Eleocharis x inaequilatera
BRIT229478 D. J. Rosen 6947 2015-06-12
United States, Texas, Brazoria, On and South of FM 2004, 2.2 km SW of its intersection with CoRd 208, 34.7 km SW of the town of Hitchcock; prairie wetland locally known as Otter Slough. GPS - 29°9'16.41"N 95°17'49.79"W., 29.154558 -95.297164
BRIT229482 D. J. Rosen 6863 2015-05-28
United States, Texas, Galveston, Private property at the end of 2nd Street, about 1.8 miles south of its intersection with Hwy. 6 in the town of Hitchcock. On and West of the roadside, about 1 mile from the entrance gate., 29.310428 -95.034422
BRIT229639 D. J. Rosen 6949 2015-06-12
United States, Texas, Galveston, Private property at the end of 2nd Street, about 1.8 miles south of its intersection with Hwy. 6 in the town of Hitchcock. Impoundment wetland constructed that merges nearby with high tidal marsh and in sight of Green Lake, adjacent to the intersection of two drainage canals., 29.295669 -95.032178
BRIT229358 D. J. Rosen 6762 2015-05-01
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Follets Island; on and N of County Road 257 (Bluewater Highway), about 11 km W of the San Luis Pass bridge. GPS - 29° 0'42.65"N, 95°12'35.90"W (NAD 83), 29.011847 -95.209972
BRIT229346 D. J. Rosen 6763 2015-05-01
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Follets Island; on and N of County Road 257 (Bluewater Highway), about 11 km W of the San Luis Pass bridge., 29.011847 -95.209972
BRIT236159 P. J. Barbour 8230 2014-05-31
United States, Texas, Blanco, RR 215, Miller Creek Cemetery Road; wet limestone and creek sides on N side of road at bridge parallel with Miller Creek. N 30.19684d, W -098.33427d., 30.1968 -98.33427, 351m
BRIT245109 Alfred Traverse 1059 1959-04-23
United States, Texas, Cameron, Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, ca. 0.9 mi. S of entrance to Unit 1, near main road., 2m
BRIT245108 D. S. Correll 29336 1964-04-17
United States, Texas, Wharton, About 3 miles southwest of Louise.
BRIT245107 Alfred Traverse 1059 1959-04-23
United States, Texas, Cameron, Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, ca. .9 mi. S of entrance to Unit 1, near main road., 2m
BRIT245106 D. J. Rosen 3057 2004-09-11
United States, Texas, Victoria, McFaddin Ranch, about 2.8 miles E of the int. of US Hwy. 77 and FM 445 in the town of McFaddin., 28.567556 -96.99975
BRIT245105 D. J. Rosen 3098 2004-09-12
United States, Texas, Goliad, RV Park N of U.S. Hwy 59, about 6.5 miles NE of its intersection with TX Hwy. 185, on the S side of the town of Victoria., 28.824167 -96.920417
BRIT482856 Robert J. O'Kennon 17285 2002-09-14
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ Grasslands Unit 47., 33.34357 -97.598003
BRIT483230 Robert J. O'Kennon 21302 2009-08-08
United States, Texas, Wise, Unit 21 of LBJ Nat'l Grasslands. Along margin of Pond-1., 33.388942 -97.662819, 282m
BRIT483229 Bob O'Kennon 22498 2010-07-03
United States, Texas, Wise, Unit 53 of the LBJNGL., 33.388222 -97.559486, 271m
BRIT483228 Robert J. O'Kennon 21307 2009-08-08
United States, Texas, Wise, Unit 21 of LBJ Nat'l Grasslands., 33.388 -97.66535, 276m
BRIT483227 Robert J. O'Kennon 17216 2002-09-07
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ Grasslands Unit 14, 33.413056 -97.6575
BRIT12693 R. J. O'Kennon 18342 2003-05-17
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands Unit 66. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.370665 -97.53941
BRIT13148 R. J. O'Kennon 20479B 2006-11-04
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 66. Growing on edge of pond 11. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.3745 -97.5339, 277m
BRIT35462 K. R. Norton 564 2010-11-28
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 53. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.3883 -97.5594, 272m
BRIT50089 K. R. Norton 561 2010-11-20
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 76. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.4151 -97.6519, 303m
BRIT50088 K. R. Norton 559 2010-11-20
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 14. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.4131 -97.6572, 308m
BRIT50038 R. J. O'Kennon 19857 2004-10-18
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 16 at "East Texas Pine Forest Pond". Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.4081 -97.6493, 309m
BRIT50300 R. J. O'Kennon 19851 2004-10-18
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 66. Growing on edge of pond 2 with Schoenoplectus hallii. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.37 -97.541, 279m
BRIT35054 R. J. O'Kennon 20453 2006-09-01
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 21. Growing on edge of pond. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.388302 -97.65614
BRIT50303 R. J. O'Kennon 19854 2004-10-18
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 74. Growing on sandy trail in pine forest near pull off. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.3947 -97.5806, 287m
BRIT483226 Robert J. O'Kennon 10663 1992-06-25
United States, Texas, Mason, Along sandy banks of Hay Branch on FM 152, 8.5 km west of Castell. N30°39'22", W099°01'13"., 30.656111 -99.020278, 384m
BRIT483225 Robert J. O'Kennon 9692 1991-08-12
United States, Texas, Llano, Pond along FM 29 11.9 miles west of Llano, 30.744722 -98.535, 384m
BRIT483099 B. C. Tharp 194 1946-03-13
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Pond edge.
BRIT483098 Norman Sears s.n. 1996-09-07
United States, Texas, Smith, Tyler State Park.
BRIT483097 E. S. Nixon 10741 1981-10-13
United States, Texas, Sabine, Margin of Toledo Bend Reservoir about 9 miles E. of Hemphill, TX at Mill Creek Cove.
BRIT483096 E.S. Nixon 12693 1983-10-24
United States, Texas, Nacogdoches, Shirley Creek Marina, Lake Sam Rayburn.
BRIT483095 Eula Whitehouse 17628 1946-10-31
United States, Texas, Morris, Daingerfield Park, 2 miles southeast of Daingerfield.
BRIT483094 R. J. Fleetwood 12367 1976-07-25
United States, Texas, Morris, Daingerfield State Park.
BRIT483093 Charles R. Inman s.n. 1981-04-30
United States, Texas, Henderson, Perryman Lake, Cherokee Scott Reservation, 6 miles S of Athens., 32.083177 -95.895341
BRIT483092 R. J. Fleetwood 11833 1975-07-15
United States, Texas, Harrison, Caddo Lake State Park. Moist site, along bayou road.
BRIT483091 Charles D. Peterson 1654 2000-08-11
United States, Texas, Harris, Plants growing in a pond in a housing tract in Pinehurst which is off of highway F.M. 1174 at intersection with F.M. 149 north of Tomball. Key Map 247 F.
BRIT483090 Larry E. Brown 30387 2005-04-03
United States, Texas, Hardin, Collected near the Highway 770 bridge over Little Pine Island Bayou south of Saratoga., 30.2825 -94.5353
BRIT483089 Charles R. Inman s.n. 1981-06-08
United States, Texas, Camp, Ferndale Club Lake, ca 3 mi SE of Leafburg [Leesburg]., 32.950939 -95.075552
BRIT483088 James Kessler 5496 1982-04-07
United States, Texas, Brazos, Texas A&M Range Management area S of Easterwood Airport.
BRIT482888 Lena McKee 9158 1926-00-00
United States, Texas, Wichita, Wichita Falls
BRIT482887 Llyod H. Shinners 18919 1954-06-24
United States, Texas, Upshur, 8.5 miles north of Ore City. At Horris Co. line., 32.904408 -94.730071
BRIT482886 Dr. W. L. Tolstead 7223 1943-05-11
United States, Texas, Taylor, 18 miles southwest of View on Edwardo Plateau., 32.194535 -100.072718
BRIT482885 W. R. Carr 8726 1987-09-07
United States, Texas, Travis, E end of small arm of Lake Travis NE of Sandy Creek LCRA Park, SE of mouth of Lime Creek. Mansfield Dam Quadrangle., 30.470894 -97.902176
BRIT482884 Joe Cornelius 1977 1982-10-24
United States, Texas, Throckmorton, Approximately 7.6 km N and 14.5 km E of Throckmorton. Don Chandler Ranch
BRIT482883 Jim Herrington s.n. 1995-09-15
United States, Texas, Smith, Tyler, TX
BRIT482882 B. C. Tharp 142 1921-03-03
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Bastrop, Austin Road
BRIT482881 Jeff Quayle 335 2003-04-02
United States, Texas, Dallas, Lancaster, Bear Creek Park and Nature Preserve, 32.568838 -96.772866
BRIT56442 A. K. Neill 3736 2013-03-03
Jamaica, Middlesex, Saint Catherine Parish, Hellshire Hills mainland, old fish farm pond in northern part of Salt Island Lagoon., 17.9064 -77.0088, 3m
BRIT23573 S. & G. Jones 8684 1992-05-19
United States, Tennessee, Wilson, Industrial Park Development, just S of IH-40 on E side of Lebanon
BRIT10483 L. H. Shinners 14144 1953-04-10
United States, Texas, Montague, 7 miles northeast of Montague., 33.736614 -97.634297
BRIT11034 R. J. O'Kennon 17835 2003-03-28
United States, Texas, Parker, Maddux Rd. 0.5 mi W of FM 113, ca 4 mi E of Lake Mineral Wells State Park., 32.8324 -97.9941, 247m
BRIT11061 R. J. O'Kennon 18736 2003-07-19
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands Unit 47 N33 20 38.40 W97 36 32.75., 33.344 -97.609097, 297m
BRIT11063 R. J. O'Kennon 18737 2003-07-19
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ Grasslands Unit 47 N33 20 38.40 W97 36 32.75., 33.344 -97.609097, 297m
BRIT12794 R. J. O'Kennon 17342 2002-09-28
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 47. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.34357 -97.598003
BRIT12804 R. J. O'Kennon 18825 2003-08-15
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 14. ca 0.2 mi down first dirt road off Fs 908 past entrance to Unit at FM 1655. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.4128 -97.6593, 286m
BRIT12858 R. J. O'Kennon 18641 2003-06-27
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 49. ca 0.5 mi E of Fs 910 and Co Rd 2360 down unmarked road. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.3201 -97.5781, 290m
BRIT12939 R. J. O'Kennon 18687 2003-06-30
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 38. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.343802 -97.651065
BRIT13194 R. J. O'Kennon 19321 2004-05-07
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 67. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.377621 -97.551987
BRIT13236 R. J. O'Kennon 22566 2010-08-21
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Growing on margin of Trinity River at Casino Beach near crossing of TX 199., 32.8187 -97.4527, 181m
BRIT13247 R. J. O'Kennon 19309 2004-05-09
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 50. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.3351 -97.5692, 274m
BRIT23572 L. H. Shinners 19709 1955-04-10
United States, Texas, Atascosa, 9 mi. NE of Pleasanton.
BRIT35015 R. J. O'Kennon 19148 2003-11-01
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 14. Growing on margin of pond in clay loam soil. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.4131 -97.6572, 308m
BRIT35035 R. J. O'Kennon 20466 2006-11-04
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 21. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.388302 -97.65614
BRIT35060 R. J. O'Kennon 19308 2004-05-08
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 49. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.3208 -97.5763, 316m
BRIT35163 R. J. O'Kennon 17215 2002-09-07
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 14. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.4131 -97.6572, 309m
BRIT35349 R. J. O'Kennon 10736 1992-08-19
United States, Texas, Gillespie, Keese Rd/FM 965 at Crabapple Crk., 30.4414 -98.8382, 530m
BRIT04295 R. J. O'Kennon 17286 2002-09-14
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ Grasslands Unit 47., 33.34357 -97.598003
BRIT04296 E. Whitehouse 15077 1946-04-06
United States, Texas, Wise, 2 miles west of Rhome., 33.058056 -97.532019
BRIT04297 W. F. Mahler 9783 1984-05-22
United States, Texas, Wise, Near circle 900, Cross Timbers Natl. Grassland, north of Decatur.
BRIT04298 E. Whitehouse 15273 1946-04-13
United States, Texas, Wise, About 3 miles north of Bridgeport by creek.
BRIT04299 R. J. O'Kennon 18214 2003-05-09
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ Grasslands Unit 66., 33.374847 -97.533211, 257m
BRIT04300 R. J. O'Kennon 18093 2003-05-02
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ Grasslands Unit 71., 33.308583 -97.605436, 305m
BRIT04301 R. J. O'Kennon 18602 2003-06-21
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ Grasslands Unit 66., 33.371253 -97.540417, 256m
BRIT04364 R. J. O'Kennon 10708 1992-07-30
United States, Texas, Gillespie, Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Along margin of Frog Pond., 30.502778 -98.814722, 431m
BRIT04365 R. J. O'Kennon 10716 1992-07-30
United States, Texas, Gillespie, Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Along margin of Frog Pond., 30.502778 -98.814722, 431m
BRIT04366 S. D. Jones 1304 1988-04-23
United States, Texas, Gillespie, From the jct. of FM 1323 & Hwy 16, 2.7 miles E on FM 1323 to Willow City to a narrow N bound hot-topped road (Willow City Loop). N on Willow City Loop 3.6 miles.
BRIT04367 R. J. O'Kennon 10910 1992-10-04
United States, Texas, Gillespie, Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Along margin of Frog Pond., 30.502778 -98.814722, 431m
BRIT04368 R. J. O'Kennon 9747 1991-08-25
United States, Texas, Gillespie, Threadgill Creek Crossing of TX 783 1.2 miles north of Doss., 30.4625 -99.130278, 504m
BRIT04369 R. J. O'Kennon 10709 1991-10-04
United States, Texas, Gillespie, Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Along margin of Frog Pond., 30.502778 -98.814722, 431m
BRIT04371 R. J. O'Kennon 10675 1992-06-22
United States, Texas, Gillespie, Along banks of Knott Branch, 230 m east of State Highway 16 on Old Willow City Road, 21 km north of Main Street Fredericksburg., 30.713056 -98.734167, 527m
BRIT04372 R. W. Sanders 5234 2002-06-05
United States, Texas, Gillespie, LBJ National Historic Park. Ranch unit, alluvial terraces along Pedernales River between Junction School and LBJ birthplace., 30.25 -98.616667
BRIT04373 R. J. O'Kennon 10714 1992-07-30
United States, Texas, Gillespie, Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Along margin of Frog Pond., 30.502778 -98.814722, 431m
BRIT4410 E. Whitehouse 15747 1946-05-15
United States, Texas, Denton, East of Roanoke, about 2 miles west of Tarrant County line on Highway 114., 32.997422 -97.205608
BRIT4411 D. S. Correll 23382 1960-05-21
United States, Texas, Denton, Pilot Knob Ranch owned by Alma McCutchin; near Argyle., 33.151509 -97.199182
BRIT4412 E. Whitehouse 15944 1946-06-06
United States, Texas, Denton, 6 1/2 miles northeast of Roanoke near springs., 33.070682 -97.14632
BRIT47509 R. J. O'Kennon 18559 2003-06-16
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 31. Little Cottonwood Lake. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.385315 -97.573493
BRIT49020 L.E. Alderson s.n. [BRIT49020] 1977-06-30
United States, Texas, Van Zandt, Grand Saline, Van Zandt Co. Texas. Small saline pond (28 o/oo [illegible] salinity)., 32.675776 -95.717218
BRIT50024 R. J. O'Kennon 19837 2004-09-27
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 69. Seep. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.3349 -97.5312, 262m
BRIT50025 R. J. O'Kennon 19652 2004-08-17
United States, Texas, Wood, Soutendijk Bog.Texas Land Conservancy property off Co Rd 3245 ca 0.6 mi SW of Co Rd 3234. Research site: Soutendijk Bog, 32.7806 -95.3776, 124m
BRIT50026 R. J. O'Kennon 18105 2003-05-02
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 71. Growing near old target range. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.311 -97.6098, 321m
BRIT50050 K. R. Norton 781 2011-05-06
United States, Texas, Parker, Corner of Highland Rd and New Highland Rd, ca 3 mi SW of Springtown., 32.9293 -97.6484, 298m
BRIT50124 K. R. Norton 1180B 2011-11-01
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Lakeside. Wildwood Park. Watercress Dr at Lakeridge Rd. Sandy beach on W side of Lake Worth., 32.8123 -97.4923, 181m
BRIT50221 K. R. Norton 1587 2012-04-17
United States, Texas, Hardin, Hwy 327 ca 3.5 mi W of State Hwy 92, Silsbee. E bank of Village Creek on N side of Hwy 327 bridge., 30.3476 -94.2384, 9m
BRIT50226 K. R. Norton 1602 2012-04-17
United States, Texas, Hardin, Roy Larson Sandylands Sanctuary. N side of Hwy 327 ca 3.6 mi E of Silsbee. Research site: Roy Larson Sandylands Sanctuary, 30.376 -94.2596, 16m
BRIT50246 K. R. Norton 1636 2012-04-18
United States, Texas, Hardin, Village Creek State Park, E of Lumberton off Alma Dr and J H C Dr. Research site: Village Creek State Park, 30.254 -94.1684, 6m
BRIT50247 Kim Norton Taylor 1706 2012-06-09
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 50. Fs 931 0.4 mi SW of Co Rd 2360, ca 0.7 mi NW of FM 730 6.3 mi N of Decatur. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.3354 -97.5691, 275m
BRIT50253 Kim Norton Taylor 1721 2012-06-09
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 29. Co Rd 2777 0.4 mi S of Co Rd 2675/Old Decatur Rd 13 mi N of Decatur. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.4078 -97.5897, 290m
BRIT50254 Kim Norton Taylor 1722 2012-06-09
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 29. Co Rd 2777 0.4 mi S of Co Rd 2675/Old Decatur Rd 13 mi N of Decatur. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.4067 -97.5896, 288m
BRIT50257 Kim Norton Taylor 1726 2012-06-09
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 29. Co Rd 2777 0.4 mi S of Co Rd 2675/Old Decatur Rd 13 mi N of Decatur. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.409 -97.588, 289m
BRIT50258 Kim Norton Taylor 1727 2012-06-09
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 29. Co Rd 2777 0.4 mi S of Co Rd 2675/Old Decatur Rd 13 mi N of Decatur. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.409 -97.588, 289m