Search Results (List)

Dataset: BLM-NM
Taxa: Salicaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-13 of 13

Bureau of Land Management - New Mexico State Offices

TAFO_BLM_0370Michael Casados   81-1231981-00-17
United States, New Mexico, Taos, T31N, R9E, Section 31, NMPM

TAFO_BLM_0371Michael Casados   81-1291981-06-10
United States, New Mexico, Taos, T24N, R10E, Section32, NMPM

TAFO_BLM_0372V. Williams   NM930-1722012-06-09
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, 6.5 mi southwest of Santa Fe, NM, on Airport Rd; on the Santa Fe River, on river right., 35.605713 -106.118928, 1881m

TAFO_BLM_0373V. Williams   NM30-1702012-06-03
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, 21mi. Southwest of Taos, NM n Highway 68; BLM County Line Boat Launch, downstream on river left., 1862m

TAFO_BLM_0374V. Williams   NM30-1732012-06-06
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, 6.5 mi. southwest of Santa Fe, NM, on Airport Rd; on the Santa Fe River, 35.607333 -106.117405, 1881m

TAFO_BLM_0375V. Williams   NM30-1742012-06-09
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, 14.5 mi north/northwest from Santa Fe on Old Buckman Rd. to Rio Grande, Off 599 Bypass at Las Campanas Exit; on the Rio Grande River, 0.8 mi. north/northeast to BLM land, river left; 35.846261 -106.157388, 35.846261 -106.157388

Image Associated With the Occurence
TAFO_BLM_0520G. Tyree   2022018-09-10
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Orchard Spring. Drive through Dixon on NM-75, turn right onto CR-580. Immediately take another right onto CR-0068. Spring is left of the road, above where an arroyo crosses the dirt road., 36.1885 -105.86602, 1870m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix ligulifolia (Ball) Ball ex Schneid.
TAFO_BLM_0518G. Tyree   2072018-09-10
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Pocket Spring. Drive through Dixon, NM on NM-75, then take a right onto CR-580. Turn right again onto CR-0069 and continue for 1.5 miles. Spring is on south side of road, directly across from the parking area for Embudo Creek Trail. Crest the hill and look for riparian vegetation., 36.16506 -105.81804, 1984m

Image Associated With the Occurence
TAFO_BLM_0564G. Tyree   4702019-06-03
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Serpentine Spring. From NM-68, drive through Dixon on right on NM-75 and turn right onto county road 580. Take an immediate right onto county road 0068. Park at the fork 0.3 mi down road and hike down the right fork (in a dry wash) for 1.0 miles. Hike down second south-facing canyon to the top of the hanging garden spring site., 36.17303 -105.86167, 2019m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix irrorata Andersson
TAFO_BLM_0597G. Tyree   2492018-08-08
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Drive 1.2 mi north of Rio Grande Gorge Visitor's Center on NM-68. Park old BLM parking area and hike downhill from the SW corner to wash. Population is ~125 m NE within wash floor, beyond cottonwoods., 36.276634 -105.769669, 1915m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix irrorata Andersson
TAFO_BLM_0660G. Tyree   5102018-09-05
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Agua Caliente Canyon. Access the canyon via the old gravel pit in Pilar. Site is 1.43 mi. up from the BLM/private border., 36.25644722 -105.7583556, 2107m

TAFO_BLM_0777Shannon Smith   172022-05-26
USA, New Mexico, Taos, Growing along the Rio San Antonio at Lotic AIM site FMD-TR-1153. From Tres Piedras, take Hwy 285N. Take the last turn off of the left before the CO border. Follow 2-track as close to the point coordinates as possible. Hike down drainage north of the point., 36.986096 -106.04249, 2451m

TAFO_BLM_0779Shannon Smith   182022-05-26
USA, New Mexico, Taos, Growing along the Rio San Antonio at Lotic AIM site FMD-TR-1153. From Tres Piedras, take Hwy 285N. Take the last turn off of the left before the CO border. Follow 2-track as close to the point coordinates as possible. Hike down drainage north of the point., 36.986096 -106.04249, 2451m

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