Search Results (List)

Dataset: ILLS-
Taxa: Malpighiaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-22 of 22

Illinois Natural History Survey

S.R. Hill   308821998-09-18
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Casa Grande Mountains, south of Casa Grande, 0.3 mile south of Rt. I-8. On Trekell Road, then 1.1 miles east towards antennas on ridge.

Malpighia emarginata Sessé and Mocino
Steven R. Hill   256371994-05-28
Dominica, Saint Paul, Lesser Antilles. Archbold Tropical Research Center, Springfield Estate, elevation about 1200 feet. Vicinity of Archbold house and guest house grounds.

Byrsonima crassifolia (Linnaeus) H.B.K.
Steven R. Hill   273701995-08-22
Guyana, South America, Region IX. Upper Takutu District: Southern Rupununi Savanna, east side of Rupununi River, Dadanawa. Due northeast of ranch compound. Towards corrals on low sand ridge. Elevation 110 to 120 meter.

Byrsonima crassifolia (Linnaeus) HBK
R.A. Zahawi   2662000-09-12
Honduras, Altantida, Halfway up trail leading to Playitas from the village of Recreo. Elevation ~300 meters, rainfall 3000 millimeters.

Byrsonima lucida (Mill.) DC.
J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht   s.n.1979-01-02
United States, Florida, Everglades National Park., 25.44704 -80.80802

Byrsonima lucida (Mill.) DC.
J.L. Crane   282462005-03-25
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Long Pine Key Hammock Number 21. Everglades National Park. (WGS84/NAD83). UTM Zone 17, 533639mE, 2809137mN., 25.4005 -80.6654

Loy R. Phillippe, Joseph L. Crane, Scott Mori, Carol Gracie, Bob Wever, & S.V. Heald   268921995-09-15
French Guiana, Saül. Along dirt road at Saül Airport. Open bright exposed area.

Stigmaphyllon sinuatum (DC.) A. Juss.
S. Mori & C. Gracie   242041995-09-24
French Guiana, Saül (3° 37' N, 53° 12') and vicinity. At Eaux Claires, along the Route de Bélizon. Supported by the Fund for Neotropical Plant Research.

Byrsonima cuneata (Turczaninow) P. Wilson
J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht   s.n.1994-12-30
United States, Florida, Miami - Dade, Pinelands. Long Island Key. Everglades National Park. Coordinate Datum: NAD27. UTM Zone 17, 532136mE, 2811858mN., 25.4247 -80.6804

Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) DC.
Steven R. Hill with C.N. Horn   271321995-08-13
Guyana, South America, Region IV. Demerara-Mahaica District: Road from Timehri to Linden, 1.3 kilometer southeast of junction with airport road.

Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) DC.
Ethan Freid   95-2451995-07-13
Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. Quarry at end of Turure Road, Long Stretch.

Steven R. Hill   280281996-05-30
Dominica, Lesser Antilles, Saint Paul Parish. Canefield, new Breezies Market near Brisbane store just south of airport.

Steven R. Hill with L.R. Phillippe   289071997-02-24
Dominica, Saint Paul Parish. Disturbed areas around Brizee's Market, Canefield; elev. ca. 50 ft. West Caribbean coast.

Stigmaphyllon bannisterioides (Linnaeus) C. Anderson
Steven R. Hill with C.N. Horn   271001995-08-12
Guyana, South America, Region IV. Demerara-Mahaica District: Former railroad embankment at junction of Sheriff Street and David Street. ) 0 to 5 meter elevation. Georgetown.

Stigmaphyllon diversifolium (Kunth.) Adr. Jussieu
Steven R. Hill   280101996-05-29
Dominica, Lesser Antilles, Saint John Parish. Cabrits National Park, dry forest over volcanic boulders; elevation 100 to 200 feet. Caribbean coast.

R. A. Zahawi   291
Honduras, Atlantida, Playitas, in the watershed of the Rio Santiaguito. 2.5 hours hike east south-east from the village of Recreo. Elevation ~300 meters, rainfall 3000mm.

Steven R. Hill with C.N. Horn & J. Wiersema   272421995-08-19
Guyana, South America, Region IX. Upper Takutu District: Southern Rupununi Savanna, east side of Rupununi River, Dadanawa. Elevation 110 to 120 meters; due north of Dadanawa ranch cookhouse.

Jubelina rosea (Miq.) Nied.
S. Mori, C. Davidson, J. Moonen, & B. Moonen   273592009-11-01
French Guiana, On road at far side of Cacao leading to town water reservoir. About 200 to 500 meter from Cacao. 4° 33' 30.8" N, 52° 27' 48.3" W. Elevation 80 meter., 4.55855 -52.4634, 80m

Loy R. Phillippe, Joseph L. Crane, Scott Mori, Carol Gracie, Bob Wever, & R. Yahr   270231995-09-28
French Guiana, Saül. Route de Belizon, first bridge site just northwest of Resort Les Eaux-Claires. Floodplain of creek. Elevation 200 meters.

Tetrapterys discolor (G. Mey) DC.
Daniel T. Busemeyer, Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Paul B. Marcum, Brenda Molano-Flores, Jean Mengelkoch, Rebecca Peters, & John B. Taft   27162007-01-18
Costa Rica, Puntarenas Province,, Coto Brus, Las Cruces Biological Station & Wilson Botanical Garden, 4 miles (6.4 kilometer) south of San Vito on a ridge of the Fila Zapote range of mountains. Loop trail. (WGS84/NAD83)., 8.783849 -82.96796, 1213m

Steven R. Hill, Dean & Kris Kandt   257471994-06-01
Dominica, Saint Patrick, Lesser Antilles. Old foot trail from Petite Savane to Pointe Mulatre; elevation 500-1500 feet.

Steven R. Hill, Dean & Kris Kandt   257471994-06-01
Dominica, Saint Patrick, Lesser Antilles. Old foot trail from Petite Savane to Pointe Mulatre; elevation 500-1500 feet.

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