Search Results (List)

Dataset: UOS-
Taxa: Aristolochiaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-44 of 44

University of the South - Sewanee Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00559Richard K. Clements   1985-05-25
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Carter Lands, N-facing slope of S-central Wolf Cove.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00560Mary P. Priestley   2000-09-16
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Beside Dick Cove streambed, near Solomon's Temple Cave., 35.226628 -85.956821

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00561Jon Evans   2004-04-24
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Shakerag Hollow, Along stream ravine on limestone soil

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00563Mast, A.T.   1965-05-16
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Below Morgan's Steep

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00564R.O. Elam   1968-05-06
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Fiery Gizzard, 2 mi. from Tracy City

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00565D.F. McNeeley   1973-05-01
United States, Tennessee, Grundy, Fiery Gizzard

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00566Malia Fincher   1998-04-09
United States, Tennessee, Coffee, AEDC, Bradley Creek

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00567Chris A. Fleming   2002-04-06
United States, Tennessee, Van Buren, Located ca. 1.1 km N of jnct. of hwy 30 and hwy 285 on gravel road across creek. Growing on mesic slope near karst water recharge on Cane Creek.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00568Geoff West   1997-04-10
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Bluebell Island, middle of Blue Bell Island, .4 mi. W. of Tenn 56

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00569Scott Evans   1997-04-10
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Bluebell Island, Along footpath near the rear of the island

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00570D.R. Pickens   1969-05-05
United States, Tennessee, Marion, Fiery Gizzard, 1 mi. south of Tracy City on the west bank of Big Fiery Gizzard Creek in Grundy State Forest

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00571Mary P. Priestley   1999-06-19
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Forest behind 215 Proctors Hall Road., 35.198074 -85.93097

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00572Chris A. Fleming   2001-06-13
United States, Tennessee, Van Buren, Cumberland Plateau, Located near access road that enters Camps Gulf, ca. 0.8 km N of Highways 285 and 30. Growing in mesic forest along stream that dissects Camps Gulf ravine, ca. 0.8 km E of Camps Gulf entrance.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00573Mary P. Priestley   2006-06-01
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Roadside, Proctors Hall Road, approx 250 m from junction with Tennessee Avenue, 35.197976 -85.929397

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00574Douglas E. Kennemore, Jr.   1996-06-06
United States, Tennessee, Coffee, AEDC, West Huckleberry Creek Basin, take the rd running N from the E end of Cemetary Hill rd in the NW corner of AEDC; 100m E of the first left (W) turn; in shady submesic woods

UOS00575Tom Daggy   
United States, North Carolina, Mecklenburg, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00576Geoff West   1997-04-17
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Dick Cove, 35.22675 -85.226755

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00577Jon Evans   2009-04-16
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Upper Lost Cove, Limestone ridge, east of Depot Branch, 35.174193 -85.916594

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00578George S. Ramseur   1969-04-21
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Sherwood Road, 4.4 mi from turn-off onto Sherwood Road from U.S. Hwy #64. On a trail leading from road 50 ft. N of hairpin curve.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hexastylis arifolia (Michx.) Small
UOS00579J.M. Hyde   1959-04-21
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Sherwood, Lost Cove road, wood adjacent to

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hexastylis arifolia (Michx.) Small
UOS00580Wayne Rushton   1963-04-24
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, .4 mi. E. of Tenn. hwy 56, 2 mi. S. of junction with U.S. hwy 64

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hexastylis arifolia (Michx.) Small
UOS00581Elmore   1968-04-11
United States, Tennessee, Grundy, Cumberland Plateau, On US 41, 2.9 mi NW of Highway 64.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hexastylis arifolia (Michx.) Small
UOS00582George S. Ramseur   1968-04-22
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Cumberland Plateau, 5mi. on TN 56S

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00583Jean A. McNeely   1959-08-19

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00584Chris A. Fleming   2001-05-02
United States, Tennessee, Van Buren, Cumberland Plateau, Located on road, ca.1.2 km N of jnct. of hwy 30 and hwy 285 on gravel road across bridge. Growing among scattered boulders and loose rocks; ca. 450 m E of hwy 285 at large rockface.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00585S.W. Leonard   1968-06-06
United States, North Carolina, Clay, Near Buck Creek about 1 mi north of US 64.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00586P.L. Rakes   1981-04-17
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Beside logging road approx. 0.25 mi. north of High Top Mtn.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00587Mary P. Priestley   2001-06-06
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Dick Cove

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00588Allen B. Clarkson Jr.   1965-04-29
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, SE about 800 yards down bluff from Morgans Steep.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00589R. Dolbeer   1965-04-30
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Rich soil on wooded hillside at bottom of Morgan's Steep.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00590Richard Dolbeer   1965-04-30
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00591Emily J. Butler   1976-04-01
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, 0.5 mi. NE of High Top, 4 mi. W of Sewanee.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00592J.P. Dixon   1970-04-13
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, 7.2 mi. S. of Breslin Tower, 50 yd. from S. side of Tenn. 56.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00593Judy Cameron   1974-05-03
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, in Thumping Dick Hollow about 100yds. from rim of bluff about 2.5 mi. NW of Sewanee

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00594D.F. Mcneely   1973-04-17
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, just below Armfield Bluff; 3mi. west of Sewanee

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hexastylis shuttleworthii (Britten & Baker f.) Small
UOS00595Ruby Harbison   1971-06-13
United States, North Carolina, Burke, Wooded slopes both sides of Steels Creek at end of Forest Service Road #228, west of hwy. 181. Elevation 1600'.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00596Emily J. Butler   1976-03-18
United States, North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Orange County. Cuty Green Belt, along path between U.N.C. and Glendale Drive, 2 blocks E. of Franklin Street.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Isotrema macrophyllum (Lam.) C.F. Reed
UOS00597Tom Waddell   1965-05-18
United States, Tennessee, Marion, Fiery Gizzard, 4.7 mi. N. of Route 41-64. Approx. 6.3 mi. W. of junction of Routes 41-64 and 72.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Isotrema macrophyllum (Lam.) C.F. Reed
UOS00598Mary P. Priestley   2006-10-03
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Shakerag Hollow, Limestone boulder area on lower slopes of the east part of Shakerag Hollow (on which there is a conservation easement), 35.224055 -85.91302

Image Associated With the Occurence
Isotrema macrophyllum (Lam.) C.F. Reed
UOS00599Mary P. Priestley   2000-04-21
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Tom Pack Hollow

Image Associated With the Occurence
Isotrema macrophyllum (Lam.) C.F. Reed
UOS00600Richard K. Clements   1988-05-03
United States, Tennessee, Anderson, River Bluffs Trail at Norris Dam. Lower reaches of trail along Clinch River.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Isotrema macrophyllum (Lam.) C.F. Reed
UOS00601Chris A. Fleming   2002-07-03
United States, Tennessee, Van Buren, Located at quarry along Highway 30 that is located ca. 3 km East of Spencer city limits. Growing along old road that goes above quarry highwall.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00602A.E. Radford   1967-04-29

Image Associated With the Occurence
Isotrema macrophyllum (Lam.) C.F. Reed
UOS00603Jon Evans   2006-04-11
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Shakerag Hollow, Shakerag Addition: north facing limestone steep slope

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