MSC0229956 C.E. Garton 19210 1979-09-25
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Castle Creek Ponds just off Arrow Lake Rd, 23 km. SW. of Nolalu, Hardwick Twp., 48.2 -90.083333
MSC0229963 V. Christophersen s.n. 1953-07-18
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Sibley Peninsula; Surprise Lake, 48.336047 -88.817176
MSC0229964 C.E. Garton 11021 1968-08-21
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Mattawin River just above the dam site, Laurie Twp., 48.543807 -89.925351
MSC0229968 J.A. Churchill s.n. 1954-07-17
Canada, Ontario, Essex, ca. mid-way down Point Pelee; Leamington, 41.963604 -82.51548
MSC0229998 M.J. Oldham 14052 1992-08-03
Canada, Ontario, Kent, Zone Twp.; 4.0 km SW of Bothwell P.O.; UTM 259170, Map 401/12, Square 17MT21, 42.601186 -81.907162
MSC0200959 C.E. Garton 19364 1980-05-30
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Lot 14, Conc. II Pardee Twp. 29 km. SSW of Kakabeka Falls; 48.133333 -89.65, 48.133333 -89.65
MSC0200965 C.E. Garton 12799 1970-05-24
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, 7 mi NE of Kaministiquia Village, Lots 7 & 8, Conc. IV, Ware Twp., 48.566667 -89.466667
MSC0200973 C.E. Garton 12956 1970-06-16
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Dewe Ave, between Rita and Dewe Ave.; Current River area, Thunder Bay City, 48.461496 -89.190716
MSC0200974 C.E. Garton 16408 1975-05-24
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Right bank of Pic River at "The Landing" Camp 19, 7.4 km NE of Marathon, Twp. 76, Marathon ID, 48.784803 -86.294834
MSC0200963 C.E. Garton 12659 1969-09-16
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, E end of Whitefish Lake, 3 mi E of Suomi P.O.; Strange Twp, at public park, 48.228759 -89.948783
MSC0200964 C.E. Garton 12798 1970-05-24
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Ward Farm, 7 mi NE of Kaministiquia V, Lots 7 & 8, Conc. IV, Ware Twp., 48.566667 -89.45
MSC0200972 C.E. Garton 11466 1969-05-17
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Hwy 17, just W of jct. with Hwy 130, 5.5 mi W of Fort William, Paipoonage Twp., 48.380711 -89.446708
MSC0200971 W.J. Cody 13670 1964-09-22
Canada, Ontario, Renfrew, "The Burnt Lands" near Almonte, 45.262599 -76.161548
MSC0200960 C.E. Garton 19429 1980-06-10
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, NE end of Onion Lake at entrance of Current River 1.6 km W of Spruce River Rd., 48.703002 -89.116753
MSC0200966 C.E. Garton 17044 1976-06-07
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, just below Current River Dam, right bank, just above Cumberland St. bridge, Thunder Bay City, 48.454668 -89.186509
MSC0200967 C.E. Garton 11644 1969-06-14
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, left bank of Kabitotiquia River at Armstrong Rd, 23 miles NW of Black Sturgeon Research Station, 49.595267 -89.179073
MSC0200968 C.E. Garton 11465 1969-05-17
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Hwy 17, just W of jct. with Hwy 130, 5.5 mi W of Fort William, Paipoonage Twp., 48.380711 -89.446708
MSC0200969 C.E. Garton 16409 1975-05-24
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Right bank of Pic River at "The Landing" Camp 19, 7.4 km NE of Marathon, Twp. 76, Marathon ID, 48.784803 -86.294834
MSC0200970 C.E. Garton 16391 1975-05-18
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, NW corner of jct. of Hwy 11-17 and 130, Paipoonage Twp., 48.384131 -89.444476
MSC0200979 C.E. Garton 16407 1975-05-24
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Right bank of Pic River at "The Landing", 7.4 km NE of Marathon, Township 76, 48.790232 -86.293461
MSC0200873 Unknown s.n. 1880-08-08
Canada, Quebec, Bic; L. Canada, 48.359139 -68.749782
MSC0200881 W.G. Dore 18722 1960-09-24
Canada, Ontario, Leeds, Thousand Islands International Bridge; Saint Lawrence River, 44.356474 -75.979272
MSC0236974 C.E. Garton 19563 1980-07-29
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, right bank of Whitefish River, Lot 4 Conc. II, O'Connor Twp. 8 km SW of Kakabeka Falls, 48.333333 -89.683333
MSC0236973 M.I. Moore 4158 1968-08-03
Canada, Ontario, Renfrew, 1 mi NW of Point Alexander (8 mi NW of Deep River), 46.145608 -77.566488
MSC0236975 C.E. Garton 18998 1979-07-26
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Forbes River Rd. 10 km N of Hwy 102 near left bank of Kaministiquia River, Forbes Twp., 48.623022 -89.607725
MSC0236977 K.P. Jansson s.n. 1951-08-06
Canada, Ontario, Renfrew, Barrys Bay, 45.483333 -77.683333
MSC0236983 J. Fowler s.n. 1893-07-00
Canada, Ontario, Frontenac, Mississippi Station, 44.92203 -76.68093
MSC0236984 E.G. Voss 16559 1997-05-20
Canada, Ontario, Manitoulin District, S of Lewis Lake, Great Cloche Island, 46.002169 -81.843853
MSC0229979 Oldham 11995 1990-09-21
Canada, Ontario, Oxford, Tillsonburg; near RR 1.5 km N of town P.O. in industrial area; UTM 220467 Map 40I/15, Square 17NT24, 42.883461 -80.784231
MSC0200783 C.E. Garton 20569 1981-08-29
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, 1 km W of Burchell Lake Rd. on old Hermia Lake Rd., 48.566667 -90.583333
MSC0236703 C.E. Garton 20227 1981-07-03
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, NE corner of Burchell Lake just N of approach road as it reaches the lake, 48.603519 -90.602044
MSC0236704 C.E. Garton 19997 1981-06-08
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Sagnagons Lake Access Rd of Great Lakes Forest Products limits at White Pine Reserve, SE corner of Greenwood Lake, 48.410106 -90.737382
MSC0236672 C.E. Garton 14310 1971-07-06
Canada, Ontario, Algoma District, entrance to Lake Superior Provincial Park, 4 mi S of Michipicoten River, T30 R22, 47.878662 -84.859426
MSC0236671 C.E. Garton 13189 1970-07-09
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, between Provincial & Thunder Bay Paper Mills, Current River, Thunder Bay City, 48.456603 -89.189341
MSC0236675 C.E. Garton 12020 1969-07-11
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, NE [err. SE] corner of Black Sturgeon Lake, 5 mi SE of Black Sturgeon Research Station, 49.29453 -88.812859
MSC0236674 C.E. Garton 12998 1970-06-21
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, road to Pic River mouth 0.25 mi N of Marathon, Pic River HQ 4 mi S of Heron Bay; Pic Twp., 48.668506 -86.321629
MSC0236673 C.E. Garton 18144 1978-05-24
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, left riverbank slope of Kaministiquia River 200 m S of Hwy 11-17 at SW corner of Boy Scout Tree Plantation, Paipoonage Twp., 48.370544 -89.589341
MSC0236678 C.E. Garton 19947 1981-05-27
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, right bank of Weikwabinonaw River at bridge of Buda Lake Access Rd. of Great Lakes Forest Products, 48.374821 -90.643563
MSC0236677 C.E. Garton 19962 1981-06-01
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Mattawin Rd. 2 km W of Burchell Lake outlet Rd., 48.455223 -90.700193
MSC0236676 C.E. Garton 19999 1981-06-08
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Sagnagons Lake Access Rd of Great Lakes Forest Products limits at White Pine Reserve just S of Greenwood Lake near E end, 48.399858 -90.73505
MSC0236692 C.E. Garton 20071 1981-06-15
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, vicinity of White Pine Reserve on Sagnagons Lake Access Rd of Great Lakes Forest Products at SE corner of Greenwood Lake, 48.405242 -90.736938
MSC0236691 C.E. Garton 20213 1981-07-01
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, 4 km SE of Weikwabinonaw River Bridge, 48.333504 -90.611174
MSC0236690 C.E. Garton 18169 1978-05-31
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, left bank of Kaministiquia River on Heald farm at SW corner of Rosslyn Village, Paipoonage Twp., 48.361078 -89.44897
MSC0236686 J. Fowler s.n. 1887-06-27
Canada, British Columbia
MSC0236699 J. Macoun 33635 1901-05-30
Canada, Ontario, Essex, Leamington, 42.027561 -82.56136
MSC0236708 M.I. Moore 2920 1965-08-06
Canada, Ontario, Renfrew, Deep River, Balmers Bay Rd, 0.5 mi E of Wylie Rd., 46.090907 -77.476991
MSC0236706 C.E. Garton 18305 1978-07-05
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, NW side of Expressway in Northwood area of Intercity Fen, Thunder Bay City, 48.398404 -89.306351
MSC0236705 C.E. Garton 19518 1980-07-07
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, right bank of Current River at Wishart Conservation Area 4.5 km N of Thunder Bay City on Onion Lake Rd, Gorham Twp., 48.55375 -89.241144
MSC0236709 Oldham 11382 1990-07-17
Canada, Ontario, Simcoe, S side of road just E of Canadian Tire in Nottawasaga Twp, Collingwood Harbour, UTM 625281, Map 41A/9 Square 17NV62, 44.504109 -80.235601
MSC0236710 M.J. Oldham 1426 1981-06-13
Canada, Ontario, Essex, Map No. 40G/10; UTM 600 157; Middle Island; Pelee Twp. in Lake Erie, 41.6828 -82.684522
MSC0236719 J. White s.n. 1893-07-01
Canada, Ontario, Edmonton
MSC0236718 J. White s.n. 1893-07-01
Canada, Ontario, Edmonton
MSC0236715 C.K. Dodge s.n. 1905-07-01
Canada, Ontario, Lambton, Lambton County, 42.87461 -82.158864
MSC0236714 J. White s.n. 1893-07-01
Canada, Ontario, Edmonton
MSC0236711 C.E. Garton 15516 1973-07-30
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, bay on E side of Horace Cove; SW corner of Paterson Island; Slate Island, 48.634026 -87.033127
MSC0236712 C.E. Garton 13018 1970-06-21
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Black River Gorge, 3 mi due E of Heron Bay, 48.663039 -86.229869
MSC0229806 W.J. Cody 11173 1960-06-16
Canada, Ontario, Ottawa Division, Carleton County, March Twp, Carp, 45.35 -76.033333
MSC0229816 C.E. Garton 1227 1950-07-31
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Lyon Boulevard, Port Arthur, Grassy Lake, 48.460767 -89.202677
MSC0229820 C.E. Garton 12295 1969-07-31
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, left bank of Black Sturgeon River just below Split Rapids Dam at S end of Black Sturgeon Lake, 5.5 mi SE of Black Sturgeon Research Station, 49.282795 -88.77525
MSC0229815 C.E. Garton 20133 1981-06-23
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Burchell Lake Access Rd of Great Lakes Forest Products 1 km N of Mattawin Rd jct., 48.466667 -90.583333
MSC0229805 W.J. Cody 11173 1960-06-16
Canada, Ontario, Ottawa Division, Carleton County, March Twp, Carp, 45.35 -76.033333
MSC0229814 C.E. Garton 20107 1981-06-20
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, small permanent pond on Mattawin Rd. 12 km E of Burchell Lake Rd. turn-off, 48.446812 -90.48359
MSC0200631 J. Fowler s.n. 1893-09-04
Canada, Ontario, Frontenac, Bedford, 44.570688 -76.538979
MSC0200655 C.E. Garton 20523 1981-08-19
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, right bank of Weikwabinonaw River at first rapids below Buda Lake Rd. bridge, 48.365983 -90.649298
MSC0200639 C.C. Bowen 13 1949-09-05
Canada, Ontario, Nipissing, near park hwy N of Norway Lake; Algonquin Provincial Park, 45.587128 -78.369979
MSC0200656 C.E. Garton 19628 1980-08-18
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, E side of N end of Onion Lake, 2 km W of Spruce River Rd., 48.702187 -89.115489
MSC0200657 C.E. Garton 19655 1980-08-26
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, N end of Onion Lake 2 km W of Spruce River Rd, 25 km NE of Thunder Bay City, 48.702379 -89.117611
MSC0200658 C.E. Garton 19549 1980-07-15
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, right bank of the Pine River just above falls off Hwy 595 at jct. with Hwy 597, 27 km S of Kakabeka Falls, Pearson Twp, Lot 10 Conc. I, 48.164577 -89.614006
MSC0200659 C.E. Garton 19020 1979-07-31
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Current River at N end of Onion Lake just above lake level, 1.5 km west of H 527, 25 km NNE of Thunder Bay City, 48.706586 -89.110316
MSC0200665 C.E. Garton 18682 1979-06-13
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Lot 7 Conc. II, Pardee Twp. near E [W?] end of Cloud Lake, 23 km SW of Thunder Bay City on the around-the-lake road, 1 km N of Moore Lodge area, 48.134652 -89.548485
MSC0200795 C.E. Garton 20603 1981-09-02
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, White Pine Reserve at SE corner of Greenwood Lake on Sagnagons Access Rd., 48.403383 -90.754806
MSC0200784 D.C.D. de Jong 52 1957-08-07
Canada, Ontario, Wellington, end of road along golf course [Guelph], 43.532579 -80.23764
MSC0200794 C.E. Garton 19613 1980-08-12
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Lot 3 Conc III Sibley Twp; 7 km SE of Pass Lake, 48.546231 -88.685789
MSC0200793 C.E. Garton 20533 1981-08-21
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, right bank to Weikwabinonaw River at Buda Lake Access Rd. bridge, 48.374935 -90.643246
MSC0200788 C.E. Garton 19065 1979-08-07
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Road to Jarvis Bay at first creek crossing, 1.2 km north of the bay, Jarvis location, 17 km south of Thunder Bay City, 48.136369 -89.35103
MSC0200787 W.J. Cody 13314 1964-08-26
Canada, Ontario, Ottawa Division, Carleton County, Gloucester Twp, E end of Ridge Rd. by Mer Bleu (10 mi E of centre of Ottawa); Mer Bleue Peat Bog, 45.39504 -75.513094
MSC0210233 M.I. Moore 2900 1965-06-24
Canada, Ontario, Renfrew, Deep River, just W of Pumphouse Rd. [near Pumphouse Creek?], 46.0588 -77.462578
MSC0210213 C.E. Garton 18769 1979-06-26
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Cloud Lake Rd. at SE [err. NE] corner of Cloud Lake in Lot 5 Conc. I, Crooks Twp, 18 km SW of Thunder Bay City, 48.148225 -89.521216
MSC0210221 C.E. Garton 20124 1981-06-22
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, right bank of Weikwabinonaw River on Buda Lake Access Rd. of Great Lakes Forest Products Limits, 48.374878 -90.641215
MSC0210222 C.E. Garton 20027 1981-06-11
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Mi 42 on Mattawin Rd just S of Nelson Lake, 48.442713 -90.474345
MSC0210223 C.E. Garton 20137 1981-06-23
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Burchell Lake Access Rd of Great Lakes Forest Products 1 km N of Mattawin Rd jct., 48.466667 -90.583333
MSC0210227 C.E. Garton 19506 1980-07-03
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Current River just above North Branch Rd bridge MacGregor Twp, 3 km N of Thunder Bay City, 48.53501 -89.236852
MSC0210228 C.E. Garton 19221 1979-09-25
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Castle Creek Ponds just off Arrow Lake Rd, 23 km. SW. of Nolalu, Hardwick Twp., 48.2 -90.083333
MSC0210236 C.E. Garton 20181 1981-06-27
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Mowe Lake Rd. just S of Plummes Lake, 48.343717 -90.709629
MSC0210237 C.E. Garton 20056 1981-06-15
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, vicinity of White Pine Reserve on Sagnagons Lake Access Rd of Great Lakes Forest Products at SE corner of Greenwood Lake, 48.4 -90.733333
MSC0210242 C.E. Garton 13142 1970-07-06
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Intercity between Expressway and Edward St, at end of Redwood, Northwood area; Thunder Bay City, 48.40359 -89.273548
MSC0210244 C.K. Dodge s.n. 1893-06-13
Canada, Ontario, Lambton, NE of Sarnia, 43.008859 -82.259238
MSC0210163 C.E. Garton 20057 1981-06-15
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, vicinity of White Pine Reserve on Sagnagons Lake Access Rd of Great Lakes Forest Products at SE corner of Greenwood Lake, 48.4 -90.733333
MSC0210162 C.E. Garton 18896 1979-07-12
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, left bank of Pine River on Lot 4B at first rapids above Lake Superior, 1.2 km N of Pine Bay, Crooks Twp., 48.049426 -89.510943
MSC0210166 J. Fowler s.n. 1893-07-23
Canada, Ontario, Renfrew, Ashdad, 45.35 -76.751667
MSC0210168 L. Jenkins 9108 1960-06-26
Canada, Ontario, Stormont, Lot 11, Conc. VI, 2 mi S of Newington, Osnabruck Twp., 45.085939 -75.008942
MSC0210167 J. Fowler s.n. 1893-07-23
Canada, Ontario, Renfrew, Ashdad, 45.35 -76.751667
MSC0210192 Unknown s.n. 1892-06-12
Canada, Ontario, Lambton, Walpole Island, 42.567196 -82.492259
MSC0210193 C.E. Garton 18357 1978-07-19
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, 3.2 km NW of Hwy 591 ay Beaverkit Lake; Lakehead University Forest, Jacques Township, 48.64484 -89.354034
MSC0210202 J. Fowler s.n. 1893-06-01
Canada, Ontario, Frontenac, Battersea, 44.431846 -76.384338
MSC0210376 J. Fowler s.n. 1892-08-09
Canada, New Brunswick
MSC0210364 J. Fowler s.n. 1877-07-27
Canada, New Brunswick
MSC0210362 C.E. Garton 13305 1970-07-20
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Current River just above Cumberland St. bridge, Current River area, Thunder Bay City, 48.454714 -89.186661
MSC0210358 C.M. Rogers 9929 1954-08-25
Canada, Ontario, Essex, 5 mi S of Windsor, 42.233954 -82.978401
MSC0229759 C.R. Ball 3051 1947-08-14
Canada, Ontario, Essex, Lake Erie, just W of Recreation Park, Kingsville, 42.018924 -82.762617