotia, Inverness, 4 mi. so. of Grand Etang, NS Hwy. 19

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Poa arctica R. Br.
40577Anderson, J H   36231978-08-15
Canada, British Columbia, Lower Llewellyn Glacier, Camp 26 and Marble Mountain Nunataks, 59.166667 -134.333333, 1500 - 1800m

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40576Anderson, J H   36221978-08-15
Canada, British Columbia, Lower Llewellyn Glacier, Camp 26 and Marble Mountain Nunataks., 59.166667 -134.333333, 1500 - 1800m

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Poa lanata Scribner & Merr.
40598Anderson, J H   36101978-08-15
Canada, British Columbia, Lower Llewellyn Glacier, Camp 26 and Marble Mountain Nunataks. SKAGWAY QUAD., 59.166667 -134.333333, 1500 - 1800m

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Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir.
10762Uttal, L J   72981970-07-11
Canada, Quebec, Gaspé-ouest, Faribault: Near a mountain lake on Mt. Logan by the path going up to Mt. des Chic-chocs; Presqu'un tarn à Mt. Logan par le chemin montant ca Mt. des Chic-chocs, 914m

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Carex crinita var. gynandra (Schwein.) Schwein. & Torr.
9887L. J. Uttal   74241970-07-16
Canada, Nova Scotia, Inverness, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, "Skylands" -- White Capes region, at end of dirt access road

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Carex lurida Wahlenb.
9905Uttal, L J   73491970-07-12
Canada, Quebec, Gaspé-ouest, Lemieux, Parc Gaspésie, au pied Mt Lyall, Montagnes des Chic-chocs (Gaspésie park, at the foot of Mt Lyall, Chic-choc mountains), 610m

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Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Fernald
10248Uttal, L J   74041970-07-14
Canada, Quebec, Bonaventure, Larch swamp S of Highway 6

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10761Uttal, L J   72971970-07-11
Canada, Quebec, Gaspé-Ouest, Faribault: next to the trail to Mt. Logan (Au côté du chemin à Mt. Logan), 914m

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11263Uttal, L J   75511970-07-20
Canada, New Brunswick, Lepreau Game Refuge

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11199Uttal, L J   73821970-07-13
Canada, Quebec, Gaspé-ouest, Sydenham: row 2 north, near trail 6 at Portage on Mt. Hélier (rang II nord, presque chemin 6 à Portage à ste. Hélier)

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40593Anderson, J H   35791978-08-10
Canada, British Columbia, Lower Llewellyn Gl, Camp 26 and Marble Mtn. Nunataks, 59.16 -134.33, 1500 - 1800m

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9851Uttal, L J   74961970-07-17
Canada, Nova Scotia, Inverness, 4 mi S of Grand Etang, NS 19

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9907Uttal, L J   74641970-07-16
Canada, Nova Scotia, Victoria, Ca 1 mi S of Cape North (town)

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47671Uttal, L J   129191982-07-21
Canada, Ontario, Muskoka, Muskoka Lakes Twsp. Musquash River at Rt. 69 bridge, on the east side.

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51085Uttal, L J   139411985-08-15
Canada, Ontario, Bruce, Co. Rd. 20 where it abuts Spy Lake, Amable Twsp

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Luzula multiflora (Ehrh.) Lej.
40594Anderson, J H   35851978-08-10
Canada, British Columbia, Skagway Quad.: Lower Llewellyn Glacier. Camp 26 and Marble Mountain Nunataks., 59.16666 -134.33333, 1500 - 1800m

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8496Krivda, Walter   66--4091966-10-00
Canada, Manitoba, The Pas, 20 miles south along highway

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Agropyron trachycaulon (Link) hort. ex Steud.
10745Uttal, L J   73771970-07-13
Canada, Quebec, Gaspe, Tascherau, Row Z, next to trail 6 (Rang Z, à côté du chemin 6)

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Plectritis brachystemon Fisch. & C.A. Mey.
37189Straley, G B   12591979-05-02
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, on Nanoose Hill, North of Nanaimo

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Plectritis congesta (Lindl.) DC.
42667Straley, Gerald   25571983-05-01
Canada, British Columbia, just above the sea at Coon Bay, nw end of Galiano Island, B.C.

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Plectritis brachystemon Fisch. & C.A. Mey.
42668Straley, Gerald B   25931983-05-15
Canada, British Columbia, along Rt. 7, ca. 3 km south of Hope

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Plectritis macrocera Torr. & A. Gray
42669Straley, Gerald B   25841983-05-15
Canada, British Columbia, along road in Botanie Valley, 6 km north of Lytton

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Plectritis congesta (Lindl.) DC.
42666Straley, Gerald B   25651983-05-03
Canada, British Columbia, west-facing slope above Rt. 99, just north of Lions Bay (north of Vancouver)

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Valerianella locusta (L.) Latterade
837Eggers, Donna M; Bangma, G S   21751967-06-05
Canada, Ontario, Welland, Point Albino Rd, 0.7 mi. s. of its jct. with Michener Rd. near Pt. Abino, Lake Erie

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Festuca vivipara (Rosenv.) E.B.Alexeev
40597Anderson, J H   36241978-08-15
Canada, British Columbia, Lower Llewellyn Glacier, Camp 26 and Marble Mountain Nunataks., 59.166667 -134.333333, 1500 - 1800m

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Glyceria canadensis (Michx.) Trin.
9849Uttal, L J   74271970-07-16
Canada, Nova Scotia, Inverness, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, White Bay region, at end of Skylands dirt road, 396m

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Glyceria canadensis (Michx.) Trin.
9910Uttal, L J   74851970-07-17
Canada, Nova Scotia, Inverness, Cheticamp. Cemetery road

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Rhus radicans var. rydbergii (Small ex Rydb.) Rehd.
41123Brassard, Leo   60-3311960-08-23
Canada, Quebec, Saguenay, Ruisseau Gagnon

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10752Uttal, L J   73501970-07-12
Canada, Quebec, Gaspé-ouest, Lemieux: Near Mt Lyall in fields; Aux champagnes et côtes du chemin avant Mt Lyall, 610m

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44934Krivda, Walter   s.n.1981-08-10
Canada, Manitoba, Lake Atikameg, Lot 42. The Pas

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75670Cody, W J   112161960-07-21
Canada, New Brunswick, Carleton, at western extremity if Mer Blue; 1.5 miles S of Blackburn (8 miles East of center Ottawa), Gloucester Twp.

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51079Uttal, L J   139671985-08-15
Canada, Ontario, Bruce, Lake Huron at Oliphant

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10764Uttal, M. U.   75341970-07-20
Canada, New Brunswick, Between Rt. 1 and RR, 0.4 mi. NE. of Hampton Exit.

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Packera paupercula (Michx.) Á. Löve & D. Löve
47674Uttal, L J   128771982-07-15
Canada, Ontario, Bruce, Inshore from lake HUron at Oliphant.

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9854Uttal, L J   72781970-07-11
Canada, Quebec, Gaspe-ouest, Lemieux. Places ouverts presque le chemin au Mt. Logan. L'elev. ici ca. 3000ft. Monts. Chic-chocs. (The best. Places open almost the way to Mt. Logan. The elev. here ca. 3000ft. Mountains. Chic-shocks.), 914m

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10751Uttal, L J   75141970-07-18
Canada, Nova Scotia, Inverness, Cape Breton Highlands National Park. French Lake

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51083Uttal, L J   139401985-08-15
Canada, Ontario, Bruce, Co. Rd. 20 where it abuts Spy Lake, Amable Twsp.

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51086Uttal, L J   139701985-08-15
Canada, Ontario, Bruce, Lake Huron at Oliphant.

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7714Nupan, R W   s.n.1965-08-25
Canada, Ontario, St. Joe's Island in Lake Huron

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Alnus crispa (Aiton) Pursh
10747Uttal, L J   75221970-07-19
Canada, Nova Scotia, Inverness, Glendale, TCH 105

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Cardamine pensylvanica Muhl. ex Willd.
10244Uttal, L J   733441970-07-11
Canada, Quebec, Gaspe-ouest, Lemieux, avant Mt Lyall, 610m

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44989Krivda, Walter   s.n.1975-06-01
Canada, Manitoba, Brandon, 1 miles from Tuson

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