37185 M.E. Jones sn 1882-08-08
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Near Salt Lake City
37188 G.B. Grant 25 1902-09-00
United States, California, Siskiyou, Shasta Springs, No. Cent. Cal.
37191 J. Lunell sn 1903-06-30
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Portland
37186 L.M. Umbach sn 1901-08-28
United States, Washington, King, Skykomish
37187 J.B. Leiberg 1152 1895-07-03
United States, Montana, Glacier, Forks of St. Mary's River in the region of the Coeur D'alene Mountains.
37623 E.O. Wooton sn 1892-03-01
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, In the Organ Mountains.
37010 E.O. Wooton sn 1902-07-20
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, In the Organ Mountains: Van Patten's [latitude & longitude estimated; P.J. Alexander, 28 Apr 2013]., 32.324 -106.573
39838 W.J. Hess 1793 1968-04-20
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Guadalupe Canyon, 15 miles E of junction with Douglas Ariz. road, very SW corner of the state., 1280m
49949 R.W. Spellenberg, M. Spellenberg, J. Reitzel, and B. Weber 5075 1979-04-07
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, In the extreme SW corner of the county, in Guadalupe Canyon and tributaries, on and in vicinity of Hadley Ranch
74032 E.O. Wooton 102 1897-07-07
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Organ Mts., 1676m
74031 D.B. Dunn 7281 1950-10-12
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, At the so-called Dripping Springs -- Boyd Ranch -- in a rocky canyon on the west face of the Organ Mountains. [Latitude & longitude estimated, P.J. Alexander, 28 Apr 2013.], 32.323 -106.573, 1829m
74030 E.O. Wooton sn 1905-11-00
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Filmore Canyon in the Organ Mts.
63781 R.W. Spellenberg, R. Soreng, R. Corral-Díaz, and T. Lebgue 8806 1986-10-04
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachic," in a canyon along Rio Basaseachi leading to falls, 1950m
65215 R.W. Spellenberg, R. Corral-Díaz, and E. Estrada C. 12101 1994-09-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachic," along the trail between top of the falls and the Divisadero, 28.18 -108.2, 2025m
65285 R.W. Spellenberg, R. Corral-Díaz, and E. Estrada C. 12146 1994-09-23
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Ca. 1 km W of W boundary of Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachic," 13 km from the Cahuisori-Ocampo road on the road to Candamena, 2.25 km below Cruz Verde, 28.12 -108.28, 1750m
66950 G. Quintana and E. Estrada 3019 1994-08-18
Mexico, Chihuahua, Madera, Camino Nicolas Bravo-Las Varas, 2150m
69523 S. Wood, C. Crider, and D. Doan-Crider sn 1997-08-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Sierra del Carmens, El Uno; Plot #:97SW011, 35m
52649 R.A. Bye sn 1973-12-30
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Barranca de Batopilas between La Bufa and Wimivo
52889 D.E. Ward and R.D. Worthington 81-384 1981-07-16
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, About 30 miles N of Cd. Chihuahua, W of Mex. Hwy 45, W of Boca del Potrero in mountains (opposite the junction to El Sauz on Hwy 45), 7.5 road miles W of Bella Vista on road to Mennonite camps, on Mesa la Boquilla., 2000m
52960 R.W. Spellenberg and J.R. Zimmerman 6784 1982-09-19
Mexico, Durango, Mexico, Central-western Durango, 6 miles SE of Santiago Papasquiaro on Mex. Hwy. 39.
74090 M.E. Jones 4329 1884-09-22
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Bowie
75371 P.J. Alexander 78 2005-03-18
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 1.5 miles W of Harshaw on the slopes on the E side of the canyon across from the Humboldt Mine. Patagonia Mts, Coronado National Forest., 31.469092 -110.732156, 1539m
80515 T.R. Van Devender, A.L. Reina G., E. Enderson, R. Bezy 2008-409 2008-08-29
Mexico, Sonora, Yecora, Rancho El Horquetudo, 11.3 km (by air) south-southeast of Yécora, 28.2689 -108.8883, 1900m
37644 M.E. Jones 4800 1884-05-21
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Yucca
37386 L.N. Goodding 2130 1905-03-09
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Virgin Mts.
74091 L.N. Goodding 2365 1905-05-13
United States, Nevada, Clark, Las Vegas
43649 R.W. Spellenberg and M. Spellenberg 3042 1973-04-20
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, About 500 meters N of highway 80 in a low pass through the Peloncillo Mts. [Granite Gap]
56942 J.T. Columbus 725 1987-03-13
United States, New Mexico, Luna, Cookes Range: Hadley Canyon, on hill just N of road and across a drainage., 1682m
74338 P.J. Alexander 19 2004-12-25
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Table Mountain, just E of City of Rocks State Park, about 30 miles NNW of Deming. In the part of a SW-running wash down the mountain where it begins to steepen, with the NW side made up of bright white, very friable rock., 32.59845 -107.96242, 1658m
74403 P.J. Alexander 31 2005-01-05
United States, New Mexico, Luna, In the Tres Hermanas Mountains NW of Columbus, on the fourth-highest mountain in the range, just W of the "sisters" themselves., 31.916442 -107.733425, 1494m
75484 P.J. Alexander 189 2005-04-30
United States, New Mexico, Luna, A small canyon on the E side of the narrow central portion of the Florida Mts, just south of Lobo Draw., 32.101969 -107.616679, 1606m
78248 M.D. Windham & G. Yatskievych 769 1985-08-27
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Along small tributary of Sawmill Canyon in the Big Burro Mountains ca. 3.87 km SW of the summit of Burro Peak. Gila N.F. Burro Peak Quad (7 1/2 min.)., 2012m
73988 P.J. Alexander 5 2004-11-24
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Near the base of a NE-facing cliff just below the saddle at Picacho Peak in Picacho Peak State Park, about 1 mile SW of I-10 near mile maker 219., 32.637604 -111.404345, 792m
34454 M.E. Jones sn 1884-09-29
United States, Texas, El Paso, El Paso
75361 P.J. Alexander 96 2005-03-20
United States, Arizona, Pima, Lower Thomas Canyon, 4 miles SE of Baboquivari Peak in the Baboquivari Mountains., 31.733897 -111.563668, 1225m
78227 M.D. Windham & D. Lyngholm 721 1985-06-18
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Along small tributary of Dry Creek on NW slope of Capitol Butte ca. 0.67 km SW of Devils Bridge. Coconino National Forest. Wilson Mtn. Quad (7 1/2 min.)., 1494m
74340 P.J. Alexander 20 2004-12-26
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Whitewater Canyon, about 6 miles NE of Glenwood, in the Gila National Forest. Past the end of the Catwalk National Recreational Trail, above the intersection of Trails 207 (Whitewater Canyon Trail) and 41 (Gold Dust Trail), 2-300 ft. above the canyon bottom., 33.375756 -108.825464, 1750m
67824 J.L. Carter and R. Flemke 1234 1993-10-10
United States, New Mexico, Luna, Tres Hermanas Mts (BLM), 1387m
69071 W.R. Chapline 224 1915-08-10
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Tierra Blanca cny, SE of Seven Brothers Mt., 2286m
37743 E.O. Wooton 99 1897-07-07
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Organ Mts., 1676m
37744 E.O. Wooton sn 1905-03-26
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Organ Mts.: Modoc. [?]
74119 E.O. Wooton sn 1906-10-28
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Doña Ana Mts.
74118 C.L. Herrick sn 1898-06-00
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Sandia Mts.
50856 T.K. Todsen sn 1968-04-26
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, The bottom of Indian Hollow, Organ Mts., 1829m
37746 E.O. Wooton sn 1906-10-28
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Doña Ana Mts.
39837 W.J. Hess 1796 1968-04-20
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Guadalupe Canyon, 15 miles E of junction with Douglas Ariz. road, very southwest corner of state., 1280m
74122 J.T. Columbus 1578 1987-08-21
United States, New Mexico, Luna, Cookes Range: Bottom of Rattlesnake Canyon., 1707m
74336 P.J. Alexander 17 2004-12-25
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Table Mountain, just E of City of Rocks State Park, about 30 miles NNW of Deming. In the lower part of a SW-running wash down the mountain., 32.597978 -107.962947, 1631m
74402 P.J. Alexander 31 2005-01-05
United States, New Mexico, Luna, In the Tres Hermanas Mountains NW of Columbus, on the fourth-highest mountain in the range, just W of the "sisters" themselves., 31.916442 -107.733425, 1494m
75307 P.J. Alexander 136 2005-04-03
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Sierra de las Uvas, just down-canyon from the entrance to the FAA site, where Corralitos Rd. turns to dirt., 32.50632 -107.161215, 1695m
75483 P.J. Alexander 187 2005-04-30
United States, New Mexico, Luna, A small canyon on the E side of the narrow central portion of the Florida Mts, just south of Lobo Draw., 32.105501 -107.611567, 1570m
73986 P.J. Alexander 7 2004-11-28
United States, Arizona, Graham, Above Stockton Pass in the Pinaleño Mountains on Trail 309, the Shake Trail, where it crosses a wash about half a mile up from the campground in the Coronado National Forest., 32.597614 -109.84638, 1798m
36574 C.B. Carter sn 1936-08-30
United States, Arizona, Pima, Catalina Foothills, NW of Tucson
37745 M.E. Jones 4807 1884-09-21
United States, New Mexico, Cochise, Bowie
74120 J.J. Thornber 317 1903-08-10
United States, Arizona, Pima, Santa Catalina Mts.: Sabino Canyon., 853m
74121 D.G. Craig sn 1936-04-29
United States, Arizona, Greenlee, 5 miles N of Clifton
74142 P.B. Kennedy and L.N. Goodding 151 1906-07-00
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Mormon Mts., 1829m
75366 P.J. Alexander 97 2005-03-20
United States, Arizona, Pima, Lower Thomas Canyon, 4 miles SE of Baboquivari Peak in the Baboquivari Mountains., 31.733897 -111.563668, 1225m
83725 B.E. Larson 69538 2006-08-10
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Carson National Forest and vicinity: northwest spur ridge off Cerro Azul just off Forest Road 556, about 7.5 air miles east of Ojo Caliente., 36.285 -105.9175, 2134m
85216 J.T. Columbus 1460 1987-08-03
Luna, USA, New Mexico, Flora of Cooke's Range: Among rocks and boulders on slope just above major tributary to Provinger Canyon., 1859m
85214 College Ranch Collection 247 1984-09-25
Doña Ana, USA, New Mexico, Plants of NMSU College Ranch: NMSU College Ranch: South slope of Summerford Mt among large sandstone boulder., 1494m
85213 K.W. Allred 2961 1985-04-00
Doña Ana, USA, New Mexico, Plants of New Mexico: Aguirre Spring Recreation Area, east slopes of Organ Mts, about 15 mi E of Las Cruces., 366m
85212 K.W. Allred 4024 1986-07-02
Luna, USA, New Mexico, Plants of New Mexico: Cooke's Range; Hadley Canyon, along rock fences in canyon bottom.
85211 S.B. Johnson 210 2000-10-21
Catron, USA, New Mexico, Apache National Forest, Saddle Mountain region, west side of Saddle Mt, along west fork of Pueblo Creek., 33.6185 -109.0222, 2114m
85215 K.W. Allred 4248 1986-08-29
Hidalgo, USA, New Mexico, Guadalupe Canyon, southern end of Peloncillo Mts, Steep hill south of creek., 1524m
74104 M.E. Jones 4250 1884-09-17
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Bowie
77344 A.L. Reina G. and T.R. Van Devender 2005-940 2005-05-27
Mexico, Sonora, Cananea, Cañada La Yegua above Arroyo Las Gallinas, Rancho El Chifón, 30.7953 -110.4361, 1268m
77589 E.M. Jercinovic 508 2005-03-27
United States, Arizona, Pima, NW of Tucson, Golder Ranch, upper Fifty Year Trail.
37719 B.F. Bush 4716 1907-05-25
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Monteer [current spelling is Montier]
37720 W.H. Witte sn 1932-09-01
United States, Pennsylvania, Bucks, South of Knitnersville
37758 H. Hapeman sn 1893-06-03
United States, Illinois, La Salle, Troy Grove
37757 R.A. Ware sn 1906-06-01
United States, Vermont, Bennington, Pownal (North)
58778 R.W. Spellenberg and M. Mahrt 10172 1990-04-28
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, ca. 30 air km NE of Las Cruces on E side of S San Andres Mts, NE side of Black Mt, White Sands Missile Range., 1890m
37747 E.O. Wooton sn 1907-01-00
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, San Andres Mts.
37724 E.O. Wooton sn 1892-11-02
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Tortugas Mt.
37727 O.B. Metcalfe 1177 1904-07-22
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, In and around the south end of the Black Range: Lookout Mines, 2591m
37013 E.O. Wooton sn 1902-09-14
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Little Mt. [Tortugas Mt.]
74113 E.O. Wooton sn 1906-10-21
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Organ Mountains: Bishop's Cap.
74112 E.O. Wooton sn 1895-08-11
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, E Side Organ Mts., 1524m
74445 P.J. Alexander 46 2005-01-09
United States, New Mexico, Otero, About 13 miles SSE of Alamogordo, in Dog Canyon on the W side of the Sacramento Mts. in Lincoln National Forest. Near Trail 106 (Dog Canyon Trail) near Line Cabin where the trail crosses the canyon bottom., 32.75811 -105.883716, 1783m
78471 P.J. Alexander 558 2007-04-02
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Valley of Fires Campground, E side of the Carrizozo Malpais, ±4 miles NW of Carrizozo, ±0.6 miles from US Hwy 380., 33.67786 -105.9265, 1585m
78742 D.L. Anderson, K. Diehl, J. Dye, and K.W. Allred 7184 1997-10-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Bear Den Canyon in Lost Knife Draw, San Andres Mountains., 1829m
74135 J.C. Blumer 1528 1906-12-20
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mts.: Hand's Trail, 2134m
85210 K.W. Allred 7034 1997-10-08
Sierra, USA, New Mexico, White Sands Missle Range, Bear Den Canyon, side draw to the south with several rocky "amphitheaters" up the draw., 1829m
85209 J.T. Columbus 451 1986-08-14
Luna, USA, New Mexico, Flora of Cooke's Range: Narrow limestone canyon at base of cliff., 1920m
85208 R.W. Fink II 364 2003-09-07
Sierra, USA, New Mexico, White Sands Missile Range, San Andres Mountains, Salinas Peak Region: Near the middle spring between Rucker and Taylor springs., 33.284484 -106.515476, 1829m
1738 R.W. Spellenberg and L. Brouillet 12574 1998-08-11
United States, New Mexico, Grant, NM Hwy 15 to Cliff Dwellings, 6 km N of Pinos Altos, 32.8975 -108.2437, 2035m
37008 E.O. Wooton sn 1892-05-15
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, In the Organ Mountains.
50127 R.W. Spellenberg and R. Repass 5351 1979-08-16
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, In the extreme SW corner of the county, in Guadalupe Canyon and tributaries, on and in the vicinity of Hadley Ranch
37740 C.C. Ellis 6bis 1909-00-00
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Sandia Mts.
37005 E.O. Wooton sn 1891-06-03
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Organ Mts.
37007 E.O. Wooton sn 1895-06-00
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, East side of the Organ Mountains.
74116 J.T. Columbus 358 1986-07-20
United States, New Mexico, Luna, Cookes Range., 2073m
74115 J.T. Columbus 724 1987-03-13
United States, New Mexico, Luna, Cookes Range: Hadley Canyon, on hill just N of road and across a drainage., 1682m
74337 P.J. Alexander 18 2004-12-25
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Table Mountain, just E of City of Rocks State Park, about 30 miles NNW of Deming. In the lower part of a SW-running wash down the mountain., 1631m
74339 P.J. Alexander 23 2004-12-26
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Whitewater Canyon, about 6 miles NE of Glenwood, in the Gila National Forest. Past the end of the Catwalk National Recreational Trail, above the intersection of Trails 207 (Whitewater Canyon Trail) and 41 (Gold Dust Trail), 2-300 ft. above the canyon bottom., 33.375756 -108.825464, 1750m
74574 P.J. Alexander 57 2005-01-22
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, About 8 miles E of Las Cruces on a rock outcropping on the N side of Soledad Canyon Road opposite the trailhead for the Sierra Vista Trail. UTM is approximate., 32.29644 -106.609507, 1585m
52170 R. Soreng and R. Salazar 1906 1982-08-19
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, S end Peloncillo Mts, Clanton Canyon, 1/2 mi SE of Geronimo Trail Pass, 1859m
36493 J.R. Bacon 294 1989-07-20
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Davis Mountain Resort, Limpia Canyon, ca 20 km E of Ft. Davis, N of State Hwy 166, 2000m
73985 P.J. Alexander 9 2004-11-28
United States, Arizona, Graham, Above Stockton Pass in the Pinaleño Mountains on Trail 309, the Shake Trail, where it crosses a wash about half a mile up from the campground in the Coronado National Forest., 32.597614 -109.84638, 1798m