Search Results (List)

Dataset: UOS-
Taxa: Ophioglossaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-27 of 27

University of the South - Sewanee Herbarium

UOS08650Mary P. Priestley   2000-09-27
United States, Tennessee, Coffee, AEDC, Sinking Pond Flora Project

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS08639Harry E. Ahles   1960-05-11
United States, North Carolina, Catawba, Catawba River, 3.5 miles up river from NC 150 bridge

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ophioglossum pycnostichum (Fern.) A.& D. Löve
UOS08635H.C. Yeatman   1998-05-26
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Sewanee, Henry Ariail home at end of Depot Branch Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ophioglossum pycnostichum (Fern.) A.& D. Löve
UOS08636Amy Pecquet   1997-03-27
United States, Tennessee, Coffee, AEDC, 75 meters west of the end of the trail to sinking pond along the old road from the 3/27virgin site

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ophioglossum pycnostichum (Fern.) A.& D. Löve
UOS08637Mary P. Priestley   2005-05-26
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Beside old railroad bed that parallels hwy 41-A, between Sherwood Road and University Ave, beside small wetland., 35.191125 -85.920825

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ophioglossum pycnostichum (Fern.) A.& D. Löve
UOS08638Fred Diegmann   1965-04-29
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, W of Texas Avenue

UOS08648Ashley L. Brigham   1996-11-11
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Firetower Road, Behind St. Andrews-Sewanee School, in wetland area.

UOS08649S.W. Leonard   1968-09-28
United States, North Carolina, Davidson, Clearwater Lake, 2.6 mi south of Southmont (Clearwater Lake- an eastward extending cove of High Rock Lake)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Botrychium biternatum (Sav.) Underw.
UOS08643Ruth Foster   
United States, Georgia, Damp ground near parking area at Rabun Beach, GA. Collected Aug. 1955.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sceptridium biternatum (Savigny) Lyon
UOS08641Mary P. Priestley   2004-09-26
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Bluebell Island, In Elk River, 0.4 mi. NW of TN Hwy 50.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sceptridium biternatum (Savigny) Lyon
UOS08642Jean A. Yeatman   1952-06-01
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Shakerag Hollow, Below Green's View.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sceptridium biternatum (Savigny) Lyon
UOS08644E. and D.A. Berkeley   1952-11-12
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Sewanee, ravine below Kyser house

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sceptridium biternatum (Savigny) Lyon
UOS08645Mary P. Priestley   1997-10-02
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Hwy. 41-A roadside, west of eastern Univ. gates., 35.209785 -85.898397

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sceptridium dissectum (Spreng.) Lyon
UOS00137Daniel Oakley   2016-10-12
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Farm Pond, Northeastern side of pond, approx. 3m from water's edge

Sceptridium dissectum (Spreng.) Lyon
UOS08646Nathan Bourne   2009-10-25
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, King Farm, Near old barnsite

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sceptridium dissectum (Spreng.) Lyon
UOS08647Nathan Bourne   2009-10-28
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, King Farm, Old field opposite barn site at King Farm, 35.2020256 -85.964229

Sceptridium jenmanii (Underw.) Lyon
UOS08640Jon Evans   
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS08625Mary P. Priestley   2001-05-11
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Ravine between Tennessee Ave. and Oklahoma Ave., 35.20049 -85.92349

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS08626Schipper, A.L   1961-05-04
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Lost Cove, head of cove, near Sherwood Road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS08627Mary P. Priestley   1997-06-13
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, In woods at head of Lake Finney., 35.206585 -85.913735

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS08628William A. Craig   1959-04-30
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Natural Bridge

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS08629W.C. Williams   1966-06-13

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS08630Inge   1969-05-05
United States, Tennessee, Grundy, Fiery Gizzard

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS08631Nancy Longnecker   1976-05-06
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, 150 yds. NW of Morgan's Steep on path to Bridal Veil Falls.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS08632Chris A. Fleming   2001-05-16
United States, Tennessee, Van Buren, Cumberland Plateau, Located ca. 1km E of Campsite #2 on the Lower Loop Overnight Trail heading toward Cane Creek Gorge. Growing trailside on mesic rocky slope.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS08633Wilson Smith   1978-05-09
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Cumberland Plateau, 0.2 mi. SE of High Top, 4 mi. W of Sewanee.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS08634Inge   1969-05-23
United States, Tennessee, Grundy, US 41, 100 yds downhill from Lone Rock on US 41 1.9 mi from Sewanee

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