Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Taxa: Orophea
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

BRIT476602A. D. E. Elmer   132861912-07-00
Philippines, Agusan, Cabadbaran (Mt. Urdaneta), Island of Mindanao

BRIT476603A. D. E. Elmer   130991911-04-00
Philippines, Palawan, Puerto Princesa (Mt. Pulgar), Island of Palawan

BRIT476605A. D. E. Elmer   130181911-04-00
Philippines, Palawan, Puerto Princesa (Mt. Pulgar), Island of Palawan

BRIT476606A. D. E. Elmer   128581911-03-00
Philippines, Palawan, Puerto Princesa (Mt. Pulgar), Island of Palawan

BRIT476607A. D. E. Elmer   126451911-02-00
Philippines, Palawan, Brooks Point (Addison Peak), Island of Palawan

Image Associated With the Occurence
Orophea corymbosa (Blume) Miq.
BRIT14731Philippine Plant Inventory   PPI 1421991-01-25
Philippines, Palawan, Palawan Isl, Palawan Prov, Brooke’s Point, E of Addison’s Peak, Found on steep rocky slope; Vegetation disturbed forest, 25m; Soil granite, brown.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT14732Philippine Plant Inventory   PPI 98981992-08-25
Philippines, Ilocos Norte, Luzon Isl, Ilocos Norte Prov, Dumalneg, Cabel, Simuba Mts.., 308m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT14965Philippine Plant Inventory   PPI 235741996-03-20
Philippines, Quezon, Alabat Isl, Quezon Prov, Brgy. Bacong, Alabat (Mt. Camagon), Found is SW slope of Camagon range., 14.15 122.03333333, 160m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT619095J.S. Burley   41271990-03-28
Indonesia, Sulawesi Utara, 250 km W. of Gorontalo; 75 km inland from Papayuto, on tributary of Sungai Papayuto., 0.75 121.5, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT619096A.D.E. Elmer   166901916-08-00
Philippines, Sorsogon, Irosin (Mt. Bulusan) Sorsogon Prov, Luzon Isl.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT619097D.D. Soejarto   79361993-06-12
Philippines, Aurora, Luzon: Aurora Province, Baler Municip, Bgy. Cemento. Foot of forest covered hills overlooking the sea, on a gravel road C. 8 km from Baler., 15.717 121.6, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Orophea merrillii P. J. A. Kessler
BRIT952523E.D. Merrill   92121913-04-00
Philippines, Palawan, Taytay, Palawan

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