Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Search Criteria: Honduras; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 218

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

BRIT23303P. H. Gentle   45611944-04-28
Honduras, Toledo, Bolo Camp, upper reach of Golden Stream

BRIT24191P. H. Gentle   44391943-07-09
Honduras, Toledo, Monkey River.

BRIT24033P. H. Gentle   44391943-07-09
Honduras, Toledo, Monkey River.

BRIT23557P. H. Gentle   43891944-04-05

Ilex gentlei Lundell
BRIT23727P. H. Gentle   48071944-09-08
Honduras, San Antonio rd.

BRIT23790P. H. Gentle   46001944-05-11
Honduras, Upper reach of Golden Stream.

BRIT23867P. H. Gentle   46491944-05-25

BRIT24091P. H. Gentle   22521938-02-24
Honduras, El Cayo District.

BRIT24098C. L. Lundell   62731936-07-01
Honduras, El Cayo District.

BRIT24161C. L. Lundell   5401929-10-01

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT530181Percy H. Gentle   42921942-12-21
Honduras, In mountain cabbage ridge between Monkey River and Cockscomb, Monkey River.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT551385George Heath   13691946-03-01
Honduras, [No additional locality data on sheet]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT552148Percy H. Gentle   46551944-06-05
Honduras, Toledo District: Temash River

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT552147Percy H. Gentle   46441944-05-25
Honduras, Toledo District: Botan Creek, Rio Grande

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gaga hirsuta (Link) Fay W. Li & Windham
BRIT64521Dennis J. Hernández   731981-09-18
Honduras, Departamento de: F. Morazán. El Hatillo, 11 km N de Tegucigalpa, 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT469003Badlato   151997-07-15
Honduras, Gracias a Dios, La Mosquitia, Mocorón, 80 km from Puerto Lempira., 15 -84

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT464992Percy H. Gentle   46561944-06-05
Honduras, Toledo District: in mangrove forest, Temash River

BRIT48931Alma L. Moldenke   198101948-11-17
Honduras, Tegucigalpa

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT466796Russell A. Meigs   12311981-05-18
Honduras, Comayagua, along ridge below Agua Blanca; Los Flores 16; 437, 100E; 16 60,200N/ 15 1' 00" Lat/87 35' 00" Long.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT466795Russell A. Meigs   12311981-05-18
Honduras, Comayagua, along ridge below Agua Blanca; Los Flores 16; 437, 100E; 16 60,200N/ 15 1' 00" Lat/87 35' 00" Long.

Styrax paulhousei P.W. Fritsch & D.L. Kelly
BRIT505155D. L. Kelly   160992016-03-31
Honduras, Cortes, Montane rain forest near Rio Cusuco. By trail BC4, ca. 2075 m by trail W from 'Base Camp'/Campamento Parque Nacional Cusuco, Sierra del Merendón, Cortés province, W of San Pedro Sula. UTM 03684 17140 (approx.), 15.499946 -88.226917, 1650m

Styrax L.
BRIT505156D. L. Kelly   25/3612004-07-29
Honduras, Cortes, Plot 25, ca. 19 m N of trail to Rio Cantiles from big landslip area. Parque Nacional El Cusuco, Cordillera del Merendón, Cortés province, W. of San Pedro Sula. Grid reference: 367504 1715094, 1850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT426728A. Clewell   40651973-05-17
Honduras, Gracias a Dios, Alrededores de Rio Plátano, bosque pantanoso dentro de 10 kms. de la costa atlántica. La Mosquitia., 84.666667 -85

BRIT425485Sandra Carolina Cerna   131982-08-28
Honduras, Fco. Morazan, Valle de Angeles, 20 km N.E. de Tegucigalpa., 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT430887A. Clewell   39501973-04-28
Honduras, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms. oeste de Lago Yojoa., 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT02677A. Clewell   39641973-04-28
Honduras, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms oeste de Lago Yojoa., 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT426921Jason R. Swallen   114201951-11-07
Honduras, Dept. Morazan: Vicinity of Las Mesas., 800 - 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT426916Jason R. Swallen   113081951-11-04
Honduras, Dept. Morazan: Foothills of Mt. Uyuca, beyond Las Floras.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT57189A. Clewell   38401973-04-30
Honduras, Santa Barbara, Cuestras de piedra caliza, departamento de SANTA BARBARA, 10 kms. oeste de Lago Yojoa., 88.083333 -14.916667, 2200 - 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT57188Héctor Laínez, C.   131983-08-27
Honduras, Fco. Morazán. Montaňa La Tigra - 30 kms de Tegucigalpa, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT57169A. Clewell   39831973-04-28
Honduras, Santa Barbara, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms oeste de Lago Yojoa.; 14.916667 -88.083333, 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

Dryopteris denticulata (Sw.) O.Ktze.
BRIT430738A. Clewell   39661973-04-28
Honduras, Santa Barbara, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms oeste de Lago Yojoa., 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

BRIT430739A.J. Clewell   39941973-05-12
Honduras, Morazan, Cerro La Tigra, near Tegucigalpa.

Dryopteris patula (Sw.) Underw.
BRIT430710Yasmina Calderon   631983-09-24
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Quebrada Hierba Buena, Valle de Angeles, 15 Km. NE. de Tegucigalpa., 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT472340I. Roberto Guerra C.   1491983-04-17
Honduras, Montaña "La Tigra", bosque mixto pre-monato húmedo., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT426328A. Clewell   39091973-04-28
Honduras, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms oeste de Lago Yojoa., 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

Adiantum concinnum Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
BRIT471865Oscar Martinez   0911979-10-10
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Tegucigalpa, around University., 900m

Adiantum concinnum Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
BRIT471864MIrza O. Castro Martin   571983-09-25
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, San Matias, 20 kms. NW of Tegucigalpa., 1400m

BRIT471882Rafael Calderon   2091980-05-01
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Lepaterique, Puente Rio Hondo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lophosoria quadripinnata (J.F. Gmel.) C. Chr.
BRIT431610A.J. Clewell   39931973-05-12
Honduras, Morazán, Cerro La Tigra, near Tegucigalpa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT472322A. Clewall   38421973-04-28
Honduras, Santa Barbara, 10 kms. oeste de Lago Yojoa., 88.083333 -14.916667

BRIT472237Carlos Bendeck E.   501983-10-08
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Cerro Uyuca, 20 km. E. of Tegucigalpa., 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT431645A. Clewell   39731973-04-28
Honduras, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms. oeste de Lago Yojoa., 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT431756Edna Judith Paredes   47
Honduras, Cortes, Orillas de la quebrada El Zapote, carretera a el proyecto "El Cajon"., 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT57261A. Clewell   39141973-04-28
Honduras, Cerro Santa Barbara, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms. oeste de Lago Yojoa.; 14.916667 -88.083333, 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT57244Manuel Jose Rey Figueroa   601983-10-08
Honduras, El Hatillo, 10 kms. N.N.E. de Tegucigalpa, D.C., 1500m

BRIT472163A. Clewell   41351973-05-17
Honduras, Gracias a Dios, Near the Rio Plátano, everglade forest within 10 kms. of the Atlantic coast. [Alrededores de Rio Plátano, bosque pantanoso dentro de 10 kms. de la costa atlántica. La Mosquitia.], 30.916667 -84.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT432419Sandra Chavez   761983-09-17
Honduras, Hacienda Ocoteseco municipio de Santa Rosa de Copán., 1000m

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BRIT432404Yasmina Calderón   381983-09-10
Honduras, Cortes, Quebrada El Zapote, carretera que conduce al Projecto Hidroeléctrico El Cajón., 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT431931Carmen Celina Dueñas   141983-08-19
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Montaña La Tigra 38 km NE de Tegucigalpa, 2,000 m.s.n.m., 2000 - 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT431930Raúl R. Guevara B.   631982-11-13
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Parque Nacional la Tigra, al noreste de Tegucigalpa 2000 m de alt., 2000 - 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT433699Janette Torres   691983-09-17
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Valle de Angeles., 1000m

BRIT472238Carlos Cesar Navarro Osorto   261983-08-28
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Valle de Amarateca, open field, 32 km North of Tegucigalpa., 883m

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BRIT433676Dora Molina   781981-10-18
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, El Hatillo, 11 km NE of Tegucigalpa., 1600m

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BRIT433772A. Clewell   39021973-04-28
Honduras, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms. oeste de Lago Yojoa., 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT433761A. Clewell   39281973-04-28
Honduras, Santa Barbara, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms. oeste de Lago Yojoa., 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

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BRIT433757Dirian B. Pereira   0591979-10-07
Honduras, Olancho, Montaña de Chifiringo 16 km. al S.E. de Campamento., 1090m

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BRIT433752Lesly Margarita Ordóñez   691983-10-14
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Tatumbla, 12 km. E. de Tegucigalpa., 1000m

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BRIT444556José Luis Segovia   651981-08-15
Honduras, Atlantida, Orillas rio Piedras Gordas, 10 km E Tela., 5m

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BRIT433715David L. Lentz   8151981-08-09
Honduras, Comayagua, Adjacent to Lago Yojoa. 10 km NNW of Taulabe; Taulabe Quad., 14.781944 -87.968056, 640m

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BRIT433848Guillermo Soihet   141983-10-08
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Montaña La Tigra, 30 km NE de Teg., 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polypodium montigenum Maxon in Yuncker
BRIT433792Jaime M. Berríos   131983-08-20
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Montaña La Tigra 25 km NE de Tegucigalpa., 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polypodium xalapense (Fée) Christ
BRIT433902A. Clewell   39761973-04-28
Honduras, Santa Barbara, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms. oeste de Lago Yojoa., 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

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BRIT433898Thelma María Mejía Ordóñez   1021982-09-12
Honduras, Intibuca, Cerro San Cristobal, La Esperanza., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dicranopteris flexuosa (Schrad.) Underw.
BRIT430374D. L. Spellman   16491970-07-10
Honduras, Cayo District Upper 200 m of Baldy Beacon.on south & east slopes Alt. ca. 1000 m. In thicket along st(r)eam ca. 200 m down from summit.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT444769A. Clewell   39341973-04-28
Honduras, Santa Barbara, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms oeste de Lago Yojoa.; 14.916667 -88.083333, 14.916667 -88.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT444758A. Clewell   39131973-04-28
Honduras, Santa Barbara, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms oeste de Lago Yojoa., 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT444736A. Clewell   39111973-04-28
Honduras, Santa Barbara, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departamento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms. oeste de Lago Yojoa., 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT428574A. Clewell   39751973-04-28
Honduras, Santa Barbara, 10 kms. west of Lago Yojoa., 14.916667 -88.083333, 2200 - 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tectaria dilacerata (Kunze) Maxon
BRIT428551A. Clewell   41341973-05-17
Honduras, Gracias a Dios, La Mosquitia. Around the Rio Platano. Within 10 kms. of the Atlantic coast.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tectaria dilacerata (Kunze) Maxon
BRIT428550A. Clewell   40811973-05-17
Honduras, Gracias a Dios, Around the Rio Platano. Within 10 kms. of the Atlantic coast.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT444397A. Clewell   39631973-04-28
Honduras, Santa Barbara, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departmento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms. oeste de Lago Yojoa., 88.083333 -14.916667, 2200 - 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT444396A. Clewel   39321973-04-28
Honduras, Santa Barbara, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departmento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms. oeste de Lago Yojoa., 88.083333 -14.916667, 2200 - 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT444395A. Clewel   39081973-04-28
Honduras, Santa Barbara, Cuestas de piedra caliza, departmento de Santa Barbara, 10 kms. oeste de Lago Yojoa., 88.083333 -14.916667, 2200 - 2350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT536085Antonio Molina R.   26211949-08-29
Honduras, Colinas empantanadas de Agua Amarilla, 4 kms al noroeste de Zamorano. Drainage of the Rio Yeguare; Department of Morazan, 14 -87

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psilotum nudum (L.) Beauv.
BRIT427903C.L. Lundell   42981933-04-30
Honduras, [No additional locality data on sheet]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
BRIT420147David L. Lentz   6281981-06-21
Honduras, Comayagua, 1 air km. N of La Libertad. Along Río Frío 14°46'M 87°36'30"W, 14.766667 -87.6

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BRIT527281David H. Tag   1983-191983-02-19
Honduras, Comayagua, Along roadsides to San Jose., 1200m

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BRIT527489leg.ign.   s.n.1940-05-00
Honduras, C. A. Tegucigalpa

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pteridium Gleditsch ex Scop.
BRIT527524leg.ign.   s.n.1940-05-00
Honduras, C. A. Tegucigalpa

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BRIT441059Percy H. Gentle   43411944-04-16
Honduras, Toledo District: Bolo Camp, upper reach of Golden Stream.

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BRIT441087Damaris Velásquez D.   1661984-04-27
Honduras, FCO. Morazan. Bo. El Reparto, Tegucigalpa., 950m

BRIT528574Thomas B. Croat   646131987-02-10
Honduras, Atlantida, Along trail to dam for municipal water supply of Tela, Lancetilla Botanical Gardens, on road ca. 2 mi WSW of Tela and S of main hwy., 15.733333 -87.45, 70 - 90m

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BRIT443259Percy H. Gentle   89991956-02-03
Honduras, El Cayo District, 37 miles section Humming Bird Highway

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BRIT443311Percy H. Gentle   87641955-06-23
Honduras, El Cayo District, Sibun River below Humming Bird Highway

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BRIT443310Percy H. Gentle   79411953-05-22
Honduras, Stann Creek District. Aeahual, between Stann Creek Town and Railsay pier.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT443418Jackie M. Poole   9541977-06-11
Honduras, Dept. Copan: Quebrada on north side of road from Copan to Santa Rita, ca. 1.5 km. west of Santa Rita.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT443417Jackie M. Poole   9551977-06-11
Honduras, Dept. Copan: Quebrada on north side of road from Copan to Santa Rita, ca. 1.5 km. west of Santa Rita.

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BRIT443245Percy H. Gentle   83491954-08-30
Honduras, Stann Creek, Freshwater Creek.

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BRIT443244Percy H. Gentle   70011950-03-15
Honduras, Toledo, Cero Hills

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BRIT443243Percy H. Gentle   51951945-02-00
Honduras, Toledo, Temash River

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BRIT443242Percy H. Gentle   51681945-01-28
Honduras, Toledo, near Condemn Branch Pine Ridge

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BRIT443241Percy H. Gentle   87871956-07-11
Honduras, El Cayo, 40 miles section Humming Bird Highway

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BRIT443240Percy H. Gentle   88991955-10-10
Honduras, El Cayo, 33 Miles Section, Humming Bird Highway.

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BRIT441707Percy H. Gentle   43551943-03-29
Honduras, Toledo District, between Rancho Chico and Cockscomb, Monkey River.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441704Russell A. Meigs   12361981-05-21
Honduras, Comayagua, At edge of Rio Sulaco 0.75 km W of Salitron. Los Flores 16; 435, 500E; 1660, 250N, 15.018056 -87.600833

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tabernaemontana arborea J.N.Rose ex Donn.Sm.
BRIT441701Percy H. Gentle   90901956-05-07
Honduras, Stann Creek District. 16 ½ Miles Section, Stann Creek Valley.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tabernaemontana arborea J.N.Rose ex Donn.Sm.
BRIT441700Percy H. Gentle   45901944-05-08
Honduras, Toledo District: in cohune ridge upper reach, Golden Stream.

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BRIT428205Jaime M. Berríos   621983-09-25
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Valle de Angeles, - 1066m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT443514D. Burch   62251972-06-04
Honduras, in vicinity of Privacion Creek, Mountain Pine Ridge ca. 12 mi S Cayo, Cayo District, 600m

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