Search Results (List)

Dataset: UOS-
Taxa: Primulaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-46 of 46

University of the South - Sewanee Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00014A.E. Radford   1966-07-05

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00036Jon Evans   2013-07-10
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, In a small wetland seep;first limestone bench below King Farm, 35.19844 -85.96469

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00048M. D. Caldwell   1968-05-24
United States, North Carolina, Cherokee

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS00136Jon Evans   2013-07-10
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Disturbed area around edge of organic farm., 35.17631 -85.91758

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03915Mary P. Priestley   1997-06-23
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Keith Springs Mtn, Turn right off of Hwy. 16 onto Old Rowe Gap Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03916J.G.Haesloop   1966-06-30
United States, North Carolina, Stanly

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03917Mary P. Priestley   2002-07-01
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Roadside, Alabama Avenue in abandoned lot 100m. N. of intersection with TN Hwy 41-A., 35.196422 -85.915663

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03918Harry E. Ahles   1958-06-02

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03919Chris A. Fleming   2001-06-19
United States, Tennessee, Van Buren, Located in fallow field of old Wheeler farm, which is accesible from a gravel road along Highway 30, ca. 1.8 km S of 30 / 285 junction. Growing in south end of field along road near intersection with Cane Creek.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03920A.E. Radford   1956-06-16

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03921Landon E. McKinney   1996-06-05
United States, Tennessee, Coffee, AEDC, Northwest of airfield runway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03922E.R. McIver   1962-05-26
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Top of Plateau, top of plateau by TN state hwy 56 3.6 miles from US 64

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03923Yolande M. Gottfried   1998-06-03
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Carruthers Road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03924Landon E. McKinney   1996-06-05
United States, Tennessee, Coffee, AEDC, Alluvial woods, extreme east portion of AEDC, Dabbs Ford Bridge at Elk River, south of Prairie Plains

UOS03925C. Leland Rodgers   
United States, South Carolina, Oconee, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lysimachia tonsa (Alph. Wood) Alph. Wood ex Pax & R. Knuth
UOS03926Chris A. Fleming   2001-06-13
United States, Tennessee, Van Buren, Cumberland Plateau, Located at old limestone quarry on Highway 30, ca. 2.0 km W of junction of Highways 285 and 30. Growing above highwall along edge of gravel lot.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03927Chris A. Fleming   2001-05-24
United States, Tennessee, Van Buren, Cumberland Plateau, Located along Hwy 30 ca. 3.0 km S of intersection of Hwy 30 and Hwy 285. Growing along roadside on steep embankment.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03928Mary P. Priestley   2001-05-23
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Smith tract clearcut regeneration out Jumpoff Road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03929R.K. Clements   1985-05-24
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Carter Lands, Farmer Cove, Erosion ditch along south trail from Farmer Cove. Pitcher Ridge Quad.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03930Jeri Gibson   1977-05-10
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Campus lawn beside walkway from Tuckaway to Gailor.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03931Landon E. McKinney   1996-05-28
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, "Carter Lands", Around area referred to as Posey Field and Custard Hollow, off Hwy. 16 and north of Cold Springs area.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03932R.F. Daves   1965-05-25
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Shakerag Hollow, Overgrown trail from Rt. 64 near Shakerag Hollow, 0.8 mi. SW of St. Andrew's School.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03933Mary P. Priestley   1998-05-23
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Lost Cove, Tom Pack Hollow.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03934R.K. Goodman   1962-05-24
United States, Tennessee, Grundy, Mixed pine-hardwood stand, near stream bed, 2 miles W. of Tracy City.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03935Richard Dolbeer   1965-05-25
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Side of trail, approx. 50 yds. N of Hwy 64 approx. 2 mi. NE of Sewanee

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03936J.M. Hyde   1959-05-18
United States, Tennessee, Marion, South Pittsburg, upstream, near dump, w. South Pittsburg

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03937M.A.Singleton   1962-05-23
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Railroad track about .6 miles west of Sewanee station

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03938Mary P. Priestley   1996-05-27
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, near Memorial Cross, Streambed E. of abandoned road from Memorial Cross to Hwy 64, at junction of road and Perimeter Trail, 35.189807 -85.933782

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03939John R. Bozeman   1966-08-27

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lysimachia tonsa (Alph. Wood) Alph. Wood ex Pax & R. Knuth
UOS03940Harry E. Ahles   1963-06-07

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS03941Mary P. Priestley   1998-05-29
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Edge of Farm Pond., 35.21564 -85.933721

Image Associated With the Occurence
Primula meadia (L.) A.R. Mast & Reveal
UOS05078J.R. Carter   1959-04-05
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Lost Cove, roadside in upper part of Lost Cove, 35.139823 -85.921685

Image Associated With the Occurence
Primula meadia (L.) A.R. Mast & Reveal
UOS05079Lloyd Elie   1959-04-02
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Lost Cove, Lost Cove

Image Associated With the Occurence
Primula meadia (L.) A.R. Mast & Reveal
UOS05080Donald W. Krickbaum   1959-04-02
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Lost Cove, Lost Cove, low, wet stream bank

Image Associated With the Occurence
Primula meadia (L.) A.R. Mast & Reveal
UOS05081P.L. Rakes   1981-04-17
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, About 30 yds. east of firelane in mixed deciduous forest about 0.5 mi. north of Hightop Mtn, 3 mi. east of Sewanee.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Primula meadia (L.) A.R. Mast & Reveal
UOS05082R.K. Goodman   1962-05-25
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Sewanee area, 1.4 mi. from US 41 on road leading into W. cove at base of Sewanee mountain

Image Associated With the Occurence
Primula meadia (L.) A.R. Mast & Reveal
UOS05083Jean A. Yeatman   1952-04-22
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, Sherwood Rd, near Sewanee, TN.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Primula meadia (L.) A.R. Mast & Reveal
UOS05084Emily J. Butler   1976-04-01
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, 0.5 mi. NE of High Top, 4 mi. W of Sewanee.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Primula meadia (L.) A.R. Mast & Reveal
UOS05085Clay Ewing   1962-04-25
United States, Tennessee, Grundy, Cumberland Plateau, Tenn. highway 4, 1.4 mi. from jct with U.S. Highway 41.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Primula meadia (L.) A.R. Mast & Reveal
UOS05086M.A. Singleton   1962-04-25
United States, Tennessee, Grundy, 1.4 miles on Gilliam Springs Road from U.S. 41A. 1025' elevation

Image Associated With the Occurence
Primula meadia (L.) A.R. Mast & Reveal
UOS05087E.R. McIver   1962-04-25
United States, Tennessee, Grundy, Sewanee area, Base of Sewanee Mtn, by County Rd. 1.4 mi. from US Highway 41, N. of Monteagle.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06104Jon Evans   2008-07-09
United States, Tennessee, Franklin, TUS Domain, Lost Cove, Riverbank of Lost Cove Creek just before Big Sink, 35.128558 -85.905661

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06105Greg Miller   1997-07-31
United States, Tennessee, Coffee, Roadside ditch along Dixie Hwy. 41. 0.5 mile East of I-24.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UOS06106Chris A. Fleming   2001-06-13
United States, Tennessee, Van Buren, Cumberland Plateau, Located at old limestone quarry on Highway 30, ca. 2.0 km W of junction of Highways 285 and 30. Growing above highwall along edge of gravel lot in moist depression.

J.M. Hyde   1959-05-18
United States, Tennessee, Marion, South Pittsburg, upstream near dump W. South Pittsburg

Landon E. McKinney   1996-06-05
United States, Tennessee, Coffee, AEDC, wet to mesic, open, barren-like land, adjacent to and northwest of airfield runway

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