68466 D. Villalba 2289 1995-07-16
United States, Arizona, Graham, Adjacent to FS 803, 7.8 miles east of FS 287; Coronado National Forest., 3048m
56511 D.E. Ward 86-034 1986-09-09
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mountains, Coronado National Forest, Turkey Creek Canyon, 3 air miles SSW of Paradise, 7 air miles W of Portal, in the canyon W of the intersection of the road to Paradise and the Forest Service road to Onion Saddle, 2134m
24228 G.B. Grant and W. Wheeler 287/6143 1904-00-00
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island, Pacific Ocean, off southern California.
24227 J.C. Blumer 1551 1907-07-01
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mountains: Chaperon Canyon, at road., 2225m
38310 A. Nelson etc. 1006 1936-04-14
United States, Arizona, Graham, Aravaipa Canyon, Pinaleño Mountains., 1006m
24310 E.O. Wooton sn 1901-08-01
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, In the White Mountains: White Mt. Peak [Sierra Blanca Peak]., 3048m
48392 N.H. Holmgren and P.K. Holmgren 7269 1973-08-17
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, 0.5 mi N of summit of Mallette Canyon road which is 5.4 (2.5 airline) miles north-northwest of Red River., 3200m
72926 B. Reif, B. Jacobs and E. Jacobs 2394 2002-07-15
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve; Jemez Mountains; upper slopes on northeast side of Redondo Peak., 35.88092 -106.5485, 3158m
67040 C.A. Huff and D. Villalba 1310 1994-05-24
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Little Cherry Creek, FS 855, Gila National Forest., 2012m
24268 F. Bartlett sn 1904-07-00
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Pecos.
24302 W. Porter sn 1899-00-00
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Beulah.
24304 T.S. Maltby and E.G. Coghill 74 1898-07-17
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Upper Pecos River.
24306 F. Bartlett sn 1905-08-00
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Headwaters of Pecos River.
24305 T.D.A. Cockerell sn 1903-00-00
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Beulah.
24282 P.C. Standley 4628 1908-08-01
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Pecos River National Forest [Pecos District of Santa Fe National Forest]: Harvey's Upper Ranch., 2926m
24248 E.O. Wooton and P.C. Standley 3633 1907-08-29
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, In the White Mountains: Ruidoso Creek, above the forks.
24283 P.C. Standley 4050 1908-06-29
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Pecos River National Forest [Pecos District of Santa Fe National Forest]: Winsor Creek., 2591m
24284 P.C. Standley 4089 1908-06-30
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Pecos River National Forest [Pecos District of Santa Fe National Forest]: Mouth of Ponchuelo Creek., 2591m
24250 O.B. Metcalfe 28 1903-04-24
United States, New Mexico, Grant, On Bear Mountain, near Silver City., 1524m
24265 E.O. Wooton and P.C. Standley 3633 1907-08-29
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, In the White Mountains: Ruidoso Creek, above the forks.
40458 Heep sn 1938-05-06
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, River west of Mesilla., 1158m
24257 O.B. Metcalfe 1027 1904-07-01
United States, New Mexico, Grant, In and around the south end of the Black Range: Mimbres River., 1676m
24258 A.L. Hershey 2623 1941-05-26
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Near Mimbres, Christmas Ranch., 1829m
39786 W.J. Hess 2004 1968-06-18
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Black Canyon Campground, outer loop road St. Hwy. 61, 32 miles north of Mimbres, Gila National Forest., 2164m
45766 W.J. Hess 2353 1968-08-30
United States, New Mexico, Catron, The Mogollon Mountains of the Gila Wilderness, Gila National Forest. In the vicinity of Mogollon and Whitewater Baldy, Black, and Sacaton Mts.. Hummingbird Saddle near Whitewater Baldy., 3109m
54108 D.E. Ward, R. Soreng, K. Suberkropp, and T. Arsuffi 81-205 1981-06-17
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, White Mountains, NE base of Sierra Blanca in a marshy area along Eagle Creek, 3.5 mi WNW of Alto., 2438m
53186 D.S. Correll and H.B. Correll 36143 1968-08-20
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Stream and marsh at head of Bonito Lake.
24315 E.O. Wooton sn 1900-07-25
United States, New Mexico, Catron, North of the Mogollon Mountains: Lower Plaza, Frisco., 1829m
24314 B.A. Turner 91 1899-08-01
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, In the White Mountains: Gilmore's Ranch.
24303 T.S. Maltby and E.G. Coghill 129 1898-08-01
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Upper Pecos River.
24311 E.O. Wooton sn 1906-07-11
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Wheeler's [Ranch, on Apache Creek].
66153 T. Lebgue, E. Quintana and E. Estrada 2924 1994-09-03
Mexico, Chihuahua, Gómez Farías, Laguna de Babícora, Cerro Canoas., 2400m
24285 C.F. Baker 587 1899-07-27
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, Pagosa Springs.
52203 R.A. Bye 4090 1973-06-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, Guerrero, Sierra Madre Occidental: Between San Pedro and Cueva de Torro, on road to San Juanito; ca. 5 road miles S of Arroyo Seco.
65686 T. Lebgue, E. Quintana and E. Estrada 3772-A 1994-09-15
Mexico, Chihuahua, Madera, Laguna de Babícora, Ejido Año de Hidalgo., 2300m
75458 G.R. Campbell 655 1948-06-17
United States, California, Tehama, 2 miles south of Vina.
39551 G.R. Campbell 527 1947-07-25
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Umpqua River near Kellogg, 6 miles south of Elkton., 61m
39553 G.R. Campbell 15484 1950-06-07
United States, California, San Mateo, 7 miles north of Junction of Hwy 5 and 9, hills west of Palo Alto., 457m
38316 D. Anderson, E. Rhinehart and K. O?Donnal 938 1936-01-01
United States, Arizona, Pima, Box Canyon, Santa Rita Mountains., 1585m
38312 C.B. Carter sn 1936-05-06
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Mt. Lemmon Canyon, [Santa] Catalina Mountains., 2438m
24245 C.F. Baker, F.S. Earle, and S.M. Tracy 819 1898-06-21
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Mancos.
24251 J.B. Leiberg 1071 1895-06-26
United States, Idaho, Koontenai, Coeur d'Alene Mountains: Along St. Mary's River., 930m
24252 J.B. Leiberg 1519 1895-08-11
United States, Idaho, Kootenai, Coeur d'Alene Mountains: Valley of North Fork of the Coeur d'Alene River., 1100m
24259 L.M. Umbach 541 1903-07-27
United States, Montana, Glacier, Midvale.
24260 L.M. Umbach 492 1903-07-23
United States, Montana, Glacier, Midvale.
24261 J.J. Thornber 379 1903-04-25
United States, Arizona, Pima, Ft. Lowell., 732m
24262 J. Lunell sn 1906-05-10
United States, Oregon, Wasco, The Dalles.
24263 G.B. Grant and W. Wheeler 789/6135 1904-00-00
United States, California, Los Angeles, On Santa Catalina Island, Pacific Ocean, off southern California.
24266 A. Nelson and E. Nelson 5748 1899-07-09
United States, Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone National Park: Yellowstone River near Junction Butte.
24244 F. Ramaley 3221 1907-07-18
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Ward.
42524 F. M. Chamberlain 11 1904-04-02
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sonoita Reek, Patagonia.
24247 L.N. Goodding 2292 1905-05-05
United States, Nevada, Clark, Las Vegas.
80416 D.L. Anderson 7643 2000-05-24
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, White Sands Missile Range: Along Dyer Street at water runoff point., 1296m
81787 D.L. Anderson 8382 2006-11-30
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, White Sands Missile Range: Lower reaches of Texas Canyon, Organ Mountains., 1311m
73498 E.M. Jercinovic 417 2004-04-25
United States, New Mexico, Luna, At base of Victorio Canyon, Florida Mountains.
43654 R.W. Spellenberg and M. Spellenberg 3035 1973-04-20
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, North of U.S. Hwy 80 in a low pass through the Peloncillo Mountains., 500m
24298 E.O. Wooton sn 1907-03-03
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, In the Organ Mountains: Van Patten's Camp [latitude & longitude estimated; P.J. Alexander, 28 Apr 2013]., 32.324 -106.573
38308 B.S. Klinger sn 1935-05-10
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Chuska Mountains: Open area betw. Yellow Pine (?)., 2469m
51183 R. Soreng 127 1979-04-00
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, West base of Organ Mts. where S fork of A Mt. Rd. turns S at mouth of Soledad Canyon; BLM land., 1524m
24291 O.B. Metcalfe 1536 1904-05-01
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, In and around the south end of the Black Range: 1 mile west of Hillsboro., 1676m
59560 R.D. Worthington 20434 1992-04-10
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Potrillo Mountains, West Potrillo Mountains, Guzman's Lookout Mountain., 1400m
49920 R.W. Spellenberg, M. Spellenberg, J. Reitzel and B. Weber 5044 1979-04-07
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, In the extreme SW corner of the county, in Guadalupe Canyon and tributaries, on and in vicinity of Hadley Ranch.
39844 W.J. Hess 1878 1968-05-09
United States, New Mexico, Grant, 15 mi NW of Silver City on west side of Lone Star Mesa and in the Bear Creek drainage., 1524m
24299 E.O. Wooton sn 1893-04-16
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, In the Organ Mountains.
24307 E.O. Wooton sn 1900-04-15
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, In the Organ Mountains.
67683 R.D. Worthington 24760 1995-05-13
United States, Texas, El Paso, Franklin Mountains, 0.7 miles NNW from the top of North Franklin Mountain in a canyon draining north., 31.9125 -106.4972, 1829m
38309 D. Anderson and E. Rhinehart 950 1936-04-06
United States, Arizona, Graham, 1/4 mi above campgrounds Wet Canyon., 1839m
24297 J.J. Thornber 378 1903-04-17
United States, Arizona, Pima, Santa Rita Mountains; Stone Cabin Canyon [Florida Canyon]., 1463m
77835 A.L. Reina G. and T.R. Van Devender 2005-533 2005-04-03
Mexico, Sonora, Nogales, Rancho El Sillero, Arroyo La Coruga, west base of Sierra de Los Pinitos, east of Cíbuta., 31.0778 -110.8414, 1230m
82365 J.L. Carter and O. Williams 2026 1995-03-15
United States, New Mexico, Luna, On the east side of Middle Peak, Tres Hermanas Mountains, BLM., 1372m
24300 G.E. Osterhout 3261 1906-06-10
United States, Colorado, Grand, Sulphur Springs.
46400 S.B. Parish 6165 1907-04-22
United States, California, Riverside, Western border of the Colorado desert., 200m
56150 R.W. Spellenberg, R. Soreng and R. Corral-Díaz 8030 1985-04-26
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachic," in barranca W of falls., 1800m
65085 M. Mahrt and R.W. Spellenberg 79 1989-11-11
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachi," in the barranca at the base of the falls., 28.1833 -108.2083, 1600m
69960 T.R. Van Devender, A.L. Reina G., P. West, K. Baker, and R. Scarborough 99-215 1999-06-04
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Cascada de Basaseachic, Río Basaseachic., 28.175 -108.2111, 1800m
69961 T.R. Van Devender, A.L. Reina G., P. West, K. Baker and R. Scarborough 99-220 1999-06-04
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Cascada de Basaseachic, Río Basaseachic., 28.175 -108.2111, 1800m
24235 C.H.T. Townsend and C.M. Barber 388 1899-08-31
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Near Chuichupa in the Sierra Madres.
75440 T.K. Todsen sn 1973-06-10
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Near Gray's Ranch and Animas Creek, 30 mi S of Animas., 1524m
77095 R.D. Worthington 32511 2004-05-09
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Peloncillo Mountains, Clanton Draw, 3.0 miles E of the National Forest E side property line., 31.527 -109.0247
24231 S.B. Parish 5893 1906-08-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Valley., 305m
24230 G.B. Grant 790 1904-06-16
United States, California, Los Angeles, Pasadena.
24229 K. Brandegee sn 1906-06-00
United States, California, San Diego, Bed of San Diego River at Lakeside.
59351 W.L. Wonderly 26 1975-07-26
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Argentina, Southwest of La Marquesa .
24234 F.J. Lindheimer 1057 1851-08-00
United States, Texas, Comal, New Braunfels.
82364 J.L. Carter and M.A. Carter 1039 1993-06-20
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Adjacent to Little Creek, approximately 2.5 miles west of confluence with west fork of Gila River at Highway 15, Gila National Forest., 1890m
70547 Lebgue et al 2077 1999-05-01
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Barrancas del Cobre: Interseccion del camino Urique-Guadalupe con el Rio Urique, km 3 al norte de Urique., 27.2081 -107.9033, 550 - 650m
70729 A.L. Reina G. and T.R. Van Devender 2001-451 2001-05-08
Mexico, Sonora, Yecora, El Aquajito, Barranca Honda, north slope of Mesa del Campanero, 4.8 km west of Puerto de la Cruz on Mex. 16., 28.3717 -109.0483, 1640m
73514 T.R. Van Devender and A.L. Reina G. 2004-562 2004-05-26
Mexico, Sonora, Yecora, 10.8 km west of Yecora on MEX 16, north slope of Mesa del Campanero., 28.3653 -109.0192, 1874m
75468 R.W. Spellenberg, R. Soreng and R. Corral-Díaz 8105 1985-04-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, Maguarichi, 2 km NE of Maguarichi., 1768m
75465 K. Brandegee sn 1905-08-06
United States, California, Tulare, Alta Meadows, Giant Forest.
24281 G.D. Butler 1770 1910-07-13
United States, California, Siskiyou, Shackleford Creek., 1219m
53361 T.K. Todsen sn 1982-07-10
United States, Arizona, Apache, West Fork, Little Colorado River., 2850m
79724 P.J. Alexander and C.D. Bailey 1063 2009-07-02
United States, California, Inyo, East slope of the southern Sierra Nevada, eastern part of Horseshoe Meadows near a small stream draining into Cottonwood Creek, 2.8 miles ESE of Cottonwood Pass, 1.1 miles north of Mulkey Pass, Inyo National Forest., 36.4453 -118.1655, 3002m
24308 J.J. Thornber 505 1903-04-17
United States, Arizona, Pima, Santa Rita Mountains; Stone Cabin Canyon [Florida Canyon]., 1372m
24312 W.B. Crockatt 5 1907-11-00
United States, Texas, Terrell, Sanderson.
24224 A.F. Whiting 1047/5003 1941-05-26
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Havasupai Canyon. Village., 945m
54130 D.E. Ward and R. Salazar 82-022 1982-05-13
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Peloncillo Mountains, Coronado National Forest, Clanton Canyon, about 2 mi E of NM-AZ border in a seep area at the beginning of a side canyon extending N from USFS-63 (Geronimo Trail Road), close to parking area for trail heading toward Skull Canyon., 1798m
64292 L. McIntosh 2743 1993-06-03
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, At Percha Creek., 1524m
52252 R.W. Spellenberg and M. Spellenberg 6465 1982-04-10
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Peloncillo Mountains, Skeleton Canyon, 0.3 mi inside NM.
24309 E.O. Wooton sn 1899-04-15
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, In the Organ Mountains: Filmore Cañon [Fillmore Canyon].