Search Results (List)

Dataset: NMC-
Taxa: Garryaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-63 of 63

New Mexico State University Herbarium

5916J.L. Carter and M.A. Carter   12581994-04-13
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, White Sands Missile Range, between North and South Oscura Peaks, 2073m

40499Gooding, LN   21281905-03-09
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Virgin Mts.

79444D. Gustafson and J.L. Carter   40932007-10-10
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Hoodo Canyon; southern Burro Mtns.; Gila National Forest., 32.46383 -108.5577, 1829m

40870W.J. Hess   13061967-07-25
United States, New Mexico, Grant, 12 mi. NE of Silver City, Cherry Cr. Canyon, Gila Natn'l Forest, 2164m

60761C.A. Huff   10091993-05-21
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Arenas Valley Road, 0.6 mi N from the junction of Hwy 180. On the Knight property, 1814m

67581Chapline, WR   6311916-08-21
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, South Percha Canyon, which is probably ca. 2 mi. S of Kingston on th eE slope of the Mimbres Mts; N of Bennett place, 2377m

68330Geluso, KN   391991-05-12
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Carlsbad Caverns Nat'l Park, 2.03 mi N & 0.27 mi W of Goat Cave

38526R.W. Spellenberg   129411999-06-27
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Ca. 15 air km NNE of Las Cruces, center "bowl" in Dona Ana Mts., 32.459 -106.7898, 1525m

20163O.B. Metcalfe   14701904-10-09
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Santa Rita Mt., 2286m

39669D.B. Dunn   79491952-05-24
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Boyd Ranch, Mouth of Dripping Springs Canyon in the west face of the Organ Mountains, about 3 mi. SE from Huevas Rocks [La Cueva] & 14 mi. E of Las Cruces. [Latitude & longitude estimated, P.J. Alexander, 28 Apr 2013.], 32.323 -106.573, 1676m

39364D.B. Dunn   72851951-10-21
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Mouth of Dripping Springs -- Boyd Ranch -- in a rocky canyon on the west face of the Organ Mountains. [Latitude & longitude estimated, P.J. Alexander, 28 Apr 2013.], 32.323 -106.573, 1829m

20160E.O. Wooton   sn1899-10-15
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, In the Organ Mountains

20158E.O. Wooton   sn1895-08-04
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Filmore Canyon, in the Organ Mountains, 1676m

20161E.O. Wooton   sn1891-06-00
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, In the Organ Mountains, 1676m

20164E.O. Wooton   sn1900-07-13
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Southwest of the Mogollon Mountains: Head and Wilson Ranch., 1676m

46541M.E. Jones   42611884-09-17
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Bowie

52271Bye, RA   3671-B1973-05-04
Mexico, Chihuahua, Bocoyna, N of Creel along road in old railroad bed

59338Gonzalez, S, M Gonzalez, J Rzedowski   30531984-10-02
Mexico, Durango, El Mezquital, 23 km de Temohaya, por el camino a El Mezquital, 2300m

62451Laferriere, JE   13061987-12-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Temosachi, Nabogame, 28.5 -108.5, 1800m

63829R. Corral-Díaz   RCD 21841986-08-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Areas alrededor de la Cascada de Basaseachic

65235R.W. Spellenberg and R. Miller   120371994-05-23
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional Cascada de Basaseachic, near top of trail between top of falls and the bottom, 28.1833 -108.2083, 1900m

70952Henrickson, J   12979-B1973-09-15
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Ca 31 (air) miles NW of Julimes in a SW facing canyon above Rancho El Recuerdo in Sierra de Carrasco (S. of Sierra de Chorreras); at summit of ridge, 28.78 -105.15, 2012m

20162J.C. Blumer   12951906-12-22
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Rhoda Riggs' Ranch in the Chiricahua Mountains, 1707m

35534C.B. Carter   sn1936-09-01
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Miller Canyon, Huachuca Mountains, 1524m

20159Thoruber   2821909-07-12
United States, Arizona, Pima, Santa Rita Mountains; Stone Cabin Canyon [Florida Canyon]., 1829m

80036D.L. Anderson   70691997-05-28
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, White Sands Missile Range: San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, along road between Upper Ash Spring and road-fork., 1769m

82035P.J. Alexander   3302006-04-15
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, West side of the San Andres Mountains, Ropes Spring below San Andres Peak., 32.6761 -106.5603, 1707m

82034P.J. Alexander and D.L. Anderson   3322006-04-21
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, East side of the San Andres Mountains, S side of Lee Canyon, E slope of Salinas Peak., 33.3111 -106.4958, 1676m

82547J.L. Carter and D. Stevens   35262002-09-12
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Adjacent to FS Trail 757 (North Percha Creek). Gila National Forest., 2027m

Garrya ovata Benth.
51656R. Fletcher   37871979-05-14
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Guadalupe Mts. 1/2 mi S of Dark Canyon Lookout in Black Canyon, 1920m

Garrya ovata Benth.
42200C.G. Pringle   118161903-08-17
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Sierra Madre, near Monterrey

Garrya ovata Benth.
64932Northington, DK, LT Green   8541974-09-08
United States, Texas, Culberson, Guadalupe Mts. Nat'l Park, N McKittrick Canyon ca. 200 m below S curve that occurs after canyon passes into New Mexico and back into Texas

Garrya ovata Benth.
71527Henrickson, J   114841973-07-27
Mexico, Coahuila, Mexico, ca 12 (air) mi E of Boquillas, 8.3 (rd) mi NW of Rancho El Jardin, 29.17 -102.73, 1615m

5492R.W. Spellenberg, A. Whittemore, W. Boecklen, D.E. Ward, and M. Mahrt   100391989-10-28
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachic," in canyon along Rio Basaseachic leading to falls, 28.22 -108.2, 1950m

50854R.W. Spellenberg and D. Jewell   93381987-09-12
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional de la Cascada de Basaseachic, along trail down a SW-facing slope to base of falls, 28.22 -108.2, 1800m

57243R.W. Spellenberg, R. Soreng, R. Corral-Díaz, and T. Lebgue   87731986-10-04
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional Cascada de Basaseachic, along trail to base of falls, 28.22 -108.2, 1800m

57246R.W. Spellenberg, R. Corral-Díaz, J Brunt, L Huenneke   9620-B1988-08-01
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachi," along trail down a SW-facing slope to base of falls, 28.22 -108.2, 1800m

63081R.W. Spellenberg and P. Martin   108361991-06-28
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, On the descent from Pinos Altos to Las Baterias, at the crossing of the Rio Haciendita, 28.28 -108.32, 1700m

65030R.W. Spellenberg, R. Corral-Díaz, and E. Estrada C.   121341994-09-23
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Ca. 1 km W of W boundary of Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachi," 11 km from Cahuisori-Ocampo road on the road to Candamena, 0.3 km below Cruz Verde, steep SE-facing canyon at the top of Barranca Composanto, 28.1167 -108.2917, 1900m

65066Yen, C, E Estrada   28751994-08-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional de la Cascada de Basaseachic, 1850m

19050R.W. Spellenberg and D. Jewell   92631987-09-11
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional de la Cascada de Basaseachic, at overlook called the "Divisadero" ca. 1 km S of the Cascada, 28.22 -108.2, 2100m

20433R.W. Spellenberg, R. Soreng, R. Corral-Díaz, and T. Lebgue   80521985-04-26
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional de Cascada Basaseachic, in canyon along Rio Basaseachic leading to falls, 28.22 -108.2, 1950m

23421Van Devender, TR, AL Reina G, W Trauba   98-19101998-09-29
Mexico, Sonora, Yecora, Arroyo Agua Blanca, Mesa Grande, 12.4 km NW of Yecora on road to La Trinidad, 28.4617 -109.0131, 1700m

50963L.S. Rose   383521938-12-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cajon Pass, 1067m

Garrya elliptica Douglas ex Lindl.
20147L.S. Rose   380911938-02-28
United States, California, Marin, Tomales Bay, near Point Reyes Station, 15m

39700M.E. Jones   33011882-06-28
United States, California, United States, Emigrant Gap

20149Butler, GD   11251910-03-12
United States, California, Siskiyou, Hill near Yreba, 1067m

20148Butler, GD   11251910-03-12
United States, California, Siskiyou, Hill near Yreba, 1067m

39715E.K. Balls   156951950-09-06
United States, California, Plumas, At fork of Feather RIver, S of Jackson Creek Public Camp, E of Quincy, Hwy 24, 1402m

34235Balls, EK   146521950-05-12
United States, California, Modoc, Hillsides N of Bucks Creek Ranger Station, Modoc National Forest, E of Goose Lake, 1859m

Garrya goldmanii Woot. & Standl.
1972A.L. Hershey   26341942-06-28
United States, New Mexico, Otero, W slope of the Sacramentos, above High Rolls, 2438m

Garrya goldmanii Woot. & Standl.
42825A.L. Hershey   26341942-06-28
United States, New Mexico, Otero, W slope of the Sacramentos, above High Rolls, 2438m

Garrya goldmanii Woot. & Standl.
49463Chapline, WR   5471916-06-06
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Lincoln Forest, 1 mi. S of Gilson Spring, 1768m

Garrya goldmanii Woot. & Standl.
50382A.L. Hershey   27731941-12-13
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mts., 2286m

Garrya goldmanii Woot. & Standl.
20150E.O. Wooton   sn1910-08-01
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Queen, 1798m

50962C.H.T. Townsend and C.M. Barber   4281899-09-16
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Near Chuichupa in the Sierra Madres

61880J.R. Bacon and R.W. Spellenberg   13731992-10-24
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Basasiachi Biosphere Reserve waterfall trail area

20152F.J. Lindheimer   8441849-00-00
United States, Texas, Comal, Comanche Spring; New Braunfels, etc.

20153F.J. Lindheimer   8431849-00-00
United States, Texas, Comal, Comanche Spring; New Braunfels, etc.

20154F.J. Lindheimer   8421849-00-00
United States, Texas, Comal, Comanche Spring; New Braunfels, etc.

Garrya ovata subsp. goldmanii (Woot. & Standl.) Dahling
82580J.L. Carter and M.A. Carter   12581994-04-13
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, In saddle between Norht and South Oscura Peaks. White Sands Missile Range., 2073m

72662J. Henrickson and T. Wendt   118811973-08-04
Mexico, Coahuila, Mexico, ca 35 (air) km. WNW of Cuatro Cienegas, 27.08 -102.42, 1433m

58211R.W. Spellenberg and S. Gonzalez E.   103681990-07-26
Mexico, Durango, Mexico, ca. 47 air km SSW of Vincente Guerrero on road to Las Margaritas, on the Reserva de la Biosfera "La Michilia", on the mesic W slope of Sierra Urica on the old jeep road to Cerro de el Purgatorio, 2630m

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