Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Search Criteria: Madagascar; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1122

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

BRIT366879G.E. Schatz   34061992-11-01
Madagascar, Toamasina, Toamasina: Analanjirofo Region. Masoala Peninsula, Ambanizana, "S Trails" (S of Androka River) climbing into hills SE of Ambanizana., -15.633333 49.983333, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT551453Ravelonarivo   25652007-07-21
Madagascar, Toamasina, Analanjirofo, Région d'Analanjirofo, District de Mananara, Commune rurale de Vanono, Fokontany d'Anjian'ny Madiorano. Suivant la piste vers Ambodimanga Sahavalanana à environ à 1 km vol d'oiseau au Sud-est d'Anjian'ny Madiorano. Echantillons préservés en alcool., 15.904444 49.453333, 834m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cynorkis Thouars
BRIT551558Benjamin C. Stone   78931968-03-11
Madagascar, E. Centre, highlands c 100 m alt, mixed native forest between Moramanga and Anosibe N. of Chutes de la Mort., 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhipsalis baccifera (Soland. ex J. Mill.) Stearn
BRIT550761Benjamin C. Stone   78711968-03-11
Madagascar, Tsinjoarivo, South of Tananarive and S. E. of Ambatolampy, near Chutes d' Onive R. (a tributary of the Mangoro R.), 1750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Jumellea sagittata H. Perrier
BRIT464454P. P. Lowry II   6595A2005-09-30
Madagascar, Toamasina: Alaotra-Mangoro Region. Ambohilero Forêt Classée. Logging road from Antserabe to Bemainty., 17.9925 48.603611, 1170m

Poupartia chapelieri (Guillaumin) H. Perrier
BRIT530926L. Randrianjanaka   1121994-05-05
Madagascar, Toamasina. Partie nord-est de la Réserve Naturelle Intégrale de Zahamena. Région de Moango., 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic.Serm.
BRIT469050Patrice Antilahimena   19892003-06-22
Madagascar, Toamasina, Fiv: Maroantsetra, Comm: Anjahana, Fok: Andranofotsy. Farankaraina Forest., 15.441667 49.85

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oeonia Lindl.
BRIT464503B. C. Stone   79051968-03-28
Madagascar, 35 km. S. of Moramanga on Anosibe Rd., 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oeonia Lindl.
BRIT464501Benjamin C. Stone   7905
Madagascar, E. Centre, highlands; between Moramanga and Anosibe N. of Chutes de la Mort., 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oeonia Lindl.
BRIT464500Benjamin C. Stone   7905
Madagascar, E. Centre, highlands between Moramanga and Anosibe N. of Chutes de la Mort, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT465160Benjamin C. Stone   78571968-03-11
Madagascar, C. 125 km North of Tananarive, Route N-4 to Majunga, at Tampoketsa d'Ambohitantely, 1000 - 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT466916J. Rabenantoandro   441998-10-08
Madagascar, Antsiranana….de Betaindambo, Ambodimanga, Ambanja. Reserve de Tsaratanana RNI. 13°52'04"S 48°50'39"E 900 m, 900 - 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT430043P. Antilahimena   32272005-01-25
Madagascar, Toamasina, Alaotra-Mangoro Region. Fivondronana: Moramanga, Commune: Andasibe, Fokotany: Menalamba. Ambatovy forest. Up to Berano village., 18.808056 48.313611, 1060m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT426846A. Rasolohery   1912001-01-26
Madagascar, Toamasina: Alaotra-Mangoro Region. Ambatondrazaka-Antanandava a 2 km d'Ankosy, le long de la SGR. Parc national de Zahamena., -17.485278 48.733889, 1107m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Selaginella fissidentoides (Hook. & Grev.) Spring
BRIT470590P. Antilahimena   28852004-09-09
Madagascar, Toamasina, Analanjirofo, Fiv.: Maroantsetra. Comm.: Abinanitelo. Fok.: Marovovonana. Collected between Andampy forest to Befotsila., 15.314167 49.413611, 953m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Selaginella lyallii (Hook. & Grev.) Spring
BRIT470592Patrice Antilahimena   20082003-06-01
Madagascar, Toamasina, Analanjirofo, Fiv.: Maroantsetra. Comm.: Ampokafo. Village: Ambatoledama., -15.283333 50

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT470593C. Birkinshaw   14582005-03-20
Madagascar, Toamasina, Atsinanana, [Sous/Préfecture Tamatave II, commune Foulpointe, Fokontany Morarano, forêt d'Analalava, à 7 km du SO de Foulpointe.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT470594Charles Rakotovao   42772009-01-24
Madagascar, Antsiranana, DIANA, [Diana, Ambanja, Bemanevika, Bandrakorony. Dans la région affluente à la rivièrede Bandrakorony sur la Péninsule d'Ampasindava.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhipsalis baccifera (Soland. ex J. Mill.) Stearn
BRIT550760Benjamin C. Stone   78711968-03-00
Madagascar, Republique Malgache. Tsinjoarivo, South of Tananarive and S. E. of Ambatolampy, near Chutes d' Onive R. (a tributary of the Mangoro R.), 1750m

BRIT471555R. Randrianaivo   3681999-03-06
Madagascar, Mahajanga, [Fiv. Majunga II, Belobaka commune, Fkt. Antsanitia. Forest Station Antsanitia 16 km north of Majunga. [Fiv. Majunga II, commune Belobaka, Fkt. Antsanitia. Station Forestière d'Antsanitia à 16 km au Nord de Majunga. Forêt sur sable. ... Fougère de marécage, 1.50 m de haut, sporange marron, abondant. ... Utilisé contre la blennorragie.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Arthropteris monocarpa (Cordem.) C. Chr.
BRIT472360P. Antilahimena   25482004-06-22
Madagascar, Toamasina: Analanjirofo Region; Fiv.: Maroantsetra. Comm." Antsirabe Sahatany. Fok.: Anjiahely. On the way to Makira plateau., 15.411944 49.376944, 1150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT428482J. Razanatsoa   2682006-12-10
Madagascar, Toamasina, Alaotra-Mangoro, Moramanga, Commune Andasibe, Fokontany Menalamba, Roret Ampangadiantrandraka., 18.861944 48.301389, 1101m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT428899Charles Rakotovao   15732005-03-09
Madagascar, Toamasina, Alaotra-Mangoro, ENviron 22 km NE of Moramanga, Fianarantsoa, Commune Rural Reserve. [Environ 22 km NE de Moramanga, Fokotany d'Ampitabe, Commune rurale d'Ambohibary.], 18.858333 48.323889, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT444896Charles Rakotovao   15552005-03-07
Madagascar, Toamasina. Fokontany d'Ampitambe, Ambatovy, commune rurale d'Ambohibary, district Moramanga, environ 22 km NE de Moramanga., -18.807222 48.315, 1027m

BRIT517877S. Malcomber   15941992-09-19
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa, Fianarantsoa. Ranomafana National Park, Parcelle I, near village of Miaranony, Anosimasina. On granite in fast-flowing water near apex of waterfall., -21.15 47.533333, 600 - 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT448346P.B. Phillipson   41321993-02-24
Madagascar, Toliara, Toliara, 8 km along RN55 from Morombe, 3 km South into Analalava., -21.733333 43.433333, 25m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT448402Beberonn Randriamampionona   2751993-04-08
Madagascar, Toliara. Integrale Reserve # 11, Andohahela, Parcelle 3., -25.066667 46.683333, 100 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT448401Beberonn Randriamampionona   2531993-04-08
Madagascar, Toliara. Integrale Reserve # 11, Andohahela, Parcelle 3.; -25.066667 46.683333, -25.066667 46.683333, 100 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT448399D. Ravelonarivo   2091994-06-17
Madagascar, Antsiranana. Nord d'Andapa, Reserve Naturelle Integrale de Marojejy, aux environs de sommet d'Ambatosoratra., -14.533333 49.7, 1583m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT448397Patrice Antilahimena   30312004-12-20
Madagascar, Toamasina, Fivondronana: Moramanga, Commune: Andasibe, Fokontany: Menalamba. Ambatovy forest., -18.808333 48.313889, 1014m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Secamone buxifolia Decne. in A. DC.
BRIT448396C. Rakotovao   15412005-03-07
Madagascar, Toamasina. Fokontany d'Ampitambe, Ambatovy, commune rurale d'Ambohibary, district Moramanga, environ 22 km NE de Moramanga.; -18.807222 48.315, -18.807222 48.315, 1027m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT448437Benjamin C. Stone   78911968-03-11
Madagascar, Roadside near Mandraka. E. Centre, highlands, mixed native forest between Moramanga and Anosibe N. of Chutes de la Mort, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic.Serm.
BRIT554148M. Rabarimanarivo   1972010-03-14
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa: Haute Matsiatra Region. Dct Talata-Ampano, CR Soaindrana, Fkt Sahamena, Inselberg en haut du village d'Ankazoara Ambony Avaratra., -21.518889 47.008056, 1196m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Huperzia phlegmaria (L.) Rothm.
BRIT554145N. Rakotonirina   5742010-09-26
Madagascar, Toamasina: Analanjirofo Region. Soanierana Ivongo, Manompana, Antanambao Ambodimanga. Le long de la rivière Sahafandrano en direction d'Antanandavan'i Martin., -16.768056 49.701944, 5m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Huperzia megastachya (Baker) Tardieu
BRIT554144Jack Andriantiana   542005-03-08
Madagascar, Toamasina: Alaotra-Mangoro Region. Toamasina, Moramanga, Ambohibary, Ampitambe, Ambatoby, environ 22 km au Nord Est de Moramanga., -18.860833 48.323611

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT554179M. Randriambololona   2781994-11-17
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa. District Ifanadiana, Canton Ranomafana. Ranomafana PN. Dans la parcelle permanente de Vatoharanana au Sud d'Ambodriamontana., -21.266667 47.433333, 980m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT554178M. Randriambololona   2781994-11-17
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa. District Ifanadiana, Canton Ranomafana. Ranomafana PN. Dans la parcelle permanente de Vatoharanana au Sud d'Ambodriamontana., -21.266667 47.433333, 980m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT554177M. Randriambololona   2781994-11-17
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa. District Ifanadiana, Canton Ranomafana. Ranomafana PN. Dans la parcelle permanente de Vatoharanana au Sud d'Ambodriamontana., -21.266667 47.433333, 980m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT554176T. Janssen   25592004-11-08
Madagascar, Toamasina - RNI Betampona Rendriendry, zone de reforestation (milieu ouverte) à côté du village., -17.931667 49.203333, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT554175T. Janssen   25592004-11-08
Madagascar, Toamasina - RNI Betampona Rendriendry, zone de reforestation (milieu ouverte) à côté du village., -17.931667 49.203333, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT554168Charles Rakotovao   15542005-03-07
Madagascar, Toamasina. Fokontany d'Ampitambe, Ambatovy, commune rurale d'Ambohibary, district Moramanga, environ 22 km NE de Moramanga., -18.807222 48.315, 1027m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Adiantum phanerophlebium (Baker) C.Chr.
BRIT554161H. Razanatsoa   3302005-02-24
Madagascar, Toamasina: Alaotra-Mangoro Region. Antsangimaso, Fokontany Ampitambe, Ambatovy, commune rurale Ambohibary, district Moramanga., -18.845278 48.289444, 1044m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT554250Rainer W. Bussmann   178002013-03-13
Madagascar, Toamasina: Atsinanana Region. Ambinanindrano, Vatomandry, Ambalabe, Ambinanindrano, Vohibe forest., -19.165 48.5825, 624m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT420379Richard Razakamalala   49892009-11-30
Madagascar, Toliara: Anosy Region Fort-Dauphin, Ifarantsa, Ivorona, forêt de Mamoareny. 24°49'S 046°56'E 706 m, 706 - 706m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper borbonense (Miq.) C. DC.
BRIT420352Ornella Randriambololomamonjy,   1002007-10-25
Madagascar, Antsiranana: DIANA Region Diana, Ambilobe, Manambato, Antsahavalany. A 10 Km à vol d'oiseau du fokontany d'Antsahavalany. 13°43'28"S 049°22'43"E 1559 m, 1559 - 1559m

BRIT330731G. E. Schatz   33161992-10-25
Madagascar, Toamasina Masoala Peninusula, Ambanizana "N Trail" (N of Androka River), climbing into hills just E of Ambanizana., -15.625 49.975, 25 - 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441152B. Randriamampionona   6801993-11-10
Madagascar, Toliara, Forêt au sud d'Eminiminy, Parcelle I dans la Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d'Andohahela, Taolagnaro., -24.39 46.48, - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441151Patrice Antilahimena   3011
Madagascar, Toamasina, Fivondronana: Moramanga, Commune: Andasibe, Fokontany: Menalamba., -18.808056 48.330556, 1060m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441150P. P. Lowry II   67652006-02-10
Madagascar, Toliara, Région de l'Anosy. Bemangidy Forest, ca. 3 km W of Antsotso, along RN 12a, 65 km N of Ft. Dauphin. E of Ivohibe Peak., -24.571389 47.201944, 200 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441149Patrice Antilahimena   34702005-02-24
Madagascar, Toamasina, Moramanga, Andasibe, Berano. Ambatovy forest, Analamay., -18.813056 48.3225, 1124m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT443558R. Randrianaivo   4501999-11-13
Madagascar, Mahajanga. Fiv. Mahajanga II; Commune Belobaka; Fkt. Ampahazoana. Station forestière d'Antsahanitia, à 15 km au Nord de Mahajanga., -15.607222 46.384167, 18m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT442784B. Randriamampionona   6891994-04-07
Madagascar, Toliara, Mont Trafonaomby, parcelle I d'Andohahela Reserve Naturelle Integrale, Taolagnaro., -4.83 35.261944, 1000 - 1957m

BRIT448065Bebronn Randriamampionona   861993-01-13
Madagascar, Toliara, Reserve Naturelle Integrale #11, Andohahela, Parcelle 1, in the vicinity of Eminiminy., -24.666667 46.8, 200 - 700m

BRIT448109Beberonn Randriamampionona   5021993-07-05
Madagascar, Toliara, Integrale Reserve #11, Andohahela, Parcel 1, Esonomy., -24.516667 46.633333, 600 - 1700m

Ischnolepis graminifolia (Constantin & Gallaud) Klack.
BRIT448106Porter P. Lowry II   58912002-11-09
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa, Itremo massif, W of Ambatofinandrahana. Base of large granite outcrop N of road to Col d'Itremo, ca. 2 km beyond (SSW of) bridge over Ambalorangolana Creek., -22.583333 46.916667, 1675m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441565R. Randrianaivo   4661999-11-28
Madagascar, Toliara, Fiv. Belo sur Tsiribihina, Commune de Bemarivo, Fkt. Mangotroky; à 16 km au NE de Belo sur Tsiribihina., -19.610556 44.591667, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plectaneia thouarsii Roem. & Schult.
BRIT441451Beberonn Randriamampionona   6021993-08-09
Madagascar, Toliara. Intégrale Réserve #11, Andohahela, Parcelle 1, SW of Eminiminy, Manatavona River., -24.666667 46.8, 200 - 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plectaneia thouarsii Roem. & Schult.
BRIT441450Patrice Antilahimena   34722005-02-24
Madagascar, Toamasina. Moramanga, Andasibe, Berano. Ambatovy forest, Analamay., -18.813056 48.3225, 1124m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Petchia madagascariensis (A. DC.) Leeuwenb.
BRIT441449G. E. Schatz   34411993-01-28
Madagascar, Toamasina, Ambila-Lemaitso., -18.51 49.08, - 25m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Petchia cryptophlebia (Baker) Leeuwenb.
BRIT441448Raphael Rakoto   2851992-10-27
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa. Parc National de Ranomafana, Parcelle I. Au Nord de Ranomafana autour de Ranomena., -21.283333 47.45, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441713R. Randrianaivo   4681999-11-29
Madagascar, Toliara, Fiv. de Belo sur Tsiribihina, Commune rurale de Bemarivo, Fkt. de Mangotroky; à 16 km au Nord-Est de Belo sur Tsiribihina., -19.613056 44.590278, 118m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441712R. Randrianaivo   3371999-02-06
Madagascar, Toliara, Fiv. Tuléar, Commune Tuléar. Fourré xérophile d'Andatabo, à 20 km au SSE de Tuléar, bord de la RN7.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tabernaemontana retusa (Lam.) Pichon
BRIT441819Ornella Randriambololomamonjy   1862007-11-02
Madagascar, Antsiranana: SAVA region. Diana, Vohemar, Andrafainkona., -13.683889 49.438889, 1318m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441808R. Randrianaivo   3161999-02-04
Madagascar, Toliara. Fiv. Sakarah, Commune rurale de Sakaraha. Forêt dense caducifoliée de Zombitsy, RN7 à 12 Km à l'Est de Sakaraha, 1 Km environ au Nord du village d'Andranomaintso; récolté dans un rayon de 50 m autour du point., -22.885278 44.645, 600 - 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441320Porter P. Lowery II   49981998-03-10
Madagascar, Toliara Ste. Luce, N of Ft. Dauphin. Ca. 3 air-km W of village of St. Luce (Manafiafy). ..N of road to Ste. Luce. 24°46'45"S 047°09'59"E 10 m, -24.779167 47.166389, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441319R. Randrianaivo   2961998-12-14
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Fiv. Ikongo, Commune Tolongoina, FKT Andrambovato, à 45 Km à l'Est de la ville de Fianarantsoa. Station Forestière Andrambovato, le long d'une rivière. 21°31'26"S 047°25'58"E 912 m, -21.523889 47.432778, 912m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441318Beberonn Randriamampionona   1041993-02-01
Madagascar, Toliara 25°02'S 46°58'E 200-500 m, -25.033333 46.966667, 200 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441317Richard Razakamalala   49812009-11-30
Madagascar, Toliara: Anosy Region Fort-Dauphin, Ifarantsa, Ivorona, forêt de Mamoareny. 24°49'S 046°56'E 706 m, -24.816667 46.933333, 706 - 706m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441316P. P. Lowery II   67362006-02-10
Madagascar, Toliara: Anosy Region Région de l'Anosy. Bemangidy Forest, ca. 3 km E of Antsotso, along RN 12a, 65 km N of Ft. Dauphin Remnant humid forest along creeks just below forest edge. 24°34'05"S 047°12'38"E 100 m, -24.568056 47.210556, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT441499Porter P. Lowry II   58262002-11-09
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Itemo massif, W of Ambatofinandrahana along road to Col d'Itemo. Just below bridge over Ambalorangolanai river. Roadside and granite slope above creek. 20°34'40"S 046°35'11"E 1540 m, -20.577778 46.586389, 1540m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT443633Ornella Randriambololomamonjy   2352007-11-04
Madagascar, Antsiranana, SAVA, Vohemar, Andrafainkona., -13.691667 49.4425, 1202m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT443626R. Randrianaivo   4972000-02-09
Madagascar, Toliara, Fiv. Tuléar II; region d'Ambohimahavelona, route de Sept Lacs, à 16 km au SE du croisement de la Route Natinale 7, bord de la fleuve Onilahy, -23.449722 43.940278, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT443625D. Ravelonarivo   1881994-03-25
Madagascar, Antsiranana, Bud-Quest d'Andapa, Réserve Spéciale dAnjanaharibe-Sud. Ambodisatrana., -14.545833 49.5875, 809 - 1364m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT443624R. Randrianiavo   5082000-03-08
Madagascar, Antananarivo, Fiv. Ankozorobe, Commune rurale de Betatao. Forêt de Vohitralongo, route Anjozorobe-Ambatondrazaka, à 30 km au NE de Betatao., -18.068611 47.978056, 1093m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT499347Benjamin C. Stone   78751968-03-11
Madagascar, Tsinjoarivo, South of Tananarive and S. E. of Ambatolampy, near Chutes d' Onive R. (a tributary of the Mangoro R.) c. 1750 m alt. Boundary of rice field and forest., 1750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT443982D. Ravelonarivo   10741997-02-03
Madagascar, Mahajanga, Forêt domaniala à Anjiamazava, versant ouest de la Réserve Spéciale d'Anjanaharibe-Sud, Manandriana, Matsoandakana, Befandriana-nord, Mahajanga., -14.48 49.27, 961m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT499367P. P. Lowry II   67732006-02-10
Madagascar, Toliara: Anosy Region Région de l'Anosy. Bemangidy Forest, ca. 3 km W of Antsotso, along RN 12a, 65 km N of Ft. Dauphin. E of Ivohibe Peak. 24°34'17"S 047°12'07"E 200-350 m, -24.571389 47.201944, 200 - 350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT419734P. Antilahimena   49542006-11-12
Madagascar, Moramanga, Ambohibare, Ampitambe. Sahaevo forest, witout crust., -18.839167 48.297222, 1142m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT499205P. Antilahimena   30532004-12-20
Madagascar, Toamasina, Alaotra-Mangoro, Fivondronana: Moramanga, Commune: Andasibe, Fokontany: Menalamba. Ambatovy forest., -18.86 48.298889, 1099m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT499320Ornella Randriambololomamonjy   1792007-11-02
Madagascar, Antsiranana, Sava, Diana, Vohemar, Andrafainkona., -13.683889 49.438889, 1318m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT499321C. Rakotovao   15602005-03-07
Madagascar, Toamasina, District: Moramanga, Commune: Ambohibary, Fokontany: Ampitambe, Ambatovy, environ 22 km NE de Moramanga., -18.807222 48.315, 1027m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT422525B. Randriamampionona   7381994-04-07
Madagascar, Toliara, Mont Trafonaomby, parcelle I d'Andohahela Reserve Naturelle Integrale, Taolagnaro.; -4.83 35.261944, -4.83 35.261944, 1000 - 1957m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT435205Charles Rakotovao   16152005-03-11
Madagascar, Toamasina: Alaotra-Mangoro Region. Environ 22 km NE de Moramanga, Fokontany d'Ampitabe, Commune rurale d'Ambohibary., -18.832778 48.329444, 1061m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT436711Ornella Randriambololomamonjy   1392007-10-27
Madagascar, Antsiranana: Diana Region. Diana, Ambilobe, Manamboto, Antsahavalany. A 10 km à vol d'oiseau du fokontany d'Antsahavalany., -13.731389 49.394722, 1594m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT436713P. P. Lowry II   67402006-02-10
Madagascar, Toliara: Anosy Region. Région de l'Anosy. Bemangidy Forest, ca. 3 km E of Antsotso, along RN 12a, 65 km N of Ft. Dauphin., -24.568056 47.210556, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT436718Patrice Antilahimena   30402004-12-20
Madagascar, Toamasina. Fivondronana: Moramanga, Commune: Andasibe, Fokontany: Menalamba. Ambatovy forest. Analamay., -18.808056 48.314167

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT436719B. Randriamampionona   6461993-09-10
Madagascar, Toliara. Ambahibe, Isaka-Ivondro, Parcelle I de la Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d'Andohahela, Taolagnaro., -24.783333 46.833333, 1 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Drypetes madagascariensis (Lam.) Humbert & Leandri
BRIT437164Bernard   5362007-06-06
Madagascar, Toamasina. Moramanga, Andasibe, Menalamba. Forêt d'Analamay., -18.825 48.319167, 1083m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Drypetes madagascariensis (Lam.) Humbert & Leandri
BRIT437165Charles Rakotovao   15912005-03-09
Madagascar, Toamasina: Alaotra-Mangoro Region. Environ 22 km NE de Moramanga, Fokontany d'Ampitabe, Commune rurale d'Ambohibary., -18.858611 48.324444, 1112m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Drypetes madagascariensis (Lam.) Humbert & Leandri
BRIT437166Rolland Ranaivojaona   5222004-06-19
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa. Fivondronana: Mananjary, Firaisana: Ankatafana, Fokontany: Marohita, Hameau villageois Anato. Forêt littorale d'Ambahisosotra., -21.486667 48.272222, 13m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Drypetes madagascariensis (Lam.) Humbert & Leandri
BRIT437167Lucien Marson Randrianjanaka   5432000-03-29
Madagascar, Toamasina: Alaotra-Mangoro Region. Parc National de Zahamena. Manakambahiny-Est, Andranomalaza. Forêt d'Ambonin'Antoby, sur pente., -17.640278 48.642778, 989m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Camptocarpus acuminatus (Choux) Venter
BRIT447645Raphael Rakoto   511992-05-22
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa, Est de Fianarantosoa, Parc National de Ranomafana, Parcelle III, Talatakely. 21°16'S 47°25'E., -21.266667 47.416667, 800 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lobanilia bakeriana (Bail..) Radcl.-Sm.
BRIT495396Patrice Antilahimena   30472004-12-20
Madagascar, Toamasina, Fivondronana: Moramanga, Commune: ANdasibe, Fokontany: Menalamba. Ambatovy forest., -18.86 48.298889, 1099m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495887C. Rakotovao   16802005-03-31
Madagascar, Toamasina, Alaotra-Mangoro, Moramanga, Andasibe, Menalamba, 11 km E d'Ampitambe, Ambatovy., -18.826944 48.331944, 1050m

BRIT494623C. Rakotovao   15582005-03-07
Madagascar, Toamasina, District: Moramanga, Commune: Ambohibary, Fokontany: Ampitambe, Ambatovy, environ 22 km NE de Moramanga.; -18.807222 48.315, -18.807222 48.315, 1027m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT505154Rainer W. Bussmann   152682008-08-28
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa, Atisimo-Atsinanana, Atsimo-Antsinanana Region, Farafangana, Ankarana, Manombo, Betanatana Forest Reserve., -23.026111 47.701389, 26m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Camarotea souiensis Scott Elliot

Image Associated With the Occurence
Abrahamia delphinensis Randrian. & Lowry
BRIT665300Bébéronn Randriamampionana   6311993-09-10

Image Associated With the Occurence
Campnosperma lepidotum Capuron ex Randrian. & J. S. Mill.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhus taratana (Baker) H. Perrier

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1122


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