Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Taxa: Octomeria
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

BRIT4334H. Seehawer   s.n.10781999-11-01
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Serra de MacaT de Cima, 1100 - 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT464499G. Cremers   150591997-04-17
Guyana, Mont Chauve, 3.816667 -52.733333, 240m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT464498G. Cremers   149321997-04-13
Guyana, Mont Chauve; 3.816667 -52.733333, 3.816667 -52.733333, 220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT464497G. Cremers   149391997-04-13
Guyana, Mont Chauve; 3.816667 -52.733333, 3.816667 -52.733333, 220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Octomeria minor C. Schweinf.
BRIT464496G. Cremers   149331997-04-13
Guyana, Mont Chauve; 3.816667 -52.733333, 3.816667 -52.733333, 220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Octomeria minor C. Schweinf.
BRIT464495G. Cremers   149341997-04-13
Guyana, Mont Chauve; 3.816667 -52.733333, 3.816667 -52.733333, 220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT438495B. R. Chambi   9892008-04-19
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchis Province; Cusco; Propieda privada o Bosques de Produccion Permanente del Estado. Camanti esta ubicado en un valle, rodeado por montañas boscosas que alcanzan aproximadamente hasta los 800 m. de altura., -13.2424 -70.7854, 600 - 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT438482B. R. Chambi   7052008-03-10
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchis Province; Cusco; En la propiedad de Juvenal Camanti esta ubicado en un valle, rodeado por montañas boscosas que alcanzan aproximadamente hasta los 800 m. de altura., -13.2351 -70.7746, 600 - 1700m

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