Search Results (List)

Dataset: Bureau of Land Management-CFOBLM
Search Criteria: USA or United States or U.S.A. or United States of America; Nevada; Lincoln; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 653

Bureau of Land Management, Caliente Field Office Herbarium

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Mirabilis laevis (Benth.) Curran
CFOBLM00001Richard Nichols   3981985-05-12
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, ~1mi south of Elgin, off of Kane Springs Rd., 37.3401 -114.5319, 1097m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00002Richard Nichols   4291985-05-16
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Hardy Canyon, 0.1mi west of Etna, ~15mi southwest of Caliente, 37.555573 -114.572434

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus (Harvey & A. Gray ex A. Gray) A. Gray
CFOBLM00003Richard Nichols   4031985-05-12
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Kane Springs Valley. Off Kane Springs Valley Rd., 37.0776 -114.7881, 933m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00004Richard Nichols   4021985-05-12
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Kane Springs Valley. Off Kane Springs Valley Rd. 2mi. Southeast of Willow Spring, 37.0631 -114.8062, 920m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00005Richard Nichols   4081985-05-12
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Kane Springs Valley. Rd ~ 5mi Northwest of Hwy 93, 36.996496 -114.896792

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00006Richard Nichols   4611985-05-28
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Kane Springs Valley. Near corral below Grapevine Spring., 37.182888 -114.649248

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00007Richard Nichols   4631985-05-28
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Kane Springs Valley. near corral below Grapevine Spring., 37.156532 -114.670014, 1021m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00008Richard Nichols   4311985-05-16
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Hardy Canyon, 0.1mi west of Etna, ~15mi southwest of Caliente, 37.555573 -114.572434, 1317m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00009Richard Nichols   4301985-05-16
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Hardy Canyon, 0.1mi west of Etna, ~15mi southwest of Caliente, 37.556204 -114.578582, 1317m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00010Richard Nichols   4281985-05-16
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Hardy Canyon, 0.1mi west of Etna, ~15mi southwest of Caliente, 37.556204 -114.578582, 1317m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00011Richard Nichols   4901985-07-23
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Peak 8100, Pahranagat Range, ~ 8mi West of Alamo, 37.357646 -115.258771, 2469m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cryptantha virginensis (M.E. Jones) Payson
CFOBLM00012Richard Nichols   4381985-05-20
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, White Wash, ~ 1mi North of Big Hogback, ~2mi South of Panaca., 37.766411 -114.387059, 1448m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00013Richard Nichols   4251985-05-16
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Hardy Canyon, 0.1mi west of Etna, ~15mi Southwest of Caliente., 37.555387 -114.579612, 1317m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00014Richard Nichols   4821985-07-23
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Peak 8100, Pahranagat Range, ~ 8mi West of Alamo, 37.359283 -115.253278, 2469m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Petradoria pumila (Nutt.) Greene
CFOBLM00015Richard Nichols   4861985-07-23
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Peak 8100, Pahranagat Range, ~ 8mi West of Alamo, 37.359283 -115.253278, 2469m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00016Richard Nichols   4441985-05-21
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, ~ 1mi. West if North end of Cathedral Gorge, ~ 7mi. South of Pioche., 37.855308 -114.439798, 1554m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers.
CFOBLM00017Richard Nichols   5121986-04-03
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadow Valley Wash, ~ 4.2mi. North of Elgin., 37.386051 -114.546531, 1097m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Halogeton glomeratus (Bieb.) C.A. Mey.
CFOBLM00018Rick Orr   11985-09-10
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Bennet Springs Rd, behind Lincoln Co. Airport, ~ 2mi. West of Panaca., 37.792161 -114.421985, 1469m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00019Jerry Smith   
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, 39.339203 -114.878599

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana (L. Benson) M.C. Johnston
CFOBLM00020Richard Nichols   4101985-05-12
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Coyote Springs Valley, Off Hwy 93, ~ 1mi. South Coyote Spring itself, next to Judy's Brothel, 36.983398 -114.987878, 758m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Zigadenus paniculatus (Nutt.) S. Wats.
CFOBLM00021Richard Nichols   
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, detailed locality information protected

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Astragalus sp. L.
CFOBLM00022Richard Nichols   3911985-05-06
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Off Caliente Dump Rd, ~ 1mi South of Oxborrow landing field, ~ 5mi. East of Caliente., 37.64433 -114.379415, 1433m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00023Phil Seegmiller   11985-05-10
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Miller Bench, ~ 10mi. Northeast of Caliente, 37.677761 -114.384761, 1554m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Hymenoxys cooperi (A. Gray) Cockerell
CFOBLM00024Richard Nichols   4201985-05-16
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, ~ 2mi. Northwest of Little Mt, ~ 8mi. Southeast of Panaca., 37.71397 -114.313045, 1750m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Linum kingii S.Watson
CFOBLM00025Richard Nichols   4771985-05-21
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, ~ 1mi. West of North end of Cathedral Gorge, ~ 7mi. South Pioche., 37.854064 -114.433037, 1554m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. Grant
CFOBLM00026Richard Nichols   4991985-07-31
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Head of Sawmill Canyon, ~ 8mi. South of Caliente., 37.56314 -114.549493, 1829m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00027Richard Nichols   3691985-04-25
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadow Valley Range, ~ 15 mi. Southwest of Elgin., 37.197953 -114.729305, 1170m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00028Terry Smith   
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, 40.9017 -114.6369

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cryptantha confertiflora (Greene) Payson
CFOBLM00029Richard Nichols   3511985-04-07
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Off Ella Mt. Rd, ~ 3.9mi. South of Caliente., 37.577153 -114.495459, 1701m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00030Richard Nichols   3951985-05-08
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Enterprise Allot. woodcut, ~ 4mi. Southeast of Crestline, ~ 25mi. East of Caliente, ~1mi. West of Utah border., 37.611379 -114.099999, 1859m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00031Richard Nichols   3821985-04-29
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Hills North of Caliente Cemetery., 37.617209 -114.528847, 1524m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera multilobata (Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray) W.A. Weber & A. Löve
CFOBLM00032Richard Nichols   3811985-04-29
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Hills North of Caliente Cemetery, near ridge top., 37.625706 -114.529619, 1524m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00033Richard Nichols   3541985-04-09
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Hills North of Caliente Cemetery., 37.617209 -114.528847

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Lygodesmia grandiflora (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray
CFOBLM00034Richard Nichols   4701985-06-06
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Dry Lake Valley, ~ 17mi. West of Pioche, ~ 4mi. Southwest of Bullfrog Reservation., 37.9325 -114.7674, 1244m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Oenothera lavandulifolia Torr. & A. Gray
CFOBLM00035Richard Nichols   4451985-05-21
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, ~ 1mi. West of the North end of Cathedral Gorge, ~ 7mi. South of Pioche., 37.853148 -114.45802, 1554m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
CFOBLM00036Richard Nichols   4591985-05-23
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Dry Lake Valley, ~ 17mi. West of Pioche, ~ 4mi. Southwest of Bullfrog Res., 37.926513 -114.768416, 1426m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00037Richard Nichols   3141985-08-16
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Between Panaca Sping and Panaca Cemetery., 37.803271 -114.373469, 1463m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00038Richard Nichols   2751984-05-30
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Near Prohibition Spring, ~ 2mi. East of Utah border and Prohibition Flat., 37.837287 -114.082553, 1926m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Salvia dorrii (Kellogg) Abrams
CFOBLM00039Richard Nichols   3721985-04-25
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadon Valley Range, ~ 15mi. Southwest of Elgin., 37.236942 -114.622461, 1170m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00040Richard Nichols   3931985-05-08
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Enterprise Allot. woodcut, ~ 4mi. Southeast of Crestline, ~ 25mi. East of Caliente, ~ 1mi. West of Utah border., 37.607572 -114.117166, 1859m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Glandularia gooddingii (Briq.) Solbrig
CFOBLM00041Richard Nichols   5091985-04-03
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Rainbow Canyon. Along Rainbow Canyon Rd, ~ 4.5mi. North of Elgin., 37.419544 -114.557114, 981m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Oenothera californica (S. Wats.) S. Wats.
CFOBLM00042Richard Nichols   5141986-04-03
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Along Meadow Valley Wash, ~ 4.2mi. North of Elgin., 37.416691 -114.557451, 1097m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Lotus plebeius (Brand) Barneby
CFOBLM00043Richard Nichols   5111986-04-03
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Along Meadow Valley Wash, ~ 4.2mi. North of Elgin., 37.417781 -114.545778, 1097m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00044Richard Nichols   5101986-04-03
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Along Rainbow Canyon Rd, ~ 4.5mi. North of Elgin., 37.389398 -114.550405, 1134m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC.
CFOBLM00045Richard Nichols   3941985-05-08
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Enterprise Allot. woodcut, ~ 4mi. Southeast of Crestline, ~25mi. East of Caliente, ~1mi. West of Utah border., 37.611787 -114.097081, 1859m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
CFOBLM00046D. Gentilcore   
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, detailed locality information protected

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00047D. Gentilcore   502011-06-14
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains. Sams Fire of 2009. Burned Pinus ponderosa stringer on Wood Ranch Rd. 7.7km S of intersection with Pine Canyon Rd., 37.41394 -114.23736, 1802m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00048D. Gentilcore   2062012-08-31
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Delamar Valley. At the intersection of Cedar Wash Rd. and South Cedar Wash Rd., 37.432111 -114.812056, 1550m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00049G. Gust   24442015-03-31
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, East Mormon Mountains. Davidson Canyon, ~100m west of dispersed camping area. In deep calcerous canyon., 36.913222 -114.2965, 1159m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00050G. Gust   18932009-06-01
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Pennsylvania Canyon. ~0.4km east of Meadow Valley Wash Rd (Hwy 317)., 37.34408 -114.51871, 1065m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00051G. Gust, Curtis, J., McLimans, H., Richard, J.   2010-06-21
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Delamar Mountains. ~1.7mi by air east of Riggs Springs and 4.8mi by west of Elgin, near Kane Springs Wash., 37.37375 -114.61492, 1510m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium nevadense var. parishii (J. M.) Coulter & Rose) Jepson
CFOBLM00053G. Gust   17132009-04-18
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadow Valley Mt. Range. ~2.92mi ESE of Kane Springs Rd. Box Fire of 2006., 37.00939 -114.80763, 1386m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium parryi (S. Watson) J. F. Macbr.
CFOBLM00054G. Gust   17122009-04-18
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadow Valley Mt. Range. ~2.92mi ESE of Kane Springs Rd. Box Fire of 2006., 37.00939 -114.80763, 1386m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium scabrum (J.M. Coult. & Rose) Mathias
CFOBLM00055G. Gust   14262008-03-20
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Delamar Mt. Range. Delamar Fire of 2005., 37.34052 -114.75707, 1876m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00056G. Gust   18982009-06-01
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mt. Range. ~2.6km by air east of Elgin. Near ridgeline of deep secondary drainage above Pennsylvania Canyon. Dusky Fire of 2006., 37.35441 -114.50987, 1346m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00057G. Gust   21582013-04-09
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, West slope of Meadow Valley Range at Grapevine Spring., 37.13124 -114.71154, 1080m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00058D. Gentilcore   932012-06-13
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Tule Desert. Within Duzak (2005) burned area. Along Snow Spring Rd, 1.2mi E of Snow Spring., 37.177167 -114.109333, 1061m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Asclepias rusbyi (Vail) Woods.
CFOBLM00059D. Gentilcore   1182012-06-27
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains. Within Sams (2009) burned area. In wash with Pinus Ponderosa 50m E of where road crosses wash. 3.75km by air NE of Sheep Spring., 37.414056 -114.23625, 1810m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00060G. Gust   2013-05-20
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Tule Desert. ~5.0mi by air east of Carp Elgin Rd. intersection with Rainbow Pass Rd., 37.14675 -114.379472, 1049m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00062D. Gentilcore   1062012-06-23
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains. Within Sams (2009) burned area. Where Pinus ponderosa stringer crosses Wood Ranch Rd. 3.5km NE of Sheep Spring., 37.414083 -114.254194, 1805m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00063D. Gentilcore   102010-08-03
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, White Rock Range. White Rock Wilderness Area. Quaking Aspen Fire of 2009. ~400m N of Lake Spring., 38.23725 -114.06408, 2396m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00064G. Gust   20782011-07-12
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, North end of White River Narrows. Just off of Hwy 318, at intersection with Silver State Trail off-road trail., 37.86169 -115.01125, 1421m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Adenophyllum cooperi (A. Gray) Strother
CFOBLM00066G. Gust   2014-06-03
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Along Alamo Canyon Road ~.7mi by air east by northeast of Highway 93 intersection., 37.338083 -115.128306, 1095m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Adenophyllum cooperi (Gray) Strother
CFOBLM00067G. Gust   12432007-05-24
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, BLM Ely District. Higby Fire of 2006., 37.46372 -115.07472, 1723m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Adenophyllum cooperi (A. Gray) Strother
CFOBLM00068G. Gust   2013-05-20
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Rainbow Pass. ~1.0mi by air east of intersection with Carp/Elgin Road on Rainbow Pass Road., 37.1535 -114.452917, 888m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Adenophyllum cooperi (A. Gray) Strother
CFOBLM00069D. Gentilcore   2002012-08-30
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Delamar Valley. Along Jumbo Rd. 6.5km by air E of intersection with Poleline Rd., 37.334778 -114.849611, 1459m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Adenophyllum porophylloides (A. Gray) Strother
CFOBLM00071G. Gust   24212015-03-30
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, East Mormon Mountains, on east side., 36.914167 -114.2755, 893m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00072D. Gentilcore   1872012-08-17
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, White Rock Range. White Rock Range Wilderness. Within Quaking Aspen (2009) burned area. 560m by air NE of Riprap Springs., 38.237528 -114.059917, 2316m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Agoseris parviflora (Nutt.) D. Dietr.
CFOBLM00073D. Gentilcore   442011-06-13
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains. ~100m W of parking spot on Wood Ranch Rd. 7.5km S of intersection with Pine Canyon Rd. Large unburned island in center of Sams Fire of 2009., 37.41583 -114.23981, 1824m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00074D. Gentilcore   212010-08-09
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Muleshoe Valley. Kixmiller Fire of 2006. ~250m NNW of intersection of Sidehill Pass Rd. and Coyote Wash Rd. Sandy hill, S-facing, just west of Coyote Wash, 38.34036 -114.75947, 1779m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ambrosia dumosa (A. Gray) Payne
CFOBLM00075G. Gust, Curtis, J., McLimans, H., Richard, J.   2010-06-20
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Kane Springs Valley. Kane Springs Rd. ~3.2mi by air east of intersection with Hwy 93., 36.98561 -114.92425, 1231m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ambrosia dumosa (A. Gray) W.W. Payne
CFOBLM00080G. Gust   2014-05-04
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, North portion of Coyote Springs Valley. ~0.8mi by air east of intersection with Hwy 93 on unnamed two-track rd., 36.933667 -114.956139, 733m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ambrosia eriocentra (A. Gray) W.W. Payne
CFOBLM00083G. Gust   2013-06-06
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Delamar Range. ~5.9mi by air east of intersection with Delamar Valley Rd. on North Fork Cedar Wash Rd., 37.442111 -114.761944, 1702m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ambrosia eriocentra (A. Gray) W.W. Payne
CFOBLM00084G. Gust   2014-05-20
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Sam's Camp Wash. ~1.7 miles by air northwest of Summit Springs., 37.085278 -114.273611, 973m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ambrosia eriocentra (A. Gray) W.W. Payne
CFOBLM00085S. Zweifler   2014-05-22
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadow Valley Mountains. Kane Springs Road, ~ 1.1mi by air southwest of Meadow Valley Wash Road intersection., 37.33325 -114.541333, 1116m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ambrosia eriocentra (A. Gray) Payne
CFOBLM00086G. Gust   2010-06-18
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Tule Desert. Northern base of Lime Mt, ~1.3mi by air North of Lime Mountain Summit, off of unnamed rd., 37.25467 -114.13947, 1159m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ambrosia eriocentra (A. Gray) W.W. Payne
CFOBLM00087G. Gust   2013-05-20
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains. Bunker Pass Rd, ~0.7mi north of intersection with Lime Mountain Rd., 37.279194 -114.125778, 1182m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ambrosia eriocentra (A. Gray) W.W. Payne
CFOBLM00088G. Gust   2013-06-05
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadow Valley Range. On Kane Springs Rd, ~1.0mi by air southwest of intersection with Carp Elgin Rd., 37.333806 -114.540944, 1112m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ambrosia salsola (Torr. & A. Gray) Strother & B.G.Baldwin
CFOBLM00089G. Gust   2014-05-19
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Alamo Canyon, on Alamo Canyon Rd. ~1.8 miles by air east by northeast of Highway 93 itersection, 37.346028 -115.111472, 1190m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ambrosia salsola (Torr. & A. Gray) Strother & B.G.Baldwin
CFOBLM00090G. Gust   2013-05-20
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Tule Desert. On Lime Mountain Rd, ~4.4mi by air east-southeast of Lime Mountain Summit, just east of Sam's Camp Wash., 37.219556 -114.21975, 1247m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Amphipappus fremontii Torr. & A. Gray
CFOBLM00091G. Gust   21552013-04-09
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Kane Springs Valley. Delamar Wilderness, just north of disperse campsite in Kane Springs Wash. ~7.1 miles by air east by northeast of HWY 93, on the east side of Kane Springs Road., 37.01804 -114.8597, 934m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00092D. Gentilcore   712011-07-22
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, 100m W of Scotty’s Cabin. White Rock Range., 38.24667 -114.07656, 2405m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers.
CFOBLM00093G. Gust   2010-07-04
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Rainbow Canyon 6 mi by air South of Elgin on banks of Meadow Valley Wash., 37.29044 -114.45708, 920m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers.
CFOBLM00094G. Gust   21602013-04-09
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, West slope of Meadow Valley Range at Grapevine Spring., 37.13124 -114.71154, 1080m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Baileya multiradiata Harvey & A. Gray ex A. Gray
CFOBLM00095S. Zweifler   2014-05-21
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadow Valley Mountains. Carp Pass Rd. ~5.2 miles by air northwest of Meadow Valley Rd., 37.223611 -114.518611, 1122m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Baileya multiradiata Harvey & A. Gray ex A. Gray
CFOBLM00096D. Gentilcore   1332012-07-06
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadow Valley Mountains. Within Vigo (2011) burned area. 8.62km by air SW of the intersection of Kane Springs Rd. and Carp Pass Rd., 37.389194 -114.63025, 1248m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Baileya pleniradiata Harvey & A. Gray ex A. Gray
CFOBLM00097P. Hellmann   2013-06-19
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Tikaboo Valley. HWY 375, ~0.8mi by air southeast of intersection with Cold Spring Rd., 37.468806 -115.499806, 1396m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Baileya pleniradiata Harvey & A. Gray ex A. Gray
CFOBLM00098D. Gentilcore   1992012-08-30
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Delamar Valley. Along Jumbo Rd. 6.5km by air E of intersection with Poleline Rd., 37.334778 -114.849611, 1459m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Baileya pleniradiata Harvey & A. Gray ex A. Gray
CFOBLM00100G. Gust   2013-06-06
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Delamar Valley. On road to Delamar Site, ~1.0mi by air southeast of intersection with Delamar Powerline Rd., 37.470917 -114.838361, 1510m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Baileya pleniradiata Harvey & A. Gray ex A. Gray
CFOBLM00101G. Gust   2014-05-20
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Beaver Dam Slope ACEC ~30m west of AZ state line and ~.7mi by air east of Sand Hollow Wash Road on unnamed two track road., 36.951944 -114.051, 709m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00103G. Gust   24502015-04-01
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains. ~1.0mi by air west of Pine Mountain on Middle Ridge Fire of 2014., 37.463583 -114.104667, 1774m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00107G. Gust   17162009-04-18
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadow Valley Mt. Range. ~2.80mi ESE of Kane Springs Rd. Box Fire of 2006., 37.01182 -114.80892, 1293m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00109G. Gust   2010-06-21
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Delamar Mountains. Delamar Wash rd, ~1.3mi by air southwest of Delamar townsite., 37.44222 -114.7855, 1652m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Brickellia oblongifolia var. linifolia (D.C. Eat.) B.L. Robins.
CFOBLM00110G. Gust   2013-06-17
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Lower east slope of the Chief Range. On Bennett Springs Rd, ~0.4mi by air northwest of Bennett Springs., 37.787583 -114.533861, 1622m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00111G. Gust   21632013-04-10
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Tule Spring Hills, Jumbled Mountain., 37.06701 -114.25475, 1020m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn.
CFOBLM00112G. Gust   2010-08-02
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Mt. Grafton area, Patterson Pass ~ 4.6 mi W of Hwy 93, 38.593 -114.72839, 2256m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn.
CFOBLM00113G. Gust   2010-06-30
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Delamar Mts. Approx. 4.1 mi by air east of Delamar Town Site, 37.44297 -114.69083, 1996m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn.
CFOBLM00114G. Gust   20732011-07-12
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, White Rock Mountains. Camp Valley Creek Area. Miller Canyon, ~1.4mi by air west of southwest of Coyote Canyon., 38.32689 -114.24064, 2147m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
CFOBLM00115G. Gust   2014-05-04
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Kane Springs Valley. Dispersed campsite at edge of Delmar Wilderness. ~7.2mi by air northeast of Highway 93 intersection on Kane Springs Rd., 37.017833 -114.865278, 871m

Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom
CFOBLM00118G. Gust   2014-06-16
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Miller Bench. Beaver Dam Road ~1.6 miles by air west by southwest of Empty Mountain (Little Mountain), 37.643306 -114.353, 1711m

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