Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Taxa: Aspleniaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 9, records 801-900 of 1919

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT45817Reynoso   PPI 272671996-12-14
Philippines, Island of Luzon. Province of Quezon. Mt. Cristobal, Retritan, Brgy. Sta. Lucia. Along the trail., 14.078333 121.511667, 650m

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BRIT45809Madulid   PPI 274261997-01-27
Philippines, Island of Visayas. Province of Cebu. Basak, Badian, West side of Cebu. Along the trail., 9.871667 -121.865, 400m

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BRIT501881J. Gagul   JG 1762008-00-00
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Normanby Island, Milne Bay Province.

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BRIT501880R. J. Johns   11427
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Milne Bay Province, Normanby Is., 800 - 900m

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BRIT501879R. J. Johns   11417
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Milne Bay Province, Normanby Is., 800 - 900m

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BRIT501878R. J. Johns   11427
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Milne Bay Province, Normanby Is., 800 - 900m

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BRIT501877T. G. Laman   TL931996-10-23
Indonesia, Borneo, Kalimantan Barat. Ketapang. Gunung Palung National Park, Cabang Panti Research Site, Trail TB6., -1.216667 110.1, 60m

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BRIT501876J. Gagul   JG 1872008-00-00
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Normanby Island, Milne Bay Province.

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BRIT501875J. Gagul   JG 1872008-00-00
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Normanby Island, Milne Bay Province.

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BRIT501874R. J. Johns   128132009-01-31
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Milne Bay Province, Sudest Is, Yawata River, Rambuso., 30m

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BRIT501873Tory Kuria   887832007-01-01
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Milne Bay Province, Waikaiuna Bay, Normanby Isl., -10.05 150.95, 300m

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BRIT501872R. J. Johns   11503
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Milne Bay Province, Normanby Is, E Sewa Bay.

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BRIT501871R. J. Johns   115302008-04-16
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Milne Bay Province, Normanby Is, E Sewa Bay., 65m

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BRIT16057Reynoso   PPI 43321992-03-16
Philippines, Island of Mindanao. Province of Zamboanga del Sur. Udyong, Baluno.

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BRIT16056Reynoso   PPI 77971993-03-26
Philippines, Island of Bohol. Province of Bohol. Logarita, Bilar., 9.708333 124.106667

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BRIT16055Gaerlan   PPI 52791992-04-10
Philippines, Island of Mindanao. Province of So. Cotabato, Koronadakal. Tupi, Miasong, Benigno Aquino, Mt. Magulo., 1455m

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BRIT16054Gaerlan   PPI 52061992-04-06
Philippines, Island of Mindanao. Province of So. Cotabato, Gen Santos. Purok 7, Kinilis, Polomolok, Mt. Matutum.

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BRIT501869R. J. Johns   110932007-02-20
Papua New Guinea, Central, Central Province, Cloudy Bay. At end of new logging road to E of main road from sawmill to jetty., 80m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT505902James DeCamp   311985-09-00
United States, Puerto Rico, El Yunque ca. 25 miles southeast of San Juan off Rt. 191.

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BRIT554901L. Averyanov   VH 12431995-09-04
Viet Nam, Kontum, On NW slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system on elevation to Ngoc Gua peak., 1800 - 1900m

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BRIT528732R. J. Johns   110112006-01-08
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Milne Bay Province, Cloudy Mountains., 85m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT45839Reynoso   PPI 10021991-05-20
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Isl. Negros Prov Negros Oriental Loc: Sibulan, Kabalinan, L. Balinsasayao

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT472746John Taylor   22377B1976-07-06
United States, Oklahoma, Johnston, 2 miles N. and 2½ miles W of Wapanucka (6 mi. by road).

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BRIT713539Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   612019-06-06
Philippines, Davao Del Sur Province, Davao City Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao Del Sur Province; Davao City Municipality; Salumay Barangay; Mt. Malambo: along road., 7.48789 125.25738, 1261m

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BRIT713609Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   1742019-06-23
Philippines, Camiguin Island Province, Mambajao Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Camiguin Island Province; Mambajao Municipality; Campana Barangay; Mt. Timpoong., 9.19536 124.71127, 751m

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BRIT698515Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   3742019-12-15
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Siaton, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Siaton; Barangay Mantiquil; Mt. Talinis., 9.2456 123.11853, 1398m

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BRIT698516Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   3742019-12-15
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Siaton, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Siaton; Barangay Mantiquil; Mt. Talinis., 9.2456 123.11853, 1398m

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BRIT792994Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   4922019-12-29
Philippines, Davao del Sur Province, Davao City, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao del Sur Province; Davao City; Marilog District; Datu Salumay; Mt. Malambo trail., 7.98859 125.2586, 1259m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT806284Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   2512019-12-09
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Enrique Villanueva; Lake Balinsasayao Permanent Plot., 9.36078 123.18147, 936m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT788140Jonatan Castro-Hernández   17472022-01-26
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, El Cairo, Vereda El Brillante, Serranía los Paraguas, cerca a frontera Valle-Chocó, Sendero hacia la cima del Cerro El Inglés, Reserva Natural Comunitaria Cerro El Inglés., 4.746884 -76.305385, 2481m

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BRIT788118Sarah K. Morris   1142022-02-14
Colombia, Antioquia, Peque, Vereda Chamizo-Romeral, sector Buenos Aires, finca "Las Flores". Alto "La Tumba"., 6.9836 -75.9682, 2692m

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BRIT788304Michael Sundue   51332022-02-02
Colombia, Risaralda, Santuario, Vereda Planes de San Rafael, zona amortiguadora Parque Nacional Natural Tatamá, sector Cascadas, sendero Cascadas, márgenes de la quebrada San Rafael., 5.1263 -76.0358, 2581m

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BRIT788449Weston Testo   25342022-02-01
Colombia, Risaralda, Santuario, Vereda Alta Campana, sector Ventiaderos, quebrada Risaralda, sendero Paso del Oso. Zona amortiguadora del Parque Nacional Natural Tatamá., 5.1465 -76.0023, 2945m

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BRIT788455Weston Testo   25402022-02-02
Colombia, Risaralda, Santuario, Vereda Planes de San Rafael, sector Cascadas, sendero Cascadas, márgenes quebrada San Rafael, zona amortiguadora Parque Nacional Natural Tatamá., 5.1278 -76.0243, 2354m

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BRIT788483Weston Testo   25692022-02-06
Colombia, Risaralda, Pueblo Rico, Parque Nacional Natural Tatamá, vereda Montebello, camino que conduce desde la base militar Montezuma hacia el ecolodge Montezuma. Parte media del camino., 5.2485 -76.1051, 2037m

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BRIT788743Susana Vega Betancur   8012022-02-15
Colombia, Antioquia, Peque, Vereda San Mateo, parte baja, camino de los termales hacia el Parque Nacional Natural Paramillo, Finca "El Llano", en bosque pertubado alrededor de un cultivo de frijol y tomate de árbol., 7.0356 -75.9542, 2217m

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BRIT788005Verónica Bedoya   132022-01-27
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, El Cairo, Vereda El Brillante, Serranía de los Paraguas, Reserva Natural Comunitaria Cerro El Inglés, camino principal que va desde la cabaña de la reserva hacia el refugio abandonado., 4.7505 -76.2868, 2087m

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BRIT617888Weston Testo   23012019-05-18
Dominican Republic, San Jose de Ocoa, San José de Ocoa, Aproximadamente 6.5 km al sureste de San José de Ocoa, en el camino hacía el sitio llamado El Manaclar., 1250m

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BRIT617932Weston Testo   23342019-05-19
Dominican Republic, Valverde, Paradero, Aproximadamente 5 km al oeste de El Lirial por la carretera Paradero-La Cabirma. Subiendo hacia la cima de la loma (con antenas) al sur de la carretera, por el lado norteño de la loma., 850m

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BRIT617941Weston Testo   23042019-05-18
Dominican Republic, San Jose de Ocoa, San José de Ocoa, Aproximadamente 6.5 km al sureste de San José de Ocoa, en el camino hacía el sitio llamado El Manaclar., 1250m

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BRIT622111Weston Testo   11762016-07-15
Colombia, Antioquia, Jardín, Vereda Macanas, sector Degurgo, Reserva El Centello, trocha al Cerro Risaralda. Bosque secundario

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BRIT622141Weston Testo   11672016-07-15
Colombia, Antioquia, Jardín, Vereda Macanas, sector Degurgo, Reserva El Centello, trocha al Cerro Risaralda. Bosque secundario

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BRIT622152Weston Testo   14522017-08-20
Colombia, Nariño, Ricaurte, Reserva Natural La Planada. Bosque secundario y primario alrededor de la estación biológica.

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BRIT852989Weston Testo   23012019-05-18
Dominican Republic, San Jose de Ocoa, San José de Ocoa, Aproximadamente 6.5 km al sureste de San José de Ocoa, en el camino hacía el sitio llamado El Manaclar., 1250m

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BRIT806454Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   4342019-12-18
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Siaton, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Siaton; Barangay Mantiquil; Mt. Talinis., 9.23258 123.11353, 960m

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BRIT987089Alejandra Vasco   10892021-08-03
Colombia, Antioquia, San Carlos, Carretera entre la vereda El Chocó y la vereda Capotal. Límites con el Municipio de San Luis, 6.131694 -75.044389, 1650m

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BRIT961979Susana Vega Betancur   8862022-10-30
Colombia, Meta, San Juanito, Vereda Candelaria, camino a San Roque, cañón del río Guatiquía., 4.4166 -73.6868, 1520m

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BRIT961933J. Nicolás Zapata   10122022-10-25
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Guasca, Sector Palacio, zona de amortiguación del Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza., 4.6985 -73.8456, 2931m

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BRIT961916J. Nicolás Zapata   10222022-10-28
Colombia, Meta, San Juanito, Vereda El Tablón, finca Campo Alegre, camino hacia los farallones de Medina, zona de amortiguación del Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza. Potreros y bosques antes del sector Palmar., 4.4723 -73.6457, 2309m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT1020015Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   30082023-01-31
Philippines, Dinagat Islands Province, Municipality of Basilisa, Philippines; Dinagat Island; Dinagat Islands Province; Municipality of Basilisa; Barangay Melgar; Bababu Beach., 10.06939 125.50713, 30m

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BRIT1020089Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   19112023-01-20
Philippines, Misamis Oriental Province, Municipality of Gingoog, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Misamis Oriental Province; Municipality of Gingoog; Barangay Lunotan; Sitio San Isidro, Mt. Balatukan, up to ca. 0.1 km ESE from Mt. Balatukan Scout Camp., 8.73081 125.00552, 1403m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT959302Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   16982022-07-26
Philippines, Bukidnon Province, Municipality of San Fernando, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Bukidnon Province; Municipality of San Fernando; Barangay Namnam; Sitio Natampod, Pantaron Range., 7.86263 125.42435, 1117m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT959303Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   15322022-07-18
Philippines, Bukidnon Province, Municipality of San Fernando, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Bukidnon Province; Municipality of San Fernando; Barangay Magkalungay; Mt. Malimumu, Pantaron Range., 7.86991 125.40331, 817m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT959333Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   16732022-07-25
Philippines, Bukidnon Province, Municipality of San Fernando, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Bukidnon Province; Municipality of San Fernando; Barangay Namnam; Sitio Natampod, Pantaron Range., 7.86031 125.41291, 927m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT964449Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   15962022-07-22
Philippines, Bukidnon Province, Municipality of San Fernando, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Bukidnon Province; Municipality of San Fernando; Barangay Namnam; Sitio Natampod, Pantaron Range., 7.86089 125.42416, 1101m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT788976Michael Sundue   52392023-06-17
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, corregimiento Felidia, vereda El Pato-Leonera, sector La Leonera, 9 km desde Felidia al estadero Truchilandia, cuenca de la quebrada El Roble., 3.5982 -76.8921, 2340m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT788902Michael Sundue   52402023-06-17
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, corregimiento Felidia, vereda El Pato-Leonera, sector La Leonera, 9 km desde Felidia al estadero Truchilandia, cuenca de la quebrada El Roble., 3.5982 -76.8921, 2340m

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BRIT788845Michael Sundue   52552023-06-18
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, corregimiento Pichindé, vereda Peñas Blancas, sendero Peñas Blancas "Camino al Cielo", cuenca del río Pichindé., 3.4334 -76.6639, 2634m

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BRIT788846Michael Sundue   52552023-06-18
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, corregimiento Pichindé, vereda Peñas Blancas, sendero Peñas Blancas "Camino al Cielo", cuenca del río Pichindé., 3.4334 -76.6639, 2634m

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BRIT788878Michael Sundue   52632023-06-19
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, Centro de Educación Ambiental y Tecnologías Aplicadas, predio de conservación El Danubio, estación El Otobal, corregimiento Los Andes, vereda Kárpatos, subcuenca río Pichindé, cuenca del río Cali., 3.4104 -76.6581, 2111m

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BRIT1058912Susana Vega Betancur   9122023-06-07
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Buenaventura, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, Alto Anchicayá, sector Murrapal, 5 km del campamento Yatacué a quebrada Murrapal., 3.55 -76.8788, 583m

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BRIT788891Susana Vega Betancur   9752023-06-18
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, corregimiento de Pance, vereda El Pato, sendero que conduce a pico Pance., 3.3325 -76.6691, 2747m

BRIT1122084Sarah K. Morris   3442024-04-06
Colombia, Chocó, Acandí, Corregimiento de Capurganá, reserva natural El Paraiso., 8.6221 -77.3723, 52m

BRIT1117922Iván Gallego   4532024-05-11
Colombia, Santander, El Carmen de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona centro), vereda La Victoria, camino Palma de Ramo, 6.587 -73.5163, 1401m

BRIT1122013Iván Gallego   4682024-05-12
Colombia, Santander, El Carmen de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona centro), microcuenca de la quebrada Playitas, vereda La Victoria, predio El Universo, 6.5774 -73.5209, 1102m

BRIT1117945Iván Gallego   4712024-05-13
Colombia, Santander, El Carmen de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona centro), microcuenca de la quebrada Playitas, vereda La Victoria, predio El Universo, 6.5769 -73.5194, 1145m

BRIT1117967Iván Gallego   4802024-05-14
Colombia, Santander, El Carmen de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona centro), parte alta de la microcuenca de la quebrada Las Lajas (Caño Seco), vereda La Victoria, 6.5823 -73.5156, 1443m

BRIT1117907Iván Gallego   4932024-05-18
Colombia, Santander, San Vicente de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona norte), reserva de ProAves Reinita Cielo Azul, vereda Centro, sector La Siberia, predio El Talismán, antiguo camino de Lengerke que va desde San Vicente de Chucurí hacia Zapatoca, 6.8507 -73.3804, 1660m

BRIT1117919Iván Gallego   5012024-05-19
Colombia, Santander, San Vicente de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona norte), microcuenca de la quebrada Las Cruces, vereda Cantagallos, predio Bolivia, 6.8385 -73.3803, 1252m

BRIT1122126Michael Sundue   53082024-05-12
Colombia, Santander, El Carmen de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona centro), microcuenca de la quebrada Las Lajas (Caño Seco), vereda La Victoria, predio El Universo, 6.5811 -73.5229, 1123m

BRIT1122152Michael Sundue   53302024-05-14
Colombia, Santander, El Carmen de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona centro), parte alta de la microcuenca de la quebrada Las Lajas (Caño Seco), vereda La Victoria, 6.5823 -73.5156, 1443m

BRIT1122454Michael Sundue   53312024-05-14
Colombia, Santander, El Carmen de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona centro), parte alta de la microcuenca de la quebrada Las Lajas (Caño Seco), vereda La Victoria, 6.5823 -73.5156, 1443m

BRIT1122146Michael Sundue   53402024-05-17
Colombia, Santander, San Vicente de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona norte), reserva de ProAves Reinita Cielo Azul, vereda Centro, sector La Siberia, predio El Talismán, antiguo camino de Lengerke que va desde San Vicente de Chucurí hacia Zapatoca, 6.8487 -73.3636, 1980m

BRIT1122024Michael Sundue   53742024-05-19
Colombia, Santander, San Vicente de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona norte), microcuenca de la quebrada Las Cruces, vereda Cantagallos, predio Bolivia, 6.8437 -73.3915, 1078m

BRIT1122023Michael Sundue   53752024-05-19
Colombia, Santander, San Vicente de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona norte), microcuenca de la quebrada Las Cruces, vereda Cantagallos, predio Bolivia, 6.8437 -73.3915, 1078m

BRIT1122022Michael Sundue   53762024-05-19
Colombia, Santander, San Vicente de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona norte), microcuenca de la quebrada Las Cruces, vereda Cantagallos, predio Bolivia, 6.8437 -73.3915, 1078m

BRIT1122973Susana Vega Betancur   10312024-05-11
Colombia, Santander, El Carmen de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona centro), vereda La Victoria, camino Palma de Ramo, 6.587 -73.5163

BRIT1122987Susana Vega Betancur   10552024-05-13
Colombia, Santander, El Carmen de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona centro), microcuenca de la quebrada Playitas, vereda La Victoria, predio El Universo, 6.5769 -73.5194, 1145m

BRIT1122990Susana Vega Betancur   10612024-05-14
Colombia, Santander, El Carmen de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona centro), parte alta de la microcuenca de la quebrada Las Lajas (Caño Seco), vereda La Victoria, 6.5823 -73.5156, 1443m

BRIT1122459Susana Vega Betancur   9742023-06-18
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, corregimiento de Pance, vereda El Pato, sendero que conduce a pico Pance., 3.3325 -76.6691, 2747m

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BRIT16185Reynoso   PPI 242171996-05-14
Philippines, Samar, Island of Visayas. Province of Samar. Paranas, Campo Uno, Central Samar., 11.97 124.716667, 400m

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BRIT46197Pipoly   PPI 380551996-08-19
Philippines, Palawan, Island of Palawan. Province of Palawan. Mt. Gantung, Mantalingajan Mt. Range, District of Tindogan. NNW slopes at headwaters of Tagwaya River., 8.983333 117.816667, 800m

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Asplenium fontanum (L.) Bernh.
BRIT57388Dr. Hopflinger   1953-08-22
Waadt: schattige Felsen bei Roche (Villeneuve)

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Asplenium fontanum (L.) Bernh.
BRIT506236R. D. Meene   s.n.
France, [?] Fontanes. Mont Pel.

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BRIT507539C. G. Pringle   s.n.1887-10-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre.

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BRIT461233Theo Witsell   03-01922003-05-02
United States, Arkansas, Faulkner, Cove Creek Natural Area. NW 1/4 of Section 34, T8N R14W. Damascus 7.5' quad.

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BRIT461134Theo Witsell   03-10022003-10-02
United States, Arkansas, Saline, Devil's Gap Unique Area. NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of section 5, T1S R17W. Lonsdale NE 7.5' quad.

BRIT8036V. L. Cory   539321948-03-06
United States, Texas, Polk, 3 1/4 miles south of Corrigan.

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Asplenium platyneuron var. incisum (Howe ex Peck) B.L. Robins.
BRIT472693H.H. Iltis   19721943-07-29
United States, Virginia, Giles, Along Rd into Clover Hollow 0.2m. s.s.w. of Rocky Gap., 732m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Asplenium platyneuron var. incisum (Howe ex Peck) B.L. Robins.
BRIT472530A. J. Hoiberg   5611955-06-04
United States, Arkansas, Polk

Image Associated With the Occurence
Asplenium platyneuron var. incisum (Howe ex Peck) B.L. Robins.
BRIT472554Claude E. Phillips   2881978-07-10
United States, West Virginia, Near Circleville.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Asplenium platyneuron var. incisum (Howe ex Peck) B.L. Robins.
BRIT472588Scott M. McReynolds   s.n.1976-06-17
United States, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge, 1 mile north of Highland Road on Siegen Lane. Baton Rouge.

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BRIT460419Hugo Fink   361889-00-00
Mexico, Veracruz, Cordova, See Coville's letter of 1896.

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BRIT57247D. Angulo   772004-02-12
Mexico, Yucatán, Mexico: Yucatan: Municipio Chemax, Punta Laguna, 12.5 km al norte de Coba., 20.645833 -87.631389

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BRIT57303Herbert H. Smith   9711898-00-00
Colombia, Santa Marta

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BRIT505857leg.ign.   s.n.
West Indies.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT506454W. R. Hatch   1441936-07-25
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Finca Seamay, Senahu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT506453C. L. Wilson   3371939-03-20
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Pila-pec, Finca Los Alpes., 274m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT506354C. L. Wilson   2651939-03-02
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, In cafetales, Finca Volcan., 732m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT506353W. R. Hatch   2931936-08-10
Guatemala, Rio Panajachel, near Lake Atitlan.

Page 9, records 801-900 of 1919


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