Search Results (List)

Dataset: ILLS-
Taxa: Apiaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 5750

Illinois Natural History Survey

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville
ILLS00038594Virginius H. Chase   146251957-07-09
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, North of East Peoria.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville
ILLS00038595Virginius H. Chase   146251957-07-09
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, North of East Peoria.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville
ILLS00038596Virginius H. Chase   89651947-08-01
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, Spring Mill Bog, near east Peoria.

Valerie A. Sivicek, Paul B. Marcum, Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Brenda Molano-Flores, Gerry Steinauer, and James R.Payne   102009-08-19
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Niobrara Valley, Nebraska. Steve Hanson property, approximately 3 miles south of Valentine, NE; Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83, 42.826417 -100.531868, 730m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville
ILLS00038593Loy R. Phillippe & Jason J. Zylka   430392011-09-22
United States, Illinois, Tazewell, South end of Spring Lake at base of forested dune and spring feeding into Spring Lake, east side of Lake. About 1.1 mile north of 800 North and the Mason - Tazewell county line., 40.44803 -89.89064, 133m

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britton & P. Wilson
R. Dale Thomas, Keith H. Kessler & David C. Moore   827541982-12-14
United States, Louisiana, Allen, Beside US 190 at Louisiana 383 east of Kinder.

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Persoon) Sprague ex Britton & P. Wilson
Eric F. Ulaszek   12581987-03-15
United States, Texas, Caldwell, along San Marcos River, SE of Martindale

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britt. & Wilson
A.R. Diamond   192862008-05-21
United States, Alabama, Crenshaw, Crenshaw County Highway 59 at Petrey Cemetery. 31° 51' 52" North; -86° 12' 30.5" West, 31.8644 -86.2084, 124m

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britt. & Wilson
A.R. Diamond   193852008-06-06
United States, Alabama, Butler, Alabama Highway 263 at Antioch Church. 31° 56' 42.9" North; -86° 42' 18.2" West, 31.9452 -86.705, 119m

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britton & Wilson
A.R. Diamond   193222008-05-26
United States, Alabama, Crenshaw, Powell Road (dirt) about 0.5 mile east of Alabama Highway 189. 31° 33' 15.7" North; -86° 13' 0.3" West, 31.5543 -86.2167, 101m

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britt. & Wilson
A.R. Diamond   206902009-05-14
United States, Alabama, Montgomery, Atlanta Highway just north of Interstate Highway 85. 32° 22' 9.3" North Latitude; -86° 3' 27.9" West Longitude., 32.36925 -86.05775, 61m

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Persoon) Sprague ex Britton & Wilson
Bailee Dykes & Alvin Diamond   4412012-03-29
United States, Alabama, Bullock, Bullock County Hwy. 130, approximately 4.73 miles southeast of Fitzpatrick., 32.18772 -85.81419

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Persoon) Sprague
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-06-12
United States, Hawaii, Kaalaiki Road approx. 0.5 to 1 mile north of Punaluu Bakery in Naalehu off of HI 11, Hawaii Belt Road.

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Persoon) Sprague ex Britton & Wilson
M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2011-07-16
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, FR 161, Farewell Corner Road, approx. 1 mile northeast of FR 159, Yellow Jacket Road, Francis Marion National Forest.

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Persoon) Sprague ex Britton & Wilson
M.A. & R.N. Basinger   s.n.2011-04-16
United States, Florida, Santa Rosa, Along dirt road in sharp curve approx. 1-1.5 miles north of FL 4 on north side of road, Blackwater River State Forest.

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Persoon) Sprague ex Britton & P. Wilson
M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2012-12-29
United States, Florida, Polk, Along Walk-in-the-Water Road north of CR 630, Lake Wales Ridge State Forest.

Pseudocymopterus montanus (Gray) Coult. & Rose
Blanch McAvoy   s.n.1910-07-08
United States, Colorado, Cripple Creek., 38.746656 -105.178315

Pseudocymopterus montanus (A. Gray) Coult. & Rose
S.R. Hill   310991998-09-25
United States, Arizona, Coconino, San Francisco Peaks, Flagstaff, near base of snowbowl ski lift. elev. ca. 9300 ft. (9300-9500 ft.)., 35.33386 -111.667387

Steven R. Hill & John Wiersema   228891992-04-10
United States, Alabama, Tuscaloosa, West side of Black Warrior River, 0.35 mile south of Route I-20/59 bridge. About 7 miles southwest of Tuscaloosa.

A.G. Vestal   s.n.1963-05-30
United States, California, Yuba, Weedy depression near Dry Creek and north oh Sicard Flat. Smartville quadrangle UTM Zone 10, 642203mE, 4345148mN.

Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich, Emily Warren, & Georgy A. Lazkov   318752000-07-06
Kyrgyzstan, Osh Region, Gultcha Ravine, 50 kilometer south-southwest of Gultcha. Tien Shan Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia. Elevation about 2530 meters. Site # 2000-016.

A.G. Vestal   s.n.1947-04-28
United States, California, Eldorado, About 2.2 miles south of El Dorado on Route 49 (WGS84/NAD83). UTM Zone 10, 686883mE, 4280270mN., 38.6513 -120.8524, 517m

A.G. Vestal   s.n.1963-04-07
United States, California, Napa, A meadow about 4.3 miles north of Saint Helena at the crossroad from Route 29. UTM Zone 10, 541875mE, 4267249mN. (WGS84/NAD83)., 38.5527 -122.5194, 106m

A.G. Vestal   s.n.1963-05-11
United States, California, Lake, Rocky bank above Soda Bay about 7 miles from Kelseyville. UTM Zone 10, 519025mE, 4317744mN. (WGS84/NAD83)., 39.0085 -122.7803, 427m

A.G. Vestal   s.n.1963-04-08
United States, California, Napa, On Route 128 abut 5.2 miles east of the turn off to Pope Valley Road. Coordinate datum: NAD 27., 38.5081 -122.2749

A.G. Vestal   s.n.1963-05-05
United States, California, Amador, About 2 miles west of Plymouth. Along Little Indian Creek. UTM Zone 10, 684870mE, 4261460mN. Coordinate datum: NAD 27., 38.4842 -120.8805

Igor Belolipov & Hislat Haydarov   UPL_003202005-05-11
Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Bekabad District. Site No.: UZP_00309 40º32.21'N 69º5.62'E (converted to decimal degrees). 271m elevation (converted to feet)., 40.53683 69.09367, 271m

A.G. Vestal   s.n.1947-04-27
United States, California, Tuolumne, North bank of Ditch Creek at gap west of Jamestown., 37.9691 -120.4336

A.G. Vestal   s.n.1947-04-28
United States, California, El Dorado, Ca. 3.9 miles south of El Dorado on route 49 at Logtown Ridge. (NAD 27)., 38.6248 -120.8527

Spermolepis echinata (Nutt. ex DC.) Heller
A.R. Diamond   207222009-05-20
United States, Alabama, Butler, Butler County Highway 77 at U.S. Highway 31. 31° 54' 54.4" North Latitude; -86° 32' 47.0" West Longitude., 31.915111 -86.546389, 161m

Spermolepis echinata (DC.) Heller
Loy R. Phillippe, David Seigler, Angela Kerber, and John E. Ebinger   352372003-03-23
United States, Texas, La Salle, Roadside along west side of Interstate 35 about 1.6 mile south of Millett, Texas. Near access road to property owners Becky and Paul Brown., 28.56351 -99.20255, 155m

Spermolepis echinata (DC.) Heller
Loy R. Phillippe, David Seigler, Angela Kerber, and John E. Ebinger   353202003-03-26
United States, Texas, La Salle, North of Farm Route 133 southwest of Cotulla, Texas. Chaparral Wildlife Management Area. Growing in disturbed area used for shooting., 28.31093 -99.35838, 152m

Spermolepis echinata (Nutt. ex DC) Heller
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-03
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, At Holden Beach dog park off of Scotch Bonnet Drive and Ocean Boulevard, Holden Beach.

Spermolepis echinata (Nutt. ex DC) Heller
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-05-07
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, at dog park in Holden Beach off of Scotch Bonnet Drive and Ocean Boulevard.

Spermolepis echinata (Nutt. ex DC) Heller
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-05-07
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, at dog park in Holden Beach off of Scotch Bonnet Drive and Ocean Boulevard.

Torilis nodosa (Linnaeus) Gaertner
A.G. Vestal   s.n.1963-05-29
United States, California, Yuba, About 0.4 mile west of Erle Road on Hammonton-Smartville Road. UTM Zone 10, 638165mE, 4337165mN. Coordinate datum: NAD27)., 39.1767 -121.4005

Yabea microcarpa (Hooker & Arnott) Koso-Polj
A.G. Vestal   s.n.1937-06-18
United States, California, Sonoma, Stewarts Point. UTM Zone 10, 464491mE, 4278527mN. (WGS84/NAD83)., 38.6546 -123.4081

Yabea microcarpa (Hooker & Arnott) Koso-Polj.
A.G. Vestal   s.n.1947-05-12
United States, California, Sonoma, About 1 mile east of Occidental on the Occidental Road and near Taddeuci. (WGS84/NAD83). UTM Zone 10, 505771mE, 4251021mN., 38.4074 -122.9339, 262m

Yabea microcarpa (Hooker & Arnott) Koso-Poljansky
A.G. Vestal   s.n.1947-04-22
United States, California, Fresno, About 15 miles northwest of Coalinga on Los Gatos Road. UTM Zone 10, 718974mE, 4012331mN. (WGS84/NAD83)., 36.2311 -120.5635, 482m

Yabea microcarpa Hooker & Arnott Koso-Pol.
A.G. Vestal   s.n.1947-04-26
United States, California, Tuolumne, Upper side-slope northwest on Table Mountain. NAD27, 37.9884, -120.4223 (converted to WGS84 decimal degrees)., 37.9883 -120.4223

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-23
United States, Alaska, Anchorage Borough. Along trail at McHugh Creek Day Use Area along AK 1, Seward Hwy, south of Anchorage.

ILLS00042503Rev. R. Brinker   19521942-06-14
United States, Illinois, Adams, [Department of Entomology, University of Illinois. Two mericarps removed for furanocoumarin analysis in study of coevolution between Pastinaca sativa and Depressari pastinacella by Berenbaum and Zangerl, March 2005].

ILLS00042502Rev. R. Brinker   19741942-06-14
United States, Illinois, Adams, North Quincy.

ILLS00042501R.A. Evers   333861952-06-06
United States, Illinois, Adams, Northeast of Loraine.

ILLS00042504R.A. Evers   3981941-06-08
United States, Illinois, Adams, Quincy.

ILLS00042505R.A. Evers   607401959-07-07
United States, Illinois, Bond, East of Reno. [Department of Entomology, University of Illinois. Two mericarps removed for furanocoumarin analysis in study of coevolution between Pastinaca sativa and Depressari pastinacella by Berenbaum and Zangerl, March 2005].

ILLS00042511R.A. Evers   117311948-07-12
United States, Illinois, Brown, Northwest of Versailles., 39.893478 -90.668664

ILLS00042510R.A. Evers   125641948-07-29
United States, Illinois, Bureau, East of Walnut.

ILLS00042508R.A. Evers   297411951-06-13
United States, Illinois, Bureau, 1 mile west of Sheffield., 41.358368 -89.756628

ILLS00042506Diane B. Szafoni   1491982-06-02
United States, Illinois, Bureau, Ladd City owned gob pile near landfill., 41.386081 -89.209625

ILLS00042509R.A. Evers   252651950-07-15
United States, Illinois, Bureau, Along railroad, north of Kasbeer.

ILLS00042512G.H. Boewe   s.n.1941-07-10
United States, Illinois, Bureau, 2.25 mile south of Wyanett., 41.33271 -89.583985

ILLS00042507R.A. Evers   336801952-06-12
United States, Illinois, Bureau, 3 mile east of Tiskilwa., 41.292245 -89.448346

ILLS00042514G.H. Boewe   s.n.1939-07-19
United States, Illinois, Carroll, 4 mile north of Mount Carroll.

ILLS00042513R.A. Evers   354201952-08-15
United States, Illinois, Carroll, Northeast of Mount Carroll.

ILLS00042526R.A. Evers   33711947-05-31
United States, Illinois, Cass, Along railroad, 1 mile east of Virginia.

ILLS00042523R.A. Evers   40981947-06-11
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Along the railroad, 3 mile east of Urbana.

ILLS00042519Kenneth R. Robertson   21461979-09-20
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Strip between Illinois Central Railroad and Illinois Route 10, 0.6 mile west of Intersection of Illinois 10 and County Road at Staley. [Department of Entomology, University of Illinois. Two mericarps removed for furanocoumarin analysis in study of coevolution between Pastinaca sativa and Depressari pastinacella by Berenbaum and Zangerl, March 2005].

ILLS00042525Rev. R. Brinker   16871939-06-21
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Urbana.

ILLS00042520Milton W. Sanderson   s.n.1960-07-17
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Near Hart Woods, northeast of Mahomet. [Department of Entomology, University of Illinois. Two mericarps removed for furanocoumarin analysis in study of coevolution between Pastinaca sativa and Depressari pastinacella by Berenbaum and Zangerl, March 2005].

ILLS00042524G.H. Boewe   s.n.1942-07-01
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Along Illinois Central Railroad, 0.5 mile northeast of Rantoul.

ILLS00042522Grace Loescher   111949-06-25
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Crystal Lake.

ILLS00042521R.A. Evers   380631953-06-17
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Along railroad, north of Rantoul.

ILLS00042528G.H. Boewe   s.n.1942-06-24
United States, Illinois, Christian, Along Wabash Railroad, 1.5 mile northeast of Stonington.

ILLS00042527R.A. Evers   579661958-07-10
United States, Illinois, Christian, Along railroad, northeast of Harvel. [Department of Entomology, University of Illinois. Two mericarps removed for furanocoumarin analysis in study of coevolution between Pastinaca sativa and Depressari pastinacella by Berenbaum and Zangerl, March 2005].

ILLS00042529R.A. Evers   575871958-07-02
United States, Illinois, Clark, 6 mile west of Dennison.

ILLS00042530R.A. Evers   736871962-06-07
United States, Illinois, Clinton, West of Keyesport.

ILLS00042531R.A. Evers   314711951-08-03
United States, Illinois, Coles, East of Ashmore.

ILLS00042532G.H. Boewe   s.n.1942-06-18
United States, Illinois, Coles, Along U.S. 45, south of Mattoon.

ILLS00042533R.G. Rennels   s.n.1941-07-15
United States, Illinois, Coles, Ridge Lake, Fox Ridge State Park. [Department of Entomology, University of Illinois. Two mericarps removed for furanocoumarin analysis in study of coevolution between Pastinaca sativa and Depressari pastinacella by Berenbaum and Zangerl, March 2005].

ILLS00042537Ogden Glasgow   439891940-06-07
United States, Illinois, Cook, On Nagle Avenue and Foster Boulevard in Chicago.

ILLS00042535Kenneth R. Robertson   18831978-07-08
United States, Illinois, Cook, Shoe Factory Prairie Nature Preserve. [Department of Entomology, University of Illinois. Two mericarps removed for furanocoumarin analysis in study of coevolution between Pastinaca sativa and Depressari pastinacella by Berenbaum and Zangerl, March 2005].

ILLS00042536R.A. Evers   46871947-06-23
United States, Illinois, Cook, Along railroad near east Hazel Crest.

ILLS00042538R.A. Evers   295451951-06-08
United States, Illinois, Crawford, North of Heathsville.

ILLS00042539R.A. Evers   531821957-05-20
United States, Illinois, Cumberland, 1 mile south of Neoga.

ILLS00042540G.H. Boewe   s.n.1942-06-18
United States, Illinois, Cumberland, Along U.S. 45, northeast of Neoga.

ILLS00042541R.A. Evers   101431948-06-11
United States, Illinois, DeWitt, Near Salt Creek, northeast of Kenney.

ILLS00042543G.H. Boewe   s.n.1941-05-27
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Along railroad right-of-way, 0.75 mile west of Arcola.

ILLS00042544Carl Mohr   s.n.1939-07-04
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Arcola. [Department of Entomology, University of Illinois. Two mericarps removed for furanocoumarin analysis in study of coevolution between Pastinaca sativa and Depressari pastinacella by Berenbaum and Zangerl, March 2005].

ILLS00042542R.A. Evers   116311948-07-06
United States, Illinois, Douglas, 2 mile south of Tuscola.

ILLS00042545Carl Mohr   s.n.1939-07-03
United States, Illinois, Douglas, Arcola.

ILLS00042546R.A. Evers   321391951-08-23
United States, Illinois, Du Page, 5 mile south of Downers Grove.

ILLS00042547R.A. Evers   575581958-07-02
United States, Illinois, Edgar, Along railroad, 3 mile north of Chrisman. [Department of Entomology, University of Illinois. Two mericarps removed for furanocoumarin analysis in study of coevolution between Pastinaca sativa and Depressari pastinacella by Berenbaum and Zangerl, March 2005].

ILLS00042548R.A. Evers   302721951-06-19
United States, Illinois, Edwards, In Albion.

ILLS00042549R.A. Evers   340921952-06-24
United States, Illinois, Effingham, Railroad tracks, northeast of mason. [Department of Entomology, University of Illinois. Two mericarps removed for furanocoumarin analysis in study of coevolution between Pastinaca sativa and Depressari pastinacella by Berenbaum and Zangerl, March 2005].

ILLS00042550R.A. Evers   57521947-08-04
United States, Illinois, Effingham, Along railroad, 1 mile northeast of Effingham.

ILLS00042552R.A. Evers   504631956-06-26
United States, Illinois, Fayette, 4 mile east of Ramsey. [Department of Entomology, University of Illinois. Two mericarps removed for furanocoumarin analysis in study of coevolution between Pastinaca sativa and Depressari pastinacella by Berenbaum and Zangerl, March 2005].

ILLS00042554R.A. Evers   246561950-06-23
United States, Illinois, Ford, Along railroad, north of Sibley.

ILLS00042556R.A. Evers   248341950-07-03
United States, Illinois, Fulton, Southeast of Duncan Mills.

ILLS00042557R.A. Evers   119251948-07-14
United States, Illinois, Greene, Along railroad, north of White Hall.

ILLS00042559G.H. Boewe   s.n.1942-07-13
United States, Illinois, Grundy, Along Route 47, 1 mile south of Mazon.

ILLS00042558R.A. Evers   66811947-08-20
United States, Illinois, Grundy, North of Morris.

ILLS00042560R.A. Evers   373791953-06-03
United States, Illinois, Hamilton, South of Dahlgren.

ILLS00042561R.A. Evers   574151958-06-26
United States, Illinois, Hancock, East of La Cross.

ILLS00042562R.A. Evers   573731958-06-26
United States, Illinois, Henderson, 4 mile east of Oquawka.

ILLS00042564R.A. Evers   61621947-08-08
United States, Illinois, Henry, South of Bishop Hill.

ILLS00042565G.H. Boewe   s.n.1942-07-09
United States, Illinois, Henry, Along Rock Island Railroad, 0.75 mile east of Annawan. [Department of Entomology, University of Illinois. Two mericarps removed for furanocoumarin analysis in study of coevolution between Pastinaca sativa and Depressari pastinacella by Berenbaum and Zangerl, March 2005].

ILLS00042563R.A. Evers   211891949-09-10
United States, Illinois, Henry, East of Atkinson.

ILLS00042566P. Shildneck   C-93091978-06-21
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Loda Cemetery, northwestern edge of Loda.

ILLS00042570G.H. Boewe   s.n.1942-07-01
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, 3 mile northeast of Loda.

Page 1, records 1-100 of 5750


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