Wanda P. Vestal & A. G. Vestal s.n. 1955-03-24
United States, California, Orange, Trabuco Canyon, about 5 miles east of El Toro., 33.665508 -117.586986
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-04-03
United States, California, Monterey, 2.8 miles into Hare Canyon, east of Bradley. Valleton quadrangle UTM Zone 10, 704525mE, 3973859mN.
Steven R. Hill 33523 2001-04-29
United States, California, Riverside, South side of Route I-10 right-of-way, 0.2 mile west of Desert Lawn Road exit, Calimesa. Near Roberts Road in pasture. Elevation about 2314 feet.
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1947-03-28
United States, California, Plumas, Warner Valley. UTM Zone 10, 643848mE, 4469701mN. (WGS84/NAD83)., 40.3655 -121.3058, 1536m
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1947-03-28
United States, California, San Diego, About 1 mile north of Santa Ysabel on Route 79 in the Santa Ysabel Valley. UTM Zone 11, 530189mE, 3664210mN. (WGS84/NAD83)., 33.1162 -116.6764, 901m
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-03-29
United States, California, Ventura, About 1.5 miles southeast of Simi near Chatsworth Reservoir. Coordinate datum: NAD27., 34.2362 -118.6434
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-04-08
United States, California, Sacramento, East of Sacramento on the north side of Route 16. Coordinate datum: NAD27., 38.5053 -121.2311
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-04-09
United States, California, Amador, On the Ione-Plymouth Road (Route 124) about 1.1 miles south of its end at Route 16. UTM Zone 10, 683433mE, 4255806mN. Coordinate datum: NAD27., 38.4336 -120.8984
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-04-05
United States, California, Colusa, Along Route 16 about 0.2 miles south of Route 20 and near Bear Creek. NAD27, 39° 00’ 36”, -122º 21’ 22” (converted to WGS84 decimal degrees), 39.00988 -122.35718
A.G. Vestal 3648 1955-04-03
United States, California, Amador, Serpentine ca. 7 miles north of Ione on Route 104. NAD27, 38.3845° , -121.0512º (converted to WGS84) UTM Zone 10, 670215mE, mN, 4250070,mN., 38.3844 -121.05222
Loy R. Phillippe, Richard L. Larimore, Paul Marcum, Mary Ann Feist & Daniel T. Busemeyer 36944 2004-06-18
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Tensleep Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. Southwest flank, foothills, of the Bighorn Mountains, about 10 miles east of Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming. In upland above Canyon Creek Canyon. (WGS84/NAD83)., 44.01043 -107.30725, 1573m
Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Daniel T. Busemeyer, Paul B. Marcum, and Richard L. Larimore 2696 2004-06-16
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Tensleep Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. Southwest flank, foothills of the Bighorn Mountains, about 10 miles east of Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming. (WGS84/NAD83)., 43.9959 -107.2563, 1807m
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Richard L. Larimore, Grant Cunningham and Glen Martin 4037 2006-05-26
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Tensleep Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. Southwest flank, foothills of the Bighorn Mountains, about 10 miles east of Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming. (WGS84/NAD83)., 44.01073 -107.28186, 1701m
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-05-08
United States, California, Napa, Serpentine north of Knoxville. 38° 50' 11" North Latitude, -122° 20' 28" West Longitude. UTM Zone 10, 557185mE, 4298615mN. (NAD 27)]. [Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83]., 38.836289 -122.342199
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-04-06
United States, California, Lake, Ca 3.4 miles north or northeast of Middletown. (NAD 27), UTM Zone 10, 537601mE, 4292900mN. Shoulder above the road (Route 53)., 38.7859 -122.5671
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-05-06
United States, California, Sonoma, About 2.5 miles east of Occidental on the Occidental Road. 38° 24' 30" North Latitude, -122° 54' 3" West Longitude. UTM Zone 10, 508655mE, 4250919mN. (NAD 27)]. [Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83]., 38.408248 -122.90194
Blanch McAvoy s.n. 1909-04-29
United States, Arizona, Unknown, Prescott.
Wanda P. Vestal & A. G. Vestal s.n. 1955-03-26
United States, California, Kern, Arvin Road, in mountains about 2.4 miles southwest of junction with U.S. 466., 35.244466 -118.648187
Wanda P. Vestal & A. G. Vestal 3508-C 1955-03-26
United States, California, Kern, Arvin grade, about 4.5 miles southwest of junction with U.S. 466., 35.231134 -118.644597
Wanda P. Vestal & A. G. Vestal 3435-B 1955-03-23
United States, California, San Diego, 54. [perhaps 5.4] miles northwest of Fallbrook.
Wanda P. Vestal & A. G. Vestal 3375 1955-03-19
United States, California, San Diego, East of San Ysidro, 1.3 miles west of foot of National Avenue.
Wanda P. Vestal & A. G. Vestal s.n. 1937-06-23
United States, California, Humboldt, Saddle near east end of Bald Hills, southeast of Orick., 41.1446 -123.871291
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-05-16
United States, California, Siskiyou, Open pine country just west of Weed between railroad and highway 99 [I5]. Weed quadrangle UTM Zone 10, 549920mE, 4586493mN.
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-05-28
United States, California, Calaveras, About 0.3 mile above West Point turnoff [Route 88] and 2.3 miles west of Pioneer. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. (UTM Zone 10, 706023mE, 4254524mN. Coordinate datum: NAD27)., 38.4169 -120.641
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-04-09
United States, California, Amador, Serpentine on Ione-Plymouth Road (Route 49-124) about 1.1 miles south on Route 49 northwest of Dry Town. Coordinate datum WGS84/NAD83. (38° 26' 32" North Latitude, -120° 51' 12" West Longitude, UTM Zone 10, 687146mE, 4256852mN. Coordinate datum: NAD27)., 38.4421 -120.854
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-06-04
United States, California, Trinity, About 2 miles east of Hayfork on Route 3. UTM Zone 10, 487599mN, 4488769mN. Coordinate datum: NAD27., 40.5515 -123.1465
Kara Ardern with Cody Hinchliff, Dave Tank, Sarah Jacobs 35004 2011-06-26
United States, Idaho, Adams, Payette National Forest, Kleinshmidt Road, approximately 1 mile from junction with Council-Cuprum Road. Forest Service Road 002 at junction with Windy Ridge Road. Roadside down from junction within 0.25 mile of junction. 45° 3’ 56.16” N, 116° 45’ 10.0794 W. WGS 84 +/- 8 meters Lat/Lon source: GPS reading. Elevation 1209 meters / 3967 feet., 45.0655 -116.752, 1209m
Blanch McAvoy s.n. 1911-03-14
United States, Arizona, Unknown, Miami.
A.G. Vestal 3648 1955-04-03
United States, California, Amador, Serpentine ca. 7 miles north of Ione on Route 104. NAD27, 38.3845° , -121.0512º (converted to WGS84) UTM Zone 10, 670215mE, mN, 4250070,mN., 38.3844 -121.05222
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1938-09-01
United States, California, Lake, An eroded mountain near Goat Mountain. 33.3 miles from Upper Lake Camp. Four Springs quadrangle UTM Zone 10, 524709mE, 4345493mN.
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1962-03-30
United States, California, Los Angeles, Yacca stand, Antelope Valley, south of Willow Springs. Little Buttes Quadrangle UTM Zone 11, 377584mE, 3848202mN., 34.738958 -118.329889
Steven R. Hill; Kate Kramer 33388 2001-04-22
United States, California, Los Angeles, South side of California Route 138 (Pearblossom Highway) just east of Palmdale and about 1 mile west of Little Rock; west side of Little Rock Wash. Elevation about 2820 feet.
Steven R. Hill 33427 2001-04-25
United States, California, San Bernardino, Vicinity of the San Andreas Fault, east side of Swarthout Canyon Road along Cajon Creek south of its crossing, San Bernardino National Forest, San Bernardino Mountains; west of Route I-15. Elevation 2670-2720 feet., 34.274605 -117.452482
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1947-03-18
United States, California, San Diego, Sage brush flat. South of Pine Valley. UTM Zone 11, 544799mE, 3630608mN. (WGS84/NAD83)., 32.8126 -116.5214, 1222m
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1947-03-30
United States, California, Riverside, About 4.2 miles west of Sage in Tucalota Valley on East Benton Road. UTM Zone 11, 501405mE, 3715115mN. (WGS84/NAD83)., 33.5757 -116.9849, 561m
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1947-03-30
United States, California, Riverside, About 3.8 miles east of Sage on East Benton Road. Tucalota Valley. UTM Zone 11, 502421mE, 3715161mN. (WGS84/NAD83)., 33.5761 -116.9739, 565m
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1947-03-30
United States, California, Riverside, San Jacinto Valley. UTM Zone 11, 497479mE, 3743001mN. (WGS84/NAD83)., 33.8272 -117.0272, 442m
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1947-06-02
United States, California, Merced, About 2.3 miles east-northeast of Gustine in the San Joaquin Valley on Route 140. Coordinate datum: NAD27. UTM Zone 10, 680918mE, 4126560mN., 37.27 -120.9597
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-04-21
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, About 7 miles south of Arroyo Grande. Coordinate datum: NAD 27., 35.0395 -120.5663
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-05-19
United States, California, Riverside, Open bush country about 3.6 miles northeast of Aguanga on Route 371 [on the Cahuilla Road] Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. (33° 29' 7" North Latitude, -116° 49' 54" West Longitude, Coordinate datum: NAD27.)., 33.48531 -116.83252
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-05-19
United States, California, Riverside, About 1.5 miles northeast of Aguanga on Route 371 [the Cahiulla Road]. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. (33° 27' 46" North Latitude, -116° 51' 36" West Longitude, Coordinate datum: NAD27.)., 33.4628 -116.859
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-05-19
United States, California, Riverside, About 0.5 mile west of Cahuilla. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. (33° 32' 25" North Latitude, -116° 45' 8" West Longitude, Coordinate datum: NAD27.)., 33.5403 -116.753
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-05-21
United States, California, San Diego, About 3.4 miles northwest of Cameron Corners along Lake Morena Road. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. (32° 40' 15" North Latitude, -116° 30' 6" West Longitude; UTM Zone 11, 546720mE, 3614699mN, Coordinate datum: NAD27.)., 32.6708 -116.502
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-05-21
United States, California, San Diego, About 4.4 miles north-northwest of Cameron Corners. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. (32° 41' 5" North Latitude, -116° 27' 3" West Longitude; Coordinate datum: NAD27.)., 32.6847 -116.451
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-05-21
United States, California, San Diego, About 4.4 miles north-northwest of Cameron Corners. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. (32° 41' 5" North Latitude, -116° 27' 3" West Longitude; Coordinate datum: NAD27.)., 32.6847 -116.451
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-05-22
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Range Mountains southeast of Bobs Gap on Big Pines Road. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. (34° 24' 59" North Latitude, -117° 68' 56" West Longitude; UTM Zone 11, 428121mE, 3808400mN, Coordinate datum: NAD27.)., 34.4163 -117.783
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-04-29
United States, California, Kern, Yucca Stand 9.7 miles south of Mojave on Route 14 in the Rosamond Hills. Mojave Desert. Coordinate datum: NAD27., 34.9123 -118.1637
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-04-30
United States, California, Kern, About 2.8 miles west of Mojave on Oak Creek Road. Mojave Desert. Coordinate datum: NAD27., 35.0445 -118.2236
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-04-25
United States, California, Riverside, About 6.8 miles south of Sage on Route 3. Coordinate datum: NAD27., 33.503 -116.8959
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-09
United States, California, Kern, About 3 miles south of Havilah. North of Walker Basin on Havilah Road. UTM Zone 11, 361162mE, 3926296mN. Coordinate datum: NAD27., 35.4723 -118.5302
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-05-16
United States, California, Siskiyou, Open pine country just west of Weed between tail road and highway 99 (I 15). NAD27, 41° 25’ 49”, -122º 24’ 09” (converted to WGS84 decimal degrees) UTM Zone 10, 549920mE, 4586493mN., 41.43012 -122.40361
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-04
United States, California, Ventura, East end of Lockwood Valley. NAD27 34.7325, -119.0411 (converted to WGS84) UTM Zone 11, 313123mE, 3845078mN., 34.7325 -119.04202
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-04
United States, California, Ventura, Ca 0.75 mile southeast of the junction of the Frazier MTN Road and Lockwood Valley Road. [Chachupate Junction]. (34.7988 N, 119.0036 W NAD 27 converted to WGS84), UTM Zone 11, 316707mE, 3852366mN., 34.79879 -119.00452
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1955-06-03
United States, California, Kern, Ca. 1.1 miles west of Cuddy Valley (Yellow Pine Recreation Area). (34.8368, -119.0984 NAD 27 converted to WGS84), UTM Zone 11, 308121mE, 3856755mN., 34.83679 -119.09933
Roger A. McCoy 405 1998-04-24
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Off of road leading to Button Rock Reservoir., 40.2 -105.35
Steven R. Hill 37710 2008-03-15
United States, California, Alameda, University of California, Berkeley, at Oakland line. Centennial Drive, about 600 meters northeast of stadium. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 37.87275 -122.24296, 183m
Stephanie Mitchell 99 1996-06-23
United States, Idaho, Boise, Boise National Forest, about 2 mile north on Bogus Basin Road from Bogus Basin Ski Lodge., 1917m
J. L. Crane & J. D. Schoknecht s.n. 1982-07-28
United States, Montana, Unknown, The Garden Wall, Going-to-the-Sun, Glacier National Park.
Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Phillippe, Richard L. Larimore, Grant Cunningham and Glen Martin 4059 2006-05-26
United States, Wyoming, Washakie, Tensleep Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. Southwest flank, foothills of the Bighorn Mountains, about 10 miles east of Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming. (WGS84/NAD83)., 43.99461 -107.21906, 1990m
Stephanie Mitchell 88 1996-06-20
United States, Idaho, Cassia, Sawtooth National Forest, Albion Mountains, about 2.5 mile northeast of the potholes on United States Forest Road #728., 2438m
Kea Woodruff 4 2009-05-01
United States, Idaho, Latah, Randall Flat Road. 46° 45' 18"; 116° 47' 49"., 46.755 -116.796, 1049m
Valerie A. Sivicek, Paul B. Marcum, Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Brenda Molano-Flores, Gerry Steinauer, and James R.Payne 82 2009-08-19
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Niobrara Valley, Nebraska. Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, approximately 3 miles northeast of Valentine, NE; Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83, 42.901216 -100.467386, 747m
Loy R. Phillippe, Sandy Benson, Mary Ann Feist, Paul B. Marcum, James R. Payne, and Gerry Steinauer 41564 2009-06-14
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Niobrara Valley Preserve. About 38 mile southeast of Valentine Nebraska, south side of the Niobrara River. East of Valentine along State Route 12 to Norden and then south to the Niobrara River and then a little east. Just over 0.5 mile east of former Wolbach Ranch., 42.78407 -100.01566, 689m
Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, Jim Payne, and Gerry Steinauer 4254 2009-06-19
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Niobrara Valley, NE. The Nature Conservancy’s Niobrara Valley Preserve; Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 42.76883 -99.95961, 665m
Mary Ann Feist, Loy R. Phillippe, Paul B. Marcum, Jim Payne, and Gerry Steinauer 4259 2009-06-19
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Niobrara Valley, NE. The Nature Conservancy’s Niobrara Valley Preserve; Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 42.76234 -99.94319, 658m
Loy R. Phillippe, James R. Payne, Jason Zylka, and Paul B. Marcum 42477 2010-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Jefferson, Steele City Canyon, Woody Howe Property 2.8 mile north by northwest of Steele City, Nebraska and 2.8 mile east by southeast of Endicott, Nebraska. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.07489 -97.04588, 419m
M.A. Basinger s.n. 2008-06-23
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Fink Sandstone Barrens Natural Area.
A.G. Vestal s.n. 1963-05-29
United States, California, Ventura, Oak Park west northwest of Simi. Semi Valley Quad. UTM Zone 11, 332658m, 3795489mN.
M.A. Basinger s.n. 2007-03-28
United States, North Carolina, Wilson, Athletic fields at Toisnot Park, off of WArd Boulevard in Wilson.
M.A. Basinger with BIO 102 Class s.n. 2008-03-28
United States, North Carolina, Wilson, Softball field at Toisnot Park off of Corbett Avenue & Ward Complex off of Tilghman Road in Wilson.
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger s.n. 2016-07-22
United States, Alaska, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Along Hatcher Pass Road downslope from the Hatcher Pass monument., 61.769722 -149.308889
Robert A. Evers 100846
United States, Idaho, Idaho, Along Lochsa River, De Voto Memorial Forest.
Steven R. Hill; Bryan E. Dutton 32828 2000-08-03
United States, OREGON, LINCOLN, Siuslaw National Forest. Coast Range Ecoregion. South of OR Rt. 18 and Salmon River, near "Lost Prairie", above (upslope from) "Jeeter Prairie Gate", 44.993439 -123.76328
Steven R. Hill; David S. Barrington 32853 2000-08-06
United States, Washington, Cowlitz, South side WA Rt. 504; south side of the North Fork of Toutle River, just east of Kid Valley. Elev. ca. 500-800 ft. West of Mt. St. Helens. West Cascade Range & Crest Ecoregion.
Steven R. Hill; B.E. Dutton 32965 2000-08-12
United States, OREGON, LANE, Along US Rt. 101; scenic road along coastal bluffs high above ocean, south of Cape Perpetua. Elev. ca. 200 ft. Coast Range Ecoregion.
Loy R. Phillippe 39422 2007-05-01
United States, Illinois, Will, Sand Ridge Savanna Nature Preserve. 2.7 miles east of Braidwood (junction of Route 53 & 113) along Route 113. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. In the Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division., 41.25811 -88.16662, 177m
Loy R. Phillippe 39458 2007-05-02
United States, Illinois, Will, Wilmington Shrub Prairie Nature Preserve. 3 miles east of Braidwood (junction of Route 53 & 113) along Route 113, 1.5 mile north on Zilm Road, and then 0.5 mile west. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. In the Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division., 41.27939 -88.16562, 171m
Robert A. Evers 94177 1968-04-30
United States, Illinois, Adams, Along Bear Creek, south of Lima., 40.119733 -91.403138
Robert A. Evers 9113 1948-04-24
United States, Illinois, Adams, Bear Creek, south of Lima.
Rev. R. Brinker 3265 1944-05-11
United States, Illinois, Adams, Along Mill Creek.
Rev. R. Brinker 3265 1944-05-11
United States, Illinois, Adams, Along Mill Creek.
Rev. R. Brinker 3156 1944-04-20
United States, Illinois, Adams, In South Park, Quincy.
Rev. R. Brinker 3156 1944-04-20
United States, Illinois, Adams, In South Park, Quincy.
Rev. R. Brinker 3156 1944-04-20
United States, Illinois, Adams, In South Park, Quincy.
Rev. R. Brinker 2371 1943-04-10
United States, Illinois, Adams, Austin Creek.
Rev. R. Brinker 2390 1943-04-28
United States, Illinois, Adams, At Spring Lake, Quincy., 39.989087 -91.400858
Rev. R. Brinker 1073-b 1940-04-26
United States, Illinois, Adams, Bottom road, head of bay.
Rev. R. Brinker 2396 1943-04-28
United States, Illinois, Adams, Spring Lake, north of Quincy., 39.989087 -91.400858
Robert A. Evers 102 1940-04-27
United States, Illinois, Adams, On top of Fall Creek Gorge.
Rev. R. Brinker 1073 1940-04-26
United States, Illinois, Adams, Bottom road, head of bay.
Loy R. Phillippe & Jeff Olson 19768 1992-04-07
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Ozark Hill Prairie Research Natural Area, Shawnee National Forest.
Robert A. Evers 104617 1971-04-15
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Northwest of Tamms.
Robert A. Evers 72091 1962-04-11
United States, Illinois, Alexander, East of McClure.
G. H. Boewe s.n. 1941-05-01
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Along Illinois 3, 3 miles west of Olive Branch.
H. S. Pepoon & E. G. Barrett 5419 1932-04-23
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Hanging Rock.
H. S. Pepoon & E. G. Barrett 3034 1932-04-20
United States, Illinois, Alexander, Unknown.
Robert A. Evers 52842 1957-04-10
United States, Illinois, Bond, East of Baden Baden.
Robert A. Evers 22293 1950-04-23
United States, Illinois, Bond, South of Mulberry Grove.
Robert A. Evers 22286 1950-04-23
United States, Illinois, Bond, East of Smithboro.
Robert A. Evers 62621 1960-05-18
United States, Illinois, Brown, South of Mt. Sterling., 39.965698 -90.762433