Search Results (List)

Dataset: WILLI
Search Criteria: United States or USA or U.S.A. or United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 81851

William & Mary Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
1776Barans, Allene   5921968-09-15
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
8636Salle, Emily D   6731971-09-15
United States, Virginia, York, E part of W section of Ringfield picnic area, on N side of Yorktown Colonial Parkway, 37.275467 -76.589345

Image Associated With the Occurence
3927Kirkman, Kay   11969-03-04
United States, Virginia, York, Colonial Parkway across from Jones Mill Pond, 37.2786 -76.6391

Image Associated With the Occurence
8773Salle, Emily D   8401971-10-01
United States, Virginia, York, Yorktown Colonial Parkway, between Brackens Pond and Kings Creek, 37.262007 -76.572221

Image Associated With the Occurence
8753Salle, Emily D   141971-03-18
United States, Virginia, York, 50 yds W of Felgates Creek on S side of Yorktown Colonial Parkway, 37.256235 -76.582358

Image Associated With the Occurence
3926Kirkman, Kay   1461969-05-25
United States, Virginia, York, Colonial Parkway across from Jones Mill Pond, 37.2786 -76.6391

Image Associated With the Occurence
1479Barans, Allene   4841968-08-20
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
60211Crouch, Virginia E   5561989-09-06
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, College Woods, College of William and Mary, 37.271132 -76.729241

Image Associated With the Occurence
64605Baldwin, Patrick   20461997-03-24
United States, Virginia, Hampton City, edges of Crystal Lake within Sandy Bottom Nature Park, 37.069531 -76.439805

Image Associated With the Occurence
64546Baldwin, Patrick   20451997-03-21
United States, Virginia, Hampton City, edges of Crystal Lake within Sandy Bottom Nature Park, 37.069531 -76.439805

Image Associated With the Occurence
61078Baldwin, Patrick   4101992-04-27
United States, Virginia, Hampton City, Langley Research and Development Park, 37.086667 -76.391111

Image Associated With the Occurence
59622Wallace, Josette   C101992-11-09
United States, Virginia, James City, Shoreline of James River near mouth of small ravine just NW of Carter's Grove plantation, 37.207669 -76.631301

Image Associated With the Occurence
75401Ingram, Amanda L   0461997-03-02
United States, Virginia, James City, Green Spring National Historic Park, 37.257648 -76.803016

Image Associated With the Occurence
42378Ware, Donna M   79711982-10-28
United States, Virginia, James City, mouth of Grove Creek on the James River, 37.215741 -76.639907

Image Associated With the Occurence
49699Menzel, R W   4121940-04-20
United States, Virginia, James City, Swamp Chickahominy River about 5 mi. W of Toano, 37.362708 -76.900323

Image Associated With the Occurence
44431North, Gretchen   12021983-10-16
United States, Virginia, James City, Near footbridge to the Visitors' Center- Pitch and Tar Swamp, Jamestown Island, 37.210041 -76.777431

Image Associated With the Occurence
9753Loetterle, Lynn E   4871969-09-27
United States, Virginia, James City, S of triangle at beginning of Short Loop Road, Jamestown Island, 37.205888 -76.76374

Image Associated With the Occurence
9319Loetterle, Lynn E   5051969-09-30
United States, Virginia, James City, north from road 0.4 miles along Short Loop Road, Jamestown Island, 37.205888 -76.76374

Image Associated With the Occurence
49691T, R L   NS1936-07-06
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, 119 Griffin Avenue, 37.268487 -76.711284

Image Associated With the Occurence
9318Loetterle, Lynn E   3551969-08-28
United States, Virginia, James City, N of road beyond the Isthmus, Jamestown Island, 37.212527 -76.780306

Image Associated With the Occurence
9762Loetterle, Lynn E   1031969-06-24
United States, Virginia, James City, 0.4 mi along Short Loop Road, Jamestown Island, 37.205888 -76.76374

Image Associated With the Occurence
1553Barans, Allene   131968-04-01
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
63063Crouch, Virginia E   4101989-07-07
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, College Woods, College of William and Mary, 37.271132 -76.729241

Image Associated With the Occurence
9768Loetterle, Lynn E   1021969-06-24
United States, Virginia, James City, 0.4 miles along Short Loop Road, Jamestown Island, 37.205888 -76.76374

Image Associated With the Occurence
49695Taylor, Raymond L   s.n.1936-06-16
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, President's House, William & Mary, 37.271288 -76.708519

Image Associated With the Occurence
9316Loetterle, Lynn E   4721969-09-23
United States, Virginia, James City, north from road 0.4 miles along Short Loop Road, Jamestown Island, 37.205888 -76.76374

Image Associated With the Occurence
10695Loetterle, Lynn E   6351970-04-08
United States, Virginia, James City, north from present road 0.6 miles along Short Loop Road, Jamestown Island, 37.205888 -76.76374

Image Associated With the Occurence
1731Barans, Allene   2
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.267537 -76.725044

Image Associated With the Occurence
3246Barans, Allene   5241968-08-26
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
70135Menzel, R W   2421939-08-01
United States, Virginia, James City, about 2 miles west of Five Forks, 37.253676 -76.798345

Image Associated With the Occurence
17955Mikula, Bernard   30281949-07-26
United States, Virginia, James City, Seven miles west of Williamsburg, near Jolly Pond, 37.301657 -76.821052

Image Associated With the Occurence
78283Ingram, Amanda L   2591997-08-29
United States, Virginia, James City, Green Springs National Historical Park, 37.255462 -76.804132

Image Associated With the Occurence
60133Crouch, Virginia E   4811989-07-27
United States, Virginia, James City, College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270896 -76.728699

Image Associated With the Occurence
60132Crouch, Virginia E   5371989-08-22
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, College Woods, College of William and Mary, 37.271132 -76.729241

Image Associated With the Occurence
78241Ingram, Amanda L   2151997-07-30
United States, Virginia, James City, Green Spring National Historic Park, 37.257648 -76.803016

1622Barans, Allene C   
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
1462Barans, Allene C   6161968-09-21
United States, Virginia, James City, College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270896 -76.728699

Image Associated With the Occurence
1783Barans, Allene C   1401968-05-10
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pilea fontana (Lunell) Ryberg
60126Crouch, Virginia   6871989-10-30
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, College Woods, the College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1419Barans, Allene   1831968-05-16
United States, Virginia, James City, College Woods, the College of William and Mary., 37.269885 -76.727914

Image Associated With the Occurence
60140Crouch, Virginia E   3491989-06-23
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270823 -76.729403

Image Associated With the Occurence
1542Barans, Allene   1091968-04-26
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
60135Crouch, Virginia E   2301989-05-24
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

1558Barans, Allene   
United States, Virginia, James City, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
1359Barans, Allene   5691968-09-12
United States, Virginia, James City, (near Rt. 616). The College Woods, The College of William and Mary

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lepidium campestre (L.) R. Br.
1645Barans, Allene   1661968-05-11
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.
1423Barans, Allene   5141968-08-23
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1443Barans, Allene   6691968-10-03
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1529Barans, Allene   1131968-04-28
United States, Virginia, James City, College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270896 -76.728699

Image Associated With the Occurence
Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc.
1412Barans, Allene   2761968-06-19
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1434Barans, Allene   7301968-09-12
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
2702Barans, Allene   6621968-09-25
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.272538 -76.730068

Image Associated With the Occurence
1740Barans, Allene   3081968-06-21
United States, Virginia, James City, College Woods, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, 37.270896 -76.728699

Image Associated With the Occurence
60577Crouch, Virginia E   7291990-04-05
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
60535Crouch, Virginia E   3441989-06-23
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, College Woods. College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1422Barans, Allene   3401968-06-24
United States, Virginia, James City, College Woods, the College of William and Mary., 37.269885 -76.727914

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix nigra Marsh..
1586Barans, Allene   381968-04-11
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sorbus arbutifolia (L.) Heynhold
1530Barans, Allene   571968-04-18
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1685Barans, Allene   2201968-05-23
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1320Barans, Allene   3171968-06-21
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1804Barans, Allene C   6191968-09-21
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal
1539Barans, Allene   6341968-09-22
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1330Barans, Allene   1721968-05-11
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.268417 -76.72469

Image Associated With the Occurence
1408Barans, Allene   5471968-08-00
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.273471 -76.72808

Image Associated With the Occurence
60550Crouch, Virginia E   3901989-07-05
United States, Virginia, James City, College Woods, College of William and Mary, 37.270896 -76.728699

Image Associated With the Occurence
1444Barans, Allene   6741968-10-03
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
2596Barans, Allene C   5561968-09-11
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
Silene stellata (L.) Aiton F.
1540Barans, Allene C   4991968-08-23
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
2632Barans, Allene C   741968-04-19
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1711Barans, Allene C   5831968-09-15
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
2709Barans, Allene   1181968-05-07
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
2853Barans, Allene   1741968-05-11
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
60148Crouch, Virginia E   2171989-05-19
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270823 -76.729403

Image Associated With the Occurence
2728Barans, Allene C   4411968-08-03
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
60137Crouch, Virginia E   1631989-04-28
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
60218Crouch, Virginia E; Crouch, Howard R; Crouch, Richard E   5021989-08-02
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1534Barans, Allene   2171968-05-23
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1365Barans, Allene   2291968-05-23
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1616Barans, Allene   1021968-04-26
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
60233Crouch, Virginia E; Hall, G W   2061989-05-18
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
3633Hall, Gustav W   38101966-04-24
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, College Woods, College of William and Mary, 37.271132 -76.729241

Image Associated With the Occurence
Doellingeria infirma (Michaux) Greene
2626Barans, Allene C   4601968-08-12
United States, Virginia, James City, south bank of Hermit Point, facing Lake Matoaka; The College Woods, The College of William and Mary

Image Associated With the Occurence
Juncus coriaceus Mackenzie
60118Crouch, Virginia E   2971989-06-13
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, College Woods. College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1357Barans, Allene   7321968-08-26
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1807Barans, Allene C   4241968-07-30
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1368Barans, Allene   471968-03-13
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
5316Barans, Allene   8341969-07-26
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
2787Barans, Allene C   3581968-06-29
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
Persicaria pensylvanica (L.) M. Gómez
1623Barans, Allene   6631968-09-29
United States, Virginia, James City, In North Ravine of Ice House Cove; The College Woods, The College of William and Mary.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amelanchier arborea (Michx. f.) Fern.
1533Barans, Allene C   2111968-05-21
United States, Virginia, James City, College Woods, College of William and Mary, 37.270896 -76.728699

Image Associated With the Occurence
1354Barans, Allene   461968-04-13
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, Main Ravine, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Coronopus didymus (L.) Smith
1649Barans, Allene   1521968-05-11
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.266581 -76.723862

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sorbus arbutifolia (L.) Heynhold
1660Barans, Allene   571968-10-18
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
Smilax hispida Muhl. ex Torr.
60102Crouch, Virginia E; Ware, Donna M Eggers   4001989-07-06
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, S-facing bank of "Aralia ravine" about 0.3 mi SE of Deer Run Crossing, where this ravine joins the 1 from behind Berkeley School & crosses CCC road, College Woods, College of William and Mary

Image Associated With the Occurence
5358Barans, Allene   8011969-05-12
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
2708Barans, Allene   4221968-07-30
United States, Virginia, James City, about half-way down on Squirrel Point; The College Woods, The College of William and Mary.

Image Associated With the Occurence
1579Barans, Allene C   5781968-09-15
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
2727Barans, Allene C   5081968-08-23
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
1698Barans, Allene   3871968-07-07
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heterotheca mariana (L.) Shinners
6248Barans, Allene C   6671968-10-03
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

Page 1, records 1-100 of 81851


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