76690 L.S. Rose 38151 1938-04-18
United States, California, Stanislaus, Hospital Canyon
41361 J.L. Strother and A.R. Smith 922 1970-05-03
United States, California, Amador, near Hwy 49, 1 mi N of Calaveras Co. boundary, 427m
76698 L. McIntosh 3016 1994-08-23
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, W slope of the Animas Mts. on Gray Ranch, 2042m
56408 R.W. Spellenberg and D. Jewell 9256 1987-09-11
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional de la Cascada de Basaseachic, at overlook ca. 1 km airline S of Cascada, 2100m
60801 R.W. Spellenberg and D. Jewell 9303 1987-09-14
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional de la Cascada de Basaseachic, along base of S-facing cliffs in the bowl to the SW of falls, 28.1667 -108.2083, 1600m
44513 C.G. Pringle 8737 1902-11-23
Mexico, Morelos, Cuernavaca, Cuernavaca
65684 G. Quintana and E. Estrada 3648 1994-09-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Madera, Laguna de Babícora, 4 km al N del Ejido La Raíz, 2300m
53316 R.W. Spellenberg and R. Soreng 6823 1983-10-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, extreme NW corner of Chihuahua, N end of the San Luis Mts, ca. 2 air mi S of US border
52805 R.W. Spellenberg and J. Zimmerman 6657 1982-09-17
Mexico, Durango, Mexico, central-western Durango, 111 road mi NW of Santiago de Papasquiaro, on road to Topia, 5 mi W of Cienega Nuestra Señora, 25.1046903 -106.3517456, 2417m
25304 G.D. Butler 1395 1909-05-23
United States, California, Siskiyou, Humbug mountain, 1219m
25303 G.D. Butler 1395 1910-05-23
United States, California, Siskiyou, Humbug mountain, 1219m
25302 C.H.T. Townsend and C.M. Barber 38 1899-06-18
Mexico, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Collected near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madres, 2286m
67846 C.A. Huff and D. Villalba 1661 1994-07-19
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Gila Natl Forest; on Bursum Road (FS 28) at Cold Spring & Trail Head 202, 2774m
45672 W.J. Hess 2225 1968-08-21
United States, New Mexico, Catron, The Mogollon mts. of the Gila Wilderness Gila Natn'l forest. In the vicintiy of Mogollon & Whitewater Baldy, Black, & Sacaton mts. trail to Sacaton Mt. from Apache Springs in spruce forest on N side of Sacaton., 2896m
52591 W.J. Hess 2364 1968-09-01
United States, New Mexico, Catron, The Mogollon mts. of the Gila Wilderness, Gila Natn'l forest. In the vicinity of Mogollon & Whitewater Baldy, Black, & Sacaton mts. Silver Drip Cabin trail from Apache Springs
47622 W.J. Hess 2364 1968-09-01
United States, New Mexico, Catron, The Mogollon mts. of the Gila Wilderness, Gila Natn'l forest. In the vicinity of Mogollon & Whitewater Baldy, Black, & Sacaton mts. Silver Drip Cabin trail from Apache Springs
44625 W.H. Moir and C.J Campbell 32 1973-06-11
United States, Arizona, Greenlee, vicinity of Hannagan Meadows, 2804m
25336 L.M. Umbach 180 1903-06-27
United States, Montana, Glacier, Midvale
82669 J.L. Carter and D. Stevens 3381 2002-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Adjacent to FS Trail 206, about 0.6 mile from trailhead. Gila Wilderness., 2682m
44551 W.H. Moir 116 1973-07-10
United States, New Mexico, Taos, La Junta creek near Duran campground Carson / Penasco Ranger District, 2682m
45497 L.C. Higgins 7560 1973-07-04
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, Along hwy 22 to the Santa Fe Ski Basin
25283 H.L. Zobel sn 1934-07-01
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park
25284 L.M. Umbach 731 1903-08-22
United States, Montana, Flathead, Belotn
25385 O.W. Knight sn 1905-07-04
United States, Maine, United States, Charlestown
25286 J.B. Leiberg 1433 1895-08-01
United States, Maine, United States, near Sohone pass; from the region of the Coeur D'Alene mts, norhtern Idaho, 1500m
25287 S.F. Tower sn 1889-07-01
United States, New Hampshire, Sullivan, Newport
25288 A. Chase 138 1897-06-21
United States, New Hampshire, United States, Edgemoor
82633 P.A. Rydberg 743 1892-06-29
United States, South Dakota, County unk., Elk canyon, 1524m
82667 J.L. Carter and M.A. Carter 3879 2005-07-20
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Developed trail, 1 mile beyond end of Highway 150, Taos Ski Area. Carson National Forest., 3106m
84037 K.D. Heil, D. Hyder, and A. Martinez 35086 2013-07-26
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Taos County: Rio Costilla Land Grant. Sangre de Cristo Range. Culebra range. Trail to Little Blue Lake., 36.7878 -105.433, 3485m
84586 K.D. Heil, D. Hyder, and A. Martinez 35086 2013-07-26
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Rio Castillo Land Grant. Sangre de Cristo Range. Ca 2.5 miles below Latir Lake #3 on improved road., 36.8053 -105.4372, 3319m
59579 R.D. Worthington 19725 1991-08-23
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, N side of the Bishop Cap, 1524m
25382 O.B. Metcalfe 314 1903-07-23
United States, New Mexico, Catron/Grant, In the Mogollon Mountains, on Mogollon Creek., 2286m
48318 P.H. Boles sn 1977-07-07
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Mimbres river, 2240m
74374 T.K. Todsen 271 1975-05-31
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, NE side of Organ Mts. in Rock Spring Canyon, elev. ca. 6500 ft. T.K. Todsen, 1981m
25401 E.O. Wooton sn 1891-06-00
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Collected in the Organ mts.
25393 E.O. Wooton sn 1899-05-14
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, In the Organ Mountains: Van Patten's [latitude & longitude estimated; P.J. Alexander, 28 Apr 2013]., 32.324 -106.573
45549 L.C. Higgins 7552 1973-07-04
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, Along hwy 22 to the Santa Fe Ski Basin
58839 R.D. Worthington 18888 1990-09-29
United States, New Mexico, Luna, Florida mts, near top of Baldy Peak, 1981m
74375 W.L. Baker 1021 1979-05-22
United States, New Mexico, Taos, 1/4 miles N of Bear Wallow Ridge RD, 1 1/2 miles E of hwy 3, 36.298354 -105.566672, 2353m
44548 W.H. Moir 136 1973-07-04
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, vicinity of Jack's Creek campground, 2804m
25392 F. Bartlett 135 1904-10-00
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Pecos
25398 P.C. Standley 4065 1908-06-30
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Winsor's ranch, 2591m
25402 P.C. Standley 4653 1908-08-01
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Harvey's Upper ranch, 2926m
37174 D.B. Dunn 8134 1952-06-28
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Collected in the Ravenes W of Cloudcroft. Canyon 1/4 mile. Oak thickets and Pine and Spruce and Fir, an awful mixture., 2682m
25397 E.O. Wooton 341 1897-08-17
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, White mountains, 2134m
41046 anonymous 38
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, San Andres Mts.
25400 H.L. Zobel sn 1935-07-03
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Durango
25396 P.B. Kennedy 1229 1906-08-01
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Galena creek, 914m
25394 C.F. Baker 619 1899-08-11
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, Pagosa Springs., 2743m
52572 R. A. Bye Jr. 9585/003 1979-10-16
Mexico, Chihuahua, Guachochi, Ejido Cusarare, N of Bajichi, E of Cuarare. Small valley N of Arroyo Cusarare in PIne-Oak Forest. Margin of Cultivated field., 27.550803 -107.531755, 2300m
25399 H.L. Zobel sn 1935-06-12
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Deer Creek canyon
74377 J.P Hubbard Error 1976-07-07
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Animas mts, Middle Indian Creek canyon
62479 R.W. Spellenberg and N. Zucker 8926 1986-10-16
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachic," along Rio Basaseachic ca. 100 m above the falls, 28.1667 -108.2083, 1980m
65258 C. Yen and E. Estrada 2887 1994-08-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachic", 1950m
25409 O.B. Metcalfe 76 1903-05-21
United States, New Mexico, Grant, On Bear Mountain, near Silver City., 1524m
45618 W.J. Hess 2049 1968-07-01
United States, New Mexico, Grant, McKnights Cabin, on top of Black Range Crest, 10 miles NE of Mimbres Ranger Station., 2957m
25411 F. Bartlett sn 1904-07-00
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Pecos
65494 L. McIntosh 3068 1994-09-20
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, West slope of the Animas mts. on the Gray ranch, 1890m
62821 J.L. Carter and M.A. Carter 926 1992-09-16
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Locally abundant shrubs adjacent to Forest Road 134 A to Cabresto Lake; S-facing slope; Carson National Forest, 2804m
25395 C.F. Baker, F.S. Earle, and S.M. Tracy 312 1898-07-03
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, West Mancos Canyon., 2743m
38256 C.B. Carter 8128 1935-07-05
United States, Colorado, Ouray, Ouray-Silverton, 2438m
25412 E.O. Wooton 57 1892-07-07
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon.
25410 J.C. Blumer 1241 1906-10-23
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricuhuahua Mountains: Monument Peak., 2499m
38253 D. Anderson, E. Rhinehart, and C.J. Humphrey 644 1935-10-22
United States, Arizona, Graham, Swift trail nr. Turkey Flat, Graham mts., 2012m
82670 J.L. Carter and D. Gustafson 4351 2012-06-12
United States, New Mexico, Grant, North side of Signal Peak. Gila National Forest., 2713m
69109 J.R. McLure 1 1921-04-29
United States, New Mexico, Grant, McKnight Canyon; [McKnight Canyon runs NE from the Mimbres River, this site ca. 17 mi due N of San Lorenzo, 15 mi NE of Kingston. By C. Stubben 7/28/1998], 2438m
69144 C.E. Hulbert 63 1921-03-01
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Redstone pasture; ["Redstone Pasture is likely located on the Redstone allotment, although no present day name exists. The allotment takes in country around Signal Pk. Sheep Corral, Scott Pk. and Meadow Ck.. On the 1947 USGS Twin Sister Quad. the word Redstone appears in sec. 9 T16S R13W, just S of the Hwy 15 and Forest Road 154 junction" - from the letter by Mr. Jerry Monzingo, Wildlife Biologist, Gila National Forest, to Spellenberg 6 Dec. 1995. This is ca. 13 air mi NNE of Silver City, Grant Co.. By C. Stubben 7/28/1998], 2195m
76693 Anonymous 72
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Magdalena Mts.
25476 E.O. Wooton sn 1900-07-20
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Mogollon Mountains: East of Holt's Ranch., 1829m
55611 F.R. Barrie 1418 1985-06-22
United States, New Mexico, Torrance, Red Canyon Campground, Cibola NF, 6 mi W of Manzana on USFS road 253 SW corner of campground, 2134m
52357 D.E. Ward, K. Suberkropp and T. Arsuffi 81-087 1981-03-18
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, 4 air mi WSW of Alto, NM, in Lincoln National Forest; 20 ft uphill from Eagle Creek; 1 1/2 NM of junction of the canyon's road with NM 532, 2438m
52353 D.E. Ward, K. Suberkropp and T. Arsuffi 81-028 1981-03-18
United States, New Mexico, Grant, 4 air mi WSW of Alto, NM, in Lincoln National Forest; 20 ft uphill from Eagle Creek; 1 1/2 NM of junction of the canyon's road with NM 532, 2438m
25475 B.A. Turner 14 1899-04-08
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, School House Cañón, White Mts.
41201 T.K. Todsen sn 1971-11-11
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Black Range, Gray Eagle Mine
41685 U.E. Rudd 72 1949-05-22
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio
25474 A.F. Whiting 4917 1941-04-20
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Oak Creek, East wall of canyon, 321m
36978 C.B. Carter sn 1936-05-06
United States, Arizona, Pinal, End of road, Lemmon Canyon, 2438m
36981 D.G. Craig sn 1936-04-30
United States, Arizona, Coconino/Navajo, Mogollon Mtn. Complex: N of Clifton, 2591m
36979 D.G. Craig sn 1936-04-30
United States, Arizona, Coconino/Navajo, Mogollon Mtn. Complex: N of Clifton, 2591m
36980 D.G. Craig sn 1936-04-30
United States, Arizona, Coconino/Navajo, Mogollon Mtn. Complex: N of Clifton, 2591m
82858 P.J. Alexander 1263 2013-05-05
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Small canyon on the south side of upper Hoyt Creek, west slope of the north end of the Black Range, 0.5 miles southwest of the junction of Turkey Run and Seventyfour Draw, 3.0 miles east of the Catron Co. line., 33.3407 -107.9492, 2185m
69110 J.R. McLure 15 1921-00-00
United States, New Mexico, Grant, McKnight Canyon; [McKnight Canyon runs NE from the Mimbres River, this site ca. 17 mi due N of San Lorenzo, 15 mi NE of Kingston. C. Stubben, 7/28/1998]
25482 O.B. Metcalfe 311 1903-08-05
United States, New Mexico, Catron, In the Mogollon Mountains, on or near the West Fork of the Gila River., 2286m
25483 B.A. Turner 94 1899-08-02
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Little Creek, McBride's place. White Mts.
50647 A.L. Hershey sn 1935-10-26
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Ruidoso, 2134m
25489 O.B. Metcalfe 1194 1904-08-03
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Hillsboro Peak, 3109m
25484 E.O. Wooton sn 1897-07-31
United States, New Mexico, Otero, S Fork of Tularosa Creek
45768 W.J. Hess 2355 1968-08-30
United States, New Mexico, Catron, The Mogollon Mts. of the Gila Wilderness Gila Natn'l forest. In the vicinity of Mogollon and Whitewater Baldy, Black and Sacaton Mts.. Hummingbird saddle near Whitewater Baldy from Apache Springs, 3048m
52292 R. Soreng, R.W. Spellenberg and D.E. Ward 2029 1982-07-11
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Eagle Creek Canyon, ca 7 mi NW of Ruidoso, 2499m
53879 D.E. Ward and D. Weems 83-022 1983-06-25
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Sacramento Mts, Lincoln National Forest, Karr Canyon, 6 mi SW of Cloudcroft near USFS-63, 3 mi from intersection with USFS-64 (Sunspot Road), 2499m
25487 F. Bartlett sn 1905-08-00
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Headwaters of the Pecos R.
25485 F. Bartlett sn 1905-08-00
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Headwaters of the Pecos R.
40564 W.H. Conley sn 1969-08-06
United States, New Mexico, Otero, 5.9 mi W and 1.1 mi S of Sacramento, 2682m
45704 Demaree 51029 1964-07-28
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Santa Fe National Forest, San Pedro Wildlife Area; Coyote, 2743m
50648 A.L. Hershey 217 1936-09-01
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Seven Springs, 2591m
65680 G. Quintana and E. Estrada 3655 1994-09-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Madera, Laguna de Babícora, 4 km al N del Eijido La Raíz, 2300m
25491 H.L. Zobel sn 1935-07-07
United States, Colorado, Summit, Loveland Pass
43493 F. Ramaley and W.W. Robbins 3546 1907-00-00
United States, Colorado, Grand, near Hot Sulphur Springs, 2316m
25480 E.O. Wooton sn 1892-07-14
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Foot of the San Francisco Mountains., 2286m