Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Search Criteria: Armenia; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-14 of 14

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT610700S Таманцян [S. Tamantchian]   s.n.1954-07-08
Armenia, Армянская ССР, Вайоцдзорский р-н, Джангалу, вдоль железной [Armenian SSR, Akhbash District, Janailu, along the railway] [?]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT611074Г. В. Аветисян [G. V. Avetisyan]   s.n.1952-08-13
Armenia, Aragatsotn, Апаранский р-н, с. Тузу-гюг, южн. скл. г. Ериман [Aparan District, village of Tuzu-gyug, southern slope of Mount Yeriman]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT611079Р. Карапетян [R. Karapetyan]   s.n.1919-07-03
Armenia, Gegharkunik, Севанский р-н, село Цахкова, ю.-з. склон с гор. [Sevan district, village Tsakhkova, southwest slope of the mountains.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT611085З. Аветисян [Z. Avetisyan]   s.n.1959-08-13
Armenia, Adjarian, Армянская ССР, Аджарский р-н, Сухой склон в окрестности с. Тахалу [Armenian SSR, Adjarian district, Dry slope near the village of Takhalu]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT611054Рубцов Н. Н. [Rubtsov N. N.]   s.n.1960-10-19
Armenia, Gegharkunik, Армения, гора с. Севан, Вокруг села горы на с. о. Севан [Armenia, mountain near Sevan, around the village on the Sevan Peninsula]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Jurinea depressa
BRIT611116Т. В. Егорова, [T. V. Egorova]   19121956-07-05
Armenia, Армянская ССР, Мегринский р-н, подъем на Зангезурский хребет по правому притоку р. Мегри, от с. Варагназор. На сухих аридных лугах близ кордона в Ордубадский район Нахичеванская АССР [Armenian SSR, Meghri District, ascent to the Zangezur Ridge along the right tributary of the Meghri River, near the village of Varagnazor. On dry arid meadows near the border with the Ordubad District, Nakhichevan ASSR]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Serratula quinquefolia M. Bieb. ex Willd.
BRIT611272Д. Медведева [D. Medvedeva]   s.n.1956-09-03
Armenia, Дорога Горис-Кафран, 6.35 км от Кафрана [Road Goris-Kafran, 6.35 km from Kafran]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT611579I. Karjagin   s.n.1934-05-02
Armenia, Syunik, Transcaucasia, Armenia, distr. Migri, 4-6 km ad NO p. Migri [Transcaucasia, Armenia, Migri district, 4-6 km to the northeast of Migri.], 1100 - 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612235I. Karagin   s.n.1934-06-25
Armenia, Transcaucasia, Armenia, distr. Migri, inter et supra p Kartshovan et Agerak. [Transcaucasia, Armenia, Meghri district, between and above Kartshovan and Agerak], 1400 - 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612236I. Karjagin   s.n.1934-06-22
Armenia, Transcaucasia, Armenia, distr. Migri, ad custodiam Kartshevan. In valle fl. Araxis [Transcaucasia, Armenia, Migri district, near the guard station of Kartshevan. In the valley of the Arax River]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612239I. Karjagin   s.n.1934-06-22
Armenia, Transcaucasia, Armenia, distr. Migri, ad custodiam Kartshevan. In valle fl. Araxis [Transcaucasia, Armenia, Migri district, near the guard station of Kartshevan. In the valley of the Arax River]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Onobrychis cornuta var. longifolia

Image Associated With the Occurence
Celtis glabrata Steven ex Planch.
BRIT616596Paul Meyer   42002-08-31
Armenia, Syunik, Armenia: Syunik Marz: Goris: Vorotan Gorge, 9.439267 46.396617, 900m


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