Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Search Criteria: Ecuador; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 536

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

BRIT4275G. P. Lewis   26401996-10-04
Ecuador, El Oro, Road Manu- Chilla, km 36; 10 km W of Guanasan, 2600m

Geissanthus challuayacus
BRIT23660W. Palacios   40661989-03-20
Ecuador, Napo, Canton Archidona, faldas al sur del Volcan Sumaco, Carretera Hollin-Loreto, km 31, 1200 - 1200m

BRIT23311G. L. Webster   303071993-09-05
Ecuador, Pichincha, Bosque Protector Maquipucuna; montane rain forest on E side of Rio Tulambi., 0.1 -78.625, 1350 - 1400m

BRIT23662H. van der Werff   93741987-05-06
Ecuador, Along old trail from Nudo de Sabanillo to Vallodolid., 2300 - 2300m

BRIT552832J. L. Clark   88352003-08-21
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Provincia: Esmeraldas. Cantón: Quinindé. Bilsa Biological Reserve. Reserva Ecologica Mache-Chindul, 35 km W of Quinindé. Trail from SW border of reserve to Don Bolivar's home (trail connecting the road towards Pierdrita and the road towards Mono)., 0.35 -79.733333, 400 - 600m

Triplaris weigeltiana (Reichenbach) Kuntze
BRIT467857Robert N. Mowbray   69711969-07-00
Ecuador, Sucumbios, Shushufindi, Edge of lake, Limoncocha, NAPO PROVINCE

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT467858R. P. Sauleda   36971980-08-05
Ecuador, Pichincha, Chiriboga road, old Santo Domingo-Quito road, 31 km NE of Alluriquin., 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT420901Elizabeth Girko   ZE860071986-06-00
Ecuador, At Tinalandia - Santa Domingo de los Colorados., 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT552244H. Balslev   16621981-01-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, old road Quito-Sto. Domingo 23-27 km W of Chillogallo, 2800 - 3100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Epidendrum megaloclinium Hágsater & Dodson
BRIT552243Marcia Peñafiel   2711991-08-30
Ecuador, Imbabura, Cotachachi. Reserva Ecológica Cotachachi-Cayapas, Laguna de Cuicocha. Camino entre el muelle y la Guardería., 0.3 -78.366667, 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT552238David Neill   144852003-09-07
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, El Pangui. Cordillera del Cóndor, 1 km sour of Cóndor Mirador military post, on Ecuador-Peru border., 3.645556 -78.395556, 1970m

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BRIT552237H. Balslev   19361981-02-02
Ecuador, pich, Pichincha: Lloa valley (W of Quito) 15 km below Lloa., 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT552236Thomas B. Croat   937962004-08-22
Ecuador, Sucumbios, Along road between La Bonita and Santa Barbara, 3.8 km N of La Bonita, 6.8 km S of Higuerón, 33.3 km S of Santa Barbara., 0.488889 -77.527222, 2088m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT552234H. Balslev   17341981-01-24
Ecuador, Pichincha, N slope of Volcán Pichincha at water catchment area "Yanacocha", 3300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Epidendrum alpicoloscandens Hágsater & Dodson
BRIT552233P. M. Jørgensen   3941994-04-18
Ecuador, Loja, Cerro de Villonaco. Loja-La Toma, Km 13; turnoff towards Chuquiribamba, Km 2. Hcda. La Huangora. Quadrat 50x10 m., 3.947778 -79.264444, 2640m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Koellensteinia graminea (Lindl.) Rchb. f.
BRIT464458Walter Palacios   111821993-09-06
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Eloy Alfaro. Reserva Ecológica Cotachachi-Cayapas, Charco Bicente, Río San Miguel, afluente del Río Cayapas., 0.716667 -78.883333, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT552063Aída Alvarez   18771997-04-22
Ecuador, Archidona Comunidad de Pacto Sumaco. Colecciones en el limite del Parque Nacional Sumaco. 00° 38' 56" S 077° 35' 49" W 1600-1650 m, 1600 - 1650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Elleanthus aurantiacus (Lindl.) Rchb.f.
BRIT552055Homero Vargas   4371995-03-16
Ecuador, Los Llanganates. Carretera Salcedo-Tena, Km 60. Rancho La Poderosa, descendiendo al río Mulatos, a 4 Km. 00° 57' S 078° 14' W 2500-2870 m, 2500 - 2870m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Habenaria monorrhiza (Sw.) Rchb. f.
BRIT464415Linder Suin   19682002-06-07
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Cordillera del Cutucú. Asociación Shuar Sevilla. Comunidad Yuranks. Talud de la carretera junto al Río Yukipa., 2.257778 -78.065556, 1050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Habenaria monorrhiza (Sw.) Rchb. f.
BRIT464414Thomas B. Croat   923332004-07-27
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Along road between Zumba and La Balsa on Peruvian border (Amazonas State), vicinity La Balso at Río Blanco Canchis along border with Peru., 4.975556 -79.113889

Image Associated With the Occurence
Scaphyglottis stellata Lodd. ex Lindl.
BRIT464985Milton Aulestia   8961993-10-21
Ecuador, Napo, Napo: Aguarico Reserva Etnica Huaorani. Carretera y oleoducto de Maxus en construcción, Km 60-61. Al sur del río Tivacuno. 00°51'S 76°26'W 250 m, - 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Scaphyglottis stellata Lodd. ex Lindl.
BRIT464984Alberto Dik   6101993-10-06
Ecuador, Orellana, Napo: Orellana Parque Nacional Yasuní. Carretera y oleoducto de Maxus en construcción, Km 53-60. 00°48'S 076°28'W 230 m, - 230m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT438567A.K. Neill   3302-E2000-09-23
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, About 1 km N of Guayzimi on road to Zamora. Nearest town: Guayzimi., -4.033333 -78.066667, 950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gurania lobata (L.) Pruski
BRIT438566A.K. Neill   3262-E2000-09-12
Ecuador, Napo, Loreto Road, Km 14. Nearest town: Sumaco., 0.723056 -77.689167, 1126m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gurania lobata (L.) Pruski
BRIT438531A.K. Neill   3280-E2000-09-13
Ecuador, Orellana, Canton Loreto, Tiyuyaca Community, 5 km S of 24 de Mayo, new road. Nearest town: 24 de Mayo., -0.783333 -77.433333, 600m

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BRIT553307Alex Hirtz   341
Ecuador, Pichincha, Lloa. Prov. Pichincha., 2800m

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Prosthechea crassilabia Carnevali & I. Ramírez
BRIT464940Wilson Quizhpe   22382006-04-12
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, El Pangui. Vertiente occidental de la Cordillera del Cóndor. Cuenca del Río Tundayme, afluyente del Río Quimi. Carretera hacia el destacamento militar Condor Mirador., 3.616389 -78.461944, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT466837James L. Luteyn   91081983-03-03
Ecuador, Napo, Parq. Nac. Yasuni, Anangu, 0°31'S, 76°23'W. Elev. 270m. Swamp forest along Rio Aňangu (black water) near jct. with Rio Napo., -0.516667 -76.383333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anthurium obtusum (Engl.) Grayum
BRIT466107Tom Delinks   4611999-11-26
Ecuador, Manabi, Jama, 25 km south of Pedernales (as the crow flies), property of Eudaldo (Don Lalo) Loor, forest adjacent shore., 0.131111 -80.155556, 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anthurium obtusum (Engl.) Grayum
BRIT466106Tom Delinks   5031999-11-28
Ecuador, Manabi, Jama, 28 km south of Pedernales (as the crow flies); 3.5 km SW of the town Camarones; remnant forest bordering pasture, off trail northwest of Pertextaxto Gutierrez's house., 0.1375 -80.156389, 450 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT466077Alan Gentry   699221990-05-09
Ecuador, Pichincha, Maquipucuna, 5 km E of Nanegal, transect No. 1., 0.116667 -78.616667, 1630m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT466069Tom Delinks   5071999-11-28
Ecuador, Manabi, Jama, 28 km south of Pedernales (as the crow flies); 3.5 km SW of the town Camarones; remnant forest bordering pasture, off trail northwest of Pertextaxto Gutierrez's house., 0.1375 -80.156389, 500m

BRIT465205A. Pridgeon   s.n.1978-04-08
Ecuador, Los Rios, Rio Palenque

Image Associated With the Occurence
Homalomena picturata (Linden & André) Regal
BRIT466847James L. Luteyn   90751983-02-27
Ecuador, Napo, Napo: Parq. Nac. Yasuni, Anangu. Swamp forest along Rio Anangu (black water) near jct with Rio Napo., -0.516667 -76.383333, 270m

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BRIT466846James L. Luteyn   90101983-02-22
Ecuador, Napo, Napo: Parq. Nac. Yasuni, Anangu. Swamp forest along Rio Anangu (black water) near jct with Rio Napo., -0.516667 -76.383333, 270m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Philodendron schmidtiae Croat & Cerón
BRIT466740Thomas B. Croat   866102002-08-15
Ecuador, Pastaza, Along road between Puyo and Baños, vic. of Shell, less than 1 km north of village; disturbed virgin forest in marshy area with standing water., 1.494167 -78.064444, 1096m

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BRIT471325Alice Fay   44131994-07-13
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Zamora Canton. Within 3 km of the town of Zamora., -4.051389 -78.951389, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Philodendron subhastatum Engl. & K. Krause
BRIT466748Tom Delinks   4681999-11-26
Ecuador, Manabi, Jama, 25 km south of Pedernales (as the crow flies), property of Eudaldo (Don Lalo) Loor, tropical dry forest adjacent shore., 0.131111 -80.155556, 450m

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BRIT466742W.W. Thomas   67081989-04-09
Ecuador, Pastaza, Road towards Canelos, 6 km E of Puyo Macas road. 25.7 km S of Puyo., -1.566667 -77.766667, 800m

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BRIT466741Thomas B. Croat   586281984-04-27
Ecuador, Napo, Along road between Puerto El Carmen de Putomayo (on Rio Putomayo at Colombian frontier) and Lago Agrio, in vicinity of Tarapoa, 76 km E of Lago Agrio, 240m

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BRIT469802John Wiersema   20011980-07-28
Ecuador, Los Rios, Centinela Ridge area, 12.5 km E of Patricia Pilar., 427m

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BRIT57223Lara Kueppers   561994-10-01
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quininde, Bilsa Biological Station. Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve. Coastal mountain range, northwest of Quininde., 0.35 -79.733333, 500m

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BRIT57219Lara Kueppers   241994-10-01
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quininde, Bilsa Biological Station. Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve. Coastal mountain range, northwest of Quininde.; 0.35 -79.733333, 0.35 -79.733333, 500m

BRIT425553Alice Fay   39001992-08-06
Ecuador, Napo, Quijos Canton. Northeast side of Quijos: go north on the road east of the Colegio, toward the river., -0.458333 -77.883333, 1850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sphyrospermum buxifolium Poepp. & Endl.
BRIT555806James L. Luteyn   151521997-05-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Nanegalito-Pto. Quito new road, 8-17 km WSW of Nanegalito., -0.066667 -78.75, 1680 - 1890m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sphyrospermum buxifolium Poepp. & Endl.
BRIT555807James L. Luteyn   151541997-05-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Nanegalito-Pto. Quito new road, 8-17 km WSW of Nanegalito., -0.066667 -78.75, 1680 - 1890m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia coarctata (R. & P.) A. C. Sm.
BRIT555809James L. Luteyn   153851998-11-19
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Gualaquiza road. 15.3 km S of Plan de Milagro (military post)., -3.05 -78.5, 1000m

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BRIT426720Tom Delinks   4911999-11-27
Ecuador, Manabi, Manabi: Jama. 28 km S of Pedernales (as the crow files); 3.5 km SW of the town Camarones; off trail northwest of Pertextaxto Gutierres's house., 0.128333 -80.163056, 500 - 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Selaginella geniculata (C. Presl) Spring
BRIT470532Alice Fay   39941993-06-07
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Morona Cantón, Near the city of Macas., -2.333333 -78.133333, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT429008Tom Delinks   5101999-11-28
Ecuador, Manabi, Jama. 28 km S of Pedernales (as the crow flies); 3.5 km SW of the town Camarones, off trail NW of Pertextaxto Gutierrez's house., 0.138889 -80.155833, 450 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hemidictyum marginatum (L.) C. Presl
BRIT426054L. Pacheco   33001991-12-04
Ecuador, Pichincha, Por el Río Peripa, cerca de San Miguel de los Colorados., 390m

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BRIT512782Robin C. Kennedy   1-90-1-181990-01-05
Ecuador, Approximately 8-9 km by road SW of San Isidro, in area called "Las Brisas". San Isidro topo map 1:50,000, cuadricula (block) N55 E85. Approximately 0 degrees, 24' S latitude, 80 degrees, 14' E longitude., -0.4 80.233333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Selaginella exaltata (Kunze) Spring
BRIT461835L.R. Landrum   106532003-06-15
Ecuador, Napo, Cotococha; about 1 km west of Venecia and 25 km east of Tena; on the south side of the Napo River. Old growth forest trail, about 2 km beyond start., -1.04855 -77.718667, 450m

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BRIT461842L.R. Landrum   106802003-06-16
Ecuador, Napo, Cotococha; about 1 km west of Venecia and 25 km east of Tena; on the south side of the Napo River. Venecia, trail along stream., 1.045833 -77.711667, 450m

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BRIT461843L.R. Landrum   106832003-06-16
Ecuador, Napo, Cotococha; about 1 km west of Venecia and 25 km east of Tena; on the south side of the Napo River. Venecia, trail along stream.; 1.045833 -77.711667, 1.045833 -77.711667, 450m

BRIT472004Rovert M. Mowbray   699f31969-09-01
Ecuador, Napo, Napo Road, Limonconcha.

BRIT472046Tom Delinks   1261998-11-10
Ecuador, Manabi, Pedernales, Cerro Pata de Pajaro, 10 km east of Pedernales., 0.016667 -79.966667, 300 - 520m

Alsophila cuspidata (Kunze) D.S.Conant
BRIT472167L. R. Landrum   107092003-06-18
Ecuador, Napo, Cotococha, Abot 1km west of Venecia and 25km east of Tena; on the south side of the Napo River. Just W of Cotococha cabins.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Ching
BRIT431674Tom Delinks   5091999-11-28
Ecuador, Manabi, Jama. 28 km south of Pedernales (as the crow flies); 3.5 km SW of the town Camarones. Off trail northwest of Pertextaxto Gutierrez's house., -0.138889 -80.155833, 450 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Elaphoglossum Schott ex J. Sm.
BRIT425961Robbin C. Moran   53651991-02-14
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, new road Loja-Zamora, 12.5 km E of pass; -4 -79.0333333333333, -4 -79.0333333333333, 2000m

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BRIT431897Milton Aulestia   32661995-01-18
Ecuador, Napo, Aguarico Reserva Etnica Huaorani. Carretera y oleoducto de Maxus, Km 108. Area SPF., -0.983333 -76.2, 235 - 235m

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BRIT431891J. L. Clark   95142006-06-25
Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Biosphere Reserve. Tiputini Biodiversity Station (owned by the Universidad San Francisco, Quito). Sendero Harpi to Los Puentes., -0.636306 -76.149361, 200 - 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gleichenella pectinata (Willd.) Ching
BRIT460534L. R. Landrum   106562003-06-15
Ecuador, Napo, Cotococha; about 1 km west of Venecia and 25km east of Tena; on the south side of the Napo River. Along road between Venecia and Cotococha, -1.051467 -77.705967, 450m

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BRIT57295W.H. Camp   33721945-05-19
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Canon of the rio Chanchan, about 5km. north of Huigra, 1524 - 1981m

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Dicranoglossum polypodioides (Hook.) Lillinger
BRIT431587Tom Delinks   4991999-11-28
Ecuador, Manabi, Jama. 28 km south of Pedernales (as the crow flies); 3.5 km SW of the town Camarones. Off trail northwest of Pertextaxto Gutierrez's house. 00°08'15"S 080°09'23"W 450-500 m, -0.138889 -80.155833, 450 - 500m

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BRIT444648Alice Fay   44121994-12-07
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora Cantón. Within 3 km of the town of Zamora., -4.051389 -78.951389, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tectaria pilosa (Fée) R.C.Moran
BRIT428354Tom Delinks   5011999-11-28
Ecuador, Manabi, Jama, 28 km south of Pedernales (as the crow flies); 3.5 km SW of the town Camarones. Off trail northwest of Pertextaxto Gutierrez's house., 0.1375 -80.156389, 450 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper napo-pastazanum Trel. & Yunck.
BRIT420289Vlastimil Zak   35711987-09-18
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Río Negro. 00°15' S 78°20' W 1200 m, 1200 - 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macleania rotundifolia Sodiro & Hoerold
BRIT62001James L. Luteyn   151111997-05-09
Ecuador, Pichincha, Santo Domingo-Quito new road, 9.6 km ENE of Alluriquin., -0.333333 -78.916667, 915m

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BRIT62000James L. Luteyn   153991998-11-22
Ecuador, El Oro, Balsas-Moromoro-Piñas road, 7.4-11 km ENE of Balsas and 15.5-19.1 km WSW of Moromoro., -3.7 -79.8, 1097 - 1158m

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BRIT61999James L. Luteyn   151271997-05-16
Ecuador, Pichincha, Trail beyond Río Guajalito Reserve station (about 1 km), -0.216667 -78.8, 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macleania mollis A. C. Sm.
BRIT61998James L. Luteyn   151021997-05-06
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Loja-Zamora new road, 24-39 km E of Loja., -3.95 -79.1, 1585 - 2600m

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BRIT61997James L. Luteyn   150101996-11-06
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulcán-Maldonado road, 3 km E of Maldonado., 0.833333 -78.133333, 1615m

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BRIT61996James L. Luteyn   151631997-05-26
Ecuador, Imbabura, Road to Apuela, 33-34 km W of Cotacachi., 0.366667 -78.45, 2800 - 2900m

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BRIT61993James L. Luteyn   151491997-05-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Nanegalito-Pto. Quito new road, 8-17 km WSW of Nanegalito., -0.066667 -78.75, 1680 - 1890m

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BRIT61992James L. Luteyn   151381997-05-20
Ecuador, Imbabura, Otavalo-Selva Alegre road, 23 km W of Otavalo., 0.266667 -78.45, 3080m

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BRIT62070James L. Luteyn   108961985-01-08
Ecuador, Carchi, 78-82 kms W of Tulcán., 0.833333 -78.083333, 2040 - 2320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62088James L. Luteyn   151481997-05-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Nanegalito-Pto. Quito new road, 8-17 km WSW of Nanegalito.; -0.066667 -78.75, -0.066667 -78.75, 1680 - 1890m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62087James L. Luteyn   151031997-05-06
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Loja-Zamora new road, 24-39 km E of Loja.; -3.95 -79.1, -3.95 -79.1, 1585 - 2600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT620064James L. Luteyn   150921997-05-04
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Yangana-Valladolid road, 3-8 km N of Valladolid., -4.533333 -79.15, 1800 - 2370m

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BRIT62062James L. Luteyn   66431979-01-01
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Road between Loja and Zamora, 47-50 km E of Loja., 1600 - 1700m

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BRIT62061James L. Luteyn   56591978-04-05
Ecuador, Napo, Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Quito-Baeza road, 4-18 kms E of Papallacta., 2600 - 2975m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62060James L. Luteyn   150871997-05-04
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Yangana-Valladolid road, 23-26 km S of Yangana., -4.5 -79.133333, 2500 - 2560m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62059James L. Luteyn   153511998-11-13
Ecuador, Napo, Cosanga-Tena road, ca. 1-2.5 km S of Cosanga., -0.6 -77.85, 1830 - 1920m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62058Wagner Ramírez   462000-12-15
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, El Pangui. Cresta de la cordillera del Cóndor en la frontera Ecuador-Perú, 1 km al sur del destacamento militar Cóndor Mirador., -3.642222 -78.393333, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia ferruginea X Psammisia columbiensis
BRIT62057James L. Luteyn   67221979-01-09
Ecuador, Napo, Prov. Napo-Pastaza; Baeza-Tena road; from Cosanga to 5 km S of Cosanga., 1975 - 2225m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62056James L. Luteyn   56661978-04-05
Ecuador, Napo, Prov. Napo-Pastaza: Baeza-Tena road, 8-13 kms SE of Baeza., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62140James L. Luteyn   151641997-05-26
Ecuador, Imbabura, Road to Apuela, 44-46 km W of Cotacachi., 0.383333 -78.466667, 2165 - 2345m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62132James L. Luteyn   56341978-04-02
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Santo Domingo de los Colorados new road, 19-24 km W of junction with Panamerican Highway., 2750 - 2900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62131James L. Luteyn   57361978-04-13
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulcán-Maldonado road, 41-45 kms W of Tufiño., 2500 - 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62129James L. Luteyn   153801998-11-18
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-La Unión road, trail beyond end of road (= 13.6 km from Limón) towards La Unión., -2.983333 -78.416667, 1340 - 1370m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62128L. R. Landrum   106822003-06-16
Ecuador, Napo, Cotococha; about 1 km west of Venecia and 25 km east of Tena; on the south side of the Napo River. Roadside at Venecia.; -1.043822 -77.714209, -1.043822 -77.714209, 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62126James L. Luteyn   8802
Ecuador, Pichincha, Old road Quito-Santo Domingo, ca. 3-16 km W of San Juan de Chiriboga., -0.25 -78.666667, 2460 - 3350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62120James L. Luteyn   151431997-05-20
Ecuador, Imbabura, Otavalo-Selva Alegre road, 53 km W of Otavalo., 0.25 -78.55, 2315m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62121James L. Luteyn   151431997-05-20
Ecuador, Imbabura, Otavalo-Selva Alegre road, 53 km W of Otavalo., 0.25 -78.55, 2315m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62118James L. Luteyn   57411978-04-13
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulcán-Maldonado road, 41-45 kms W of Tufiño., 2500 - 2700m

Psammisia urichiana (Britton) A. C. Sm.
BRIT52152James L. Luteyn   57841978-04-19
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Gualaceo-Limón road, 53-64 kms E of Gualaceo, 1870 - 2150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psammisia urichiana (Britton) A. C. Sm.
BRIT62151James L. Luteyn   151501997-05-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Nanegalito-Pto. Quito new road, 8-17 km WSW of Nanegalito., -0.066667 -78.75, 1680 - 1890m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62149James L. Luteyn   58561978-04-29
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Nono-Puerto Quito road, 13-14 kms NNW of Nono., 2184 - 2244m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT62148James L. Luteyn   153611998-11-17
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Gualaceo-Limón road, 56-62 km ESE of Gualaceo., -3.05 -78.533333, 1675 - 2155m

Page 1, records 1-100 of 536


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