Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Taxa: Cyatheaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 7, records 601-700 of 865

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Cyathea assurgens R. M. Tryon
BRIT1135289Jonatan Castro-Hernández   18362022-02-07
Colombia, Risaralda, Pueblo Rico, Vereda Montebello, Sendero El Pencil - Montebello, confluencia del río Taiba y río Claro, Parque Nacional Natural Tatamá, 5.2319 -76.0822, 1400m

Cyathea assurgens R.M. Tryon
BRIT1135305Weston Testo   25782022-02-07
Colombia, Risaralda, Pueblo Rico, Parque Nacional Natural Tatamá, vereda Montebello, sendero Montebello-El Pencil, confluencia del río Taiba y río Claro, punto 11 de la resolución de creación del PNN Tatamá., 5.2504 -76.0818, 1180m

Cyathea assurgens R. M. Tryon
BRIT1135309Weston Testo   27152023-06-06
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Buenaventura, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, sendero La Riqueza, 9 km del campamento Yatacué, cuenca del río Anchicayá., 3.6003 -76.8928, 732m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT501948W. Takeuchi   105511995-10-07
Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands, Western Highlands Province; Bismarck Range, Mt. Oibo, ridge community between Camp 1 and Bugkile., -5.591883 144.787533, 2075 - 2400m

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BRIT501947W. Takeuchi   105511995-10-07
Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands, Western Highlands Province; Bismarck Range, Mt. Oibo, ridge community between Camp 1 and Bugkile., -5.591883 144.787533, 2075 - 2400m

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BRIT501946W. Takeuchi   105511995-10-07
Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands, Western Highlands Province; Bismarck Range, Mt. Oibo, ridge community between Camp 1 and Bugkile., -5.591883 144.787533, 2075 - 2400m

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BRIT501945W. Takeuchi   105511995-10-07
Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands, Western Highlands Province; Bismarck Range, Mt. Oibo, ridge community between Camp 1 and Bugkile., -5.591883 144.787533, 2075 - 2400m

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BRIT501944W. Takeuchi   105511995-10-07
Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands, Western Highlands Province; Bismarck Range, Mt. Oibo, ridge community between Camp 1 and Bugkile., -5.591883 144.787533, 2075 - 2400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT501942W. Takeuchi   107061995-10-11
Papua New Guinea, Border of Western Highlands Province and Madang Province, descending track from Camp 2 (Mt. Oibo) towards Gulno village., -5.5456 144.796867, 2040m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT501943W. Takeuchi   107061995-10-11
Papua New Guinea, Border of Western Highlands Province and Madang Province, descending track from Camp 2 (Mt. Oibo) towards Gulno village.; -5.5456 144.796867, -5.5456 144.796867, 2040m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyathea gigantea (Wall. ex Hook.) Holttum
BRIT02727A.M. Huq   105101997-05-08
Bangladesh, Bangladesh: Moulavibazar District Sreemangal, Lawachera forest area., 24.25 91.583333, 35m

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Cyathea gigantea (Wall. ex Hook.) Holttum
BRIT02726A.M. Huq   105101997-05-08
Bangladesh, Bangladesh: Moulavibazar District. Sreemangal, Lawachera forest area., 24.25 91.583333, 35m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyathea dudleyi R.M. Tryon
BRIT554073R. Vásquez   333872008-02-29
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa. Dist. Huancabamba. Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillén, sector San Daniel., -10.4375 -75.453056, 2192m

BRIT22518Mwangoka, M.A.   18752001-03-01
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same District, T3. Chome Forest Reserve, montane forest near Mraa Village., -4.25444444444444 37.9719444444444, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT02733C. J. Kayombo   27991999-08-01
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi District: T7. 3 km E of Lulanda Escarpment, Ifinga, Kipemba Stream., 8.617778 35.639444, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT02732M. A. Mawangoka   18752001-03-01
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Kilimanjaro District: T3. Chome Forest Reserve near Mraa Village., 4.254444 37.971944, 1500m

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Cyathea dissoluta Baker ex Jenman
BRIT02748Kenneth A. Wilson   5601954-08-11
Jamaica, Saint Thomas, Corn Puss Gap and vicinity; trail over Blue Mts., 610 - 686m

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Cyathea ebenina H. Karst.
BRIT429868Eric Rodriguez   28932005-06-18
Peru, Cajamarca, San Ignacio, Distrito Huarango. Cordillera Huarango, El Romerillo. Bosque arbustado primario sobre suela de arenisca blanca en la cresta de la Cordillera., 5.269444 -78.685833, 2370m

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Cyathea decurrens (Hook.) Copel.
BRIT505957Eric Craig   s.n.

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BRIT02715leg.ign.   s.n.1870-00-00
New Zealand, [No additional locality data on sheet]

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BRIT506819Eric Craig   s.n.
New Zealand

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BRIT506818Eric Craig   s.n.
New Zealand

Cyathea fuliginosa (Christ) Copel.
BRIT1068815Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   372019-06-05
Philippines, Davao Del Sur Province, Davao City Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao Del Sur Province; Davao City Municipality; Baganihan Barangay; Lawi-Lawi Forest: along road to cave., 7.45508 125.25165, 1260m

Cyathea fuliginosa (Christ) Copel.
BRIT1068816Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   372019-06-05
Philippines, Davao Del Sur Province, Davao City Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao Del Sur Province; Davao City Municipality; Baganihan Barangay; Lawi-Lawi Forest: along road to cave., 7.45508 125.25165, 1260m

Cyathea fuliginosa (Christ) Copel.
BRIT1068817Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   372019-06-05
Philippines, Davao Del Sur Province, Davao City Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao Del Sur Province; Davao City Municipality; Baganihan Barangay; Lawi-Lawi Forest: along road to cave., 7.45508 125.25165, 1260m

Cyathea fuliginosa (Christ) Copel.
BRIT1068818Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   372019-06-05
Philippines, Davao Del Sur Province, Davao City Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao Del Sur Province; Davao City Municipality; Baganihan Barangay; Lawi-Lawi Forest: along road to cave., 7.45508 125.25165, 1260m

Cyathea fuliginosa (Christ) Copel.
BRIT1068819Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   372019-06-05
Philippines, Davao Del Sur Province, Davao City Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao Del Sur Province; Davao City Municipality; Baganihan Barangay; Lawi-Lawi Forest: along road to cave., 7.45508 125.25165, 1260m

Cyathea frigida (H. Karst.) Domin
BRIT1135364J. Nicolás Zapata   9962022-10-22
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Fómeque, Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza, sendero Plantas del Camino, alrededores de la laguna de Chingaza., 4.5288 -73.7562, 3253m

Cyathea frigida (H. Karst.) Domin
BRIT1135365J. Nicolás Zapata   9962022-10-22
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Fómeque, Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza, sendero Plantas del Camino, alrededores de la laguna de Chingaza., 4.5288 -73.7562, 3253m

Cyathea falcata (Mett. ex Kuhn) Domin
BRIT1135308Weston Testo   27082023-06-06
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Buenaventura, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, sendero La Riqueza, 9 km del campamento Yatacué, cuenca del río Anchicayá., 3.5945 -76.8917, 564m

BRIT1135352Susana Vega Betancur   9022023-06-06
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Buenaventura, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, sendero La Riqueza, 9 km del campamento Yatacué, cuenca del río Anchicayá., 3.5945 -76.8917, 564m

BRIT1135353Susana Vega Betancur   9022023-06-06
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Buenaventura, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, sendero La Riqueza, 9 km del campamento Yatacué, cuenca del río Anchicayá., 3.5945 -76.8917, 564m

BRIT1135354Susana Vega Betancur   9022023-06-06
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Buenaventura, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, sendero La Riqueza, 9 km del campamento Yatacué, cuenca del río Anchicayá., 3.5945 -76.8917, 564m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT429711Al Gentry   69791972-12-29
Panama, Darien, Summit of Cerro Pirre., 1000 - 1400m

Alsophila tryoniana (Gastony) D.S. Conant
BRIT472165Harry Johnson   9701920-10-23
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Chihob., 914m

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Alsophila tryoniana (Gastony) D.S. Conant
BRIT554043M. Véliz   165562006-01-11
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Mpio Cobán, Parqeu Nac Laguna de Lachua., 15.944056 -90.675472, 199m

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Cyathea affinis (G. Forst.) Sw.
BRIT505962Eric Craig   s.n.

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Cnemidaria karsteniana (Klotzsch) R.M. Tryon
BRIT497315W. R. Hatch   140A1936-07-26
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Finca Seamay, Senahu.

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Cnemidaria karsteniana (Klotzsch) R.M. Tryon
BRIT497314W. R. Hatch   140B1936-07-25
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Finca Seamay, Senahu.

Alsophila negrosiana (Christ) R.M.Tryon
BRIT1044136Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   2702019-12-10
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Enrique Villanueva; Lake Balinsasayao., 9.35972 123.18158, 926m

Alsophila negrosiana (Christ) R.M.Tryon
BRIT1044137Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   2702019-12-10
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Enrique Villanueva; Lake Balinsasayao., 9.35972 123.18158, 926m

Alsophila negrosiana (Christ) R.M.Tryon
BRIT1044138Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   2702019-12-10
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Enrique Villanueva; Lake Balinsasayao., 9.35972 123.18158, 926m

Alsophila negrosiana (Christ) R.M.Tryon
BRIT1044139Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   2702019-12-10
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Enrique Villanueva; Lake Balinsasayao., 9.35972 123.18158, 926m

Cyathea subincisa (Kunze) Domin
BRIT22789B. R. Chambi   1092001-08-26
Peru, Madre de Dios, Manu Province; Puerto Maldonado; Los Amigos Biological Station, Madre de Dios River., -12.5699 -70.0964, 254m

Cyathea subincisa (Kunze) Domin
BRIT11169B. R. Chambi   1092001-08-26
Peru, Madre de Dios, Manu Province; Puerto Maldonado; Los Amigos Biological Station, Madre de Dios River., -12.5699 -70.0964, 254m

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BRIT1020192Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   912019-06-10
Philippines, Bukidnon Province, Malaybalay Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Bukidnon Province; Malaybalay Municipality; Kibalabag Barangay; Mt. Limbawon: along the trail to peak., 8.26241 125.18064, 1553m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT1020193Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   912019-06-10
Philippines, Bukidnon Province, Malaybalay Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Bukidnon Province; Malaybalay Municipality; Kibalabag Barangay; Mt. Limbawon: along the trail to peak., 8.26241 125.18064, 1553m

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BRIT1020194Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   912019-06-10
Philippines, Bukidnon Province, Malaybalay Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Bukidnon Province; Malaybalay Municipality; Kibalabag Barangay; Mt. Limbawon: along the trail to peak., 8.26241 125.18064, 1553m

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BRIT1020191Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   912019-06-10
Philippines, Bukidnon Province, Malaybalay Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Bukidnon Province; Malaybalay Municipality; Kibalabag Barangay; Mt. Limbawon: along the trail to peak., 8.26241 125.18064, 1553m

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BRIT1020190Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   912019-06-10
Philippines, Bukidnon Province, Malaybalay Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Bukidnon Province; Malaybalay Municipality; Kibalabag Barangay; Mt. Limbawon: along the trail to peak., 8.26241 125.18064, 1553m

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Cyathea truncata (Brack.) Copel.
BRIT505959Eric Craig   s.n.

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Cyathea truncata (Brack.) Copel.
BRIT505958Eric Craig   s.n.

BRIT1068810Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   302019-06-05
Philippines, Davao Del Sur Province, Davao City Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao Del Sur Province; Davao City Municipality; Baganihan Barangay; Lawi-Lawi Forest: along road to cave., 7.45508 125.25165, 1260m

BRIT1068811Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   302019-06-05
Philippines, Davao Del Sur Province, Davao City Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao Del Sur Province; Davao City Municipality; Baganihan Barangay; Lawi-Lawi Forest: along road to cave., 7.45508 125.25165, 1260m

BRIT1068812Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   302019-06-05
Philippines, Davao Del Sur Province, Davao City Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao Del Sur Province; Davao City Municipality; Baganihan Barangay; Lawi-Lawi Forest: along road to cave., 7.45508 125.25165, 1260m

BRIT1068813Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   302019-06-05
Philippines, Davao Del Sur Province, Davao City Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao Del Sur Province; Davao City Municipality; Baganihan Barangay; Lawi-Lawi Forest: along road to cave., 7.45508 125.25165, 1260m

BRIT1068814Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   302019-06-05
Philippines, Davao Del Sur Province, Davao City Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao Del Sur Province; Davao City Municipality; Baganihan Barangay; Lawi-Lawi Forest: along road to cave., 7.45508 125.25165, 1260m

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Cyathea traillii (Baker) Domin
BRIT461189A. Monteagudo   50962003-05-08
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa. Distrito Palcazu. Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillen, cerca de la estación Biologica Paujil, trocha hacia el mirador., -10.316667 -75.25, 355m

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Cyathea traillii (Baker) Domin
BRIT461196H. van der Werff   199652005-05-11
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa. Distr. Palcazu. El Paujil., -10.323333 -75.263611, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyathea traillii (Baker) Domin
BRIT461197H. van der Werff   199652005-05-11
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa. Distr. Palcazu. El Paujil., -10.323333 -75.263611, 500m

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Cyathea surinamensis (Miq.) Domin
BRIT02712Brian M. Boom   92651989-07-18
Guyana, Upper Potaro River region, ca 14 mi N of Kopinang village, 5.05 -59.8, 640m

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Cyathea surinamensis (Miq.) Domin
BRIT02711Brian M. Boom   92651989-07-18
Guyana, Upper Potaro River region, ca 14 mi N of Kopinang village, 5.05 -59.8, 640m

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Cyathea surinamensis (Miq.) Domin
BRIT02710Brian M. Boom   92651989-07-18
Guyana, Upper Potaro River region, ca 14 mi N of Kopinang village, 5.05 -59.8, 640m

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Cyathea salletii Tardieu & C. Chr.
BRIT02729L. Averyanov   VH 9171995-03-24
Viet Nam, Quangnam-Danang, S. Vietnam, Prov. Quangnam-Danang., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyathea salletii Tardieu & C. Chr.
BRIT02728L Averyanov   VH 0291995-02-23
Viet Nam, Kontum, S. Vietnam, Prov. Kontum. NW slopes of Ngoc Linh mountain system at 1200 m alt. near Ngoc Linh village.

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BRIT461194L. Valenzuela   32222004-03-24
Peru, Cuzco, La Convención. Dist. Ocobamba, Mesa Pelada., -12.913889 -72.624722, 2000 - 2434m

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BRIT461195L. Valenzuela   32222004-03-24
Peru, Cuzco, La Convención. Dist. Ocobamba, Mesa Pelada., -12.913889 -72.624722, 2000 - 2434m

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BRIT461193L. Valenzuela   32222004-03-24
Peru, Cuzco, La Convención. Dist. Ocobamba, Mesa Pelada., -12.913889 -72.624722, 2000 - 2434m

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BRIT461204H. van der Werff   211852006-04-30
Peru, Cuzco, Calca. Road Quebrada-Alto Lacco., -12.622778 -72.244444, 2800m

Sphaeropteris zamboangana (Copel.) R.M.Tryon
BRIT1044130Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   4142019-12-17
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Siaton, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Siaton; Barangay Mantiquil; Mt. Talinis., 9.24093 123.11589, 1317m

Sphaeropteris zamboangana (Copel.) R.M.Tryon
BRIT1044131Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   4142019-12-17
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Siaton, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Siaton; Barangay Mantiquil; Mt. Talinis., 9.24093 123.11589, 1317m

Sphaeropteris zamboangana (Copel.) R.M.Tryon
BRIT1044132Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   4142019-12-17
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Siaton, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Siaton; Barangay Mantiquil; Mt. Talinis., 9.24093 123.11589, 1317m

Sphaeropteris zamboangana (Copel.) R.M.Tryon
BRIT1044133Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   4142019-12-17
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Siaton, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Siaton; Barangay Mantiquil; Mt. Talinis., 9.24093 123.11589, 1317m

Sphaeropteris zamboangana (Copel.) R.M.Tryon
BRIT1044134Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   4142019-12-17
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Siaton, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Siaton; Barangay Mantiquil; Mt. Talinis., 9.24093 123.11589, 1317m

Sphaeropteris zamboangana (Copel.) R.M.Tryon
BRIT1044135Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   4142019-12-17
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Siaton, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Siaton; Barangay Mantiquil; Mt. Talinis., 9.24093 123.11589, 1317m

Cyathea tryonorum (Riba) Lellinger
BRIT1135333Alejandra Vasco   12322022-02-14
Colombia, Antioquia, Peque, Vereda Chamizo-Romeral, sector Buenos Aires, finca "Las Flores", parte baja, cerca a derrumbe., 6.9833 -75.9678, 2692m

Cyathea tryonorum (Riba) Lellinger
BRIT1135334Alejandra Vasco   12322022-02-14
Colombia, Antioquia, Peque, Vereda Chamizo-Romeral, sector Buenos Aires, finca "Las Flores", parte baja, cerca a derrumbe., 6.9833 -75.9678, 2692m

Cyathea tryonorum (Riba) Lellinger
BRIT1135335Alejandra Vasco   12322022-02-14
Colombia, Antioquia, Peque, Vereda Chamizo-Romeral, sector Buenos Aires, finca "Las Flores", parte baja, cerca a derrumbe., 6.9833 -75.9678, 2692m

Sphaeropteris tripinnata (Copel.) R.M.Tryon
BRIT792970Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   3962019-12-16
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Siaton, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Siaton; Barangay Mantiquil; Mt. Talinis., 9.24288 123.11793, 1374m

BRIT1135280Jonatan Castro-Hernández   18252022-02-06
Colombia, Risaralda, Pueblo Rico, Vereda Montebello, Camino desde la base militar Montezuma hacia el ecolodge Montezuma, Parque Nacional Natural Tatamá., 5.250693 -76.106446, 2143m

BRIT1135281Jonatan Castro-Hernández   18252022-02-06
Colombia, Risaralda, Pueblo Rico, Vereda Montebello, Camino desde la base militar Montezuma hacia el ecolodge Montezuma, Parque Nacional Natural Tatamá., 5.250693 -76.106446, 2143m

BRIT1135282Jonatan Castro-Hernández   18252022-02-06
Colombia, Risaralda, Pueblo Rico, Vereda Montebello, Camino desde la base militar Montezuma hacia el ecolodge Montezuma, Parque Nacional Natural Tatamá., 5.250693 -76.106446, 2143m

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Sphaeropteris elmeri (Copel.) R.M.Tryon
BRIT698509Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   3252019-12-12
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Enrique Villanueva; trail NW of the tower., 9.36122 123.17614, 1041m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sphaeropteris elmeri (Copel.) R.M.Tryon
BRIT698510Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   3252019-12-12
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Enrique Villanueva; trail NW of the tower., 9.36122 123.17614, 1041m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sphaeropteris elmeri (Copel.) R.M.Tryon
BRIT698511Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   3252019-12-12
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Enrique Villanueva; trail NW of the tower., 9.36122 123.17614, 1041m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sphaeropteris elmeri (Copel.) R.M.Tryon
BRIT806269Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   3572019-12-15
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Siaton, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Siaton; Barangay Mantiquil; Mt. Talinis., 9.24413 123.11858, 1384m

Sphaeropteris polypoda (Baker) R.M.Tryon
BRIT1088152Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   19812023-01-29
Philippines, Dinagat Islands Province, Municipality of Libjo, Philippines; Dinagat Island; Dinagat Islands Province; Municipality of Libjo; Barangay San Antonio; National Highway from San Jose to Loreto, Mt. Paragua., 10.2363 125.53961, 204m

Sphaeropteris polypoda (Baker) R.M.Tryon
BRIT1088160Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey   19812023-01-29
Philippines, Dinagat Islands Province, Municipality of Libjo, Philippines; Dinagat Island; Dinagat Islands Province; Municipality of Libjo; Barangay San Antonio; National Highway from San Jose to Loreto, Mt. Paragua., 10.2363 125.53961, 204m

BRIT1135237Jonatan Castro-Hernández   17762022-01-29
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, El Cairo, Vereda El Brillante, Serranía los Paraguas, cerca a frontera Valle-Chocó, Sendero hacia la cima del Cerro El Inglés, Reserva Natural Comunitaria Cerro El Inglés., 4.746561 -76.304709, 2438m

BRIT1135238Jonatan Castro-Hernández   17762022-01-29
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, El Cairo, Vereda El Brillante, Serranía los Paraguas, cerca a frontera Valle-Chocó, Sendero hacia la cima del Cerro El Inglés, Reserva Natural Comunitaria Cerro El Inglés., 4.746561 -76.304709, 2438m

BRIT1135239Jonatan Castro-Hernández   17762022-01-29
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, El Cairo, Vereda El Brillante, Serranía los Paraguas, cerca a frontera Valle-Chocó, Sendero hacia la cima del Cerro El Inglés, Reserva Natural Comunitaria Cerro El Inglés., 4.746561 -76.304709, 2438m

BRIT1135319Weston Testo   27862023-06-18
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, corregimiento de Pance, vereda El Pato, sendero que conduce a pico Pance., 3.3325 -76.6691, 2747m

BRIT1135320Weston Testo   27862023-06-18
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, corregimiento de Pance, vereda El Pato, sendero que conduce a pico Pance., 3.3325 -76.6691, 2747m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT497329W. R. Hatch   1631936-07-27
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cerro Sillab, Senahu., 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT497328W. R. Hatch   1631936-07-27
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cerro Sillab, Senahu., 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyathea werneri Rosenst.
BRIT952714R.J. Johns   81141994-04-17
Indonesia, West Papua, Manokwari, Manokwari Province. C. 2.5 km west of Andai. Andai Forest., -0.55 133.58, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyathea werneri Rosenst.
BRIT952716R.J.Johns   81141994-04-17
Indonesia, West Papua, Manokwari, Manokwari Province. C. 2.5 km west of Andai. Andai Forest., -0.91667 133.58, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyathea werneri Rosenst.
BRIT952717R.J.Johns   81141994-04-17
Indonesia, West Papua, Manokwari, Manokwari Province. C. 2.5 km west of Andai. Andai Forest., -0.55 133.58, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyathea werneri Rosenst.
BRIT952715R.J.Johns   81141994-04-17
Indonesia, West Papua, Manokwari, Manokwari Province. C. 2.5 km west of Andai. Andai Forest., -0.91667 133.58, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyathea wengiensis (Brause) Domin
BRIT501956Robert Höft   30331992-11-14
Papua New Guinea, Morobe, Morobe Province. Mt. Kaindi, NE-slope above coffee factory., -7.35 146.7, 1550m

Page 7, records 601-700 of 865


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