73333 R.W. Spellenberg 12939 1999-06-27
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Ca. 15 air km NNE of Las Cruces, in S portion of Dona Ana Mts. where powerline goes through pass, 32.471 -106.7757, 1430m
18482 O.B. Metcalfe 891 1904-05-19
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, in and around the south end of the Black Range; Bernido Creek, 1676m
18490 O.B. Metcalfe 891 1904-05-19
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Berendo Creek, 1676m
18489 E.O. Wooton sn 1893-05-00
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Little Mt. [Tortugas Mountain] near Las Cruces.
18481 E.O. Wooton sn 1902-08-29
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, on the Mesa west of the Organ Mountains; Little Mt. [Tortugas Mt.]
18483 E.O. Wooton 3360 1907-05-01
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, on the mesa west of the Organ Mountains, 1219m
18487 O.B. Metcalfe 891 1904-05-01
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Berendo
18486 E.O. Wooton sn 1899-05-16
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, On the mesa west of the Organ Mountains: Near college.
18484 E.E. Casey sn 1895-06-01
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, on the mesa west of the Organ Mountains
35246 C.B. Carter sn 1936-05-10
United States, Arizona, Pima, Anklam Road, Tucson
35248 C.B. Carter sn 1936-08-30
United States, Arizona, Pima, foothills of Catalinas, NW of Tucson
35245 D.G. Craig sn 1936-04-24
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Safford-Coolidge Dam Region; Gila Project
18485 J.C. Blumer 1254 1907-10-17
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mountains: Hills N. of Paradise; highest station seen., 1981m
73340 R.W. Spellenberg 2016 1969-04-07
Mexico, Coahuila, Mexico, 15 miles N of Saltillo on Highway 57
79441 J.L. Carter and M.A. Carter 4022 2007-05-05
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Adjacent to junction of Double Adobe and Elfrida roads., 31.446746 -109.814917, 1369m
64083 R.W. Spellenberg and R. Miller 12052 1994-05-25
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, S edge of Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachic," on the S-facing slope of the Barranca de Candamena, 6 km by road below Cruz Verde (rim of barranca), 16.5 km S of the Huajumar - Ocampo road, 4.5 km by road above the river, 28.07 -108.28, 1400m
37226 T.R. Van Devender, A.L. Reina G. and D.A. Yetman 98-2088 1998-11-22
Mexico, Sonora, 2.3 km NE of Rosita (SE of Navojoa on Mex. 15) on road to Piedra Baya, 26.6597 -109.1972, 70m
73336 R.W. Spellenberg and M. Spellenberg 2244 1970-04-21
Mexico, Sonora, 27 mi. SE of Empalme on Highway 15
73338 R.W. Spellenberg and M. Spellenberg 2247 1970-04-22
Mexico, Sonora, 62 mi. S. of Santa Ana, at kilometer marker 2186, Highway 15
40382 R.W. Spellenberg and M. Spellenberg 2241 1970-04-18
Mexico, Sonora, about 60 miles N. of Hermosillo
73339 R.W. Spellenberg 2015 1969-04-05
Mexico, Puebla, Mexico, 21.4 S of Acatlan on Hwy. 190
40383 R.W. Spellenberg and M. Spellenberg 2246 1970-04-21
Mexico, Sonora, 17 mi. SE of Empalme on Highway 15
73335 R.W. Spellenberg and M. Spellenberg 2245 1970-04-21
Mexico, Sonora, 24 mi. SE of Empalme on Highway 15
39882 M. Miller 22 1969-04-07
Mexico, Baja California, Mexico, southeast of El Rosario 15.6 miles in Arroyo del Aguajito, 366m