Search Results (List)

Dataset: ILLS-
Taxa: Tamaricaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-32 of 32

Illinois Natural History Survey

Robert A. Evers & Clara V. Evers   1133431974-06-22
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, Chihuahuan desert, Trans-Pecos Basin Area, 3 miles east of Salt Fork.

Tamarix aphylla (Linnaeus) Karst.
Kathleen J. Brown for Robert P. Adams   38201982-05-21
United States, Arizona, Unknown, Approximately 1 mile south of gas station at Littlefield, along old road (U.S. 91).

Tamarix aphylla (Linnaeus) Karst.
C. T. Mason   36621983-09-15
United States, Arizona, Pima, Corner of Pantano Road and Tanque Verde Road, northeast Tucson.

Betty Nelson, Barbara Little & Cary Crist   3881971-08-12
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Natural History Survey arboretum, South Lincoln Street Road, Urbana.

A. M. Powell & S. Powell   37821982-07-14
United States, Texas, Culberson, Ca. 25 miles west of Orlan.

Loy R. Phillippe   229121993-08-24
United States, Illinois, Cass, Beardstown, Illinois. Planted in yard at 1012 East 6th. Street.

Robert A. Evers   s.n.1936-08-27
United States, Illinois, Adams, In Indian Mound Park, Quincy.

Robert A. Evers & Clara V. Evers   1133231974-06-15
United States, Arizona, Gila, Salt River by the bridge, Salt River Canyon., 33.650309 -110.849189

Rev. R. Brinker   7311942-04-28
United States, Missouri, Unknown, Monastery Gardens, St. Louis.

Judith De Shurko   6941980-03-27
United States, Illinois, Champaign, At northwest corner of front yard of house at 805 Ventura, Champaign.

Kenneth R. Robertson   21131979-09-10
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Illinois Natural History Survey arboretum, corner Lincoln Avenue and Windsor Road, Urbana.

Betty Nelson, Barbara Little & Carey Crist   6401972-06-12
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Natural History Survey arboretum, South Lincoln Street Road, Urbana.

J. L. Crane & J. D. Schoknecht   s.n.1987-08-22
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Little Colorado River, along Route 180.

J. L. Crane & J. D. Schoknecht   s.n.1987-08-22
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Little Colorado River, along Route 180.

Ishenbay Sodombekov and Natalya Rogova   KPL_004792005-08-04
Kyrgyzstan, Jalal - Abad Province, Jalal-Abad Province. Chatkal Range. 41° 16.81’ North; 71° 56.75’ East. Altitude 865 meter. (WGS84/NAD83). Site No.: KGP_00103., 41.455 71.7742, 1230m

Blanch McAvoy   s.n.1909-09-12
United States, Arizona/ Utah, Unknown, Phoenix, Arizona; Salt Lake City, Utah.

Ted Bradley & John Stevenson   33591966-07-24
United States, North Carolina, New Hanover, Along causway, U.S. 74 between Wrightsville and Wrightsville Beach.

Frank L. Putz   411995-08-15
United States, Illinois, Madison, Border of coal ash disposal pond at Venice Power Plant, Venice.

Tamarix gallica Linnaeus
R. Dale Thomas and Aquatic Plants Class   1573151998-07-26
United States, Louisiana, Cameron, Along La. 82 and the sandy shore of the Gulf of Mexico about 6 miles west of La. 27 and Holly Beach.

Steven R. Hill   343882001-10-14
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Dupo. Columbia Stone Quarry, at rock crushing facility at edge of limestone bluffs; east edge of Mississippi River floodplain, 0.2-0.3 mile east of Route I-255. Cahokia 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation 440-450 feet.

Ishenbay Sodombekov & Natalya Rogova   KPL_005322005-08-22
Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul, Kungey. Ala-Too. Site number: KGP_00121, 42.7256096 78.8009405

Igor Belolipov & Hislat Haydarov   UPL_004422005-06-18
Uzbekistan, Djizak, Bahmal District. Site No.: UZP_00360. 39º42.98'N 68º7.38'E (converted to decimal degrees). 1533 m elevation (converted to feet)., 39.71633 68.123, 1533m

K. R. Robertson, J. B. Taft, and G. A. Lazkov   60771998-08-30
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn Region,, Central Asia. Between Baetov & Ugut. Elevation about 1704 meters; Locality # 1998-027

Ishenbay Sodombekov & Natalya Rogova   KPL_002052004-08-19
Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul, Ak-Olon. Site no: KGP_00022. 42º22.95'N 76º10.48'E (converted to decimal degrees), 1945 m (converted to ft)., 42.3825 74.17467, 1945m

Ishenbay Sodombekov & Natalya Rogova   KPL_008532007-07-28
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn, Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Naryn, Ak Tala Place. Site Number: KGP-00202. 42° 53.94' N, 74° 33.12' E. 1614 meters elevation., 42.8989 74.5519, 1614m

Ishenbay Sodombekov & Natalya Rogova   KPL_002352004-08-25
Kyrgyzstan, Naryn, Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Naryn, Salkyn-Tor. Site Number: KGP_00024. 41° 25.00’ N, 76° 11.00’ E. 2275 meter elevation., 41.4166 76.1833

Ishenbay Sodombekov and Natalya Rogova   KPL_005782006-06-07
Kyrgyzstan, Chuy Province, Chuy Province. Chuy Valley, District of Airport “Manas”. 42° 58.73’ North; 74° 26.67’ East. Altitude 663 meter. (WGS84/NAD83). Site No.: KGP_00135., 42.9788 74.4445, 663m

Ishenbay Sodombekov & Natalya Rogova   KPL_008002007-06-24
Kyrgyzstan, Chui, Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Chui, Road on the Pass Kok Moynok. Site Number: KGP-00195. 42° 31.24' N, 75° 49.59' E. 1521 meters elevation., 42.5206 75.8264, 1521m

Ishenbay Sodombekov & Natalya Rogova   KPL_004322005-06-04
Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul, Place Jety-Oguz. Site number KGP_00082, 42.38183 78.22317

Ishenbay Sodombekov & Natalia A. Rogova   KPL 006802006-07-19
Kyrgyzstan, Chui, Kyrgyz Range, Issyk-Ata Gorge, Road to. Site number KGP_00170, 42.645 74.9385

Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov   305011999-06-14
Kyrgyzstan, Chuy Region, Suusamyr Valley, west side of Kichi-Korumdy River. Tien Shan Flora Region of former Soviet Central Asia. Near Kichi-Korumdy River (here a fast flowing Mountain stream). Elevation about 2291 meters. Site # 1999-009.

Loy R. Phillippe, John B. Taft, Christopher H. Dietrich, & Georgy A. Lazkov   306341999-06-18
Kyrgyzstan, Talas Region, Kara Buura Ravine, north side in narrow ravine. Elevation about 2300 meters. Tien Shan Flora Region of the former Soviet Central Asia. Site # 1999-054

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