Robert A. Evers & Clara V. Evers 115515 1976-08-13
United States, Alaska, Unknown, Wayside Rest Area, Mile 1344.5 (2151 km) of Alaska Highway, about 17 miles (27 km) southeast of Dot Lake.
Tom Juenger 32356
United States, Colorado, Creede, Starvation Gulch Weminuch Wilderness., 37.606044 -107.305152
J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1984-07-31
United States, Colorado, Mineral, Spring Creek Pass, Rio Grande National Forest; elevation 10901 feet., 38.387592 -107.077213
J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 18-82 1982-07-29
United States, Montana, Meagher, South of St. Mary.
Blanch McAvoy s.n. 1911-08-10
United States, Wyoming, Unknown, Yellowstone National Park., 44.471394 -110.24629
J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 30195 1982-07-24
Canada, British Columbia, Alberta, Trail to Mt. Edith Cavell, Jasper National Park., 52.668333 -118.055294
Robert A. Evers 17318 1949-06-08
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, Apple River Canyon State Park.
Steven R. Hill 29481 1997-06-30
United States, Michigan, Emmet, Wilderness State Park, Lake Michigan shore; Sturgeon Bay Drive. Ca. 7 miles west of Mackinaw City; coastal dunes.
Paul B. Marcum, Dan T. Busemeyer, Mary Ann Feist, and Loy R. Phillippe. 2596.2 2004-06-17
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Tensleep Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. Southwest flank, foothills of the Bighorn Mountains, about 10 miles east of Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming. (WGS84/NAD83)., 44.0035 -107.20149, 2181m
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Dan Busemeyer, Rick Larimore, and Trey Davis 3679 2005-08-25
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Tensleep Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. Southwest flank, foothills of the Bighorn Mountains, about 10 miles east of Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming. (WGS84/NAD83)., 44.0546 -107.19601, 2243m
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger s.n. 2016-07-21
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough. At bottom of Government Peak on Hatcher Pass Road paralleling Little Susitna River, Hatcher Pass Public Day Use Area.
Blanch McAvoy s.n. 1909-05-31
United States, Utah, Unknown, Salt Lake City.
Patricia Lu-Irving with David Tank, Kara Ardern, Sarah Jacobs, Chris Bare, Hannah Marx, Luke Ledwich, Chris Irving. 45236 2011-06-25
United States, Idaho, Adams, Payette National Forest, Forest Service Road 123, ? miles from junction with Forest Service Road 143. 45° 0’ 33.0114” N, 116° 36’ 5.9754” W. WGS 84, + 5 meters. Elevation 1482 meters, 45.00916 -116.6016, 1483m
J.F. Smith with Pam Reschke, Robert Goff, Doug Williams, Barb Smith 9632 2011-06-24
United States, Idaho, Adams, Payette National Forest, Ditch Creek Road. 44° 53.912’ N, 116° 42.852’ W. WGS 84. Lat/Lon source: GPS Reading. Elevation 1490 meters., 44.898533 -116.7142, 1490m
Blanch McAvoy s.n. 1911-05-05
United States, Colorado, Unknown, Boulder., 40.014986 -105.270546
W.P. Vestal & A.G. Vestal 3314 1955-03-15
United States, California, San Diego, Sweetwater Mesa-fragment, ca. 2.4 miles east of National City., 32.682299 -117.005707
Loy R. Phillippe, Grant Cunningham, & Paul B. Marcum 38744 2006-05-27
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Tensleep Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. Southwest flank, foothills, of the Bighorn Mountains, about 10 miles east of Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming. High on north-facing slope near plateau in the valley of Canyon Creek Canyon, little north west-facing slope. (WGS84/NAD83)., 44.01167 -107.20052, 2131m
Jessica DaBell with David Tank, Kara Ardern, Nathan LeClear, Julia Bent 45247 2011-06-24
United States, Idaho, Adams, Payette National Forest, approximately 600 feet above Forest Service Road 070, approximately 22 miles northwest of Council. Below Rocky Comfort Flat. 44° 57’ 41.6874” N, 116° 42’ 35.7114” W. WGS 84 +/- 7 meters Lat/Lon source: GPS reading. Elevation 1268 meters., 44.9615 -116.709, 1268m
J. O. Neill 15983 1960-06-30
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Off Highway 13.
W.P. Vestal & A.G. Vestal 3314 1955-03-15
United States, California, San Diego, Sweetwater Mesa-fragment, ca. 2.4 miles east of National City., 32.682299 -117.005707
Robert A. Evers 3314 1955-03-15
United States, California, San Diego, Sweetwater Mesa-fragment, ca. 2.4 miles east of National City., 32.682299 -117.005707
Robert A. Evers 3314 1955-03-15
United States, California, San Diego, Sweetwater Mesa-fragment, ca. 2.4 miles east of National City., 32.682299 -117.005707
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1941-05-10
United States, California, Ventura, Sulphur Springs., 34.42778 -119.0875
J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 18-82 1982-07-29
United States, Montana, Meagher, South of St. Mary.
J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 18-82 1982-07-29
United States, Montana, Meagher, South of St. Mary.
J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 17-82 1982-07-28
United States, Montana, Unknown, Road No. 8 from Camas Creek to Fish Creek Campground, Glacier National Park.
W. Hess, K. Allen, N. Stoynoff, K. Cherwin, K. Dreisilker 9229 2000-07-26
United States, Montana, Missoula, Lolo National Forest, Montana., 47.14333 -113.57167
Mark A. Basinger & Robert Basinger 5083 1993-05-15
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Mixed hardwood-pine forest at a pullover off of US 129 near Calderwood Dam above the Little Tennessee River.
R. Dale Thomas with B. Ray Thomas 153714A 1997-04-22
United States, Tennessee, Monroe, Cherokee National Forest. Woods beside Johns Creek and USFS 384C southeast of Tennessee 165 and Tellico Plains.
Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Dan Busemeyer, Connie Carroll, Greg Spyreas 803 2001-04-29
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Near Campsite #14 off of Hannah Mountain Trail and origin of Bear Den Branch., 35.56617 -83.92525
Roger A. McCoy & Mark A. Basinger 232 1997-04-16
United States, South Carolina, Pickens, Peach Orchard Branch, off of South Carolina 11.
Alvin R. Diamond 13176 2002-05-12
United States, Alabama, Dale, Fort Rucker. Un-numbered dirt military road 0.3 mile north of Steep Head Creek. West of the road. Collected and distributed through Troy State University.
Mary Ann Feist, Rick Phillippe, & Connie Carroll
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Steven R. Hill 34516 2002-04-17
United States, South Carolina, Pickens, Along Todd’s Creek (Camp Creek) west of Brookbend Road crossing downslope from high-tension powerline right-of-way and waterfall, above confluence with Lake Hartwell, about 5 miles north of junction of South Carolina Route 133 and US Route 123/76, Clemson., 34.74705 -82.81663
P. B. Marcum, L. R. Phillippi, M. A. Feist, C. J. Carroll, P. Tessene, G. Spyreas, B. Molano-Flores, K. Langdon PBM 1086 2002-04-28
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, (access off of U.S. 129)., 35.51525 -83.97575
P. B. Marcum, M. A. Feist, B. Molano-Flores PBM 1152 2002-04-30
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, (access off of U.S. 129)., 35.52999 -83.98196
Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Greg Spyreas, Paul B. Marcum, David M. Ketzner
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Geoffrey Levin, Connie Carroll, Grant Cunningham, Mary Ann Feist, Paul B. Marcum, and Greg Spyreas
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Jim Payne, and Paul B. Marcum 37036 2004-07-27
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Along Anthony Creek Trail below Cold Water Knob. (WGS84/NAD83)., 35.5854 -83.74768, 866m
Greg Spyreas, Mary Ann Feist, Dave Ketzner, Paul Marcum & Loy R. Phillippe 185 2003-04-27
United States, Tennessee, Blount, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. White Oak Sinks along the Schoolhouse Gap Trail, just west of Laurel Creek along Spence Branch. Coordinate Data WGS84/NAD83., 35.62984 -83.72906, 500m
J.L. Crane 96-176 1996-05-30
United States, Wisconsin, Vilas, Grassy Creek, 46.1519444 -88.40111
Loy R. Phillippe, Paul Marcum, Mary Ann Feist, Dianne Phillippe, & Paul Hlina 43770 2015-05-27
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Brule River State Forest located east of Amnicon Falls State Park and north of US State Route 2. At bridge crossing on Secondary Road FF over Brule River about 1.1 mile west of junction of Secondary Roads FF & H and about 0.5 mile south of Wisconsin Secondary Road FF. Upland Forest on sandy bank on east side of the Brule River and west of Len Root Road., 46.62589 -91.59257
Paul B. Marcum, Mary Ann Feist, Paul Hlina, Emmet Judziewicz, Marissa Barrett, Stephanie Glass, and Bill Eldred 6718 2015-07-14
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Analysis of the Vegetative Cover of the Brule River Watershed, Revisited 2015-2018. Angel Creek Swamp, ~ 0.65 miles east of County Road P. WGS 84 Datum; +/- 14.1 ft, 46.40977 -91.73978
Paul B. Marcum, Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Paul Hlina, Brenda Molano-Flores, Jean Mengelkoch, and Stephanie Glass 6875 2015-09-02
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Analysis of the Vegetative Cover of the Brule River Watershed, Revisited 2015-2018. Cedar Swamp #11. South side of the Brule R. between Angel and Jerseth Creeks, ~0.3 miles south of Stone Chimney Rd. WGS 84 Datum; +/- 20.3 ft, 46.41234 -91.71861
Mark A. Basinger & Robert A. Basinger 5084 1993-05-15
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Mixed hardwood-pine forest at a pullover off of US 129 near Calderwood Dam above the Little Tennessee River.
Steven R. Hill 26293 1995-04-22
United States, Tennessee, Morgan, South side of Lancing road, about 0.2 mile west of US Route 27 on Route 62, northwest of Wartburg. Cumberland plateau floristic province.
Loy R. Phillippe, Daniel Busemeyer, Mary Ann Feist, Connie Carroll, & Paul Marcum 32834 2001-05-01
United States, Tennessee, Blount, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Parson Branch Watershed, along Parson Branch Road, about 0.2 to 0.3 mile from U.S. Route 129 & State Route 72., 35.50214 -83.93017
Steven R. Hill 32168 2000-04-08
United States, Tennessee, Hamilton, Ca. 0.75 mile north of Tennessee River along slopes of Middle Creek, north side TN Rt. 27 (Suck Creek Road) just northeast of Chattanooga; vicinity of Signal Mountain., 35.11833 -85.37333
Steven R. Hill 32210 2000-04-08
United States, Georgia, Dade, Southeast of Trenton, Sitton Gulch Creek, south of Canyon Park Drive, Cloudland Canyon State Park; west of trail parking area, near cave., 34.85167 -85.47833
Mary Ann Feist, Rick Phillippe, & Connie Carroll
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Greg Spyreas, Paul B. Marcum, David M. Ketzner
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Greg Spyreas, Paul B. Marcum, David M. Ketzner
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Brenda Molano-Flores, Paul B. Marcum, Daniel T. Busemeyer
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Geoffrey Levin, Connie Carroll, Grant Cunningham, Mary Ann Feist, Paul B. Marcum, and Greg Spyreas
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Geoffrey Levin, Connie Carroll, Grant Cunningham, Mary Ann Feist, Paul B. Marcum, and Greg Spyreas
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Steven R. Hill 35068 2003-04-09
United States, Georgia, Whitfield, Dalton. Behind gas station just east of Route I-75, exit 135 (335), Route 3C south of town near Phelps. North-facing slope of intermittent Creek. (NAD83/WGS84)., 34.6833 -85, 198m
Steven R. Hill 38826 2012-04-21
United States, Tennessee, Grundy, Below highway rest area, 2.1 kilometers west-northwest of Monteagle, Trussell Cove, just north of Interstate Route 24. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.24392 -85.86207, 518m
Steven R. Hill 38608 2011-04-16
United States, Alabama, Jackson, Entrance road to Buck's Pocket State Park, south side of stream, County Road 452, south-southeast of Langston. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 34.475942 -86.054958, 200m
Steven R. Hill 32209 2000-04-08
United States, Georgia, Dade, Southeast of Trenton, Sitton Gulch Creek, south of Canyon Park Drive, Cloudland Canyon State Park; west of trail parking area, near cave., 34.85167 -85.47833
Steven R. Hill 35103 2003-04-15
United States, Georgia, Dade, Southeast of Trenton, Sitton Gulch Creek, south of Canyon Park Drive, Cloudland Canyon State Park. Cumberland Plateau, in humus among limestone talus and boulders, base of slopes. (NAD83/WGS84)., 34.8517 -85.4783
Steven R. Hill 38613 2011-04-17
United States, Georgia, Dade, County Highway 1187, Canyon Creek Drive, Sitton's Gulch, Cloudland Canyon, Trenton. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 34.859234 -85.486879, 274m
Steven R. Hill
United States, South Carolina, Abbeville, detailed locality information protected
Roger A. McCoy & Mark A. Basinger
United States, South Carolina, Pickens, detailed locality information protected
Steven R. Hill
United States, South Carolina, Pickens, detailed locality information protected
Steven R. Hill
United States, South Carolina, Oconee, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Connie J. Carroll-Cunningham, Grant Cunningham, M.J.C. Murphy, and Paul B. Marcum
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
J. L. Crane & Robbin C. Moran 35-81 1981-06-19
United States, Massachusetts, Franklin, Greenfield.
Steven R. Hill 23127 1992-05-14
United States, Connecticut, Hartford, Vexation Hill (Rattlesnake Mountain), Trinity Ridge, south of Two Rod Highway, Wethersfield-Rocky Hill line., 41.65 -72.7
R. Dale Thomas with B. Ray Thomas
United States, North Carolina, Graham, detailed locality information protected
Mary Ann Feist, Rick Phillippe, and Dan Busemeyer 472 2000-06-23
United States, Tennessee, Cocke, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Just south of Indian Camp Creek along Maddron Bald Trail., 35.73844 -83.27783
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe & Dan T. Busemeyer
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Mary Ann Feist, Rick Phillippe, & Connie Carroll
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Geoffrey Levin, Connie Carroll, Grant Cunningham, Mary Ann Feist, Paul B. Marcum, and Greg Spyreas
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Geoffrey Levin, Connie Carroll, Grant Cunningham, Mary Ann Feist, Paul B. Marcum, and Greg Spyreas
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Jim Payne, and Paul B. Marcum
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Michael J.C. Murphy, and Paul Tessene.
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, detailed locality information protected
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Michael J.C. Murphy, and Paul Tessene.
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, detailed locality information protected
Connie Carroll Cunningham, Loy R. Phillippe, Grant Cunningham, Paul Marcum, Cassandra Allsup
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, Paul A. Tessene, and Michael Murphy
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, Michael J.C. Murphy, & Jim Payne 38593 2006-05-03
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. WGS84/NAD83. Along Brushy Mountain Trail above end of Greenbrier Road. Above Trillium Branch on Brushy Mountain., 35.67111 -83.42587, 1353m
Loy R. Phillippe, Cassandra Allsap, Connie Cunningham, Grant Cunningham, Paul B. Marcum 38890 2006-06-25
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. WGS84/NAD83. Porters Creek Trail. Take US 321 5.9 miles east of Gatlinburg, Tennessee and turn onto the Greenbrier road at the park entrance sign. Pass the ranger station and two picnic areas. At mile 4.1, park on a traffic loop and look for the gate and trail sign., 35.66788 -83.39125, 890m
Loy R. Phillippe, Cassandra Allsap, Connie Cunningham, Grant Cunningham, Paul B. Marcum
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Connie Carroll Cunningham, Grant Cunningham and Cassandra Allsup 4266 2006-06-28
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Boulevard Trail. WGS84 map datum., 35.6365 -83.40454, 1708m
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Michael J.C. Murphy and James R. Payne 3933 2006-05-01
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Bull Head Trail. WGS84 map datum., 35.66617 -83.49316, 927m
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Connie Carroll-Cunningham, Grant Cunningham and Michael J.C. Murphy 4580 2007-05-08
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Road Prong Trail off of New Found Gap Road (441); Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.62964 -83.46902
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Connie Carroll-Cunningham, Grant Cunningham and Michael J.C. Murphy 4612 2007-05-08
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Road Prong Trail; accessed from New Found Gap Road (441); Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.61669 -83.47074
Connie Carroll-Cunningham, Grant Cunningham, Michael J.C. Murphy, Paul B. Marcum, & Loy R. Phillippe 522 2007-05-09
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Along Jakes Creek Trail south of Elkmont just below Jakes Gap. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.61878 -83.60793, 1192m
Connie Carroll-Cunningham, Grant Cunningham, Paul B. Marcum, Mary Ann Feist, Geoffrey Levin, Greg Spyreas, & Loy R. Phillippe
United States, North Carolina, Swain, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Grant Cunningham, Jenny Stratton, and Valerie Sivicek 42723 2011-05-30
United States, Tennessee, Sevier, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 1.9 mile south by southeast of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Along Le Conte Creek just below the Twin Creeks Uplands Research Lab. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.68702 -83.50248, 582m
Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, and Jim Payne 3028 2005-07-19
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Rabbit Creek Trail near Abrams Creek. Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 35.607779 -83.935339, 332m
leg. Mande M. Little s.n. 1862-05-00
United States, Ohio, Oberlin. (Approximate coordinates in WGS84), 41.29394 -82.21738
Steven R. Hill 39521 2015-04-23
United States, Georgia, Rabun, Rt. 76, 5.2 miles west of Clayton [6.4 miles west of town center at N Main Street], alongside creek west of Davis Gap Road; about mile 10.
M.A. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, detailed locality information protected
D. James Mountjoy s.n. 2018-04-27
United States, Illinois, Knox, Knox College's Green Oaks Biological Field Station. Approximately 4 miles south of Victory, IL. Woods to the south of 'South Prairie' and west of Shurr Hall., 40.97028 -90.095
M.A. Basinger
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, detailed locality information protected
Loy R. Phillippe, Connie J. Carroll, Grant Cunningham, & John E. Ebinger 39687 2007-06-14
United States, Illinois, Carroll, CTAP Forest Site: 015101F-07. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. In the Freeport Section of the Rock River Hill Country Natural Division. 0.2 mile east of Bluff Road and 0.1 mile south of Fairhaven Road about 1.3 mile north of Carroll/Whiteside county line., 41.94317 -90.05261, 239m
Loy R. Phillippe, Connie J. Carroll, Grant Cunningham, & John E. Ebinger 39697 2007-06-14
United States, Illinois, Carroll, CTAP Forest Site: 015201F-07. Upland woods near junction of Otter Creek and Whiteside Road. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. In the Freeport Section of the Rock River Hill Country Natural Division., 41.93182 -89.785967, 257m
Loy R. Phillippe 19925 1992-04-30
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Ozark Hill Prairie Research Natural Area, Shawnee National Forest.
Franklin B. Buser 5928 1955-05-02
United States, Illinois, Alexander?, Below Hanging Rock cliffs, 2 miles east of McClure.
H.S. Pepoon & E.G. Barrett 3087 1932-04-20
United States, Illinois, Alexander, 7 miles southeast of McClure.