ILLS00141345 Robert A. Bye 6066 1973-12-29
Mexico, Chicuahua, Barranca de Batopilas between La Bufa and Wimivo., 27.293466 -108.233187
ILLS00141346 Robert A. Bye 9707 1980-05-10
Mexico, Chicuahua, Mpio. Batopilas. N side Barranca de Batopilas, along Arroyo Samachique between Rio Batopilas and Wimivo., 25.303958 -107.537804
ILLS00141347 Robert A. Bye 3557 1973-04-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio Batopilas along Rio Batopilas between Las Juntas (N of Batopilas) and La Bufa, N of Las Juntas. Vicinity of Potrero and junction of Arroyo Yerba Buena with Rio Batopilas., 27.033333 -107.633333
ILLS00141357 R.A. Bye 9707 1980-05-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mpio. Batopilas. N. side Barranca de Batopilas, along Arroyo Samachique between Rio Batopilas and Wimivo., 27.293466 -108.233187
ILLS00141353 J.L. Crane & J.D. Schoknecht s.n. 1991-12-29
United States, Florida, Osteen Hammock. Everglades National Park., 25.375058 -80.881472
ILLS00141356 William A. Haber, Eric Bello, C. Lierheimer, & L. Lierheimer 4987 1986-05-09
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Monteverde; San Luis river valley below community on Pacific Slope. Altitude 1000 meter., 10.3333 -84.83334, 1000m
ILLS00141355 William A. Haber & Eric Bello 6825 1986-05-09
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Reserva Biologica Monteverde valle de Rio San Luis, Guacimal. Bosque muy humedo premontano. [Monteverde Biological Reserve valle de San Luis Rio, Guacimal. Bosque muy premontano humedo]. Elevation 900 meter., 10.28333 -84.8, 900m
ILLS00141354 William Haber & Willow Zuckowski 9856 1990-04-08
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Canton de Puntarenas Monteverde, Bajo Tigre Reserve., 10.3 -84.8
ILLS00141343 Barry Hammel & Reinaldo Aguilar 18193 1991-04-01
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Canton de Osa. Fila Retinta frente a Palmar Norte; a lo largo de Quebrada Benjamin. Elevation 150 meters., 8.98334 -83.46667, 150m
ILLS00141336 R. Garcia, B. Peguero, & J. Salazar 897 1986-01-20
Dominican Republic, La Altagracia, Parque Nacional del Este. Approximately 1.5 kilometer al este de la caseta de Palmilla, en el camino que va a Gran Chorra. [Eastern National Park. Approximately 1.5 kilometer east of the shed Palmilla, in the road to Gran Chorr]. Altitude 10 to 15 meter., 18.23333 -68.75, 2588m
ILLS00141359 Ethan Freid 95-062 1995-06-11
Bahama, San Salvador, Bahamas. Six pack trial on east side of the island., 24.03667 -74.49306
ILLS00141352 T. Zanoni, J. Pimentel, R. Garcia 38203 1987-02-17
Dominican Republic, Republica Dominicana; Cordillera Septentrional; Province Espaillat, en La Cumbre, el paso en la carretera Moca-Jamao al Norte., 19.583333 -70.75
ILLS00141351 Roger Graveson 586 2003-10-29
Saint Lucia, Gros Piton summit. 900 meter elevation., 13.80998 -61.065472
ILLS00141350 Roger Graveson 609 2003-12-18
Saint Lucia, Mon Lacombe summit. 600 meter elevation., 13.902767 -60.949462
ILLS00141337 David Neill & RAINFOR forest inventory team 13655 2001-02-05
Ecuador, Orellana: Orellana. Yasuni National Park. Primate research area in Bogi sector of park, near kilometer 47 of pipeline road. Elevation 230 meter. 0° 42' South; 76° 29' West., -0.7 -76.48333, 230m
ILLS00141342 Al Gentry, W.D. Stevens, A. Grijalva, & P.P. Moreno 44082 1984-01-06
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, Picacho, lower montane forest. Transect # 9., 13 -85.91667
ILLS00141338 Gerardo Herrera 1693 1988-04-04
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Alajuela: Upala, Dos Rios 7.5 kilometer al Noreste del pueblo. Entre La Jabalina y el Rio Cucaracho. Altitude 325 meter., 10.93334 -85.31666, 325m
ILLS00141339 Barry Hammel & Jill Trainer 17046 1988-06-16
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Monteverde area from Santa Elena to San Luis. Elevation 700 meters., 10.26666 -84.83333, 700m
ILLS00141340 Eric Bello, William Haber, & Barry Hammel 35 1988-06-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, San Luis, Monteverde Finca de Chepe Rojas, al oeste del pueblo. Elevation 750 meters., 10.26666 -84.83333, 750m
ILLS00141341 Eric Bello, William Haber, & Barry Hammel 58 1988-06-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, San Luis, Monteverde Finca de Chepe Rojas, al oeste del pueblo. Elevation 750 meters., 10.26666 -84.83333, 750m
ILLS00141344 J.S. Burley, Tukirin et al 732 1988-04-20
Headwaters of South Kahayan; 5 kilometers northwest of Tumbang Sian logging camp; Sikatan Wana Raya logging concession; altitude 160 meters., -7.60075 111.481165
ILLS00141358 Gordon McPherson 18013 2000-09-27
Gabon, Monts de Cristal; Tchimbélé Dam region. 00° 37' North Latitude; 10° 21' East Longitude. Elevation 550 meter., 0.61667 10.35, 550m
ILLS00141370 Spruce 3781 1854-12-00
BRAZIL, Secus Rio Negro, septentrionalis, -3.050042 -60.202833
ILLS00141369 s.coll. 3781 1854-12-00
BRAZIL, Insula fluvii Negro supra fl. Marania ostiam, -3.8725 -43.1275
ILLS00141361 Steven R. Hill 25697 1994-05-30
Dominica, Saint George, Lesser Antilles. Roseau, Botanic Garden., 15.301245 -61.381908
ILLS00141360 Steven R. Hill 27896 1996-05-25
Dominica, Lesser Antilles, Saint George Parish. Roseau, Botanic Garden, elevation 50 feet., 15.301245 -61.381908
ILLS00141362 W. Nanakorn with Hans T. Beck 88101 1988-12-31
Thailand, Rat Buri Province., 13.5833 99.5333
ILLS00141348 Gordon McPherson 15500 1991-11-09
Gabon, Ogooue-Ivindo, South of Ayem; western border of Lopé-Okanda Reserve., 0.41667 11.5