BRIT219129 Julia Wright 88 1977-04-21
United States, Texas, Galveston, Rd. side park 71st-Galveston.
BRIT219128 Don W. Killebrew 82 1971-06-16
United States, Texas, Matagorda, C. 1 mi. N.E. end of Hwy 60 along beach.
BRIT219127 Ariana Vierkant 140 1994-04-23
United States, Texas, Cherokee, Hwy 79 at loop intersection, Jacksonville.
BRIT489511 S. E. Wolff 5128 1934-06-07
United States, Texas, San Saba, Brady Creek., 31.134491 -99.03958
BRIT489475 G. L. Webster 3112 1950-06-29
United States, Texas, Aransas, 2 miles NE of Rockport.
BRIT489474 Fred B. Jones 675 1951-11-03
United States, Texas, Aransas, 4 miles east of Rockport near shore of bay.
BRIT489473 V. L. Cory 45366 1944-07-25
United States, Texas, Aransas, 4 1/2 mile NE Rockport
BRIT489472 Eula Whitehouse 18279 1947-04-24
United States, Texas, Aransas, Near Fulton on bay shore.
BRIT489471 V. L. Cory 51226 1945-11-26
United States, Texas, Aransas, 5 1/2 miles northeast of Rockport.
BRIT489470 John Taylor 21082 1976-03-25
United States, Texas, Brazoria, 9 miles east of Surfside, Texas.
BRIT489469 Paul A. Fryxell 1466 1970-09-19
United States, Texas, Brazoria, 5 miles NE of Freeport.
BRIT489468 A. Traverse 24 1956-03-20
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Near Freeport end of Farm Rd. 1460 at Gulf of Mexico., 2m
BRIT489467 V. L. Cory 51049 1945-11-20
United States, Texas, Brazoria, 3½ miles southeast of Freeport.
BRIT489466 Robert Runyon 3125 1937-04-25
United States, Texas, Cameron, Brownsville, 10m
BRIT489465 R. Runyon 3152 1943-07-03
United States, Texas, Cameron, Brazos Santiago Island, 2m
BRIT489464 V. L. Cory 50981 1945-11-19
United States, Texas, Chambers, Highway 87, 4 miles southeast of High Island.
BRIT489522 Frank W. Gould 7173 1956-08-01
United States, Texas, Chambers, Gulf shoreline at High Island.
BRIT489521 Alfred Traverse 2512 1961-07-27
United States, Texas, Galveston, 1.3 mi. W of Chambers Co. line on highway 87. Beach ridge, 20 m. from and 2 m. above Gulf., 2m
BRIT489520 George L. Fisher 52108 1952-05-08
United States, Texas, Galveston, Galveston, Texas U.S.A., 2m
BRIT489519 V. L. Cory 51012 1945-11-19
United States, Texas, Galveston, 3 miles southwest of High Island.
BRIT489518 B. L. Turner 1814 1950-04-07
United States, Texas, Galveston, Galveston Island, 10 miles west of Galveston.
BRIT489517 Harold Gentry 541 1949-05-08
United States, Texas, Galveston, Galveston
BRIT489516 C. L. Lundell 11271 1942-04-17
United States, Texas, Jefferson, Beaumont.
BRIT489515 H. H. Hilderbrand 541304 1954-08-06
United States, Texas, Kenedy, Padre Island, thirty-four miles from the northern end, Yarborough pass
BRIT489514 A. Traverse 205 1956-07-19
United States, Texas, Matagorda, E side of mouth of Colorado R. at beach of Gulf of Mexico, ca. 100 yds. S of Matagorda light, near Matagorda., 1m
BRIT489513 Fred B. Jones 1987 1958-05-14
United States, Texas, Nueces, Padre Island opposite Flour Bluff
BRIT489512 Eula Whitehouse 18170 1947-04-20
United States, Texas, Nueces, Mustang Island, about 8 mile south of Port Aransas.
BRIT13234 R. J. O'Kennon 22563 2010-08-21
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Growing on margin of Trinity River at Casino Beach near crossing of TX 199., 32.8187 -97.4527, 181m
BRIT489821 C. L. Lundell 11329 1942-04-24
United States, Texas, Wood, Lake Ellis. 5 mi. northeast of Crow.
BRIT48278 L.E. Alderson s.n. [BRIT48278] 1977-07-07
United States, Texas, Van Zandt, Morton Salt Flat, Grand Saline. In stream downstream from sewage treatment plant., 32.659489 -95.702634
BRIT489822 Don L. McGregor 595 1971-09-25
United States, Texas, Titus, Lake Monticello; Ca 3 mi N of Winfield. Lat. 33° 12' 10" Long. 95° 5' 55"; SA-J., 33.202778 -95.098611
BRIT489823 Geyata Ajilvsgi 6838 1977-05-15
United States, Texas, Titus, Ca. 1.9 mi. n. of Winfield, along county road; near Riply creek.
BRIT489824 Geyata Ajilvsgi 6838 1977-05-15
United States, Texas, Titus, Ca. 1.9 mi. n. of Winfield, along county road; near Riply creek.
BRIT489825 Geyata Ajilvsgi 6838 1977-05-15
United States, Texas, Titus, Ca. 1.9 mi. n. of Winfield, along county road; near Riply creek.
BRIT489826 Eula Whitehouse 11247 1933-11-04
United States, Texas, San Jacinto, In shade along stream.; Near Cold Springs.
BRIT489827 Tom Starbuck 1574 1982-04-04
United States, Texas, Robertson, S 1/2 of the NW 1/4 Marquez Quad, U.S.G.S. 1965. 4.1 mi NNE of Ridge, Camp Cooley Ranch.
BRIT489828 Charles Allen 20400 2007-07-13
United States, Texas, Newton, Off of TX hwy 87 at the intersection of FM 253 road; 9348267W 3025410N., 30.4235 -93.80445
BRIT489832 J. Reverchon 716
United States, Texas, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT489835 D. S. Correll 31959 1965-10-07
United States, Texas, Walker, In mud in water along Harmon Creek (exposure of Fuller's Earth), 7 miles northwest of Huntsville on Route #19.
BRIT489836 Lloyd H. Shinners 16741 1953-10-30
United States, Texas, Upshur, West Side of Big Sandy
BRIT489838 Peggy A. Amerson 1986 1974-04-00
United States, Texas, Travis, Little Walnut Creek. E part of Austin., 30.321989 -97.677442
BRIT489839 Eula Whitehouse 11244 1929-10-25
United States, Texas, Travis, On Onion Creek near Del Valle., 30.185169 -97.648672
BRIT489840 Eula Whitehouse 11243 1933-05-07
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin., 30.276481 -97.7448
BRIT489841 Eula Whitehouse 11242 1932-10-16
United States, Texas, Travis, Anderson's Mill about 12 mi. west of Austin., 30.4349 -97.874897
BRIT489842 Jimmy Long 2380 1955-04-05
United States, Texas, Travis, At Capt Aldrich's farm two miles east of Austin., 30.300831 -97.708447
BRIT489843 J. F. Hennen 399 1949-05-15
United States, Texas, Smith, 1.5 miles northwest of Lindale.
BRIT489844 R. J. Fleetwood 12524 1977-09-25
United States, Texas, Smith, Tyler State Park; along lake shore.
BRIT489845 Patricia Burleson 409 1976-06-24
United States, Texas, San Saba, 5 mi. NW Bend; rooted in shallow water of Rough Creek., 31.131059 -98.579668
BRIT489846 Chester M. Rowell Jr. 5230 1956-11-11
United States, Texas, San Patricio, Near spring at north end of Big Lake, Welder Wildlife Refuge approx. 10 miles east of Sinton.
BRIT489847 Thomas Starbuck 1046 1981-10-03
United States, Texas, Robertson, stream below Clark Dam, SE 1/4 Camp Creek Lake Quadrangle
BRIT489849 Janice B. Lacey 794 1967-10-28
United States, Texas, Nacogdoches, Fern Lake.
BRIT489850 Janice B. Lacey 944 1968-01-28
United States, Texas, Nacogdoches, Rayburn Lake edge, unmarked road leading off from Hyw. 226, s. of Hyw. 103.
BRIT489851 S. E. Wolff 4150 1933-06-17
United States, Texas, Milam, Near Milano., 30.710768 -96.862284
BRIT489852 Eula Whitehouse 11249 1934-04-23
United States, Texas, Medina, on Medina River just below Medina Lake on Castroville Road
BRIT489853 Eula Whitehouse 18518 1947-05-05
United States, Texas, Llano, Milburn's Glen, northeast of Llano., 30.900393 -98.61134
BRIT489854 Toney M. Keeney 3120 UVST 1983-07-01
United States, Texas, Llano, Llano River on Texas 29, 7.5 miles east of Llano., 30.777671 -98.557588
BRIT489855 Cathy Walters 180 2004-04-20
United States, Texas, Leon, Ca. 2 mi N of Flynn at Cripple Fawn Ranch. Near pond area.
BRIT489856 E. S. Nixon 18741 1993-05-14
United States, Texas, Leon, About 4 mi south of Centerville, TX on Hwy 73-Ft Bog. St. Pk.
BRIT489857 Delzie Demaree 48517 1963-07-18
United States, Texas, Kimble, Banks of Llano River; Fred Mudge Ranch; Junction., 518m
BRIT489858 L. Sanchez 1325 1996-05-08
United States, Texas, Kimble, South Llano River State Park: along Park Road 73, 0.6 miles northwest of Park Headquarters, at the Day Use Picnic Area. Along the banks of the South Llano River.
BRIT489859 C. L. Lundell 11261 1942-04-17
United States, Texas, Jefferson, Southwest of Fannett, along roadside.
BRIT489860 Harold Gentry 1411 1953-04-04
United States, Texas, Jefferson, On beach S.W. of Sabine Pass Texas.
BRIT489861 John Taylor 9898 1972-03-30
United States, Texas, Jefferson, 8 miles West of Sabine Pass, Hy. 87. At edge of Gulf [of Mexico], along dunes.
BRIT489862 George L. Fisher 858-1 1919-08-31
United States, Texas, Galveston, Galveston, Texas
BRIT489863 L. N. Lodwick 560 1976-08-04
United States, Texas, Fort Bend, Hale Ranch, 16 mi SE of Rosenburg, east of lodge.
BRIT489864 Wm. F. Mahler 9726 1984-04-02
United States, Texas, Colorado, Wet soil of stream. Along Harvey Creek near Cabin.
BRIT489865 Geyata Ajilvsgi 5320 1977-08-17
United States, Texas, Cherokee, Ca. 9.7 mi. s.e. of Troup, ca. 9.5 mi. n. of Hwy. 79.
BRIT489866 Geyata Ajilvsgi 5100 1977-06-23
United States, Texas, Cherokee, Ca. 9.5 mi. e. of Troup, ca. 6 mi. w. of Price, ca. 1.5 mi. n. of Hwy. 13.
BRIT489867 D. S. Correll 12723 1946-06-16
United States, Texas, Burnet, At edge of river, Mormon Hole near Mormon Mills, Hamilton Creek., 30.632394 -98.230116
BRIT489868 Jimmy R. Massey 194 1963-06-10
United States, Texas, Brazos, Minter Spring, Wellborn.
BRIT489869 H. B. Parks s.n. 1946-06-08
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station
BRIT489870 S. L. Hatch 8603 2004-10-20
United States, Texas, Brazos, William Ranch property, ca 2 mi NE of the end of Wilson Pasture Road, 2 mi N of FM 974, near Edge. Wetlands near Navasota River.
BRIT489871 D. J. Rosen 3375 2005-05-06
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Nash Ranch; 275-acre hay meadow W of CR 25, about 8.7 miles N of its intersection with Hwy. 35 in West Columbia., 29.25244 -95.596331
BRIT489872 L. Sanchez 878 1995-09-18
United States, Texas, Blanco, Blanco State Park: north central area of the park, picnic area along Park Road 32, 0.1 mile west of park headquarters. Banks of Blanco River.
BRIT489873 O. W. Van Auken BUL0235 1994-07-10
United States, Texas, Bexar, Camp Bullis. Lewis Creek., 29.674548 -98.572143
BRIT489874 O. W. Van Auken BUL0028 1993-10-14
United States, Texas, Bexar, Camp Bullis. Lewis Creek., 29.674548 -98.572143
BRIT489875 Wm. R. Carr 6395a 1985-04-28
United States, Texas, Bastrop, Along W bank of Big Sandy Creek, SE side of Sayersville Rd. ca. 1.7 roadmiles SW of RR trestle at Sayersville, ca. 4.3 airmiles N 24° W of jct. of St. Rt. 95 and F. M. 1441. Lake Bastrop Quadrangle.
BRIT489876 Mr. H. Wurzlow s.n. 1895-00-00
United States, Texas, Austin, Industry.
BRIT489877 Fred B. Jones 897 1954-06-08
United States, Texas, Aransas, 3 miles northeast of Rockport.
BRIT489736 Kim I. Miller 1114 1961-07-22
United States, Texas, Nueces, Nueces Co. State Park c. 0.5 mile south of Park Headquarters and c. 100 yds back from beach.
BRIT489737 Geyata Ajilvsgi 2856 1975-10-00
United States, Texas, Goliad, West of Coleto Creek and north of Hwy. 59, approx. 13 mi. west of Victoria.
BRIT489738 Ferdinand Lindheimer s.n. 1842-06-00
United States, Texas, Harris, Houston Tex.
BRIT489892 Royal D. Suttkus 66-5-13 1966-07-10
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Devil's River.
BRIT489893 Toney M. Keeney 2893 UVST 1983-05-18
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Along the Sabinal River on Hi. 90 at the bridge west of Sabinal.
BRIT489894 J. Reverchon 2623 1901-05-27
United States, Texas, Upshur, Big Sandy
BRIT489895 Eula Whitehouse 11245 1934-02-01
United States, Texas, Travis, Lake Austin., 30.343374 -97.846241
BRIT489896 Wm. R. Carr 3459 1981-10-04
United States, Texas, Travis, Bull Creek, SE side of Loop 360, 0.7 mi. NE of Lakewood Drive. SE corner of Jollyville Quadrangle., 30.377121 -97.775769
BRIT489897 Casey Williams 33 2010-06-12
United States, Texas, Terrell, Collected from bank of Independence Creek about one mile below Ranch Road 1217.
BRIT489898 W. L. Tolstead 7602 1943-07-20
United States, Texas, Taylor, At Abilene State Park. On bank of Elm Creek, 32.23654 -99.882448
BRIT489899 T. L. Burgess TB090419.2 2009-04-19
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge; South side of Lotus Marsh. Inlet ca. 0.25 km S, 0.4 km E (map dist.) of Lotus Marsh Pavilion, just west of Alice Ashley meadow. GPS N 32° 50' 53", W 97° 29' 04"., 32.848056 -97.484444
BRIT35164 R. J. O'Kennon 13226 1995-06-21
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Trinity River Trails System, along Tanglewood Creek near Overton Park Dr W., 32.7002 -97.3826, 177m
BRIT489900 T. L. Burgess TB090419.2 2009-04-19
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge; South side of Lotus Marsh. Inlet ca. 0.25 km S, 0.4 km E (map dist.) of Lotus Marsh Pavilion, just west of Alice Ashley meadow. GPS N 32° 50' 53", W 97° 29' 04"., 32.848056 -97.484444
BRIT489901 T. L. Burgess TB090419.2 2009-04-19
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge; South side of Lotus Marsh. Inlet ca. 0.25 km S, 0.4 km E (map dist.) of Lotus Marsh Pavilion, just west of Alice Ashley meadow. GPS N 32° 50' 53", W 97° 29' 04"., 32.848056 -97.484444
BRIT489902 Tom Starbuck 1865 1982-04-27
United States, Texas, Robertson, NW 1/4 Marquez Quad, U.S.G.S. 1965; 4.1 mi N-NE of Ridge, Camp Cooley Ranch, Navasota River.
BRIT35537 Barney L. Lipscomb 2478 1977-09-25
United States, Texas, Parker, Mineral Wells State Park. Banks and floodplains of Rock Creek where it enters northeast end of lake., 32.841213 -98.026217
BRIT489903 D. S. Correll 12535 1946-06-09
United States, Texas, Orange, Orange. (no additional locality on data sheet).
BRIT489904 Geyata Ajilvsgi 5632 1978-05-16
United States, Texas, Newton, Ca. 12 mi. s.e. of Kirbyville, ca. 1.5 mi. s. of Big Cow Cr, between Pecan Lake and Sabine River.
BRIT489905 Geyata Ajilvsgi 5511 1977-10-17
United States, Texas, Newton, ca. 12 mi. s.e. of Kirbyville, ca. 1.5 mi. s. of Big Cow Cr, ca. 1 mi. w. of Sabine River; floodplains of Pecan Lake.
BRIT489906 Forest Johnson s.n. 1983-08-01
United States, Oklahoma, Marshall, 1.6 km W. of O. U. Biological Station. Section 7 T8S R5E.
BRIT489907 E. S. Nixon 18049 1992-06-13
United States, Texas, Leon, Fort Boggy State Park; 4 miles S. Centerville, Tx, Hwy 75.