BRIT26030 Philippine Plant Inventory PPI 13213 1994-01-22
Philippines, Palawan, Palawan Isl, Palawan Prov, Rizal, Ransang, Kumaraka, Along Kubkongan river., 8.93444444 117.535
BRIT26036 Philippine Plant Inventory PPI 37732 1996-08-16
Philippines, Palawan, Palawan Isl, Palawan Prov, Mt. Gantung, Mantalingajan Mt. Range, District of Tindogan, NNW slopes at headwaters of Tagwaya River, steep slopes frequently subject to large landslides., 8.98333333 117.81666667, 800m
BRIT619959 Tory Kuria LAE 88763 2006-12-30
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Milne Bay Province, Sibonai village, Sewa Bay, Normanby Island., 10.03333333 150.9666667, 20 - 30m
BRIT619960 H.A. Miller 23570 1991-01-00
Indonesia, Central Papua, Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Concession Area
BRIT619961 W Takeuchi 14443 1998-01-22
Papua New Guinea, Morobe, Kamiali ICAD Conservation Area; mouth of Alealer River at Sachsen Bay; riverine border community, -7.325 147.13, 0 - 5m
BRIT619962 W Takeuchi 14443 1998-01-22
Papua New Guinea, Morobe, Kamiali ICAD Conservation Area; mouth of Alealer River at Sachsen Bay; riverine border community, -7.325 147.13, 0 - 5m
BRIT619963 W Takeuchi 14805 2001-01-11
Papua New Guinea, Morobe, Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, tributary of the Ariwiri River, alluvial forest on river flats, -7.325 147.1166667
BRIT619964 W Takeuchi 14629 2000-07-19
Papua New Guinea, Morobe, Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, banks of the Saia River near Hessen Bay, -7.361666667 147.1383333, 0 - 10m
BRIT725236 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 1173 2019-06-11
Philippines, Bukidnon Province, Municipality of Malaybalay City, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Bukidnon Province; Malaybalay City Municipality; Kibalabag Barangay; Mt. Limbawon: along trail, past mossy plaza., 8.2718 125.18098, 1739m
BRIT713859 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 608 2019-06-10
Philippines, Bukidnon Province, Malaybalay Municipality, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Bukidnon Province; Malaybalay Municipality; Kibalabag Barangay; Mt. Limbawon: old logging road., 8.26359 125.17884, 1450m
BRIT1012002 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 4384 2023-01-29
Philippines, Dinagat Islands Province, Municipality of Tubajon, Philippines; Dinagat Island; Dinagat Islands Province; Municipality of Tubajon; Barangay San Antonio; Mt. Paragua, along national road., 10.23602 125.53976, 196m
BRIT1015155 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 5116 2023-02-01
Philippines, Dinagat Islands Province, Municipality of Loreto, Philippines; Dinagat Island; Dinagat Islands Province; Municipality of Loreto; Barangay Esperanza; Road to Mt. Redondo., 10.36869 125.61976, 465m
BRIT991093 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 2439 2022-07-20
Philippines, Bukidnon Province, Municipality of San Fernando, Philippines; Mindanao Island; Bukidnon Province; Municipality of San Fernando; Barangay Magkalungay; Trail to Opis Waterfalls., 7.8674 125.40343, 723m
[filed under Australia/Pacific]