Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Search Criteria: Bahamas; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 265

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

BRIT23356D. S. Correll   514201980-10-03
Bahamas, Great Exuma, On a high coppice-covered rocky ridge above roadway west of Moss Town.

BRIT530071William R. Stimson   11351965-03-31
Bahamas, Bimini, Bimini island group, south Bimini Island, just north of eastern most part of Cavelle Pond.

BRIT530067Sidney McDaniel   54211964-11-01
Bahamas, Grand Bahama. 3 miles southeast of Freeport.

BRIT366707Timothy Pansegrau   1391984-03-15
Bahamas, South Andros: 3 miles south of Driggs Hill

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT552250R. A. Howard   102071948-05-00
Bahamas, Bimini, Easter Key.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT553134D. S. Correll   440761975-01-10
Bahamas, Great Exuma, about Forrest

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT433629D. S. Correll   458081975-07-31
Bahamas, Inagua, Great Inagua: in low places, Horse Pond, just northeast of Matthew Town.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anemia cicutaria Kunze ex Spreng. [excluded]
BRIT472279D.S. Correll   408161973-12-09
Bahamas, About 1 mile east of Stuart Manor.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT472281D. S. Correll   451221975-05-15
Bahamas, Eleuthera: north edge of Rock Sound.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT472274A.M. Frazer   92-31992-03-10
Bahamas, North Andros, Pineland south of Bail Road approximately 0.5 mi. west of intersection with Queen's Highway just north of Forfar Field Station.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Nephrolepis multiflora (Roxb.) Jarrett ex Morton
BRIT426840A.M. Frazer   91-1381991-07-16
Bahamas, North Andros, Approx. 9 miles north of T-junction (Queen's Highway).

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT426962A.M Frazer   91-1271991-07-14
Bahamas, North Andros, Jungle Pond, adjacent to logging road which intersects with Red Bays road approximately 6 miles west of intersection with Queen's Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT470546Gladys Fehling   191978-04-10
Bahamas, Andros Bahamas: In lime sink in pine woods across road from Andros Town Airport, Fresh Creek.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Selaginella bracei Hieron. ex O.C. Schmidt
BRIT470547D. S. Correll   466871976-01-25
Bahamas, Grand Bahama, In deep narrow sinkhole in pineyard about 2 miles west of Freeport Airport.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT430491D.S. Correll   441081975-01-11
Bahamas, Great Exuma: Stuart Manor.

BRIT467237D. S. Correll   447551975-03-22
Bahamas, Grand Bahama: Coppice in Fortune Hills region of Freeport.

BRIT472020Steven R. Hill   31281975-06-06
Bahamas, Andros, Coppice 0.8 mile west of main road on the logging road which connects to the second main N-S logging road; just south of Staniard Creek., 24.4333 -77.95

BRIT472007D. S. Correll   469461976-03-26
Bahamas, New Providence, On east-facing walls for Fort Charlotte, Nassau.

BRIT467239Paul O. Schallert   54561961-11-25
Bahamas, Grand Bahama Island.

BRIT472015D. S. Correll   461251975-11-20
Bahamas, Cat Island, Along trail to The Hermitage, Mt. Alverina, from Old Bight., 63m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT433964D. S. Correll   445401975-03-12
Bahamas, Great Abaco, Along Great Abaco Highway, about 22 miles southeast of Marsh Harbour.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT433938A. M. Frazer   91-1291991-07-14
Bahamas, North Andros, Off Red Bays road approx. 8.8 mi. west of intersection with Queen's Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT433937R. A. Howard   101661948-05-00
Bahamas, Bimini, South Bimini.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT428509A. M. Frazer   91-2371991-08-11
Bahamas, North Andros, In Jungle Pond off logging road which intersects with Red Bays road approximately 6 miles west of intersection with Queen's Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT428508Otto Degener   188601946-02-13
Bahamas, Two miles south of Nassau, New Providence.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tectaria lobata (C. Presl) Morton
BRIT428370D. S. Correll   410531974-01-09
Bahamas, North Eleuthera, Covering walls of a "banana hole" 20 ft. deep, near Watkins Hill.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tectaria lobata (C. Presl) Morton
BRIT428369D. S. Correll   408171973-12-09
Bahamas, Great Exuma, In "banana hole" in coppice about 1 mile east of Stuart Manor.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tectaria lobata (C. Presl) Morton
BRIT428368D. S. Correll   453161975-05-19
Bahamas, Eleuthera, In banana hole on coppice-covered hills between Green Castle and Waterford.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT428363D. S. Correll   512101980-03-05
Bahamas, Great Exuma, In sink hole in coppice several miles from Richmond Hill, about 100 feet off roadway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psilotum nudum (L.) Beauv.
BRIT428028D.S. Correll   441211975-01-12
Bahamas, Great Exuma: on walls of deep banana hole in thinly covered (by shrubs) rock flats just northwest of Goat Cay, George Town.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441089Timothy Pansegrau   1011984-03-15
Bahamas, South Andros, 3 mi S of Driggs Hill.

BRIT447829D. S. Correll   466521976-01-24
Bahamas, Grand Bahama, Just east of Coral Road, Freeport.

Metastelma palustre (Pursh) Schltr.
BRIT447828R. A. Howard   100281948-05-01
Bahamas, Bimini, North Bimini.

Metastelma palustre (Pursh) Schltr.
BRIT447827R. A. Howard   101111948-05-01
Bahamas, Bimini, North Bimini.

BRIT447826R. A. Howard   101121948-05-01
Bahamas, Bimini, North Bimini.

BRIT447825R. A. Howard   100041948-05-01
Bahamas, Bimini, North Bimini.

BRIT447824Paul O. Schallert   286661961-11-25
Bahamas, Grand Bahama, Grand Bahama Island.

Cynanchum bahamense (Griseb.) Gillis
BRIT447821D. S. Correll   446451975-03-14
Bahamas, Great Abaco, Treasure Cay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441148Paul O. Schallert   286821961-11-25
Bahamas, Grand Bahama Island

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441146A. M. Frazer   91-1441991-07-17
Bahamas, North Andros, London ridge coppice road approximately 0.8 mi from intersection with Queen's Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441552Otto Degener   187751946-02-17
Bahamas, Between Love and Gambier, New Providence.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rauvolfia nitida Sessé & Moc.
BRIT441547D. S. Correll   472201976-06-04
Bahamas, New Providence: Garden Hill Esatates, Blue Hill area, Nassau.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Neobracea bahamensis (Britton) Britton
BRIT441340D. S. Correll   454041975-05-23
Bahamas, Grand Bahama: in brush edge of pineland along Queen's Highway several miles northwest of Freetown Community.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Neobracea bahamensis (Britton) Britton
BRIT441339Doug Goldman   32202005-04-19
Bahamas, A few hundred feet to the E. side of Main Lumber Road, perhaps 0.15 mi S. of the western reaches of Stafford Creek & about 13 air miles ENE of the town of Staniard Creek. North Andros District, northern Andros Island., 24.867574 -78.087898, 2m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441663D. S. Correll   489391977-08-11
Bahamas, Eleuthera; Tarpum Bay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT428094D. S. Correll   446521975-03-14
Bahamas, Great Abaco: about 2 miles northwest of Treasure Cay turn-off from Great Abaco Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT428263Paul O. Schallert   223471961-11-25
Bahamas, Great Bahama Island.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441835D. S. Correll   449641975-04-27
Bahamas, Long Island, just N of South End.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum.
BRIT441794D. S. Correll   451121975-05-15
Bahamas, Eleuthera: on N edge of Rock Sound.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acalypha chamaedrifolia (Lam.) Müll. Arg.
BRIT443446D.S. Correll   430721974-08-20
Bahamas, Grand Bahama: in open rocky and gravelly flats at Pine Ridge (old town-site of Freeport).

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT443444D.S. Correll   436651974-10-16
Bahamas, Berry Islands: on edge of coppice in disturbed soil on Anderson Cay, Great Harbour Cay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ateramnus lucidus (Sw.) Rothm.
BRIT443656D.S. Correll   452321975-05-17
Bahamas, Eleuthera, In coppice about 6 miles north of James Cistern

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ateramnus lucidus (Sw.) Rothm.
BRIT443655D.S. Correll   437351974-10-18
Bahamas, Berry Islands, In dense coppice at intersection of Pirate's Way and Cherokee Close, Great Harbour Cay

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT443671R.A. Howard   101551948-05-00
Bahamas, Bimini, South Bimini.

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BRIT443670D.S. Correll   441761975-01-17
Bahamas, Bimini, North Bimini: in vicinity of East Wells.

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BRIT443669D.S. Correll   473591976-07-17
Bahamas, Inagua, Little Inagua: Moujean Harbour area, in open coppice back of beach area.

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BRIT443668D.S. Correll   460401975-08-19
Bahamas, Inagua, Great Inagua: in thin coppice on northeast edge of Matthew Town.

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BRIT443667D.S. Correll   424061974-06-24
Bahamas, Exuma, Great Exuma: open coastal coppice in the Tar Bay area.

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BRIT443664D.S. Correll   410921974-01-09
Bahamas, Eleuthera, North Eleuthera: on mound along rocky shore between Lower Bogue and The Current.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bernardia dichotoma (Willd.) Müll. Arg.
BRIT443867D.S. Correll   450951975-05-14
Bahamas, Eleuthera, On rocky slope on north edge of Green Castle.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bernardia dichotoma (Willd.) Müll. Arg.
BRIT443866D.S. Correll   451921975-05-16
Bahamas, Eleuthera, On coppice-covered high hills about midway between Palmetto Point and Governor's Harbour.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bernardia dichotoma (Willd.) Müll. Arg.
BRIT443865D.S. Correll   460771975-11-19
Bahamas, Cat Island, In open flat coppice in vicinity of Port Howe.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bonania cubana A. Rich.
BRIT443846D.S. Correll   453151975-05-18
Bahamas, Eleuthera, On edge of high coppice, Cape Eleuthera.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT419711D. S. Correll   447451975-03-22
Bahamas, Grand Bahama; in the Fortune Hills area of Freeport.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A. Dietr.
BRIT419695D. S. Correll   466551976-01-24
Bahamas, Grand Bahama: in hammock just E of Coral Road, Freeport.

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BRIT496205Paul O. Schallert   13711961-11-25
Bahamas, Grand Bahama Island.

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Tillandsia balbisiana Schult. & Schult. f.
BRIT420889Otto Degener   189761946-02-25
Bahamas, Near Harrold & Wilson Ponds, New Providence.

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BRIT496282Pamela Beard   10921945-06-12
Bahamas, Saint Lucia, B. W. I. En-bas-suat.

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BRIT496279R. R. Smith   50181978-12-05
Bahamas, San Salvador, East of Granny Lkae; East side of Island. San Salvador Island.

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BRIT422499D.S. Correll   453911975-05-23
Bahamas, Grand Bahama: rooted in mud under water near Pan Am Operational Station, Freetown

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
BRIT435103R. A. Howard   101281948-05-00
Bahamas, Bimini, Old Duck Pond. South Bimini.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce blodgettii (Engelm. ex Hitchc.) Small
BRIT435104R. A. Howard   100131948-05-00
Bahamas, Bimini, North Bimini.

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BRIT435105Paul O. Schallert   286671961-11-26
Bahamas, Near Hotel, Grand Bahama Is.

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BRIT435106D. S. Correll   513951980-05-22
Bahamas, New Providence, on edge of race course along West Bay St.

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BRIT435107Paul O. Schallert   286681961-11-25
Bahamas, Grand Bahama Island.

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BRIT435108Paul O. Schallert   286681961-11-26
Bahamas, near Hotel, Grand Bahama Hotel

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BRIT435109William R. Stimson   7761964-07-27
Bahamas, Bimini, South Bimini Island, along the west coast of island.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce buxifolia (Lam.) Small
BRIT435110R. A. Howard   100071948-05-00
Bahamas, Bimini, North Bimini

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce buxifolia (Lam.) Small
BRIT435111Paul O. Schallert   286981961-11-25
Bahamas, Great Bahama Island.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce buxifolia (Lam.) Small
BRIT435112Paul O. Schallert   286981961-11-25
Bahamas, Great Bahama Island.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp.
BRIT435117R. A. Howard   102151948-05-00
Bahamas, North Bimini, along ocean road.

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BRIT435121R. A. Howard   100311948-05-00
Bahamas, North Bimini.

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BRIT435122Paul O. Schallert   119281961-11-25
Bahamas, Great Bahama Island.

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BRIT435123D. S. Correll   469661976-03-27
Bahamas, New Providence: along Nassau St, Bains Town, Nassau.

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BRIT435125R. A. Howard   102391948-05-00
Bahamas, South Bimini.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lecheoides (Millsp.) Millsp.
BRIT435126R. R. Smith   50251978-12-12
Bahamas, San Salvador Island. On ridge between Pigeon Creek and Snow Bay; opposite South Victorial Hills, North East part of island.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce lecheoides (Millsp.) Millsp.
BRIT435127Paul O. Schallert   287031961-11-25
Bahamas, Great Bahama Island.

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BRIT435132D. S. Correll   472301976-06-04
Bahamas, New Providence: in flower beds at residence on Buen Retiro St. Nassau.

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BRIT436980D. S. Correll   460721975-11-19
Bahamas, Cat Island, In coppice about Zonicle Hill.

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BRIT436987D. S. Correll   437971974-11-20
Bahamas, San Salvador, In coppice just south of Columbus Landing Monument.

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BRIT436988R. R. Smith   42171976-12-14
Bahamas, San Salvador, on High Cay's small cay ca ½mile east of Sandy hook, southeast part of island.

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BRIT437008Otto Degener   191381946-02-18
Bahamas, South shore of West Bay, New Providence.

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BRIT437009William R. Stimson   10641965-03-28
Bahamas, Bimini, South Bimini Island: Along south west coast of island.

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BRIT437010R. A. Howard   101291948-05-00
Bahamas, Bimini, Edges of old Duck Pond. South Bimini.

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BRIT437014D. S. Correll   490691977-10-06
Bahamas, New Providence: in vacant lots about small nursery on corner of Village Road and Wulff Road, Nassau.

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BRIT437015D. S. Correll   490731977-10-06
Bahamas, New Providence: in waste area about small nursery on corner of Village Road and Wulff Road, Nassau.

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BRIT437016D. S. Correll   475391976-07-26
Bahamas, Great Inagua: at base of Salt Pond Hill.

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BRIT437017D. S. Correll   451531975-05-16
Bahamas, Eleuthera: on coppice-covered ridge just east of Queen's Highway, about 4 miles north of Tarpum Bay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT437018R. A. Howard   102461948-05-00
Bahamas, Bimini, South Bimini.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT437154D. S. Correll   455741975-07-09
Bahamas, Bimini, Cat Cat.

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