Charles John Sheviak 541 1972-05-28
United States, Illinois, Lake, Cedar Lake, Lake Villa.
R.A. Evers 57069 1958-06-18
United States, Illinois, Lake, In Volo Bog, north of Volo.
R.A. Evers 10313 1948-06-14
United States, Illinois, Lake, In Wauconda Bog, Wauconda.
R.A. Evers 4681 1947-06-23
United States, Illinois, Lake, In Volo Bog.
R.A. Evers 4639 1947-06-23
United States, Illinois, Lake, In the bog at Cedar Lake, Lake Villa.
Geo. D. Fuller 2176 1940-06-18
United States, Illinois, Lake, Lake Villa.
Geo. D. Fuller 2176 1940-06-08
United States, Illinois, Lake, Volo.
H.S. Pepoon & E.G. Barrett 5311 1932-07-15
United States, Illinois, Lake, Tamarack swamp near Volo.
Geo. D. Fuller 3115 1941-05-22
United States, Illinois, Lake, Lake Villa, bog at Cedar Lake.
Kenneth R. Robertson 1855 1978-06-14
United States, Illinois, Lake, Volo Bog.
Kenneth R. Robertson & Paul Francione 1822 1978-06-13
United States, Illinois, Lake, Mud Lake, Chain-o-Lakes State Park., 42.439208 -88.186899
H.C. Hanson s.n. 1946-07-30
Canada, Little Partridge Creek, southwest end of James Bay.
J.L. Crane & C.A. Shearer C-9 1992-07-25
Canada, Manitoba, Akudlik west of Farnsworth Lake, Churchill Local Government District. UTM Zone 15, Button Bay Quadrangle, 54L/9, 1:50,000, 435800mE, 6510412mN., 58.686799 -94.084332
Steven R. Hill & Anton A. Reznicek 31542 1999-05-22
United States, Michigan, Livingston, Bauer Road Fen, about 0.2 mile west of Bauer Road, about 1 mile southwest of Brighton; Local perennial, fen/water margin with Typha, Carex spp.
Steven R. Hill 31638 1999-05-24
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Between south shore of Lake Huron and US Route 23, trail to Grass Bay; elevation 590'. About 50 stems in flower, open marsh behind dunes with Carex.
F.D. Johnson s.n. 1974-07-18
United States, Idaho, Bonner, Hager Pond, 2 miles northwest of Priest Lake Ranger Station. Specimen formerly from the College of Forestry Herbarium, University of Idaho Number 74285., 48.597107 -116.971382, 762m
Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Stephanie Glass, Paul Hlina, and Paul B. Marcum 44089 2016-07-20
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Brule River State Forest. Vapa Road Bog, west side of the Brule River about 16 mile northeast of Solon Springs, Wisconsin. North side of Vapa Road, a little more than 1000 meters southeast of Whisky Lake and about 4 mile west and 0.5 mile north of Cedar Island Airport. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 46.45353 -91.66006
ILLS00068240 E. F. Ulaszek 2425 1995-05-10
United States, Tennessee, Stewart, TVA-Land Between The Lakes Recreation Area, south side of Blue Spring Road (LBL 230), at intersection with LBL 339.
Mike Mounce s.n. 2000-06-10
United States, Illinois, Moultrie, Johnson Pond, Shelbyville Fish and Wildlife Area, 3 miles SE of Bethany.
Steven R. Hill, with Andrew Ford [CSIRO] 35661 2004-03-18
Australia, Queensland, Cook District. North side of Mareeba - Chillagoe Road, 42.7 kilometers west by road from Dimulah Road junction, and 44 kilometers by road east of Chillagoe center. In dammed ponded area.
ILLS00068239 Ted Bradley with John Stevenson 3310 1966-07-17
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, In limestone sink, 0.4 miles west of North Carolina 133 off County Road 1536, Boiling Springs.
ILLS00068238 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht 246 1978-06-00
United States, Georgia, Billy's Lake near Billy's Island, Steven Foster State Park, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge.
ILLS00068242 Steven R. Hill 39022 2012-08-15
United States, Maine, Hancock, North end of Tunk Lake west of boat landing, south side of Maine Route 182. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 44.60949 -68.059405
ILLS00068244 J.L. Crane & C.A. Shearer C-244 1994-07-03
United States, Maine, York, Shaker Pond. Alfred Quadrangle. UTM Zone 19. 360850mE, 4816740mN., 43.498424 -70.722666
ILLS00068243 J.L. Crane 96-225 1996-07-08
United States, Maine, York, Shaker Pond, Alfred. UTM Zone 19, 360924mE, 4817056mN., 43.498424 -70.722666
ILLS00068241 Frank Bellrose s.n. 1938-09-10
United States, Illinois, Peoria, Douglas Lake, Chillicothe.