Search Results (List)

Dataset: EMC-
Taxa: Cornaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-23 of 23

Eastern Michigan University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
EMC013827Ruth B. Alford   36221975-04-11
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake Center, NE corner of Fish Lake and Vernor Rds. NW corner of property., 43.114201 -83.249399

Image Associated With the Occurence
EMC013829Ruth B. Alford   34161974-06-06
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake Center, N.E. corner of Fish Lake and Vernor Rds, Mayfield Twp. On way into bog., 43.114905 -83.241417

Image Associated With the Occurence
EMC013828Ruth B. Alford   33971974-06-06
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake Center, N.E. corner of Fish Lake and Vernor Rds, Mayfield Twp. Edge area, woods, S side old farm lane on way to forms from Mussing Pond., 43.113339 -83.24558

Image Associated With the Occurence
EMC013830Ruth B. Alford   33901974-06-06
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake Center, N.E. corner of Fish Lake and Vernor Rds, Mayfield Twp. E of path between Mussing Pond and Fish Lake., 43.112305 -83.244378

Kelsey Mitchell   0102022-05-13
USA, Michigan, Benzie, Bellows Lake Rd, SW point of Bellows Lake near dock, 44.71583833 -85.817925

M. Hanes   6422024-08-29
USA, Michigan, Washtenaw, EMU campus, 42.25128 -83.62675

Image Associated With the Occurence
EMC010327C. E. Garton   118061969-06-25
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay District, E. side of Black Sturgeon Lake, 1 mi. N. of Long Point Bay, 5 1/2 mi. N. of Black Sturgeon Research Station, 49.383333 -88.866667

Caitlin Witte   102010-05-07
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Mayfield Twp. T8N, R10E, Sec. 13. Kresge Environmental Education Center. SE corner of house.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EMC013825Jo Ann Robinson   61968-07-11
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake Center, N.E. corner Vernor & Fish Lake Rds. In deciduous forest., 43.11431 -83.241331

Image Associated With the Occurence
EMC013824Ruth B. Alford   34021974-06-06
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake Center, N.E. corner of Fish Lake and Vernor Rds, Mayfield Twp. Woods SE of entrance to bog., 43.115187 -83.239958

Image Associated With the Occurence
EMC015893Ruth B. Alford   32871974-05-07
USA, Michigan, Washtenaw, Scio Twp. Scio Church Woods, Scio Church Road betw Wagner & Knight Rds

BM Rice   532023-05-20
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake, Border of bog, 43.1152461848 -83.2412722915

J. Bradley   0272010-05-13
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, T8N R10E Sect. 13. Kresge Center, south side of driveway, 675 ft west of dining hall.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EMC013823H. Robinovitz   911978-06-02
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake Center. NE corner of Fish Lake and Vernor Rds. Located about 15 yards S of trail in old lake bed., 43.112305 -83.244142

Susan Shell   182023-10-01
USA, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake Environmental Education Center, chip pile

Marguerite Bunker   552016-10-01
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake Center, NE corner of Fish Lake and Vernor Rds. Trail to chip pile, E of dorms. 43.114342 -83.236353, 43.114342 -83.236353

Joshua Lyon   E232015-06-25
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake Center, NE corner of Fish Lake and Vernor Rds. Periphery of chip pile near Fish Lake. 43.113882 -83.237829, 43.113882 -83.237829

Andrew S. Bahrou   242005-06-29
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, T. 8N, R. 10E, Sect. 13, Mussing pond (northwest end) just north of Vernor Rd. and East of Fish Lake Rd. ca. 100m, 43.112394 -83.248761

Kelsey Mitchell   552016-10-01
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Kresge Environmental Education Center, 400 feet N. behind dorms, T8N R10E, Section 13., 43.116733 -83.240394

Image Associated With the Occurence
EMC015778Ruth B. Macfarlane   46421984-08-19
United States, Michigan, Ontonagon, Old Victoria log location, Vetoria Dam Road 4 mi SW of Rockland. N of cabins

Erin Tessens   312014-06-14
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake Center, NE corner of Fish Lake and Vernor Rds. By polebarn, near trailers edge. 43.113295 -83.248627, 43.113295 -83.248627

Kenny A. Schutter   162016-06-10
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Kresge Environmental Education center, corner of Vernor & Fish Lake Rds. Section 13. T8N R10E. 0.2mi N of Vernor rd. 0.6mi E of Fish Lake rd. NE boundary of Fish Lake, 43.114044 -83.238388

BM Rice   952023-09-02
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Fish Lake, Forested edge around Mussing pond, immediately south west of EMU facilities and FL gate, 43.1128833333 -83.2490666667

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