Search Results (List)

Dataset: UOS-
Taxa: Commelinaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-27 of 27

University of the South - Sewanee Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06587J.S. Radford   1966-07-23

Image Associated With the Occurence
Commelina caroliniana Willd. ex Kunth
UOS06588A.E. Radford   1966-10-18
United States, North Carolina, Pender

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06593Mary P. Priestley   2007-07-27
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Streamside below Lake O'Donnell, approx. 100 m upstream from water treatment facility, 35.199815 -85.900629

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06603Landon E. McKinney   1996-06-21
United States, Tennessee, Coffee, AEDC, open barren-like habitat along railroad tracks just east of Rifle Range Road

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06604Greg Miller   1997-08-01
United States, Tennessee, Knox, Roadside. 2200 Laurel Ave, Knoxville, TN

Image Associated With the Occurence
Callisia graminea (Small) G. Tucker
UOS06584John R. Bozeman   1967-05-25
United States, South Carolina, Chesterfield

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06585Bruce W. Hackemann   1973-10-21
United States, Tennessee, Bedford, Disturbed yard, 60 ft. N. of River Bend Rd. 1.5 miles N of Tenn 130 and 5 miles E of Shelbyville

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06586Jon Evans   2008-07-09
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Lost Cove, Riverbank of Lost Cove Creek just before Big Sink, 35.128558 -85.905661

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06590Mary P. Priestley   1997-08-30
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Old railroad bed, between Sewanee Market and Sherwood Rd., 35.190768 -85.921347

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00070Ted Bradley   1966-09-23

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06589Mary P. Priestley   2006-09-07
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Lake Finney, Wetland at head of Lake Finney, 35.205772 -85.913334

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06598Jphn R. Bozeman   1967-04-16

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06594Mary P. Priestley   1997-08-30
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Old railroad bed, between junction with Sherwood Rd. and western escarpment of the plateau., 35.188056 -85.928794

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06595Don Crichton   1966-05-14
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Natural Bridge, 500 yards north of Natural Bridge on the edge of the mountian

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06596Mary P. Priestley   1997-06-23
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Keith Springs Mtn, Turn right off of Hwy. 16 onto Old Rowe Gap Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06597G.C. Osborne   1968-05-16
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, next to Johnson Hall.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06599R.F. Daves   1965-05-25
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Shakerag Hollow, 0.4 mi. off Route 64, 0.8 mi. SW of St. Andrews School

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06601Mary P. Priestley   2004-09-26
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Bluebell Island, In Elk River, 0.4 mi. NW of TN Hwy 50.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06602R.F. Daves   
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Shakerag Hollow, Approx. 0.4 miles off U.S. Hwy. 64, 0.8 miles south-west of St. Andrew's School.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06605Chris A. Fleming   2001-07-21
United States, Tennessee, Van Buren, Located in Camps Gulf, ca. 0.8 km N of Highways 285 and 30. Growing in mesic forest along old road that dissects Camps Gulf ravine, ca. 3.0 km E of Camps Gulf entrance.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06606Marvin Singleton   1962-05-23
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Abbo's Alley, Back of Johnson Hall

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06607Richard Dolbeer   1965-05-25
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Deciduous woods approx. 200 yd. N. of Highway 64 approx. 2 mi. N.E. of _x005F_x005F_x000d_Sewanee.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06608Tom Balsley   1966-05-14
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, 100 yds. E of Natural Bridge

M.D. Dyas   1965-05-24
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Cumberland Plateau, dry woodland margin along Louisville and Nashille RR tracks, 2 miles SW of Sewanee

UOS04119S. W. Leonard   
United States, North Carolina, Stanly, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Murdannia keisak (Hassk.) Hand.-Maz.
UOS06591Jon Evans   2013-09-24
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Lake Dimmick (Day Lake), On margin of lake near boat ramp and beaver dam

Image Associated With the Occurence
Murdannia nudiflora (L.) Brenan
UOS06592Ted Bradley   1966-09-23

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