Search Results (List)

Dataset: ILLS-
Taxa: Gentianaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 718

Illinois Natural History Survey

Jay N. Holliday, Jr.   1961964-08-10
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Range, Pole Mountain District, Medicine Bow National Forest, west of Eagle Rock., 42.2667 -105.6333, 2499m

Erwin F. Evert   306071995-08-07
United States, Montana, Madison, Madison Range: Gallatin National Forest: Koch Basin on the east side of Koch Peak at head of Tumbledown Creek, ca 25 mi SE of Ennis.

Loy R. Phillippe   438462015-07-12
United States, Alaska, Valdez Cordova, Round Tangle Lake area about 20 miles (32 kilometer) west of Paxson on the Deanali Highway near Tangle River Inn. South of the Inn in upland area of Tundra., 63.04869 -145.97849

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Along Hatcher Pass Road downslope from Hatcher Pass monument., 61.769722 -149.308889

Mrs. Jos. Clemens   s.n.1911-08-09
United States, Utah, Summit, Holiday Park.

Blanch McAvoy   s.n.1910-06-16
United States, Colorado, South Cheyenne Cannon., 38.774693 -104.875506

Blanch McAvoy   s.n.1911-08-13
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park., 44.39639 -110.36583

Blanch McAvoy   s.n.1911-08-13
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park., 44.39639 -110.36583

Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach
Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Daniel T. Busemeyer, Paul B. Marcum, and Richard L. Larimore   26472004-06-16
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Tensleep Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. Southwest flank, foothills of the Bighorn Mountains, about 10 miles east of Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming. (WGS84/NAD83)., 43.97933 -107.22304, 1915m

Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach
Paul B. Marcum, Dan T. Busemeyer, Mary Ann Feist, and Loy R. Phillippe.   25692004-06-17
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Tensleep Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. Southwest flank, foothills of the Bighorn Mountains, about 10 miles east of Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming. (WGS84/NAD83)., 44.00508 -107.19552, 2134m

Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Grisebach
Dan Busemeyer, Rick Larimore, Rick Phillippe, and Paul Marcum   24302005-08-22
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Tensleep Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. Southwest flank, foothills, of the Bighorn Mountains, about 10 miles east of Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming. (WGS84/NAD83)., 44.00571 -107.25214, 1905m

Stephanie Mitchell   1381996-07-08
United States, Idaho, Cassia, Albion Mountains. Sawtooth National Forest, about 1 mile East on Emory Canyon Road from junction with United States Forest Road # 562., 2487m

Jay N. Holliday   31964-06-23
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Range, Pole Mountain District, Medicine Bow National Forest, west of Eagle Rock. Ex. MWI., 42.2667 -105.6333, 2499m

Centaurium exaltatum (Griseb.) Piper
A.G. Vestal   s.n.1938-06-27
Mexico, Baja del Norte Distrito, 10 miles south of Sto Tomas, Valle Santo Tomas. Rodolfo Sanchez Taboada HiiB22 quadrangle UTM Zone 11, 562124mE, 3487124mN.

Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce.
Glen S. Winterringer   171801960-07-28
United States, Illinois, Cook, North part of Wolf Lake State Park, Chicago.

C.K. Sheviak & J.K. Sheviak   14831978-08-25
United States, Illinois, Cook, Low calcareous sand prairie; Burnham.

R.A. Evers   971381968-07-30
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, Roadside south of Kankakee.

Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) E. Krause
R. Dale Thomas   837281983-05-25
United States, Louisiana, Allen, Beside Sun Oil Company, road west of US 165, 1.2 miles north of Kinder.

Steven R. Hill & J. Taft   260441994-09-06
United States, Illinois, Cook, Junction of Tri State Tollway and Route I-57 overpass. Harvey 7.5 minute quad.

T. Antonio, S. Masi, and J. Epting   7827 FCC# 3851996-07-23
United States, Illinois, Cook, Thornton Fractional Prairie. Calumet City. 15600 south Superior Street, 3 blocks west of Burnham Avenue. Collected along north trail, west of school adjacent to path at edge of wet swale.

Centaurium pulchellum (Swartz) Druce
Steven R. Hill   326882000-07-20
United States, OHIO, TRUMBULL, Youngstown, north side Rt. I-80, Belmont Avenue (OH Rt. 193) exit, along exit ramp adjoining Tally-ho-tel property.

Centaurium pulchellum (Schwartz) Druce
Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich, Emily Warren, & Georgy A. Lazkov   321012000-07-15
Kyrgyzstan, Dzhalal-Abad Region, 18 kilometer west-southwest of Kazarman. Syr Darya Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia. Elevation about 1550 meters. Site # 2000-100.

Michael J. C. Murphy   3262005-07-13
United States, Illinois, Lake, I-94 tollway corridor., 42.48433 -87.94772

Steven R. Hill   375492007-06-29
United States, Illinois, McHenry, South of Rakow Road and east of the eastern terminus of the included curve, north of Crystal Creek, east-northeast corner of ponded gravel pit approximately 200-500 feet south of edge of pavement opposite Sheffield Drive [Crystal Lake], Lake in the Hills. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 42.21027 -88.32785

Michael J. C. Murphy   3212005-07-13
United States, Illinois, Lake, Roadside on west side of southbound lanes of I-94, 0.2 mile south of Russell Road., 42.48452 -87.94768

Michael J. C. Murphy   50502012-06-28
United States, Illinois, Will, 2.5 miles west of Wilmington, IL; 500 feet northwest of Interstate-55 and one mile south of Ceco Road. (WGS84/NAD83), 41.3078399 -88.2073199

Steven R. Hill   387262011-07-07
United States, Illinois, McHenry, Margin of Richmond Hunting Club property, east side of Hawk Point Drive 600 feet north of Illinois [Route] 173, 2.1 kilometers east-northeast of Richmond. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 42.48154 -88.28177, 244m

Eustoma exaltatum (L.) Griseb.
J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht   s.n.1979-12-30
United States, Florida, Layton, Long Key, Florida.

Eustoma exaltatum (L.) Griseb.
J.L. Crane & Payam M. Fallah   98-2531998-05-18
United States, Florida, Monroe, Little Torch Key, UTM Zone 17, 460166mE, 2728595mN.

Eustoma exaltatum (Linnaeus) Griseb.
J.L. Crane   06-2702006-07-12
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Vicinity of Paurotis Pond. Everglades National Park., 25.2815 -80.8041

Eustoma exaltatum (L.) Salisburty ex. G. Don
Alvin R. Diamond & P. Harris   2413782013-07-18
United States, Alabama, Baldwin, US Hwy 90, 3.05 mile east of the Interstate Hwy 10 interchange., 30.680361 -87.99925

Eustoma exaltatum (L.) Salisbury ex G. Don
ILLS00150742M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2012-12-31
United States, Florida, Brevard, Black Point Wildlife Drive off FL 406, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.

Gentianella amarella (Linnaeus) Boerner
ILLS00126195Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Dan Busemeyer, Rick Larimore, and Trey Davis   36972005-08-25
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Tensleep Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. Southwest flank, foothills of the Bighorn Mountains, about 10 miles east of Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming. (WGS84/NAD83)., 44.05047 -107.19744, 2219m

K. R. Robertson, J. B. Taft, and G. A. Lazkov   53671998-08-16
Kyrgyzstan, Chuy Region, Central Asia. Suusamyr Valley of the Kichi-Korumdy River, 30 kilometer east of Otmek. Elevation: 2291 meters; Locality # 1998-009.

W. Hess   23991968-09-21
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Mogollon Mountains of the Gila Wilderness, Gila National Forest. Indian Creek drainage system, 15 miles north of Mogollon. Elevation 8200 feet.

Swertia parryi (Torrey) Kuntze
A.G. Vestal   s.n.1963-05-21
United States, California, San Diego, About 4.4 miles north-northwest of Cameron Corners. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. (32° 41' 5" North Latitude, -116° 27' 3" West Longitude; Coordinate datum: NAD27.)., 32.6847 -116.451

Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Along Hatcher Pass Road downslope from the Hatcher Pass monument., 61.769722 -149.308889

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
Rev. R. Brinker   31011943-09-09
United States, Illinois, Adams, 2 miles south of Burton, Illinois., 39.86864 -91.250123

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   352381952-08-07
United States, Illinois, Adams, Northeast of Beverly.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
Rev. R. Brinker   28251943-07-29
United States, Illinois, Adams, 6 miles southeast of Quincy, Illinois., 39.874081 -91.329675

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   710021961-08-24
United States, Illinois, Adams, Western section, Siloam Springs State Park., 39.888372 -90.94292

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   710151961-08-24
United States, Illinois, Adams, Western section, Siloam Springs State Park., 39.888372 -90.94292

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
Rev. R. Brinker   28161943-07-23
United States, Illinois, Adams, 4 miles southeast of Quincy, Illinois., 39.872464 -91.334778

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   709441961-08-23
United States, Illinois, Adams, Abandoned field, Little Mill Creek, east of Quincy.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
Rev. R. Brinker   27221943-07-15
United States, Illinois, Adams, 1 mile south of Burton, Illinois., 39.879183 -91.249436

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   746511962-07-12
United States, Illinois, Adams, Siloam Springs State Park.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   662231960-08-03
United States, Illinois, Alexander, 6 miles east of McClure.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   186811949-07-16
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Northwest of Tamms.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
Franklin B. Buser   63211956-06-12
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Near Fayville.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   313541951-07-28
United States, Illinois, Bond, East of Smithboro.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   351761952-08-06
United States, Illinois, Brown, East of Siloam village, Siloam Springs State Park., 39.8833 -90.9

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   710641961-08-24
United States, Illinois, Brown, Eastern section, Siloam Springs State Park., 39.889214 -90.915688

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   970241968-07-23
United States, Illinois, Brown, Siloam Springs State Park, Brown County section., 39.889214 -90.915688

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   811581964-07-21
United States, Illinois, Brown, South of Mount Sterling., 39.971749 -90.76415

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   1137601974-08-20
United States, Illinois, Brown, Siloam Springs State Park., 39.889214 -90.915688

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   487221955-08-13
United States, Illinois, Brown, Along McKee Creek south of Mount Sterling., 39.971749 -90.76415

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   660191960-07-28
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, McNabb Hollow, south of Hamburg.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   919431967-07-18
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, South section Cap au Gres Bluff, south of Batchtown.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   965341968-07-10
United States, Illinois, Clark, East of Martinsville.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   1108751973-07-24
United States, Illinois, Clay, East of Clay City.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   313321951-07-27
United States, Illinois, Clinton, South of Posey.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   56641947-07-30
United States, Illinois, Cumberland, Four miles east of Neoga.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   551451957-07-30
United States, Illinois, Edwards, 4 miles north of Grayville.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
Paul Shildneck   C-96601978-07-27
United States, Illinois, Effingham, Fremington Cemetery, along US 40 between Keptown and Altamont.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   515341956-07-23
United States, Illinois, Effingham, 8 miles south of Effingham.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   185561949-07-15
United States, Illinois, Effingham, Northeast of Effingham.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   517761956-07-26
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Prairie north of Farina.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   124921948-07-24
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Along railroad southwest of Laclede.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   185671949-07-15
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Roadside northeast of Laclede.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   703061961-08-08
United States, Illinois, Gallatin, The Pounds, southwest of Gibsonia.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   1135801974-08-07
United States, Illinois, Hamilton, West of Walpole.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   186041949-07-15
United States, Illinois, Hamilton, Along railroad northwest of Delafield.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   922491967-08-02
United States, Illinois, Hardin, 2 miles south of Eichorn.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   661781960-08-02
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Prairie opening, Kaskaskia Forest, south of Karbers Ridge.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   661761960-08-02
United States, Illinois, Hardin, Kaskaskia Forest, south of Karbers Ridge.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
G.H. Boewe   s.n.1945-08-16
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Along right-of-way of US 51 about 0.25 mile north of bridge over Illinois Central Railroad, Elkville.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   185811949-07-15
United States, Illinois, Jefferson, Along railroad northwest of Belle River.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   584901958-09-12
United States, Illinois, Jefferson, Devil's Prop, 2 miles south of Divide.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   925331967-08-09
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Bensons Bluff, southeast of Goreville. The Latitude / longitude and T.R. Sect. are an estimate to allow approximate location of Benson Bluff. Goreville 7.5 minute quadrangle., 37.5121 -88.9057

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
G.H. Boewe   s.n.1933-07-19
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Dry hillside, New Burnside.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
Ogden Glasgow   8-4-1631940-08-04
United States, Indiana, Lake, 1 mile east of East Chicago on US 12.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
P. Shildneck   C-45891972-09-25
United States, Illinois, Macon, High west shoulder of road about 75 meters south of Long Creek.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
Chas. Robertson   s.n.1883-08-07
United States, Illinois, Macoupin, Carlinville.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
Chas. Robertson   s.n.1883-08-10
United States, Illinois, Macoupin, Carlinville.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
Robbin C. Moran   16151981-08-05
United States, Illinois, Marion, Between railroad tracks and HIghway 37, about 1.5 miles north of Kinmundy.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   124881948-07-24
United States, Illinois, Marion, Along railroad northeast of Alma.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   662751960-08-03
United States, Illinois, Massac, West of Midway.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   187611949-07-17
United States, Illinois, Montgomery, Along railroad northeast of Schram City.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   1109261973-07-25
United States, Illinois, Perry, Southeast of Cutler.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   273311950-09-08
United States, Illinois, Pike, 3 miles south of Kinderhook.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   1065331971-08-19
United States, Illinois, Pike, Southeast of Kinderhook.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
G.H. Boewe   s.n.1946-08-05
United States, Illinois, Pope, Clyde Copley's farm, Bay City.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   1004571969-07-30
United States, Illinois, Pope, Jackson Hollow, southwest of McCormick.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   912631967-06-28
United States, Illinois, Pope, Massac Tower, south of Bay City.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   668941960-08-24
United States, Illinois, Pope, South of Lusk.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   1031111970-07-23
United States, Illinois, Pope, Southwest of Bay City.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   748621962-07-18
United States, Illinois, Pope, Lusk Creek Canyon, northeast of Eddyville.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
Raymond Smith   10481986-07-13
United States, Illinois, Pope, Jackson Hollow Natural Area.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   1109291973-07-25
United States, Illinois, Randolph, Southeast of Prairie du Rocher.

Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh.
R.A. Evers   550921957-07-30
United States, Illinois, Richland, 2 miles south of Dundas.

Page 1, records 1-100 of 718


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