Search Results (List)

Dataset: NMC-
Taxa: Tamaricaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-28 of 28

New Mexico State University Herbarium

Tamarix aphylla (L.) Karst.
72578J. Henrickson   77791972-09-19
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, ca 47 (air) miles ENE of Escalon (near Cuahila border); ca 6 miles N of Guimbalete at Rancho Venado Pelon, 27.1 -103.75, 1128m

Tamarix aphylla (L.) Karst.
77809A.L. Reina G. and T.R. Van Devender   2005-12322005-09-11
Mexico, Sinaloa, Ahome, Toll Station Puente San Miguel on MEX 15, San Miguel Zapotitlán (ca. 2 km north of Los Mochis), 28.9753 -109.0339, 39m

Tamarix aphylla (L.) Karst.
83566A.L. Reina G. and T.R. Van Devender   2006-4422006-08-13
Mexico, Sonora, Agua Prieta, West side of Agua Prieta., 31.3264 -109.575, 1198m

40242Smith, V   sn1938-06-20
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Rio Grande bank, 1067m

40498Schaffner, ER   sn1939-04-22
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, San Marciel; one mi. S

46835Everitt, BL   753411975-08-31
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mts.; along St. Hwy. 24, 2 mi. W of Rio Peñasco, 2286m

50345A.L. Hershey   27561936-05-13
United States, New Mexico, Otero, pool of Salome, 1219m

51474R.W. Spellenberg, D.E. Ward, and L. Collyer.   61231981-08-11
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, ca. 4 mi. N of the community of La Plata ca. 3/4 mi. E of NM Hwy. 17, 1859m

54781R.W. Spellenberg and L. Campbell   78081984-07-20
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, ca. 30 mi. NW of Gallup by rd. & 2 mi. S of NM Hwy. 68 very near the AZ border, on the McKinley Coal Mine; in drain near E slope

54831R.W. Spellenberg and R. Corral-Díaz   81921985-05-31
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, ca. 15 mi. SSW of Waterflow on the Navajo Mine, at the SW corner of the mine (Area III), N side of Cottonwood Wash, ca. 4 air mi. SE of the S end of ridge called "The Hogback,"; in low spot near well in Wash

54897R.W. Spellenberg and N. Zucker   79891985-04-14
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, E side of Truth or Consequences along drain into Rio Grande, 1280m

54922R.W. Spellenberg and C. Spurrier   82481985-08-30
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, ca. 20 air mi. S of Carlsbad, ca. 5 mi. SE of Whites City, bottom of Hay Hollow, 991m

58144Elder, H   171990-09-02
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, ca. 23 mi. N of Truth or Consequences, NM near Elephant Butte Reservoir

63043Corley, C   51986-04-17
United States, New Mexico, Luna, in yard of Columbus NM visitor center & adjacent to disturbed wash, 1237m

63044Corley, C   61986-04-17
United States, New Mexico, Luna, Hwy. 11; 10 mi. N of Columbus NM, 1250m

66692Smith, G   521990-07-11
United States, New Mexico, Mora, Sanctuary in located 24 mi NE of Wagon Mound; in Esquibel Park, 0.28m N in Valdez Canyon on W side of Rd, 1780m

70702Bickle, T   191966-07-00
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, 5 mi. E of Las Cruces

35244C.B. Carter   sn1936-07-00
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Albuquerque, NW of town

35741J.L. Gardner   sn1936-08-11
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, RD 1, Navajo Exper. Station, 1951m

78348D.L. Anderson   76312000-05-08
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, White Sands Missile Range; along RR 7, about 2 miles north of Rhodes Canyon Range Center, 1227m

67982J.L. Carter and S.M. George   791991-06-06
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Elephant Butte State Park; 25 m from reservoir, 1329m

70703J.L. Carter and S.M. George   1751991-06-27
United States, New Mexico, Quay, Ute Lake State Park; lake margin, 1152m

78321M. Madsen, B. Boylan, J. Cox and B. Hansen   22212005-06-08
United States, Utah, Iron, Lower Pinto Creek Riparian Exclosure. Pine Valley rd./Dixie Natl. Forest., 1768m

80370D.L. Anderson, L. Meyers, D. Houde-Nethers, and K. Blough   76362000-05-17
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Tularosa Creek Drainage east of RR9 along existing boundary fence, 1265m

35747C.B. Carter and Hedges   83601936-04-16
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, NE Albuquerque

80970A.L. Reina G., T.R. Van Devender   2007-3102007-03-25
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ascensión, Ca. 8.2 km west of Ascension, 31.1097 -108.0844, 1315m

83083A.L. Reina G. and T.R. Van Devender   2008-1252008-05-02
Mexico, Sonora, Agua Prieta, Arroyo Guadalupe, 36.1 kilometers east of Agua Prieta on MEX 2, Cuenca Los Ojos Conservation Area., 31.3125 -109.1103, 1239m

70701E.O. Wooton   11181892-05-10
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Mesilla.

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