John W. Thieret 41136 1973-06-21
United States, Oklahoma, Johnston, Pond on east side of main entrance road, ca. 1 mile north of Headquarters, Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge, ca. 2.5 miles southeast of Tishomingo.
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1947-05-15
United States, California, Mendocino, Boggy Valley Bottom. Ca 21 miles west of Willits on Route 20. Jackson State Forest. NoYo Hill quadrangle UTM Zone 10, 438464mE, 4361343mN., 39.4013 -123.714
Steven R. Hill 37850 2008-07-23
United States, Illinois, Cass, 39.9138 -90.49472, 133m
Steven R. Hill; Jason A. Koontz 34236 2001-08-28
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Illinois Route 3 (FAP 312), McClure, southeast side, periodically ponded area, sometimes cropped, north of the east-west Devil’s Island Road (508E), just north of town line. Opposite abandoned barn. McClure 7.5 minute U.S.G.S. quadrangle. Elevation about 340 feet.
John Schwegman s.n. 2004-07-27
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Wet sandy open ground on margin of shallow pond, upper Dogtooth bend.
Henry Eilers s.n.
United States, Illinois, Montgomery, Shoal Creek Barrens Nature Preserve. In the Effingham Plain Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division., 39.19 -89.59
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1947-05-15
United States, California, Mendocino, A “bog” about 21 miles west of Willits on Route 20. UTM Zone 10, 448132mE, 4355686mN. (WGS84/NAD83)., 39.3491 -123.602, 30m
Steven R. Hill; Humboldt Institute Plant Systematics class 32627 2000-07-12
United States, Maine, Hancock, Tunk Lake, south side Maine Route. 182, ca. 5.5 miles west of Unionville Road, 6.5 miles west of Cherryfield. Just east of boat launch area. Elev. 210 ft., 44.6083 -68.06, 64m