BRIT421731 Charles C. Deam 60925 1941-02-28
United States, Florida, Miami Dade, About 6 mi. west of Royal Palm Park Inn or about 18 miles southwest of Homestead.
BRIT421730 P. O. Schallert 19602 1946-02-17
United States, Florida, Columbia, Near Benton.
BRIT421729 Robert R. Haynes 4416 1974-12-31
United States, Florida, Collier, Ca. 2 mi. S of Monroe Station along Florida 94.
BRIT421728 R. K. Godfrey 55396 1957-03-07
United States, Florida, Walton, At Cluster Springs.
BRIT693858 R. Neill s.n. 1974-06-14
United States, Texas, Hardin, Kountze Fire Tower, off Hwy. 700 near Saratigo.
BRIT421780 Justus Montell s.n. 1943-06-30
Finland, [Lapponia kemensis: Murnia in sphagnes ad villam Ormola]
BRIT42779 Eino Pallari s.n. 1957-07-14
Finland, Li, Utsjoki, [In palude ad viam publ. in vicinitate rivuli Kuhksjoki. Ad lat.bor.c.69°40'.]
BRIT421778 Carl G. Alm 425 1935-07-18
Sweden, [Torne Lappmark, Jukkajarvi s:n, Tuolluvaara, Perkosvuoma.]
BRIT421748 W. B. Schofield 1013 1950-06-28
Canada, Manitoba, Churchill, Gillam.
BRIT421747 Mamre York 4100 1933-08-01
United States, Alaska, Bethel, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT421746 John Taylor 19121 1975-06-30
United States, Alaska, Southeast Fairbanks, At Donnelly Campground at the edge of the Delta River, 28 miles south of Delta Junction.
BRIT421779 Eino Pallari s.n. 1957-07-14
Finland, Prov. Li; Par. Utsjoki; In palude ad viam publ. in vicinitate rivuli Kuhksjoki. Ad lat. bor. c. 69degree40'. [Map on sheet]
BRIT367190 F. Lindheimer 7401
United States, Texas, Harris, Near Houston.
BRIT421790 Ragnr Berglund s.n. 1957-07-11
Sweden, [Dalarne: Ludvika socken, Skepparberg, blöt basväg.]
BRIT421789 Sigfrid Johansson s.n. 1957-01-17
Sweden, [Uppland: Villige sn. 1 km syd Morgongåra jãrnãagsstation.]
BRIT421788 Erik Evers s.n. 1957-06-26
Sweden, [Sudelpad: Semdsvan, Stadsbacken vid nerra Stadsberges, Feelsbog mack. {?}]
BRIT421787 Folke Fridell s.n. 1948-06-20
Sweden, Vastmandland: Linde s:n, Siggeboda.
BRIT421786 Ragner Berglund s.n. 1952-06-25
Sweden, [Dlr. Blöt basväg, Skepparberg, Ludvika socken.]
BRIT421785 Emil Ei-Liebshcer s.n. 1938-06-21
Italy, Dolomites, Northern Italy.
BRIT421784 K. U. Kramer 1156 1956-06-28
Austria, Zllertaler Alps (Tirol): Gerlostal; near entrance of Schönachtal, east of Gerlos., 1270m
BRIT421783 Otto Degener 23207 1953-06-01
Germany, Baden-Württemberg, West side of Alfglasshutten.
BRIT421782 Sven Brun s.n. 1907-06-20
Sweden, [Hälsingland: Djupe i Bergsjö socken.]
BRIT421781 Justus Montell s.n. 1922-06-30
Finland, [Lapponia kemensis: in puseuis humidia ad pay. "Muonis kyshahy" {?}. (ad lat. bor. c. 68°)]
BRIT421777 Sigfrid Johansson s.n. 1954-01-14
Sweden, [Uppland: Villinge sn. 1 km syd Morgongava jarnvagsstation.]
BRIT421754 Ralph Naas 5000 1985-07-16
United States, Washington, Chelan, Washington Pass., 1646m
BRIT421753 Hugh H. Iltis 2906 1947-07-27
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, Near Point de Lines. Bois Blank Island.
BRIT421752 W. B. Schofield 1015 1950-06-29
Canada, Manitoba, Churchill, Gillam.
BRIT421749 John Taylor 3720 1981-07-10
United States, Alaska, Juneau, Collected along the lake at the "foot" of Mendenhall GLacier about 10 miles North East of Juneau, Alaska.
BRIT501524 R. D. Worthington 12491 1987-02-22
Malaysia, Selangor, Dist. of Petaling, Shah Alam, 3.083333 101.5, 50m
BRIT422527 J. Ohwi 963 1953-08-23
Japan, Chiba, Hondo; Mobara in Kadzusa
BRIT364712 J. Reverchon 3215 1902-05-09
United States, Texas, Smith, Swan.
BRIT364713 Chester M. Rowell Jr. 3191 1952-05-10
United States, Texas, Robertson, Approx. 10 mi. E. of New Baden.
BRIT364714 Tom Starbuck 1814 1982-04-25
United States, Texas, Robertson, SW 1/4 Camp Creek Lake Quad, U.S.G.S. 1965; Mill Creek Bog.
BRIT364715 E. S. Nixon 6530 1974-04-10
United States, Texas, Newton, North of Jasper.
BRIT364716 Tharp s.n. 1931-05-31
United States, Texas, Llano, Enchanted Rock., 30.506579 -98.81893
BRIT364717 Steve L. Orzell 10498 1989-06-08
United States, Texas, Leon, Gravel Road crossing of Needham Marsh Branch, 3.4 mi N of US 79 at Jewett via Division St; Weakley-Sardis-Jewett Mine Bog. Donie 7.5' Quad., 31.401389 -96.176667, 122 - 131m
BRIT364718 Steve L. Orzell 6480 1988-05-02
United States, Texas, Leon, SE of main road through Hilltop Lakes Resort, and 0.1 mi E of Cherokee Lake, along upper reaches of small tributary, Hilltop Lakes 7.5' Quad, Cherokee Lake Bog in Hilltop Lakes Resort., 31.075 -96.066667, 137 - 140m
BRIT364719 Barney L. Lipscomb 1785 1976-06-05
United States, Texas, Jasper, 13 mi. N and ca. 2 1/2 mi. E of Jasper.
BRIT364720 Edwin L. Bridges 13753 1990-05-22
United States, Texas, Jasper, Ca. 1.4 mi W on FS Rd. 313A from FS Rd. 313, ESE of FS Rd. 313A, on slopes above unnamed tributary draining S to Boykin Spring Lake, ca. 9.7 air mi SE of Zavalla; Boykin Spring Longleaf, Angelina NF, Boykin Spring 7/5' Quad., 31.069167 -94.280278, 70 - 76m
BRIT364721 Ottys Sanders 134 1948-05-17
United States, Texas, Henderson, Near Athens., 32.205416 -95.855507
BRIT364722 F. Lindheimer 292 1844-04-00
United States, Texas, Harris, Houston.
BRIT364723 Robt. A. Vines B 15779 1938-08-15
United States, Texas, Galveston, [No additional locality data on sheet], 11m
BRIT364724 Steve L. Orzell 6617 1988-05-06
United States, Texas, Freestone, 0.2 mi SW of Tinsley Rd Mustang Creek, 2.2 mi N of US 79 (in Leon Co.), at a point 6.7 mi NE of int US 75 at Buffalo, Keechi 7.5' Quad, Mustang Creek Bog., 31.545833 -95.973611, 101 - 107m
BRIT364725 B. C. Tharp s.n. 1940-05-04
United States, Texas, Austin, Bellville.
BRIT364726 Paul A. Fryxell 4946 1986-04-23
United States, Texas, Austin, On hwy. 36, 3 miles N of the center of Sealy.
BRIT364727 D. S. Correll 38667 1970-05-09
United States, Texas, Anderson, Beaver Creek Ranch between Bois D'Arc and Montalba.
BRIT364728 B. R. MacRoberts 3808 1998-05-03
United States, Texas, Anderson, Andrew's pitcher plant bog. North end of Engeling Wildlife Mgmt. Area. Cayuga Tex. 1982 Quad. map. NE od DD Spring.
BRIT421874 Franklin C. Lane s.n. 1955-07-12
United States, Wisconsin, Ashland, Apostle Islands in Lake Superior. Stockton Island.
BRIT421873 Rolland-Germain 7193 1947-08-29
Canada, Quebec, St. Adolphe, county of Argenteuil: peat bog on the edge of liquid mud. [St. Adolphe, comté d'Argenteuil: tourbière en marge des boues liquides.]
BRIT421872 Rolland-Germain 6035 1953-08-20
Canada, Quebec, St-Adolphe, Argenteuil County: shores of sandy silt of Lake Ste-Marie. [St-Adolphe, comté d'Argenteuil: rives de limon sablonneux du lac Ste-Marie.]
BRIT421871 John C. Stevenson
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
BRIT421870 R. K. Godfrey
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
BRIT421869 H. L. Blomquist
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
BRIT421868 Kim I. Miller
United States, North Carolina, Brunswick, detailed locality information protected
BRIT421867 G. E. Tucker
United States, North Carolina, Ashe, detailed locality information protected
BRIT421866 David Werier 3066 2006-07-06
United States, New York, Warren, Town of Queensbury, south about 1150 meters SSE of Dunham Bay and Rt. 9L. Zone 18 (4810910N 610534E)., 43.442935 -73.634048
BRIT421865 Gary H. Morton 347 1965-07-25
United States, New Jersey, Ocean, Swamp, Mill Creek, Pine Beach.
BRIT421864 Gary H. Morton 786 1966-08-15
United States, New Jersey, Ocean, Swamp, Mill Creek, Pine Beach.
BRIT421863 Gary H. Morton 5710 1975-06-17
United States, New Jersey, Ocean, Mud flats of Mill Creek near where the creek passes under road from Pine Beach to Ocean Gate.
BRIT421862 D. E. Boufford 7247 1972-07-20
United States, New Hampshire, Cheshire, Chesterfield. Streetes Hill.
BRIT421861 Delzie Demaree 32809 1952-08-14
United States, Mississippi, George, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs. Mauvella. P. O. Agricola.
BRIT421860 Olga Lakela 20523 1956-07-23
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, South of Gilbert, about 1 mile from Bass Lake.
BRIT421859 Eric A. Bourdo, Jr. 28568 1974-07-12
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, Depressions among Lake Michigan sand dunes, 15 miles west of St. Ignace.
BRIT421858 Edward G. Voss 2697 1955-07-06
United States, Michigan, Luce, NE 1/4 sec. 27, T46N, R12W, ca. 4.5 mi. NW of McMillan (on divide between Tahquamenon drainage to Lake Superior & Manistique drainage to L. Michigan).
BRIT421857 H. A. Gleason 167 1933-07-13
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Northern end of the Lower Peninsula. Shores of Douglas Lake.
BRIT421856 Hugh H. Iltis 2954 1947-08-02
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Douglas Lake Region of Northern Michigan. In the vicinity of the University of Michigan Biological Station. On little Lake 16, 15 miles SE of Cheboygan.
BRIT421855 R. A. Clark 698 1929-08-13
United States, Massachusetts, Hampden, Pole Ridge Swamp, Wilbraham.
BRIT421854 R. C. Friesner 3396 1931-08-21
United States, Maine, Hancock, 1 mi. W. Franklin.
BRIT421853 N. C. Fassett 28995 1952-07-23
United States, Maine, Hancock, Rocky Pond, near Green Lake.
BRIT421852 Kent Rylander 610 1964-08-14
United States, Louisiana, Saint Tammany, In canal. Primate Research Center, Covington.
BRIT421851 W. Gabelein 131 1979-04-29
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, In Red Dirt Game Management Area in Kisatchie National Forest. Middle Branch Rd, 0.2 mi S of Rd. 321.
BRIT421850 L. K. Magrath 9552 1977-04-23
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, Kisatchie National Forest; Red Dirt Game Management Area; 0.2 mi w of Ridge Rd on Middle Branch Rd.
BRIT421849 Steve L. Orzell 6942 1988-05-22
United States, Louisiana, Beauregard, NWQ, NWQ, Sec. 9, T5S, R8W, on N side of Memorial Church Rd, 2.2 mi E of US 190-171 at a point 3.1 mi N of int. LA 110 at Longville and 9.6 mi S of LA 394 S of DeRidder, Redhead Branch 7.5'Quad, Little Caney Creek Bog., 30.649444 -93.198333, 30 - 34m
BRIT421848 Nellie V. Haynie 1838 1930-06-28
United States, Illinois, Beach, Ill.
BRIT421847 S. Jones 5090 1990-05-29
United States, Georgia, Ware, Along road leading into Okefenokee Swamp Park, SE of Waycross.
BRIT421846 Rogers McVaugh 8613 1947-06-02
United States, Georgia, Walton, Flat-rock 1/2 mile east of Loganville.
BRIT421845 Wilbur H. Duncan 6248 1946-05-12
United States, Georgia, Lee, 1.7 miles north of Leesburg. Coastal Plain Province.
BRIT421844 Wilbur H. Duncan 20083 1956-05-09
United States, Georgia, Hancock, 3.5 miles south-east of Sparta. Piedmont Province.
BRIT421843 Wayne R. Faircloth 5256 1968-05-25
United States, Georgia, Charlton, Borrow pits alongside highway Ga-94, 3.4 miles east of Moniac, Coastal Plain Province.
BRIT421841 Wilbur H. Duncan 11037 1950-06-04
United States, Georgia, Appling, 7.5 mi. ESE of Baxley.
BRIT421840 Steve L. Orzell 13338 1990-05-06
United States, Florida, Walton, Shore of large interdunal lake, at SW corner of Campbell Lake, ca. 0.7 mi S of US 98 at a point ca. 6 mi. E of Okaloosa Co line and 3.6 mi W of int FL 393 at Santa Rosa Beach; Topsail Hill, NWQ, SWQ, Sec. 31, T2S, R20W; MIramar Beach 7.5' Quad., 30.365278 -86.295278, 2m
BRIT421839 Steve L. Orzell 14267 1990-07-10
United States, Florida, Walton, Pond S of Bob Sikes Rd, ca. 3.3 air mi NE of int FL 285, ca. 0.9 air mi NE of Wagner Field (Aux Field #1), ca. 4 air mi SSW of Mossy Head; Eglin Air Force Base; Mosy Head 7.5' Quad.; SWQ, NEQ, NEQ, Sec. 9, t@N, R21W., 30.690278 -86.345
BRIT421838 R. Kral 2395 1956-05-24
United States, Florida, Wakulla, 3 m. N of Ochlockenee River on US highway 98.
BRIT421837 R. K. Godfrey 59717 1960-06-09
United States, Florida, Wakulla, Ditches, 1/2 mile N of Panacea.
BRIT421836 R. K. Godfrey 59493 1960-04-30
United States, Florida, Wakulla, Drainage ditch,, 1/4 mile N of Panacea.
BRIT421835 J. Richard Abbott 17808 2003-06-24
United States, Florida, Saint Lucie, S of the Indian River County line (less tahn 1 mile), between FL 713 (Kings Highway) and U.S. 1, S of the southernmost fork of their junctions., 27.545 -80.373833
BRIT421834 William L. McCart 9933 1968-09-15
United States, Florida, Palm Beach, Five miles west of West Palm Beach.
BRIT421833 R. Kral 5716 1957-09-05
United States, Florida, Palm Beach, Corbitt Wildlife Management Area NW of Loxahatchee.
BRIT421832 Steve L. Orzell 13550 1990-05-12
United States, Florida, Osceola, On E side of Co Rd 523 (Canoe Creek Rd), 2.1 mi S of jct. US 192 in St. Cloud; NWQ< NWQ, Sec. 23, T26S, R30E; St. Cloud South 7.5' Quad., 28.214722 -81.291389, 21m
BRIT421831 Paul O. Schallert s.n. 1941-05-02
United States, Florida, Okeechobee, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT421830 Charles C. Deam 57659 1937-02-05
United States, Florida, Monroe, Roadside ditch 45 miles south of Fort Myers.
BRIT421829 Jack Giddens 9971 1968-09-21
United States, Florida, Martin, State Road 710, 4 miles se. of Indiantown.
BRIT421828 Steve L. Orzell 13255 1990-04-28
United States, Florida, Marion, W of boat ramp on N side of FS Rd 86, 1.7 mi E of int FS Rd 65, ca. 3 mi W of int FL 19, ca. 6.5 air mi SE of Salt Springs; Hopkins Prairie, Ocala National Forest, SH, SWQ, SEQ, Sec. 16, T14S, R26El Salt Springs 7.5' Quad., 29.278333 -81.698611, 9m
BRIT421827 Loran C. Anderson 6417 1983-06-27
United States, Florida, Liberty, Along highway 65 near Pleea savannahs, 4 mi NNE of Sumatra.
BRIT421826 F. H. Sargent 6177 1952-05-02
United States, Florida, Levy, 8 mi. S of Chiefland on US 98.
BRIT421825 John M. Kunzer 1361 2006-02-10
United States, Florida, Lee, On a ca. 240 acre parcel of land on the S side of FL 82, ca. 1/4 mi. W of the jct. Alabama Rd. & FL 82; ca. 3.5 mi. SSW of Lehigh Acres., 26.560917 -81.666778
BRIT421824 Steve L. Orzell 19335 1992-04-07
United States, Florida, Lake, Margin of lake ENE of Lake Jordan, ca. 1.2 air mi ESE of Cassia, ca. 2.4 air mi ENE of jct FL 44 and FL 44A, ca. 13 air mi ENE of Eustis; Pine Lakes 7.5' Quad.; NEQ, NEQ, Sec. 31, T18S, R29E., 28.885833 -81.445833, 12 - 14m
BRIT421823 R. K. Godfrey 61406 1961-08-16
United States, Florida, Jackson, Lake Seminole, N of Sneads.
BRIT421822 Steve L. Orzell 20322 1992-08-01
United States, Alabama, Houston, Ca. 0.5 air mi N of Florida state line, ca. 1.7 air mi E of Grangeburg; Indigo Pond; Grangeburg 7.5' Quad.; NWQ, NWQ, SEQ, Sec. 13, T7N, R10W., 31.008056 -85.1825, 41m
BRIT421821 O. Lakela 24093 1961-05-06
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Trout Creek area of Road to No Where, northeast of USF Campus, Tampa.