Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Search Criteria: Kazakhstan; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-59 of 59

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Euphorbia uralensis Fisch. ex Link
BRIT494697В. Грубов   351955-06-18

Image Associated With the Occurence
Seseli ledebouri
BRIT610467А. Рогоздова [A. Rogozdova]   s.n.1955-07-26
Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Bayanaul, Павлодарская обл. Баянаульский р-н. В 5 км от г. Баян-аул. По дороге к озеру [Pavlodar region, Bayanaul district, 5 km from the city of Bayanaul, on the road to the lake]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT610468А. Бродова [A. Brodova]   s.n.1955-07-14
Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Ertis, Павлодарская обл. Иртышский р-н. В 25км к западу от села Иртышского. У дороги. [Pavlodar region, Irtysh district. 25 km west of the village of Irtysh. By the road.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heracleum transiliense (Regel & Herder) O. Fedtsch. & B. Fedtsch.
BRIT610428O. Fedtsch.   s.n.1959-08-22
Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kaskelen District, Алма-Атинская область Каскеленский район, Заилийский Алатау. [Alma-Ata Region Kaskelen District, Zailiysky Alatau]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT611472V. Vassiljev   s.n.1960-07-06
Kazakhstan, Северо-Восточн. отроги Джунгарского Алатау хр. Жунней ущелье Карагайлы [Northeastern spurs of the Dzungarian Alatau, Zhunney ridge, Karagayly gorge]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT611473Ив. Васильев [Iv. Vasiliev]   s.n.1959-07-17
Kazakhstan, Kostanay, Auliekol, Кустанайская область. Семиозерный район.17-й разъезд. [Kustanai Region. Semiozerny District. 17th railway siding] [renamed to Auliekol in 1997]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Codonopsis clematidea (Schrenk ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) C.B. Clarke
BRIT611707s.n.   s.n.1959-08-22
Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kaskelen, Казахская ССР, Алма-Атинская область, Каскелеский район, Заилийский Алатау, Лесхоз, [Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata region, Kaskelen district, Zailiysky Alatau, Leskhoz].

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT611702Г.В. Микешин [G.V. Mikeshin]   s.n.1941-06-29
Kazakhstan, Turkistan, Южно-Казахстанская область, Таласский Алатау, заповедник Аксу-Джабаглы Топчак-саз [South Kazakhstan region, Talas Alatau, Aksu-Dzhabagly reserve Topchak-saz] ["South Turkistan" renamed to "Turkistan" in 2018], 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euonymus semenovii Regel & Herder
BRIT611963М. С. Голов. [M. S. Golov.]   s.n.1972-07-01
Kazakhstan, Казахстан. М. Алма-Атинский. Дол. За-поведник. Борок М. Алмаатинская, валиа Ледер у скал. [Kazakhstan. M. Alma-Atinsky. Dol. Reserve. Borok M. Almaatinsky, near Ledder by rocks.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612041М. Д. Спиридонов [M. D. Spiridonov]   7911927-06-19
Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Актюбинская губ. Челкарский у. [Aktobe province, Chelkar district] 13-14 км. к Югу от ст. Челкар, почти пески [13-14 km south of Chelkar station, mostly sands]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612548В. Павловский [V. Pavlovsky]   561930-00-00
Kazakhstan, Karaganda, 10 км южнее поселка Амантау. Западный Тянь-Шань, горы Таласский Алатау. [10 km south of the village of Amantau. Western Tian Shan, Talas Alatau mountains.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Astragalus schrenkianus Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
BRIT612549В.П. Голоскоков [V.P. Goloskokov]   s.n.1957-06-10
Kazakhstan, Восточные отроги Заилийского Алатау. Согатинские горы. Куланья к востоку от Копчека. По южным каменистым склонам. [Eastern spurs of the Zailiysky Alatau. Sogatinsky Mountains. Kulanya to the east of Kopcheka.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612566В.П. Голоскоков [V.P. Goloskokov]   s.n.1955-05-27
Kazakhstan, Shymkent, Юго-западная часть Джунгарского Алатау. Илейская гор. Чуган-Оба, респуб. Чимкентская, . [Southwestern part of the Dzungarian Alatau. Ileisky mountains, Chugan-Oba, Chimkent region] ["Chimkent" renamed "Shymkent" in 1993].

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612568В.П. Голоскоков [V.P. Goloskokov]   s.n.1955-05-30
Kazakhstan, Юго-западные отроги Джунгарского Алатау. Горы Чулак. Мочка. Сая. [Southwestern spurs of the Dzungarian Alatau. Chulak Mountains. Mochka. Sai.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612570Е. В. Вавилов [E. V. Vavilov]   1131960-07-05
Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Карагандинская обл. Актюбинский р-н. Горы Кокшамир.[Karaganda region, Aktyubinsk district. Mountains of Kokshamir.] [City of Aktobe known as Aktyubinsk in Russian until 1999]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612597М. Г. Попов [M. G. Popov]   s.n.1934-05-24
Kazakhstan, Almaty, Казахская ССР Алма-Ата, Глубокая щель [Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata, Deep Gorge] ["Alma-Ata" renamed "Almaty" in 1993]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Astragalus campylorrhynchus Fisch. & C.A. Mey.
BRIT612598Гельб [Gelb]   s.n.1934-06-05
Kazakhstan, Almaty, Алмаатинская обл. Станция Ири. [Almaty region. Station Iri.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612609A.K. Skvortsov   s.n.1965-05-17
Kazakhstan, Kazakhstania austails, jugum Transiliense (Zailijski). fruticeta stepposa supra urben Alama-Ata [Southern Kazakhstan, Trans-Ili mountains (Zailiysky Alatau) Steppe-like shrublands above the city of Almaty.], 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612620Вл. Глоссков [Vl. Glosskov]   s.n.1956-06-17
Kazakhstan, Zhetysu, Kerbulak, Юго-зап. склоны Джунгарского Алатау. Горы Матай. Истоки р. Каракаст [Southwestern slopes of the Dzungarian Alatau. Matai Mountains. Sources of the Karakast River]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612726В.Голосоков [V. Golosokov]   s.n.1955-06-12
Kazakhstan, Восточные отроги Заилийского Алатау Согатинские горы. Хребет Сегентау На перевальной седловине к посёлку Малайбай [Eastern spurs of the Zailiysky Alatau Sogatinsky Mountains. Segen Tau Ridge On the pass saddle toward the village of Malaybay]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612795В.П. Голоскоков [V.P. Goloskokov]   s.n.1959-07-29
Kazakhstan, Северные склоны Джунгарского Алатау, верхнее течение р. Л. Баскан, по каменистому дну ущелья [Northern slopes of the Dzungarian Alatau, upper reaches of the L. Baskhan river, along the rocky bottom of the gorge]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612802М. М. Ильин [M. Iljin]   7181928-08-25
Kazakhstan, Семипалатинский у. [Semipalatinsk County] Усть-Каменогорский у. [Ust-Kamenogorsk County.] Берег р. Иртыш между пос. Партино и д. Май [Bank of the Irtysh River between the village of Partino and the village of May] [Май appears to transliterate as "Mayskoye" in Pavlodar region. Semiyarskaya In Abai region is across the river]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lotus frondosus (Freyn) Kuprian.
BRIT612804А. Брагова [A. Bragova]   s.n.1955-07-02
Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Pavlodar, Казахстан Павлодарская обл. Павлодарский р-н. К югу от пос. Чернорецкого. [Kazakhstan. Pavlodar region, Pavlodar district. South of the village of Chernoretsky.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612888И.М. Крашенинников [I.M. Krascheninnikov]   6411927-06-29
Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Yrgyz, Актюбинская губ. Мугоджары. Р. Шугурдак :Чил-Иргиз. [Aktobe Province. Mugodzhar Mountains. Shugurdak River: Chil-Irgiz.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612949s.n.   s.n.1936-08-13
Kazakhstan, Каз. ССР окр. г. Алма-Ата у р. Б. Алматинка [Kaz. SSR district of Alma-Ata near the river B. Almatinka]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sphaerophysa salsula (Pallas) DC.
BRIT612995E. Cherniakowska   3811930-07-28
Kazakhstan, бугр. пески по Балхашу [Sandy mounds along Lake Balkhash]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT612998Ф. Э. Злинский [F. E. Zlinsky]   1531909-00-00
Kazakhstan, Kostanay, Акмолинскую область; Кушмурунская волость: Белиз рудник. Ховалан, в сообществе с. Якушкина.[Akmolinsk Province; Kushmurun Volost: Beliz Mine. Khvalan, in association with Yakushkin village.] [Akmolinksk province corresponds to most of present-day northern Kazakhstan and the southern part of Omsk Oblast in Russia; Kushmurun (Kazakh: Құсмұрын; Russian: Кушмурун) is a brackish lake in the Kostanay Region]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT613004И. М. Крашенинников [I. M. Krasheninnikov]   52011914-06-01
Kazakhstan, Тургайская обл. и у. Кизил-джингильская волость. Р. Сары-су въ своих низовьях. Окрестности Муонью-кумов. [Turgai region and Kizil-Dzhingil volost. River Sarysu in its lower reaches. Vicinity of Munyuk-kumov.] [Torgay Region is currently divided between Kostanay and Akmola Regions]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT613049В.П. Голоскоков [V.P. Goloskokov]   s.n.1955-06-12
Kazakhstan, Восточные отроги Заилийского Алатау. Южный склон хребта Серктау в горах Слоганы вблизи перевала с Мальбай. [Eastern spurs of the Zailiysky Alatau. Southern slope of the Sertaу ridge in the mountains. Slopes near the pass to Malbay.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT613050Б.П. Голоcкоков [B.P. Goloskokov]   s.n.1956-07-19
Kazakhstan, Южные склоны Джунгарского Алатау, Восточная часть гор Суаттау возле перевала, Ю конвенции южных склонов. [Southern slopes of Dzungarian Alatau, Eastern part of the Suattau Mountains near the pass, southern convention of southern slopes.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT613116В.П. Голоскоков [V.P. Goloskokov]   s.n.1955-06-05
Kazakhstan, Юго-западные отроги Джунгарского Алатау. Гора Чулак. Цель к востоку от хр. Ауза. . [Southwestern spurs of the Dzungarian Alatau. Mount Chulak. Goal to the east of the ridge Auza.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT613346В.П. Голоскоков [V.P. Goloskokov]   s.n.1953-06-09
Kazakhstan, Северный склон Кунгей Алатау Тау-Чилик, нижнее течение р. Кансуд, среди поясного леса [Northern slope of Kungei Alatau Tau-Chilik, lower course of the Kansu river, among the floodplain forest]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT614451A. K. Skvortsov   s.n.1965-05-07
Kazakhstan, Atyrau, Asia Media, Kazakhstania australis, ad flumen Tscharyn loco dicto Sary-Togoj, jugum Transiliense (Zailijskij) [Central Asia, southern Kazakhstan, at the Charyn River, in the place called Sary-Togoj, Transili Range (Zailiysky) ), 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT614572А. Долгова [A. Dolgova]   s.n.1922-07-22
Kazakhstan, Павлодарская обл. Иртышский район. Берег соленого озера Кумбей-сор. [Pavlodar region, Irtysh district. Shore of the salt lake Kumbei-sor.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atraphaxis laetevirens (Ledeb.) Jaub. & Spach

Image Associated With the Occurence
Atraphaxis frutescens var. frutescens
BRIT614575О. Э. Кнорринг [O. E. Knorring and   10261927-06-19
Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Актюбинская губ. Челкарский у. 13 1/2 вер. юго вост. от Орпин-совх. (стан. Орпинская) [Aktobe province, Chelkar district, 13 1/2 versts southeast of Orpin state farm (Orpinskaya station)] [A verst is an obsolete unit of distance. 13.5 verts is 14.4km]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT614592С. Е. Кучеровская [S. E. Kutscherovskaja]   4271913-06-20
Kazakhstan, Abai, Семипалатинская обл. Павлодарский уездъ. у аулъ, в межгорной ложбинѣ [Semipalatinsk Region, Pavlodar District. Near the aul (village), in an intermountain hollow]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Limonium semenovii
BRIT614618В.П. Голоскоков [V.P. Goloskokov]   s.n.1955-06-21
Kazakhstan, Almaty, Среднее течение р. Чарын (басс. р. Или). Горы Касчу. Покамышенные области илим сопок. [Middle course of the Charyn River (Ili River basin). Kaskhu Mountains. Reed areas or hills.] [Charyn river flows through Kegen and Uighur regions]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT614620А. Богадова [A. Bogadova]   s.n.1955-06-17
Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Павлодарская обл. Павлодарский р-н. В 1 км к западу от с. Сазоновки, берег озера. [Pavlodar region, Pavlodar district. 1 km west of the village of Sazonovka, lake shore.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT614788Ф. Н. Русанов [F. N. Rusanov]   1811929-06-10
Kazakhstan, Семиречье. Долина средней части р. Или. Гурган Каракумы, пески на В. от пруда. [Semirechye. Valley of the middle part of the Ili River. Gurgan Karakum, sands to the east of the pond.] [Semirechye is a historical and geographical region that includes the southeastern part of Kazakhstan and northern Kyrgyzstan]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT614832s.n.   s.n.1959-09-03
Kazakhstan, Залийский Алатау, ущелье реки Малой Алматинки, у лагеря Кок-Бас-Тау, восточный склон [Zailiysky Alatau, gorge of the Malaya Almatinka river, near Kok-Bas-Tau camp, eastern slope]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT615598В.П. Голосоков [V.P. Golosokov]   s.n.1956-06-28
Kazakhstan, Южные склоны хребта Каратау. Горы Катутау (со стороны Или) [Southern slopes of the Karatau ridge. Katutau Mountains (from the Ili side).]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT615668В. Грубов [V. Grubov]   321955-06-15
Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan, западно-Казахстанская обл. Правый берег Урала; В 8 км ниже с. Конехарова.. [West Kazakhstan region, Right bank of the Ural.8 km downstream from the village of Koneharovo]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT615686М.В. Попов [M.V. Popov]   s.n.1933-05-30
Kazakhstan, КазАССР Заилийский Алатау, свх. им. Зато Ведик, без. моста по руслу [Kazakh ASSR. Zailiysky Alatau, farm named after Zato Vedik, without bridge along the channel]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT615691В.И. Дзюбаненко [V.I. Dzyubaneko]   3311909-00-00
Kazakhstan, Abai, Казахстан. Семипалатинская область [Kazakhstan. Semipalatinsk Region] [In 2022, the region was reconstituted as the Abai Region,]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT615693М. П. Попов [M. P. Popov]   s.n.1933-05-31
Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, Заилийский Алатау, алмаатинский заповедник, вершины горы Кумбель, сев.-восточный склон [Zailiyskiy Alatau, Almaty Nature Reserve, Summit of Mount Kum-Bel. Northeastern slope.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT618392К. К. Косинский [K. K. Kosinsky]   7211914-00-00
Kazakhstan, Zhanasemey, Семипалатинская обл. Семипалатинский уѣзд. Улингир. Окрестности сопки Сунг-юзъ, по берегу р. Карагужик. [Semipalatinsk region. Semipalatinsk district. Ulyngir. Vicinity of Sung-yuz hill, along the bank of the Karaguzhik river.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT618442М. Короткий [M. Korotkij]   6161916-06-20
Kazakhstan, Kostanay, Тургайская обл. Кустанайский у. На водоразделе между pp. Улы и станиц Березовская [Turgai region, Kostanay district. On the watershed between the rivers Uly and Berezovskaya station]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT618514s.n.   s.n.1959-09-03
Kazakhstan, Almaty, Казахская ССР, Алма-Атинская область, Заилийский Алатау, ущелье реки Малой Алмаатинки, урочище Манжилки [Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata region, Zailiysky Alatau, gorge of the Malaya Almaatinka river, Manzhilki area] ["Alma-Ata" renamed "Almaty" in 1993]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT618617Раховская [Rakhovskaya]   71211959-06-13
Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Казахская ССР Карагандинская обл. Каркарлинские горы С Ю.З. от гор Каркарлинка по дороге ко оз. Пашино. [Kazakh SSR. Karaganda region, Karkarinsky mountains, southwest of Karkarinka mountains on the road to Lake Panino]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT616729Васильченко [Vasilchenko]   1901950-07-21
Kazakhstan, Jambyl, Уз. Карадассай, Каратау (Тюпскородникский). [Uz. Karadassai, Karatau (Tupskorodnikskiy).] [?]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT616880Gr. Karelin   8131841-00-00
Kazakhstan, in subalpines pratoribus Alatau ad fl. Lepsa [in subalpine meadows of Alatau at the river Lepsa] [aka "Lepsy", "Lepsi "]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT616882В. П. Дробов [V. P. Drobov]   10541913-07-21
Kazakhstan, Акмолинская обл. Петропавловск. у. Солончаковый стай на склоне к болоту в 15 верстах на NW от ус. Козь-Куп. [Akmolinskaya obl. Petropavlovsk. Saline slope leading to the marsh, 15 versts northwest of the Koz-Kup settlement.] [Akmolinskaya renamed to Akmola region, but Petropavlovsk is the administrative center of the North Kazakhstan Region. 15 versts is roughly 16km]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Allium rubens Schrad. ex Willd.
BRIT616889Gr. Karelin   8231841-00-00
Kazakhstan, In declivibus apricis montium Alatau inter fl. Arachan et fl. Assa [In the sunny slopes of the Alatau mountains between the Arachan river and the Assa river]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT616900Н. В. Шипчинский [N. V. Shipchinsky]   12571914-07-03
Kazakhstan, Семипалат. обл. Южная часть Семипалат. уезда Окр[естности] Алек[сеевской] ст[аницы] вдоль р. Иртышской долины. [Semipalatinsk region, southern part of Semipalatinsk district. Vicinity of Alexeyevskaya village along the Irtysh River valley.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Allium decipiens Fisch. ex Schult. & Schult.f.
BRIT616907С. Е. Кучеровская [S. E. Kutscherovskaja]   17591914-05-22
Kazakhstan, Karkaraly, Семипалатинская обл. Каркаралинский уезд. Кунь-рай, окр. поселка Челыч [Semipalatinsk Region, Karkaralinsky District. Kun-Rai, vicinity of the settlement Chelych]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Allium delicatulum Siev. ex Schult. & Schult.f.
BRIT616908В. Дубянский [V. Dubyansky]   9491904-06-23
Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Temir, Песок по склону степн. прав. бер. р. Уральская область. Темирский у. Тамир, ближе къ Ветке.[Sand on the slope of the steppe, right bank of the river. Urals Region. Temir District. Tamir, closer to Vetka.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT616916С. Е. Кучеровская [S. E. Kutscherovskaja]   6271913-00-00
Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Семипалатинская обл. Павлодарский уездъ. Между / Баянаул и урочищемъ / Ташкенсуу. [Semipalatinskaya oblast. Pavlodar district. Between Bayanaul and the Tashkent area.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT616946А. Догадова [A. Dogadova]   s.n.1955-07-30
Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Bayanaul, Павлодарская обл. Баянаульский р-н. К востоку от Майканаина. [Pavlodar region, Bayanaul district. East of Maikanina.]

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