ILLS00147050 Chas. Robertson s.n. 1888-02-24
United States, Florida, Orlando., 28.538336 -81.379236
ILLS00147052 Steven R. Hill
United States, North Carolina, Pender, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147051 Steven R. Hill
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147049 Alvin R. Diamond 21958 2011-04-24
United States, Alabama, Butler, Butler County Highway 37, at the north side of Marshy Creek., 31.66889 -86.646528, 82m
ILLS00147367 M.A. Basinger s.n. 2006-03-12
United States, Florida, Columbia, CR 250 3/4 mile S of INT-10 crossing; Osceola National Forest., 26.669659 -82.22456
ILLS00147364 Maria Collie
United States, North Carolina, Nash, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147370 M.A. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Jones, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147374 M.A. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147363 M.A. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147056 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1978-06-03
United States, Georgia, Along Georgia Route 94, 30 miles east of Fargo., 30.680902 -82.060145
ILLS00147055 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1980-05-31
United States, Georgia, Ware, Entrance to Stephen C. Foster State Park, Georgia Route 177., 30.825501 -82.361239
ILLS00147054 J.L. Crane 06-230 2006-07-08
United States, Florida, Okaloosa, Vicinity of Deaton Bridge Road Pond. Blackwater River State Forest., 30.7299 -86.8751
ILLS00147053 J.L. Crane 03-324 2003-12-28
United States, Florida, Leon, Forest road off State Road 267, Apalachicola National Forest. Coordinate datum: NAD27. UTM Zone 16, 743870mE, 3357499mN., 30.3264 -84.4636
ILLS00147057 Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147362 M.A. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147433 M.A. & M.F. Basinger s.n. 2014-03-05
United States, Florida, Highlands, On Placidview Drive off of FL 70, approx. 2.5 mile west of US 70., 27.239348 -81.382698
ILLS00147444 M.A. & M.F. Basinger s.n. 2013-03-05
United States, Florida, Polk, Along road to Lake Godwin off of School Bus Road, Lake Wales Ridge State Forest., 27.933333 -81.55
ILLS00137985 M.A. & M.F. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147084 A.G. Vestal s.n. 1942-07-26
United States, New Jersey, Ocean, Island Beach [presently Island Beach State Park]. Barngat Light Quadrangle YTM Zone 18, 578441mE, 4409447mN., 39.847916 -74.085867
ILLS00147373 M.A. Basinger & K. Baker 10100 1995-08-07
United States, Massachusetts, Barnstable, north of Osterville Elementary School off of Bumps River Road, Osterville Township., 41.648463 -70.362343
ILLS00147059 John W. Thieret 2147 1956-08-05
United States, Illinois, Cook, "Sand Pit" west of Calumet Expressway, south of Ridge Road, east of Thornton., 41.568604 -87.62046
ILLS00147060 R.A. Evers 21457 1949-09-22
United States, Illinois, Cook, In a meadow south of Hazel Crest., 41.552434 -87.694835
ILLS00147061 Geo. D. Fuller 2322 1940-08-05
United States, Illinois, Cook, Thornton., 41.600852 -87.597666
ILLS00147062 Geo. D. Fuller 2286 1940-07-05
United States, Illinois, Cook, Thornton., 41.600852 -87.597666
ILLS00147058 R.A. Evers 77231 1963-07-17
United States, Illinois, Cook, Thornton sand pit near Thornton., 41.56809 -87.6081
ILLS00147063 R.A. Evers 102824 1970-07-01
United States, Illinois, Grundy, Goose Lake southeast of Morris., 41.356577 -88.281524
ILLS00147070 R.M. Ladd s.n. 1956-08-00
United States, Illinois, Kane, In Hill Bros. Bog, northeast of Starks., 42.093453 -88.450571
ILLS00147069 Charles John Sheviak 552 1972-05-29
United States, Illinois, Kane, Rutland Township Bog, 9 miles northwest of Elgin., 42.117569 -88.423124
ILLS00147071 Watson Bartlett s.n. 1952-07-05
United States, Illinois, Lee, Swale northwest of Sublette., 41.65258 -89.241258
ILLS00147076 Charles John Sheviak 416 1968-06-29
United States, Illinois, Will, In field southeast of Braidwood., 41.256515 -88.229448
ILLS00147082 J.L. Crane C-51 1992-09-01
United States, Maine, Katahdin Quadrangle, 1:62,500 UTM Zone 19. 5072300mN, 507850mE., 45.80639 -68.86612
ILLS00147079 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1992-09-01
United States, Maine, Piscataquis, Togue Ponds., 46.934979 -68.89389
ILLS00147086 J.B. Taft & M.K. Solecki
United States, North Carolina, Craven, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147067 Loy R. Phillippe 33405 2001-07-25
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Iroquois County State Conservation Area. Kankakee Sand Area of the Grand Prairie Natural Division., 40.98947 -87.56042, 200m
ILLS00147065 Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Jason A. Koontz, James L. Ellis, & Connie Carroll 33614 2001-08-23
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Iroquois County State Conservation Area. Edge community, in sedge meadow along edge of sand flatwoods., 40.9939 -87.55252, 197m
ILLS00147066 Loy R. Phillippe & Richard L. Larimore 33487 2001-08-09
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Iroquois County State Conservation Area. Kankakee Sand Area of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. East portion of Conservation Area., 40.99032 -87.54682
ILLS00147078 Steven R. Hill 34016 2001-07-15
United States, Maine, Washington, Steuben; gravel pit, northeast base of Eagle Hill, northeastern corner of junction of Morgador Road (old Dyer Bay Road) and Schooner Point Drive, Humboldt Field Research Institute, 3.75 miles due south-southeast of junction of Smithville Road and U.S. Route 1. West side of Dyer Bay. Elevation 105-130 feet., 44.463968 -67.924724
ILLS00147064 Loy R. Phillippe & John E. Ebinger 36252 2003-09-24
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Iroquois County State Conservation Area. Northeast corner of Iroquois County., 40.992239 -87.54835
ILLS00147068 Mary Ann Feist and Brenda Molano-Flores 2822 2004-08-16
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, IDNR property (Leesville East) northeast of intersection of 17000 E and 8000 S about 11 miles east of St. Anne, Kankakee County, Illinois., 41.01341 -87.53714
ILLS00147075 Loy R. Phillippe 37656 2005-06-16
United States, Illinois, Will, Braidwood Dunes and Savanna Nature Preserve. 0.8 mile southeast of Braidwood and west of the Bohemian Cemetery. Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. (NAD83/WGS84)., 41.25494 -88.19485, 178m
ILLS00147074 Loy R. Phillippe 38001 2006-09-02
United States, Illinois, Will, Braidwood Dunes and Savanna Nature Preserve. 0.8 mile southeast of Braidwood and west of the Bohemian Cemetery. Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. (NAD83/WGS84)., 41.24898 -88.1954, 182m
ILLS00147080 J.L. Crane 06-230 2006-07-08
United States, Florida, Okaloosa, Vicinity of Deaton Bridge Road Pond. Blackwater River State Forest., 30.7299 -86.8751
ILLS00147073 Loy R. Phillippe & Paul B. Marcum 39892 2007-07-18
United States, Illinois, Will, Sand Ridge Savanna Nature Preserve. 2.7 miles east of Braidwood (junction of Route 53 & 113) along Route 113. In the Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83, 41.26017 -88.16889, 174m
ILLS00147072 Loy R. Phillippe & Paul B. Marcum 40011 2007-08-13
United States, Illinois, Will, Sand Ridge Savanna Nature Preserve. 2.7 miles east of Braidwood (junction of Route 53 & 113) along Route 113. In the Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83, 41.25811 -88.1693, 173m
ILLS00147081 Steven R. Hill 39010 2012-08-13
United States, Maine, Hancock, Winter Harbor Fen, 1.2 kilometers east of Winter Harbor, north side of Maine Route 186, opposite Birch Harbor Pond. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 44.393905 -68.064346, 38m
ILLS00147083 J.L. Crane 03-148 2003-09-23
United States, New Hampshire, Carroll, Heath Bog at the Natural Area on Route 25, Ossipee Lake State Park north of Ossipee., 43.7713 -71.1194
ILLS00126069 Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Stephanie Glass, Paul Hlina, and Paul B. Marcum 44093 2016-07-20
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Brule River State Forest. Vapa Road Bog, west side of the Brule River about 16 mile northeast of Solon Springs, Wisconsin. North side of Vapa Road, a little more than 1000 meters southeast of Whisky Lake and about 4 mile west and 0.5 mile north of Cedar Island Airport. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 46.45397 -91.65945
ILLS00147077 145652 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 81 1981-08-01
United States, Georgia, Ware, Chesser Prairie, Suwannee Cal recreation area, Okenfenokee National Wildlife Refugee, 30.7075 -82.1842
ILLS00147087 Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147085 Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147360 M.A. Basinger & T.H. Brugh
United States, North Carolina, Richmond, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147372 M.A. Basinger & K. Baker 10198 1995-08-10
United States, Massachusetts, Barnstable, off of Tom's Path and Beachplum Lane in Dennisport, Dennis Township., 41.661823 -70.135679
ILLS00137945 J.L. Crane & C.A. Shearer
United States, New York, Hamilton, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147095 Rev. R. Brinker 452 1941-08-12
United States, Florida, 8 miles west of Pensacola., 30.42124 -87.351591
ILLS00147090 John W. Thieret 2148 1956-08-05
United States, Illinois, Cook, "Sand Pit" west of Calumet Expressway south of Ridge Road, east of Thornton., 41.56809 -87.6081
ILLS00147088 Charles John Sheviak 418 1968-06-07
United States, Illinois, Cook, In dune area southwest of bridge over Calumet Expressway at Thornton-Lansing Road. Thornton., 41.56809 -87.6081
ILLS00147089 Charles John Sheviak 417 1968-07-06
United States, Illinois, Cook, Along Thornton-Lansing Road. Lansing., 41.56809 -87.6081
ILLS00147092 R.A. Evers 10391 1948-06-15
United States, Illinois, Lake, Cedar Lake Bog at Lake Villa., 42.421912 -88.089748
ILLS00147093 R.A. Evers 4640 1947-06-23
United States, Illinois, Lake, On the floating mat of the bog at Cedar Lake, Lake Villa., 42.421912 -88.089748
ILLS00147091 Charles John Sheviak 224 1968-07-14
United States, Illinois, Lake, Bog north of Volo., 42.117569 -88.423124
ILLS00147096 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1992-09-01
United States, Maine, Piscataquis, Upper Togue Pond. Katahdin Quad. 1:62,500. UTM Zone 19. 508000mE, 5074000mN., 45.823794 -68.895684
ILLS00147099 Robert E. Greenberg s.n. 1964-07-21
United States, Michigan, Livingston, Proud Lake Recreation Area., 42.565634 -83.528844
ILLS00147105 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 29860 1981-06-05
Canada, New Brunswick, Sunburry, Webb Road north of Tracy., 45.676726 -66.682776
ILLS00147106 R.A. Evers 84197 1965-07-18
Canada, Northwest Territories, At Prelude Lake, 26 miles northeast of Yellowknife, District of Mackenzie., 62.714277 -113.776038
ILLS00147104 J.L. Crane 96-136 1996-05-30
United States, Wisconsin, Vilas, Trout Bog. UTM Zone 16. 292189mE, 5102049mN., 46.041154 -89.686696
ILLS00147103 J.L. Crane 96-251 1996-08-24
United States, Wisconsin, Vilas, Crystal Bog. UTM Zone 16, 298235mE, 5098282mN., 46.007911 -89.605743
ILLS00147097 Steven R. Hill 34023 2001-07-15
United States, Maine, Washington, Steuben; gravel pit, northeast base of Eagle Hill, northeastern corner of junction of Morgador Road (old Dyer Bay Road) and Schooner Point Drive, Humboldt Field Research Institute, 3.75 miles due south-southeast of junction of Smithville Road and U.S. Route 1. West side of Dyer Bay. Elevation 105-130 feet., 44.463968 -67.924724
ILLS00147098 Tad Zebryk 7214 2000-09-22
United States, Massachusetts, Hampden, Monson: Peaked Mountain; seepage bog off Roslyn’s Road below junction with Kevin’s Road, east of Butler Road, just north of state line., 42.047595 -72.339804
ILLS00147101 Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Connie J. Carroll & Grant Cunningham
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147100 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1991-08-14
United States, New York, Saint Lawrence, Bog at Horseshoe Lake, Adirondack Park. Coordinate datum: NAD27. UTM Zone 18, 531480mE, 4886076mN., 44.1292 -74.6064
ILLS00126068 Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Stephanie Glass, Paul Hlina, and Paul B. Marcum 44069 2016-07-20
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Brule River State Forest. Vapa Road Bog, west side of the Brule River about 16 mile northeast of Solon Springs, Wisconsin. North side of Vapa Road, a little more than 1000 meters southeast of Whisky Lake and about 4 mile west and 0.5 mile north of Cedar Island Airport. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 46.45353 -91.66006
ILLS00147094 Loy R. Phillippe 43835 2015-07-12
United States, Alaska, Fairbanks North Star, West of Fairbanks in the Cripple Creek Area, about 3 mile south and 0.75 mile west of Ester. NE of power line right-of-way and near trail through open woods. Headwaters of Cripple Creek in open wet area., 64.80543 -148.04889
ILLS00147102 Paul B. Marcum, Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Paul Hlina, Brenda Molano-Flores, Jean Mengelkoch, and Stephanie Glass 6901 2015-09-02
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Analysis of the Vegetative Cover of the Brule River Watershed, Revisited 2015-2018. Cedar Swamp #11. South side of the Brule R. between Angel and Jerseth Creeks, ~0.3 miles south of Stone Chimney Rd. WGS 84 Datum; +/- 18.1 ft, 46.41246 -91.71816
ILLS00147369 M.A. & R.N. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147368 M.A. Basinger s.n. 2001-08-03
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, Along Lake Michigan along US 2, Hiawatha National Forest, between Gros Cap and Brevort., 45.87029 -84.827833
ILLS00147361 Erin Conley s.n. 1992-09-05
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Lighthouse Bog, Sand Island., 46.979096 -90.948524
ILLS00147371 M.A. Basinger & K. Baker 10145 1995-08-08
United States, Maine, Cumberland, along the margin of Black Pond south of Fryeburg off of Porter Road, Fryeburg Township., 44.23091 -70.262165
ILL00171078 M.A. Basinger s.n. 2006-07-23
United States, Maine, Hancock, Along loop road that goes to Great Long Pond off of ME 102, Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island., 44.33097 -68.310242
ILL00171077 M.A. Basinger s.n. 2004-07-23
United States, New Hampshire, Grafton, on south side of NH 112 going east toward INT 93, White Mts. National Forest., 44.151194 -71.416878
ILLS00147699 M.A. & M.F. Basinger s.n. 2014-08-02
United States, West Virginia, Tucker, Along FR 13 (Canaan Loop Road), off of WV 32 in between Davis & Canaan Valley at Canaan Heights, Monongahela Naitonal Forest., 39.0833 -79.4167
ILLS00137437 M.A. Feist, P. Hlina, L.R. Phillippe, P.B. Marcum, D. Anderson 6455 2016-07-19
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Brule River State Forest. Ca. 1485 ft E of Anderson Rd. and ca. 1475 ft S of Francis Willard Rd., 46.47057 -91.64963
ILLS00137571 M.A. & M.F. Basinger s.n. 2013-08-05
United States, West Virginia, Randolph, Along lakeshore & trail at Spruce Knob Lake off of FR 1, Monongahela National Forest., 38.70265 -79.588262
ILLS00137911 L.R. Phillippe, M.A. Feist, S. Glass, P. Hlina, & P.B. Marcum 33126 2016-07-20
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Forestry Road Bog 3. West side of the Brule River, about 7.5 mile southwest of Brule, Wisconsin., 46.49846 -91.63366
ILLS00137936 J.L. Crane & C.A. Shearer s.n. 1992-08-27
Canada, Quebec, Unnamed Lake opposite LG2, Radisson., 53.81138 -77.35303
ILLS00137955 M.A. Feist, P. Hlina, L.R. Phillippe, P.B. Marcum, & D. Anderson 6460 2016-07-19
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Just S of US Rte. 2, ca. 1750 ft SE of intersection with County Rd. O. Part of the Blueberry Swamp complex., 46.57808 -91.66262
ILLS00137963 J.L. Crane & C.A. Shearer s.n. 1992-07-28
Canada, Quebec, Lac Miron at Route 109., 53.029122 -77.3694197
ILLS00147108 M.A. & R.N. Basinger s.n. 2011-04-14
United States, Florida, Liberty, At junction of FR 132 and FL 65, Appalachicola National Forest., 30.312787 -84.829217
ILLS00147366 M.A. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147365 M.A. & R.N. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
ILLS00147107 Steven R. Hill, with Geoffrey Harvey 35789 2004-03-15
Australia, Queensland, Wide Bay Pastoral District. Cooloola Sand Forest, Rainbow Beach Road, east of Seary’s Creek parking area. Near the western Pacific Ocean coast. Northeast of Gympie. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., -25.93738 153.08218, 31m