Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Taxa: Margaritaria
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-44 of 44

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495513C. Figueiredo   6381995-01-26
Brazil, Acre, Porto Acre, Reserva Florestal de Humaita. Travessao de direita., -9.75 -67.633333

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495514L. Carlos B. Lobato   11021997-11-06
Brazil, Rondonia, Costa Marques, Rio Guapore, lado da Bolivia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495515A. Cogollo   71391993-10-19
Colombia, Antioquia, Urrao, Vereda Calles. Parque Nacional Natural "Las Orquideas". Margen derecha del Rio Calles, in el filo NW de la Cabaña de Calles. bp-PM. Parcela G, subparcela G-20., 6.533333 -76.316667, 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495516A. Cogollo   79371993-12-09
Colombia, Antioquia, Urrao, Vereda Calles. Parque Nacional Natural "Las Orquideas". Margen derecha del Rio Calles, en el filo NW de la Cabaña de calles. bp-PM., 6.533333 -76.316667, 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495517P. Fiaschi   27292005-03-03
Brazil, Bahia, Almadina, Serra do Sete-Paus. Rodovia de Almadina para Ibitupa, entrada a esquerda ca. 5 km. Fazenda Cruzeiro do Sul, ca. 8 km da entrada do ramal., -14.735 -39.696111

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495518Vlastimil Zak   30681987-11-28
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera Quito-Nono-Taqndayapa-Pto. Quito. Entre Nono y Tandayapa., -0.05 -78.5, 1800 - 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495519Vlastimil Zak   34601988-04-15
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera Quito-Aloag-Sto. Domingo, 15 km al sur de la carretera, Pampas Argentinas., -0.416667 -78.5, 1100 - 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495520N. Jaramillo   13851996-03-13
Peru, Amazonas, Bagua, Yamayakat. Bosque de Rivera., -4.916667 -78.316667, 320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495521Juan Revilla   32721977-00-00
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Vicinity of Iquitos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495522R. Vasquez   191801994-09-23
Peru, Madre de Dios, Tambopata, Región Inka Madre de Dios, Explores in Reserva de Tambopata; Parcelas Permanentes de la Reserva Tambopata., -12.833333 -69.283333, 290m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495523W. L. Stern   25271966-07-21
Dominica, Saint Luke, Vicinity of South Chiltern Estate., 396 - 488m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495524Steven R. Hill   240871992-08-03
Dominica, Saint Paul, Cochrane Road above Canefield, 2.05 mi north of coastal highway., 366m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria tetracocca (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495525D. S. Correll   435221974-09-24
Bahamas, South Andros, In coppice about 1 mile north of Smith's Hill along road to The Bluff.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria tetracocca (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495526D. S. Correll   445591975-03-12
Bahamas, Great Abaco, Edge of swale along road to Hole-in-the-wall, about 6 miles below intersection with Sandy Point road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria tetracocca (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495527D. S. Correll   435221974-09-24
Bahamas, South Andros, In coppice about 1 mile north of Smith's Hill along road to The Bluff.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495528M. A. Mwangoka   12672000-05-22
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Kuze Kibago Village (Kwamtili). Kwemnyese public forest, SW part of forest., -4.915 38.726111, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495529C. J. Kayombo   15801999-01-22
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, T6. Iragua Village, on roadside between Iragua and Nambiga Forest Reserve (W of Mavugu Valley)., -8.555556 36.51, 360m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495530C. J. Kayombo   15791999-01-22
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, T6. Iragua Village, on roadside between Iragua and Nambiga Forest Reserve (W of Mavugu Valley)., -8.555556 36.51, 360m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495531C. J. Kayombo   15911999-01-23
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, T6. Iragua Village, on roadside between Iragua and Nambiga Forest Reserve., -8.563611 36.482778, 335m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495532G. Gobbo   741998-12-19
Tanzania, Kigoma, Kigoma Rural, T4. Gombe Stream National Park. Between Kakombe and Mkenke streams, in front of Shadrack's kitchen., -4.666667 29.616667, 775m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495533G. Gobbo   4971999-10-07
Tanzania, Kigoma, Kigoma Rural, T4. Gombe Stream National Park, Kakombe Valley., -4.663889 29.622778, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495534C. J. Kayombo   17131999-02-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, 7 km S of Iragua Village, Igundalamlungu above Ikongole Valley., -8.568056 36.520278, 380m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495535C. J. Kayombo   17171999-02-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, 7 km S of Iragua Village, Igundalamlungu above Ikongole Valley., -8.568056 36.520278, 380m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495536C. J. Kayombo   17671999-02-08
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, T6. Mafinji. Woodland between Mafinji and teak plantation along main road to Itete., -8.572222 36.502222, 320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495537C. J. Kayombo   18001999-02-08
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, T6. Kilombero Valley, Mafingi Mnazini Village, forest patch between Mafinji and Teak Company plantation, 50 m W of main road to Itete from Iragua on gentle slope in small valley facing W., -8.631667 36.468889, 320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495538C. J. Kayombo   20711999-05-10
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, T6. Nambiga Forest Reserve, 1 km NE of Mafinji Teak Company office in Brachystegia woodland., -8.550556 36.474722, 330m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495539C. J. Kayombo   21741999-05-19
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, T6. Between Iragua and Nakafulu Villages, on boundary of Iwanbanjuki Teak Company Plantation and National Reserve Area., -8.487222 36.456944, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495540Y. S. Abeid   5061999-04-04
Tanzania, Pwani, Bagamoyo, T6. Zaraninge Forest Reserve, near WWF office, Gongo VIllage, Njia Tatu, on way to Kilongo Farms. Public forest., -6.283333 38.566667, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495541M. A. Mwangoka   19432001-04-09
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, T6. Ruvu South Forest., -6.900833 38.7625, 140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495542O. A. Kibure   1141997-10-27
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, Near WWF office., -8.315833 38.960833, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495543O. A. Kibure   1321997-11-13
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, Near WWF office., -8.315833 38.960833, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495544O. Kibure   5361999-11-06
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, T6. Matumbi Hill, Nyamakutwa0Nyamuete Forest Reserve, near Mbwara Village., -8.183333 39.216667, 150 - 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495545E. Njau   1192001-12-10
Tanzania, Singida, Singida Rural, Minyughe Forest, Iyumbu Village, along road from Minyughe to Iyumbu., -5.174444 34.189444, 1180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495546G. T. Mwiga   831999-01-22
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, (T4) Igombe Forest Reserve., -4.879444 32.755278, 1167m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495547M. A. Mwangoka   12672000-05-22
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Kuze Kibago Village (Kwamtili). Kwemnyese public forest, SW part of forest., -4.915 38.726111, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L.Webster
BRIT495548S. A. Fakih   581997-08-30
Tanzania, Zanzibar, Magharibi, Mjini/Magharibi., -6.133333 39.25, 80m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495549G. Carnevali   51851998-08-04
Mexico, Quintana Roo, Othón P. Blanco, Unos 8-11 km al Oeste de Graciano Sanchez (La Pantera), por la via hacia Margarita Maza., 19.099444 -88.547222

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495550R. Kriebel   7802002-06-08
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, GuanacasteL La Cruz. P. N. Santa Rosa. Cuenca de Santa Elena. Murcielago. 10:54:06.9300 N -85:43:51:6550 W, 10.901925 -85.731015, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495551Francisco J. Santana M.   51011991-05-22
Mexico, Jalisco, Tuxcacuesco, La Cañita, 3 km al SW de Zenzontla., 19.652778 -104.071667, 950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495552J. Cevallos E.   1431991-08-28
Mexico, Jalisco, Cuautitlán de García Barragán, Ayotitlan dentro de la poblacion., 19.470278 -104.184444, 750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495553E. Muñoz M.   641993-08-29
Mexico, Jalisco, Casimiro Castillo, Cerro La Petaca. 2-3 km al SE de Casimiro Castillo., 19.587778 -104.413333, 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495554Ramon Cuevas G Luis Guzman H.   51831996-09-05
Mexico, Michoacán, Aquila, 4 km al NE de Aquila, Cerro de la Mina., 18.611111 -103.479167, 300 - 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495555David A. Neill   6271976-07-14
Nicaragua, Chontales, 3 km N of W Cuapa; Finca Babilonia. Map coordinates N-1358 E-677, 12.279543 -85.372549

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT495556Stuart B. Robbins   61131972-07-27
Nicaragua, Leon, Extinct volcano, Momotombo.

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