Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Taxa: Dryopteridaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 3835

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT430818Marion J. Spaulding   7511949-09-26
United States, Maine, Hancock, Bar Harbor; Reef Point Gardens. Sec. No. 63.

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT430817Ralph M. Kriebel   39261936-07-20
United States, Indiana, Lawrence, 2 miles west of Springville.

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT430816Ray C. Friesner   97201936-06-27
United States, Indiana, Grant, Wooded margin of Dollar Lake, 3 mi. east Upland.

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT430815Steven R. Hill   317001999-06-15
United States, Illinois, Morgan, S bank of Indian Creek, Chapin quad. Arenzville. T16N R11W NE/4 SW/4 NE/4 section 6., 180m

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT430814Steven R. Hill   331442000-09-07
United States, Illinois, La Salle, Starved Rock 7.5 min. quad.; T33N, R3E, S/2, SE/4, NW/4, NW/4, sect. 30. South Ottawa township; ca. 1 mi S of IL. Rt. 71, ca. 1 mi E of Starved Rock State Park boundary, along bluffs. E side of mouth of Horseshoe Canyon., 41.320556 -88.909722, 152m

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT430813Steven R. Hill   364812005-07-19
United States, Illinois, Kendall, North side of Fox River south of River Road, west of Yorkville., 41.63875 -88.502861

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT430812Steven R. Hill   260731994-09-14
United States, Illinois, Henry, "Big-X" junction of Rt. I-80 and I-74/280, Colona, Green Rock 7.5' quad. Vicinity of Mud Creek. T17N, R1E, NW1/4 SE1/4 SE1/4 sect. 25

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT430835Thomas G. Lammers   106741998-05-09
United States, Illinois, Cook, Palos Twp. Swallow Cliffs Woods Forest Preserve, southwest of the jct. of US Hwy 45 and State Hwy 83.

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT552001Peter F. Zika   271912015-08-17
United States, Idaho, Bonner, Along Kalispell Creek Road, 2.7 air km WSW of Lakeview Mountain., 48.602 -116.973, 785m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT430526P. Pedersen   5331969-06-28
Denmark, Skaerso, Mols., 56.218043 10.685582

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT430525Kai Larsen   1101970-07-07
Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein, Grossmoor E of Rendsburg; 54.306634 9.663126, 54.313644 9.871523

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT460396J.H. Peck   
United States, Arkansas, Logan, detailed locality information protected

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT460395J.H. Peck   
United States, Arkansas, Logan, detailed locality information protected

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT476368J. H. Peck   
United States, Arkansas, Logan, detailed locality information protected

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT463040James H. Peck   
United States, Arkansas, Stone, detailed locality information protected

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT463038James H. Peck   
United States, Arkansas, Stone, detailed locality information protected

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT462661M. D. Young   
United States, Arkansas, Logan, detailed locality information protected

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT462665Tracy Kelley   
United States, Arkansas, Yell, detailed locality information protected

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT462782James H. Peck   
United States, Arkansas, Stone, detailed locality information protected

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT462783James H. Peck   
United States, Arkansas, Stone, detailed locality information protected

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT505690A. Ruth   
United States, Tennessee, detailed locality information protected

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT505694Albert Ruth   
United States, Tennessee, Blount, detailed locality information protected

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT505695Albert Ruth   
United States, Tennessee, Cocke, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT505697Jas. H. Herris   s.n.1897-00-00
United States, Illinois, Will, Joliet, Ill.

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT505696Albert Ruth   
United States, Tennessee, Cocke, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT505698Albert Ruth   s.n.1890-08-00
United States, Ohio, Summit, Akron Ohio

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT505692Geo B. Aiton   s.n.1892-06-00
United States, Idaho, Palouse Country and about Lake Coeur d' Alene

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
BRIT501399leg.ign.   s.n.1900-06-23
Canada, Ontario, Inglis Falls, Owen Sound.

Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs
United States, Delaware, New Castle

Dryopteris patula (Sw.) Underw.
BRIT430704Rogers McVaugh   137541952-10-23
Mexico, Jalisco, Sierra de la Campana, along road to Mascota, 7-8 miles northwest of Los Volcanes., 1900 - 2000m

Dryopteris patula (Sw.) Underw.
BRIT430705C.Yen   87661997-09-26
Mexico, Chihuahua, Parque Cumbres de Majalca. Mpio. Chihuahua., 2065m

Dryopteris patula (Sw.) Underw.
BRIT430706Robert Merrill King   47831961-10-11
Mexico, Michoacán, East of San Juan Nuevo (ca. 8 kms south of Uruapan)., 1859m

Dryopteris patula (Sw.) Underw.
BRIT430708Robert Merrill King   46911961-10-11
Mexico, Michoacán, East of San Juan Nuevo (ca. 8 kms south of Uruapan)., 1859m

Dryopteris patula (Sw.) Underw.
BRIT430709Judith S. Hall   77681976-08-12
Nicaragua, Esteli, N side of peak. 7 km NW of San Nicholas near Cerro Santa Rosa., 1300m

Dryopteris patula (Sw.) Underw.
BRIT430710Yasmina Calderon   631983-09-24
Honduras, Francisco Morazan, Quebrada Hierba Buena, Valle de Angeles, 15 Km. NE. de Tegucigalpa., 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris patula (Sw.) Underw.
BRIT462956C. G. Pringle   s.n.1893-10-31
Mexico, Jalisco, [No additional locality data on sheet]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris patula (Sw.) Underw.
BRIT497344W. R. Hatch   3591936-08-18
Guatemala, Cafetales, S. slope Volcan Atitlan, Finca Mocá, Guatalon., 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris patula (Sw.) Underw.
BRIT497343W. R. Hatch   3511936-08-18
Guatemala, Cafetales, S. slope Volcan Atitlan, Finca Mocá, Guatalon., 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT505671leg.ign.   s.n.1895-10-13
United States, New Hampshire, Rockingham, Seabrook

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT506255Raynal Dodge   s.n.1892-09-05
[No locality data on sheet]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris sprengelii (Klf.) Kuntze
BRIT430507Herbert H. Smith   22091898-00-00
Colombia, Santa Marta.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT426087L. R. Landrum   108072003-06-22
Ecuador, Napo, Cotococha; about 1 km west of Venecia and 25 km east of Tena; on the south side of the Napo River., -1.04855 -77.718667, 450m

BRIT1122946Alejandra Vasco   14032024-05-18
Colombia, Santander, San Vicente de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes, reserva de ProAves Reinita Cielo Azul, vereda Centro, sector La Siberia, predio El Talismán, antiguo camino de Lengerke que va desde San Vicente de Chucurí hacia Zapatoca, 6.8507 -73.3804, 1660m

BRIT1122947Alejandra Vasco   14032024-05-18
Colombia, Santander, San Vicente de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes, reserva de ProAves Reinita Cielo Azul, vereda Centro, sector La Siberia, predio El Talismán, antiguo camino de Lengerke que va desde San Vicente de Chucurí hacia Zapatoca, 6.8507 -73.3804, 1660m

BRIT1122960Alejandra Vasco   14152024-05-19
Colombia, Santander, San Vicente de Chucurí, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de Los Yariguíes (zona norte), microcuenca de la quebrada Las Cruces, vereda Cantagallos, predio Bolivia, 6.8437 -73.3915, 1078m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT572010Alejandra Vasco   8882015-03-16
México, Oaxaca, Ixtlán, Carretera 175 Oaxaca-Tuxtepec Km 103. A lo largo de la carretera destapada que conduce a Las Cascadas de Nubes. Bosques montanos dominados por Quercus y Pinus

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT472340I. Roberto Guerra C.   1491983-04-17
Honduras, Montaña "La Tigra", bosque mixto pre-monato húmedo., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT472338A. Rodriguez   63592000-08-29
Costa Rica, San Jose, Sector Llano Bonito, alrededores de la casa. Bosque de Robledales., 9.456721 -83.546467, 2450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT472337E. Alfaro   33362000-07-23
Costa Rica, Limon, Talamanca. P.N. La Amistad. Tararia. De Cerro Dudu a Cerro Nal., 9.232924 -83.070584, 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT472341L. Valenzuela   68982006-05-16
Peru, Cusco: La Convención; Quellouno, Lacco, Bosque Húmedo., 12.612222 -72.243611, 2741m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT428598M. Nee   249581982-07-15
Mexico, Veracruz, Pajapan, Ridgetop at summit of Volcan San Martin Pajapan, 6 km. NW of Pajapan., 18.305556 -94.725, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT497416C. L. Wilson   3451939-03-21
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Finca Los Alpes., 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT497415C. L. Wilson   1851939-02-10
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Finca Trece Aguas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT572033Alejandra Vasco   9212015-03-19
México, Oaxaca, Ixtlán, San Francisco la Reforma, laderas en bosques montanos secos dominados por Pinus y Quercus. Bosques por encima del campamento maderero

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT622298M. Sundue   34622013-04-15
Mexico, Oaxaca, Santiago Comaltepec, Sierra Norte, MEX Rt. 175 Oaxaca to Valle Nacional. El Relampago forest reserve, SW of La Esperanza., 17.584833 -96.4005, 1965m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT622376M. Sundue   38822015-01-01
Costa Rica, San Jose, Dota, Slopes of Cerro de la Muerte below the hotel La Georgina., 9.566667 -83.733333, 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT788115Sarah K. Morris   1102022-02-13
Colombia, Antioquia, Peque, Vereda Chamizo-Romeral, camino desde Peque hacia el corregimiento Campa-Rusia en Dabeiba, sitio abierto llamado "Alto Pela Huevo", en límites Peque-Dabeiba., 7.0051 -75.9782, 2991m

BRIT24425B. R. Chambi   2272006-04-04
Peru, Cusco, Paucartambo, Wayqecha Cloud Forest Research and Conservation area. Cuzco department. Province Paucartambo. District Kosñipata Valley. 117 km from the town of Paucartambo., -13.19 -71.6, 2600m

Bolbitis lindigii Ching in C.Chr.
BRIT22850B. R. Chambi   722001-08-26
Peru, Madre de Díos, Manu, Departamento: Madre de Díos. Provincia: Manu. Ciudad más cercana: Puerto Maldonado. Los Amigos Biological Station, Madre de Dios River., -12.5709 -70.0947, 220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ctenitis equestris (Kunze) Ching
BRIT472385C.G. Pringle   139191907-01-28
Mexico, Michoacán, Falls of Tzararacua, Uruapan., 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ctenitis equestris (Kunze) Ching
BRIT497321W. R. Hatch   384B1936-08-23
Guatemala, Retalhuleu, Finca San José Nil, Retalhuleu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ctenitis equestris (Kunze) Ching
BRIT497320W. R. Hatch   384C1936-08-23
Guatemala, Retalhuleu, Finca San José Nil, Retalhuleu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ctenitis equestris (Kunze) Ching
BRIT497319W. R. Hatch   384A1936-08-23
Guatemala, Retalhuleu, Finca San José Nil, Retalhuleu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ctenitis nigrovenia (H.Christ) Copel.
BRIT472384C.G. Pringle   39571891-12-02
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Hacienda of Tamasopo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyrtomium umbonatum (Underw.) Morton
BRIT429067J. J. Roybal   5611946-00-00
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Vicinity of Monterrey.

Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT429838Gary H. Morton   73041978-07-18
United States, New Jersey, Sussex, Along Flatbrookville-Fairview Lake Road in the vicinity of Vancampens Brook.

Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT429837Gary H. Morton   73041978-07-18
United States, New Jersey, Sussex, Along Flatbrookville-Fairview Lake Road in the vicinity of Vancampens Brook.

Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT429836Gary H. Morton   53741974-05-25
United States, New Jersey, Essex, Off of Passaic Ave. just s of jct. with South Orange Ave.

Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT429835Janet S. Boe   12361979-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Lake of the Woods, Wheeler's Point. NE1/4 Sec. 24 R32W T162N

Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT429834Olga Lakela   17361936-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Bay side, Sec. 19, Duluth.

Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT429833Winona H. Welch   69511941-09-04
United States, Kentucky, Powell, Nada Tunnel.

Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT429832W.J. Eyerdam   82491956-07-25
United States, Alaska, Washington Bay, Kuiu Island.

Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT429831Robert S. Sigafoos   23071949-08-01
United States, Alaska, Cape Nome.

Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT429830W. Hess   52001980-07-25
Canada, British Columbia, 4 mi. E of Hope off Provencial Rd 3, W side of Cascade Mts, Nicolum R. Campgrd.

Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT430768E.C. Leonard   
United States, Maryland, Cecil, detailed locality information protected

Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT431966R. Naas   41531982-07-12
United States, Washington, Whatcom, Baker Lake area. T38N, R10E, Sec. 30, NE4

Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT430623K. Beamish   604541960-05-26
Canada, British Columbia, Dewdney Trunk Rd, between Haney and Stave Falls, 137m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT429873A. Fernandes   52791955-05-23
Portugal, Serra do Caramulo, S. joao do Moute.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT431571D.M. Henderson   15361958-07-20
United Kingdom, Scotland, Balerno, Midlothian., 183m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT431572D.M. Henderson   15361958-07-20
United Kingdom, Scotland, Balerno, Midlothian., 183m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT431390K. Gorska   291952-09-18
Poland, Slask Dolny, Oborniki Sl, pow. Trzebnica. Las mieszany. Ad Oborniki Sl. apud Trzebnica.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT429355J.A. Crabbe   117471967-06-20
United Kingdom, England, Vice-county 16, West Kent: Speldhurst parish, 4 km NW of Tunbridge Wells. National Grid Ref.: 51/561422., 75m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT430521Edwin Wallen   s.n.1940-07-16
Sweden, Skane: Vollsjö.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT430519Gosta Kjellmert   224811946-04-07
Sweden, Närke. Gotlunda. Järnäs., 21m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT505945Wm. A. Reiners   s.n.1968-08-10
United States, Alaska, On Sebree Island. Glacier Bay National Monument., 58.75 -126.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT505764David C. Nutt   4111943-07-18
Greenland, West Greenland. Julianehaab District: Tunugdliarfik Fjord, Narsarssuaq.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT505763David C. Nutt   4111943-07-18
Greenland, West Greenland. Julianehaab District: Tunugdliarfik Fjord, Narsarssuaq.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris austriaca (Jacq.) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell.
BRIT506500Wm. A. Reiners   s.n.1968-08-07
United States, Alaska, South of National Park Lodge at Bartlett Cove. Glacier Bay National Monument., 58.45 -135.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
BRIT461646leg.ign.   s.n.
Mexico, [No additional locality data on sheet]

Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
BRIT430740H. von Wedel   15431941-11-08
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Water Valley. Vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
BRIT432012D.L. Topping   36941933-11-12
United States, Hawaii, Waiahale - Waikane Trail, Oahu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
BRIT432011Clarence R.   821
Australia, [No additional locality data on sheet]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
BRIT430498I. Ligório   1011949-06-01
Brazil, Canoas, R.G. do Sul - Brasil.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
BRIT428541Delzie Demaree   341171953-08-26
United States, Mississippi, George, Ocean Springs. University of Mississippi Forest Lands. P. O. Bendale.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
BRIT428540Delzie Demaree   339871953-08-22
United States, Mississippi, George, University of Mississippi Forest Lands. P. O. Benndale.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
BRIT428539Delzie Demaree   341171953-08-26
United States, Mississippi, George, Ocean Springs. University of Mississippi Forest Lands. P. O. Bendale.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
BRIT428538Delzie Demaree   324851952-08-03
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Vancleave. P. O. Ocean Springs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
BRIT428537Arthur Cronquist   54581948-07-07
United States, Georgia, Grady, About 10 mi. N. of Whigham.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
BRIT428536F. H. Sargent   73231955-05-23
United States, Florida, Highlands, Sebring, Highlands Hammock.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
BRIT506224leg.ign.   s.n.
[No locality data on sheet]

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 3835


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