BRIT430150 H.C. Thurman s.n. 1980-08-21
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Ca. 25 miles east of Evergreen.
BRIT430151 H.C. Thurman s.n. 1980-08-21
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Ca. 25 miles east of Evergreen.
BRIT430152 J.L. Blassingame 3923 1976-06-27
United States, Colorado, Mineral, Along stream just below Treasure Falls, south side of Wolf Creek Pass.
BRIT430153 J.L. Blassingame 3928 1976-06-29
United States, Colorado, Mineral, Along Wolf Creek, ca. 16 miles NE of Pagosa Springs.
BRIT430154 Brian Elliott 6563 1999-06-06
United States, Colorado, Fremont, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: Wet Mountains: along Newlin Creek from Florence Mountain Park at Newlin Trailhead on County Road 15, S of Florence. T20S R70W SEC35 SW¼; also SE1/4 S34, SE1/4 S33, and T19N R70W N1/2 S3, 2286m
BRIT430155 Brian Elliott 8556 1999-07-09
United States, Colorado, Custer, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: Wet Mountains: San Isabel National Forest: from the north side of Colo Hwy 96 to top of Rattlesnake Gulch, ca 1 mi E of McKenzie Junction (jct of Colo Hwys 165 and 96). T21S R70W SEC35 NE¼, 2682m
BRIT430157 J.C. Blumer s.n. 1906-10-10
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mountains, Near Fly Peak; 31.8729 -109.2837, 31.8729 -109.2837, 2743m
BRIT430158 W. Hess 2948
United States, Arizona, Graham, Coronado Nat'l Forest, Shannon Campgrd, on St. Hwy. 366 22 mi. w. of St. Hwy 666, 10 mi. s. of Safford. Near Mt. Graham. Near creek above campgrd., 2713m
BRIT430159 Dale M. Benham 834 1986-05-28
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Along trail up West Fork of Oak Creek Canyon, ca. 3 miles from the junction of West Fork and Oak Creek, ca. 10 miles north of Sedona. Dutton Hill Quad. 7 1/2 min Series. T19N R6E Sec 28
BRIT431372 Kalevi Alho s.n. 1970-07-31
Finland, Ostrobottnia kajanensis. Sotkamo. Naapurivaara hill.
BRIT431371 J. Madalski s.n. 1939-08-25
Poland, Zawadów /in districtu Leopoliensi - URSS/.
BRIT431370 Dr. Höpflinger s.n. 1953-08-22
Switzerland, Wallis: schattige Wälder zwischen St. Gingolph et Bouveret., 450m
BRIT431369 C.M. Norrman s.n. 1955-08-28
Sweden, Uppland, Uppsala-Näs s:n, W of Lurbo.
BRIT431368 A.F. Westerlund s.n. 1957-08-04
Sweden, Hälsingland. Enångers s-n. Bölans by Lindefallet.
BRIT431367 C.M. Norrman s.n. 1951-07-30
Norway, Troms. Gratangen h:d, Durmaalsfjeldet.
BRIT431366 A. Fernandes 1523 1953-06-19
Portugal, Serra do Estrela; Lageado, jr. Lagoa do Covão do Curras.
BRIT431365 A. Fernandes 4351 1953-05-04
Portugal, Ponte da Gaia, Arcozelo dos Maias a 42 km. de Vizeu; Vale do Vouga.
BRIT431364 K.U. Kramer s.n. 1959-07-14
Netherlands, Gelderland, S.-facing slope of Duivelsberg near Beek, eastern vic. of Nijmegen (prov. Gelderland).
BRIT431363 A. Contardo s.n. 1953-07-26
Italy, Toscana - Pracchia, lungo il fosso Faldo
BRIT431463 M.L. Forasassi s.n. 1952-08-08
Italy, Tuscany, M.Falterona-Valle di San Godenzo. La Ponte del Borbetto a ovesi della vetta del M.Falterona, 1260m
BRIT431462 Erik Evers s.n. 1959-08-13
Sweden, Ångermanland: Nora su, Fjärdbotten skog vid bergrot vid sidea Fjãrnen.
BRIT431460 E. Meijer Drees 0272 1961-06-01
Austria, Mayrhofen, murahje.
BRIT431459 Paavo S. Jokela s.n. 1958-06-30
Finland, Ob., Kiiminki, In silva in vicinitate fluminis Kiiminginjoki ad viam, 2 km ad pagum Huttukylä versus a praedio Puirava. Ad lat bor. c. 65°10'.
BRIT431458 K. Gorska 27 1952-06-21
Poland, Śląsk Dolny, Ślęza (Sobótka) K. Wroclawia. Las mieszany. In silva mixta ad Ślęza apud Wratislviam
BRIT431457 P.S. Green 67 1957-09-01
United Kingdom, Scotland, Sannox, Isle of Arran., 55.662601 -5.158333
BRIT431456 Kai Larsen 60 1969-08-13
Denmark, Ostenfeld E. of Husum.
BRIT431455 L. Holm-Nielsen 646 1970-07-22
Denmark, Svinklov; 57.144593 9.327584, 57.144034 9.332562
BRIT429881 Nils Sylvén s.n. 1955-08-19
Sweden, Skåne. Brunnby: Arild.
BRIT429880 Lona Bergman s.n. 1934-06-29
Sweden, Skog. Enköping.
BRIT429879 A. Fernandes 4523 1953-06-19
Portugal, Serra da Estrela, Lageago pr. Lagoa do Covão do Curral.
BRIT429878 J. Matos 5055 1954-06-17
Portugal, Estrada de Santa Comba-Dão a Táboa; margens do rio Dão.
BRIT429877 J. Jallu 8899 1972-09-08
France, Mortain (dép. de la Manche) talus de la route de Vire, entre Mortain et Sourdeval., 220m
BRIT429876 J. Dostál 9021 1978-08-15
Czech Republic, In silva mixta "Vyoská" dicta apud pag. Dolní Jirčany (Bohemia centralis, sistr. Praha [pars australis])., 450m
BRIT444416 A. Cacciato s.n. 1954-08-16
Italy, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT444415 A. Cacciato s.n. 1955-09-25
Italy, Pr Cesares.
BRIT505816 A. O. Garrett 2664 1910-08-22
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Lake Blanch, Big Cottonwood Canyon.
BRIT505815 A. O. Garrett 2647 1909-10-09
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Little Cottonwood Canyon.
BRIT501354 John Macoun s.n. 1871-07-29
Canada, Ontario, Owen Sound
BRIT501401 J. Macoun s.n. 1871-07-00
Canada, Ontario, Owen Sound
BRIT506711 D. D. Baldwin s.n.
United States, Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands.
BRIT507531 H. P. Switch s.n. 1873-07-23
Czech Republic, Carlsbad, Bohemia.
BRIT507530 Mrs. Prof. Lanhenn s.n.
Switzerland, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT507529 Robert A. Ware 882 1904-08-01
Switzerland, Tells Platte, Lake Lucerne., 488m
BRIT507692 Louise Potter s.n. 1961-06-00
Iceland, Akureyri.
BRIT527401 J. Ewan 14764 1942-09-13
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Montane Zone, Rock Pine assoc. Trappers Rock, above Range View ranch, north of Ward, 2591m
BRIT507613 Joseph Howell s.n. 1875-03-00
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT507770 Mrs. E. Noyes s.n.
India, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT617054 Frank Dobbin 1910-07-06
United States, Vermont, Windsor, North Bridgewater
BRIT617020 William G. Goldsmith s.n. 1884-08-15
United States, Colorado, El Paso, North Cheyenne Canon [Colorado Springs]
BRIT711115 E J Winslow 221402 1916-07-19
United States, Vermont, Washington, Northfield
BRIT764828 S. Fawcett 302 2015-07-29
United States, Michigan, Mackinac
United States, Vermont
BRIT430696 F.J. Santana M. 6262 1992-10-18
Mexico, Jalisco, Pena Colorada cerca de El Rincon. Cuautitlan., 1300m
BRIT472383 C.G. Pringle 15710 1909-10-13
Mexico, Morelos, Moutain Canyon above cuernavaca., 1981m
BRIT461004 J. C. Schosser 9100 1990-11-14
United States, Arkansas, Pulaski, Harvest Foods, Cantrell and Mississippi
BRIT461016 J. L. Gortney 843 1990-11-18
United States, Arkansas, Pulaski, Little Rock, 9 Sunset C. Near the gazebo.
BRIT444438 Dulauteret (Hautes Alpes) 29766 1950-07-31
Between the stones of the Bois des Vallois moraine.
BRIT46018 Stone PPI 28 1991-01-20
Philippines, Palawan, Island of Palawan. Province of Palawan. Puerto Princesa, Irawan, Tatanarum.
BRIT444481 Eula Whitehouse 29743 1954-12-19
New Zealand, South Island: South Westland: Weheka, near Fox Glacier Hotel.
BRIT444477 Eula Whitehouse 29541 1954-12-15
New Zealand, South Island: Arthur's Pass vicinity, Bealey Valley.
BRIT444463 L. Averyanov 92 1995-02-23
Viet Nam, S. Vietnam, Prov. Kontum. NW slopes of Ngoc Linh mountain system at 1900 m alt., 1900 - 1900m
BRIT444462 L. Averyanov 1091 1995-04-03
Viet Nam, S. Vietnam, Prov. Kontum.
BRIT444461 L. Averyanov 1293 1995-04-10
Viet Nam, Kontum, S. Vietnam, Prov. Kontum. On W slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system on elevation to Ngoc Gua peak., 1800 - 2000m
BRIT444460 L. Averyanov 1279 1995-04-09
Viet Nam, Kontum, On NW slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system on elevation to Ngoc Gua peak.
BRIT444459 L. Averyanov 778 1995-03-15
Viet Nam, Kontum, On W slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system., 1800m
BRIT444458 L. Averyanov 359 1995-03-02
Viet Nam, Kontum, NW slopes of Ngoc Linh mountain system., 1600m
BRIT505974 leg.ign. s.n. 1913-08-00
United States, California, Siskiyou, Along trail to Mt. Eddy.
BRIT572073 Alejandra Vasco 932 2015-03-20
México, Oaxaca, Ixtlán, San Francisco la Reforma, Bosque mesófilo a 2.7 km del Crucero a Santa Cruz Tepetotutla, cerca de Portillo., 17.648611 -96.527778, 2200m
BRIT622310 M. Sundue 5036 2018-03-01
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dist. Mixe, Sierra Norte, Disrito Mixe. Asunción Cacalotepec. Trail to Malacate., 17.050439 -95.956652, 1800m
BRIT711139 H W Youngken s.n. 1937-07-14
United States, New Hampshire, Grafton, No. Woodstock
BRIT698604 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 238 2019-12-09
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Enrique Villanueva; within the Balinsasayao Twin Lakes Natural Park Permanent Plot., 9.3608 123.18159, 928m
BRIT698605 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 238 2019-12-09
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Enrique Villanueva; within the Balinsasayao Twin Lakes Natural Park Permanent Plot., 9.3608 123.18159, 928m
BRIT806252 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 464 2019-12-27
Philippines, Davao del Sur Province, Davao City, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao del Sur Province; Davao City; Marilog District; trail behind Lawi-Lawi., 7.45831 125.25626, 1202m
BRIT806253 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 464 2019-12-27
Philippines, Davao del Sur Province, Davao City, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao del Sur Province; Davao City; Marilog District; trail behind Lawi-Lawi., 7.45831 125.25626, 1202m
BRIT806298 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 1513 2019-12-30
Philippines, Davao del Sur Province, Davao City, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao del Sur Province; Davao City; Marilog District; Datu Salumay; Mt. Malambo trail., 7.48685 125.25643, 1252m
BRIT788136 Jonatan Castro-Hernández 1745 2022-01-26
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, El Cairo, Vereda El Brillante, Serranía los Paraguas, cerca a frontera Valle-Chocó, Sendero hacia la cima del Cerro El Inglés, Reserva Natural Comunitaria Cerro El Inglés., 4.746934 -76.305439, 2533m
BRIT788137 Jonatan Castro-Hernández 1745 2022-01-26
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, El Cairo, Vereda El Brillante, Serranía los Paraguas, cerca a frontera Valle-Chocó, Sendero hacia la cima del Cerro El Inglés, Reserva Natural Comunitaria Cerro El Inglés., 4.746934 -76.305439, 2533m
BRIT788138 Jonatan Castro-Hernández 1745 2022-01-26
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, El Cairo, Vereda El Brillante, Serranía los Paraguas, cerca a frontera Valle-Chocó, Sendero hacia la cima del Cerro El Inglés, Reserva Natural Comunitaria Cerro El Inglés., 4.746934 -76.305439, 2533m
BRIT806385 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 1516 2019-12-30
Philippines, Davao del Sur Province, Davao City, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Davao del Sur Province; Davao City; Marilog District; Datu Salumay; Mt. Malambo trail., 7.48685 125.25643, 1252m
BRIT932128 M. Sundue 2205 2010-08-30
Malaysia, Sabah, Mount Kinabalu. Lower reaches of the mountain along summit trail, 6.0417 116.55, 2017m
BRIT961972 Weston Testo 2610 2022-10-22
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Fómeque, Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza, sendero Plantas del Camino, alrededores de la laguna de Chingaza., 4.5288 -73.7562, 3253m
BRIT1015581 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 1924 2023-01-20
Philippines, Misamis Oriental Province, Municipality of Gingoog, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Misamis Oriental Province; Municipality of Gingoog; Barangay Lunotan; Sitio San Isidro, Mt. Balatukan, trail from Mt. Balatukan Scout Camp to Mintigmuwan River., 8.73242 125.00456, 1446m
BRIT892830 Weston Testo s.n 2017-08-09
BRIT1062233 Weston Testo 2600 2022-10-21
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Fómeque, Mina de Palacio (antiguo Cementos Samper), zona de amortiguación del Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza., 4.7141 -73.8128, 3316m
BRIT987435 Weston Testo 2804 2023-06-20
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, corregimiento de Pance, vereda El Pato, camino desde el predio de Pacho Villa al predio de Los Reyes., 3.3281 -76.6592, 2108m
BRIT1088147 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 1927 2023-01-20
Philippines, Misamis Oriental Province, Municipality of Gingoog, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Misamis Oriental Province; Municipality of Gingoog; Barangay Lunotan; Sitio San Isidro, Mt. Balatukan, trail from Mt. Balatukan Scout Camp to Mintigmuwan River., 8.73242 125.00456, 1446m
BRIT1088148 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 1927 2023-01-20
Philippines, Misamis Oriental Province, Municipality of Gingoog, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Misamis Oriental Province; Municipality of Gingoog; Barangay Lunotan; Sitio San Isidro, Mt. Balatukan, trail from Mt. Balatukan Scout Camp to Mintigmuwan River., 8.73242 125.00456, 1446m
BRIT461636 C. G. Pringle 3957 1891-12-02
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, Hacienda of Tamasopo
BRIT461633 C. G. Pringle 3409 1890-06-04
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Fountain caves of the Choy River
BRIT461562 W. R. Hatch 277 1936-08-10
Guatemala, bank of Rio Panajachel, near Lake Atittan
BRIT462716 Theo Witsell 01-0658 2001-10-09
United States, Arkansas, Baxter, Ozark National Forest, Merrill Ridge Blowing Cave site. Mesic talus slope around collapsed blowing cave south of Stewart Fork Creek. SW1/4 of SW1/4 of Section 30, T17N R12W.
BRIT430678 C.L. Gilly Sr. 228 1944-09-17
Mexico, Tabasco, Mun. Teapa: at Rancheria Morelia (1 km. north of Teapa).
BRIT430679 Francisco J. Santana M. 7962 1996-07-10
Mexico, Jalisco, 2 km. al NE de El Terrero, 12-13 km. al ENE de Minatitlan. Mpio. de Tolimán., 19.449167 -103.95, 2300m
BRIT430680 John Taylor 17308 1974-12-20
Costa Rica, San Jose, Collected along the Rio Virillo about 1 km. South of Santa Domingo., 9.96463 -84.089911, 1100m
BRIT430681 John Taylor 17938 1974-12-31
Costa Rica, San Jose, Collected along the hillside just above the Rio Hondura at Baja La Hondura., 10.060145 -83.983079, 1150m
BRIT430682 John Taylor 17376 1974-12-24
Costa Rica, San Jose, Collected along a small stream about 1 km. south of Patarra., 9.873913 -84.039605
BRIT430684 John Taylor 18061 1975-01-04
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Collected along the Rio Corobici about 4 km. northwest of Canas., 10.453606 -85.131018, 80m
BRIT430685 John Taylor 17576 1974-12-24
Costa Rica, San Jose, Collected along a small stream about 1 km. south east of Patarra., 9.873913 -84.039605
BRIT430686 R. S. Holman 803 1951-06-15
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, El Salto Falls.
BRIT430687 Rogers McVaugh 13589 1952-10-18
Mexico, Jalisco, Sierra del Tigre, 3 miles south of Mazamitla., 2100 - 2200m