Search Results (List)

Dataset: MMNS
Search Criteria: United States or USA or U.S.A. or United States of America; Georgia; Mitchell; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-29 of 29

Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Callirhoe papaver (Cav.) A. Gray
MMNS037548Richard Carter   153702004-06-18
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, E. of Baconton, 100-200 m E of jct. Jackson Dairy Rd. and Stagecoach Rd, along S side Jackson Dairy Rd., 31.36082 -84.10195

Image Associated With the Occurence
Setaria parviflora (Poir.) Kerguélen
MMNS037577Richard Carter   153742004-06-18
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, Ca. 1.0 mi S Camilla, along E side Hwy US 19 at jct. Hwy US 19 and Molasses Rd., 31.2081 -84.1754

Cyperus drummondii Torr. & Hook.
United States, Georgia, Mitchell

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stylisma aquatica (Walter) Raf.
MMNS038159Richard Carter   177232007-07-17
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, Pinewood Plantation, ca. 3.2 air miles NW Bridgeboro, ca. 0.55 air mile ENE Pleasant Grove Baptist Church at jct. Briarwood Rd and Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Rd., 31.42637 -84.02012, 79m

Chamaecrista deeringiana Small & Pennell
MMNS038133Richard Carter   177292007-07-17
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, Pinewood Plantation, ca. 3.2 air miles NW Bridgeboro, ca. 0.55 air mile ENE Pleasant Grove Baptist Church at jct. Briarwood Rd and Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Rd., 31.42637 -84.02012, 79m

Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I. M. Johnst.
MMNS078494Richard Carter   187502009-03-06
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 0.6 mi SE Flint River along Rivertrace Rd, near jct. Hwy GA 37 and Rivertrace Rd, 31.30273 -84.32713

MMNS078534Richard Carter   184162008-06-19
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, E of Camilla, Hwy GA 37 near mile marker 13, 0.5 mi W jct. Flint Rd and Hwy GA 37, 31.23822 -84.15552

MMNS078893Robert Kral   964292005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla, 31.119528 -84.210461

MMNS078894Robert Kral   964232005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla, 31.119528 -84.210461

MMNS078895Robert Kral   964222005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla, 31.119528 -84.210461

Ilex glabra (L.) A. Gray
MMNS078897Robert Kral   964302005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla, 31.119528 -84.210461

Salix humilis Marshall
MMNS078898Robert Kral   964282005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla, 31.119528 -84.210461

Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
MMNS078899Robert Kral   964272005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla, 31.119528 -84.210461

MMNS078903Robert Kral   964262005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla; sandy silt of recently logged pine/hardwood flats., 31.119528 -84.210461

MMNS078904Robert Kral   964212005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla, 31.119528 -84.210461

MMNS078905Robert Kral   964202005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla; sandy silt of recently logged pine/hardwood flats., 31.119528 -84.210461

Senega polygama (Walter) J.F.B. Pastore & J.R. Abbott
MMNS078906Robert Kral   964182005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla; sandy silt of recently logged pine/hardwood flats., 31.119528 -84.210461

MMNS078913Robert Kral   964332005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla, 31.119528 -84.210461

MMNS078914Robert Kral   964342005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla., 31.113752 -84.213733

MMNS078915Robert Kral   964352005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla; sandy silt of recently logged pine/hardwood flats., 31.119528 -84.210461

MMNS078916Robert Kral   964362005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla., 31.113752 -84.213733

MMNS078917Robert Kral   964412005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, Camilla, 7.7 mi S of S limits, 31.119528 -84.210461

MMNS067713Richard Carter   93641991-09-28
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, Pelham, S side of town by Hwy GA 3, creek bottom above pond adjacent to Coats & Clark factory., 31.124158 -84.140517

Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
MMNS068110Richard Carter   93581991-09-28
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, Pelham, south side of town by Hwy GA 3, creek bottom above pond adjacent to Coats & Clark factory., 31.118574 -84.138457

Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
MMNS068107Robert Kral   964192005-05-26
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 7.7 mi S of S limits Camilla; sandy silt of recently logged pine/hardwood flats., 31.119528 -84.210461

Eleocharis tuberculosa (Michx.) Roem. & Schult.
MMNS068215Richard Carter   93591991-09-28
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, Pelham, south side of town by Hwy GA 3, creek bottom above pond adjacent to Coats & Clark factory., 31.118574 -84.138457

Fimbristylis vahlii (Lam.) Link
MMNS068827Robert Kral   929992002-08-05
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, GA 112, 7.9 mi. S of Camilla; 4 mi. S of GA 65, 31.081585 -84.2616

MMNS069450Robert Kral   953122004-06-12
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, Mitchell/Thomas Co. Sandy peat of swale of bog, pineland by Lower Meigs Rd at jct. Willingham Rd NE of Meigs., 31.077334 -84.003684

MMNS069480Robert Kral   810941992-07-14
United States, Georgia, Mitchell, 12.8 mi N Cairo, banks of Bay Pole Creek, 31.086944 -84.260365

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