Search Results (List)

Dataset: ILLS-
Taxa: Plumbaginaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-49 of 49

Illinois Natural History Survey

J.L. Crane, J.D. Schoknecht & R.A. Evers   2041988-01-05
United States, Florida, Monroe, Bear Lake Trail, Everglades National Park., 25.174568 -80.932572

J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht   2031988-01-05
United States, Florida, Monroe, Bear Lake Trail, Everglades National Park., 25.174568 -80.932572

Betty & Roy Nelson & Laverne Sumner   1321996-02-20
United States, Florida, Palm Beach, Gulfstream Park, 4489 North Ocean Boulevard, Gulfstream. UTM Zone 17, 594152mE, 2929240mN. (NAD83/WGS84), 26.4819 -80.0553, 3m

Steven R. Hill with L.R. Phillippe   289091997-02-24
Dominica, Saint Paul Parish. Disturbed areas around Brizee's Market, Canefield; elev. ca. 50 ft. West Caribbean coast.

J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht   98-3721997-12-18
United States, Florida, Dade, Holiday Inn Express on US Rt. 1, Homestead, UTM Zone 17, 5553800mE, 281809mN.

Steven R. Hill   276291996-04-05
United States, ILLINOIS, CHAMPAIGN, Illinois Natural History Survey greenhouse, Natural Resources Building. Pennsylvania Avenue at Sixth Street, Champaign

Steven R. Hill, Michael Nee & Aquilino Molina   373272007-04-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, PROV. CABALLERO. 5 kilometers north of turnoff from main highway, before [near] crossing of Río Comarapa on dirt road from Comarapa up the Río Comarapa valley. Elevation 1880-1900 meters. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., -17.879167 -64.541667

M.A. Basinger   s.n.2008-10-30
United States, North Carolina, Wilson, Planted in front of entrance door to Physical Plant at Barton College in Wilson.

M.A. Basinger   80721994-01-02
United States, Hawaii, Island of Maui. On State Road 31 (or 360) on way to Silver Cloud Ranch, 20.62083 -156.375

Limonium carolinianum (Walt.) Britt.
J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht   1241988-01-02
United States, Florida, Long Key State Park, Long Key., 24.814866 -80.823567

Limonium carolinianum (Walt.) Britt.
F.F. Forbes   s.n.1901-07-07
United States, Massachusetts, Neponset.

Limonium carolinianum (Walt.) Britt.
Ted Bradley, Sears & Bannister   34781966-09-10
United States, North Carolina, Carteret, Near entrance to Fort Macon State Park, east of Atlantic Beach.

Limonium carolinianum (Walt.) Britt.
R.A. Evers   773071963-08-21
Canada, Prince Edward Island, Kings, Woods Island.

Limonium carolinianum (Walter) Britton
R.A. Zahawi & S.M. Gehlhausen   2471999-08-24
United States, Maine, Hancock, One mile south of Maine Route 1 on Mud Creek Road to Eagle Point Road., 44.5226 -68.323454

Limonium carolinianum (Walt.) Britton
R. Dale Thomas with Aquatic Plant Class   1573281998-07-26
United States, Louisiana, Cameron, Cameron Jetty at end of state Road south of Louisiana 27 and Louisiana 82 and south of Cameron. Saline mud flat.

Limonium carolinianum (Walter) Britton
Steven R. Hill   390432012-08-16
United States, Maine, Washington, End of Ray's Point Road, Ray's Point, Harrington Bay, Milbridge. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 44.543013 -67.814156, 1m

Limonium carolinianum (Walter) Britton
Mark A. Basinger & Myra F. Basinger   s.n.2015-11-28
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, At fishing area at end of Sailfish Drive, off Ocean Boulevard in Holden Beach.

Limonium carolinianum (Walter) Britton
M.A. Basinger   s.n.2006-07-17
United States, Maine, Hancock, At Thompson Island Picnic Area, Mount Desert Narrows, along 3 at the entrance to Acadia National Park., 44.427023 -68.363907

Limonium carolinianum (Walter) Britton
M.A. & R.N. Basinger   s.n.2002-10-19
United States, North Carolina, Carteret, Along Cedar POint Tideland Trail off of NC 58, Croatan National Forest, at Cape Carteret, NC 24-58 intersection.

Limonium carolinianum (Walter) Britton
M.A. Basinger   s.n.2007-08-15
United States, North Carolina, Carteret, At the coast guard dock on Core Banks; the marsh surrounds park of Lookout Bight.

Limonium carolinianum (Walter) Britton
M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2014-12-28
United States, Florida, Charlotte, along loop trail (marsh trail) at Cedar Point Environmental Park on SR 775, Placida Road, south of SR 776, Englewood Road.

Armeria maritima (Miller) WIlld.
M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2013-05-05
United States, North Carolina, WIlson, Wilson Botanical Gardens off of Goldsboro Street near intersection with US 301 in Wilson.

Armeria maritima (Miller) WIlld.
M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2013-04-28
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, Brunswick County Botanical Garden in Bolivia off of old US 17 at county government complex.

Steven R. Hill   395592015-11-02
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Champaign; southeast corner of Winding Lane and Fairview Drive, private residence, 1302 Winding Lane.

M.A. Basinger & Kevin Baker   101791995-08-10
United States, Massachusetts, Barnstable, Along State Road 6A in Sandwich, Sandwich Township.

Limonium reniforme (Girand.) Lincz.
Igor Belolipov & Hislat Haydarov   UPL_003102005-05-10
Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Bekabad District. Site No: UZP_00305. 40º32.13'N, 69º5.54'E. 272 m elevation., 40.5355 69.09233

ILLS00150639M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2012-12-01
United States, North Carolina, Wake, J.C. Raulston Arboretum, N.C. State University, off of 4415 Beryl and Hillsborough Roads (and exit 3 off of INT 440) in Raleigh.

Acantholimon alaicum E. Czerniak.
Ishenbay Sodombekov & Natalya Rogova   KPL_008202007-07-04
Kyrgyzstan, Osh, Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Osh, Alay Valley. Site Number: KGP-00196. 39° 30.77' N, 72° 7.66' E. 2430 meters elevation., 39.5128 72.1276, 2430m

Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov   308031999-06-29
Kyrgyzstan, Dzhalal-Abad Region, Junction of Kokerim & Kugart Rivers. Tien Shan Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia. Elevation about 1247 meters. Site # 1999-023.

K. R. Robertson, J. B. Taft, and G. A. Lazkov   60501998-08-27
Kyrgyzstan, Dzhalal-Abad Region, Central Asia. Urumbash Pass. Elevation about 3047 meters. Locality # 1998-022.

Ishenbay Sodombekov & Natalya Rogova   KPL_008792007-07-30
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn, Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Naryn, Gonduk Place. Site Number: KGP-00216. 41° 27.87' N, 74° 25.31' E. 1824 meters elevation., 41.4645 74.4218, 1824m

John B. Taft, Loy R. Phillippe, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov   18622000-07-09
Kyrgyzstan, Osh Region, Ikizyak River 2 kilometer east of its junction with Kök-Suu River. Pamir-Alai Flora Region of Central Asia. Elevation about 3100 meters. Site # 2000-092.

Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov   306781999-06-20
Kyrgyzstan, Dzhalal-Abad Region, Around Ajgr-Dzhal. Elevation about 1640 meters. Tien Shan Flora Region of the former Soviet Central Asia. Site # 1999-059

Ishenbay Sodombekov and Natalya Rogova   KPL_006022006-07-06
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn Province, Naryn Province. Central Tien - Shan, Road to the Sonkul Lke. 41° 57.01’ North; 75° 32.64’ East. Altitude 2500 meter. (WGS84/NAD83). Site No.: KGP_00145., 41.9502 75.544, 2500m

John B. Taft, Loy R. Phillippe, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov   21841999-07-06
Kyrgyzstan, Chuy Region, Boom Ravine 3 km N Kyz-Kujo. Tien Shan Flora Region of Central Asia. Elevation about 1380 meter. Site # 1999-084. Above floodplain of the Ak-Suu River.

John B. Taft, Loy R. Phillippe, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov   19782000-07-20
Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul Region, Near Sary-Dzhaz River, 3 kilometer northeast of junction with Ottuk River. Tien Shan Flora Region of Central Asia. Elevation about 2760 meters. Site # 2000-106.

Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich, Emily Warren, & Georgy A. Lazkov   322102000-07-20
Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul Region, Sary-Dzhaz River, 3 kilometer northeast of junction with Ottuk River. Tien Shan Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia. Elevation about 2760 meters. Site # 2000-106.

K. R. Robertson, J. B. Taft, and G. A. Lazkov   60861998-08-31
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn Region,, Central Asia. Kichi-Kara-Kudzhur Ravine. Elevation about 2958 meters; Locality # 1998-030.

Ishenbay Sodombekov and Natalya Rogova   KPL_005532005-08-30
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn Province, Naryn Province. Ak - Tala Region, Baybiche - Too Range, Central Tien - Shan, pass Chon - Kya. 41° 5.30’ North; 75° 1.12’ East. Altitude 3040 meter. (WGS84/NAD83). Site No.: KGP_00127., 41.0883 75.0187, 3040m

John B. Taft, Loy R. Phillippe, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov   17662000-07-02
Kyrgyzstan, Chuy Region, South of Bishkek, Thon-Aryk (Boz-Peldek Mountain). Tien Shan Flora Region of Central Asia. Elevation about 1080 meters. Site # 2000-005/006.

Goniolimon speciosum (Linnaeus) Boiss.
Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich, Emily Warren, & Georgy A. Lazkov   321582000-07-14
Kyrgyzstan, Dzhalal-Abad Region, Ak-Mojnok Pass, 30 kilometer south of Kazarman. Tien Shan Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia. Elevation about 2941 meters. Site # 2000-024

Limonium dichroanthum (Rupr.) Ik.-Gal. ex Lincz.
K. R. Robertson, J. B. Taft, and G. A. Lazkov   60761998-08-30
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn Region,, Central Asia. Between Baetov & Ugut. Elevation about 1704 meters; Locality # 1998-027

Limonium hoeltzeri (Regel) Ik.-Gal.
Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich & Georgy A. Lazkov   308791999-07-02
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn Region,, Kara-Kudzhur River 5 kilometer west-northwest Sary-Bulak. Tien Shan Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia. Elevation about 2300 meters. Site # 1999-077.

Limonium hoeltzeri (Regel) Ik.-Gal.
Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov   309241999-07-03
Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul Region, Taragay River, 13 kilometer west-northeast of Kara-Saj. Elevation about 3300 meters. Tien Shan Flora Region of the former Soviet Central Asia. Site # 1999-080

Limonium kaschgaricum (Rupr.) Ik.-Gal.
Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov   308901999-07-03
Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul Region, South shore of Lake Issyk Kul, 10 kilometer east of Kadzhi-Saj. Tien Shan Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia. Elevation about 1675 meters. Site # 1999-040.

Eremolimon drepanostachyum (Ik.-Gal.) Lincz.
Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich & Georgy A. Lazkov   308731999-07-01
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn Region,, Salt Desert, North Bank of Naryn Region 12 kilometer west Ak-Tal-Tchat. Tien Shan Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia. Elevation about 1600 meters. Site # 1999-075.

Limonium gmelini (Willd.) Ktze.
Ishenbay Sodombekov & Natalya Rogova   KPL_004462005-07-22
Kyrgyzstan, Chui, Alamedin. Site number KGP_00090, 42.61333 74.66317

Igor Belolipov & Hislat Haydarov   UPL_004262005-06-17
Uzbekistan, Djizak, Bahmal District. Site No: UZP_00355. 39º41.42'N 68º13.84'E. 1928 m., 39.69033 68.23067

Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich & Georgy A. Lazkov   308701999-07-01
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn Region,, Salt Desert, North Bank of Naryn Region 12 kilometer west Ak-Tal-Tchat. Tien Shan Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia. Elevation about 1600 meters. Site # 1999-075.

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