Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Taxa: Pleurothallis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-57 of 57

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

BRIT4333H. Seehawer   s.n.10771998-10-11
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Serra de MacaT de Cima, 1400 - 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT553627J. D. Wells   7722011-03-22
Peru, Cusco, Quishpicanchi Province, District of Camanti. Community of Vitobamba. Trocha Huarapascay. Closest town: Quincemil.

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BRIT553564J. D. Wells   8542011-04-23
Peru, Cusco, Quishpicanchi Province, District of Marcapata. Community of Union Arasa. Cullebrayoc Trail. Closest town: Limacpunko., -13.4931 -70.8716, 3119 - 3206m

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BRIT464873J. D. Wells   9372011-04-25
Peru, Cusco, Quishpicanchi Province, District of Marcapata. Community of Union Arasa. Cullebrayoc Trail. Closest town: Limacpunko., -13.4919 -70.8757, 2791 - 2883m

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BRIT553569J. D. Wells   8482011-04-23
Peru, Cusco, Quishpicanchi Province, District of Marcapata. Community of Union Arasa. Cullebrayoc Trail. Closest town: Limacpunko., -13.4927 -70.8729, 3052 - 3119m

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BRIT552217Hoff M.   63651990-02-04
French Guiana, Petit Saut - Bassin du Sinnamary Alt. ; 7 m Long. 53° 3' Lat. 5° 3' Haut. 0.05 m

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BRIT552216Hoff M.   63961990-03-04
French Guiana, Saut tiore - Bassin du Sinnamary Alt. : 10m Long. 53 ° 2 ' Lat. 4 ° 59 '

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Jacq.) R. Br.
BRIT464790John Taylor   119361972-08-12
Costa Rica, San Jose, Along Rio Hondura. Where Rio Zurqui flows into the Rio Hondura. Below Bajo La Hondura, 10°4' N, 83°59' W. Elev. 1150 m., 10.066455 -83.986938, 1150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Jacq.) R. Br.
BRIT464789John Taylor   175011974-12-22
Costa Rica, Heredia, Collected along the slopes of Cerro Zurqui above the Rio Para Blanco. Elev. 1600 meters, 10.0592 -84.0332, - 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Jacq.) R. Br.
BRIT464788John Taylor   115741972-08-05
Costa Rica, Alajuela, 3 1/2 km. west of Fortuna, 2 1/2 km. northwest of New Volcan Arenal along its sloping base. 10°28' N, 84°41' W. Elev. 1,500 m, 10.466667 -84.683333, 1500m

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BRIT464787Stuart B. Robbins   58691972-07-13
Nicaragua, Comarca del Cabo

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BRIT464786A. R. López Ferrari   1993-06-17
Mexico, Durango, El Indio, 3 km después de La Fragüita, km 178 de la carretera Durango-Mazatlán. Mpio. El Salto.

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BRIT464785Francisco J. Santana M.   79691996-07-10
Mexico, Jalisco, 2 km. al NE de El Terrero, 12-13 km. al ENE de Minatitlan. Mpio. de Tolimán. 19°26'57" N y 103°57'00" W Alt. 2300 m, 2300m

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BRIT464784F. J. Santana M.   66011993-11-23
Mexico, Jalisco, 3 Km. al NW de El Terrero 12-13 Km. Al ENE de Minatitlan Tolimán. Jalisco. México 103°57'48" W, 19°27'42" N 2300 msnm

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BRIT464783R. John Taylor   44791967-08-17
Costa Rica, Cartago, about 5 km. SW of Tapanti., 9.738293 -83.827118, 1500m

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BRIT464782John T. Atwood   67761973-12-23
Nicaragua, Nueva Segovia, 5 km SE of Jalapa

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BRIT464781John T. Atwood   69151973-12-28
Nicaragua, Bocaycito

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BRIT464780John T. Atwood   48101971-03-15
Nicaragua, North Atlantic Automonous Region Dept., Waspan Mun., Between Waspan and Puerto Cabezas; Little France, Francia Sirpi., - 100m

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BRIT464779John T. Atwood   69221973-12-29
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, N of Matagalpa Santa Maia de Ostuma

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BRIT553319L. R. Holdridge   11991942-05-12
Haiti, M. des Commissaires

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Jacq.) R. Br.
BRIT553318D. C. Wasshausen   3491967-06-06
Dominica, St. Peter: Syndicate Estate, along trail to Mourne Diablotin., 698m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Jacq.) R. Br.
BRIT553317Steven R. Hill   257711994-06-02
Dominica, Saint Paul, Castleton Estate, Kelly property, between Sylvania and Pont Cassé., 518m

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BRIT553316R. A. Howard   65181941-08-20
Cuba, Las Villas, Hills behind Finca Gaviñas, Buenos Aires, Trinidad Mountains, Las Villas (Santa Clara) Province, Cuba.

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BRIT553315J. Pipoly   172791993-11-28
Colombia, Antioquia, Antioquia: Urrao Municipio. Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquídeas. Vereda Calles. Inventario Permanente Bosque Pluvial Premontano. Margen dercha con el Río Calles., 6.533333 -76.316667, 1450 - 1500m

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BRIT553314J. J. de Granville   113271991-04-18
Guyana, D. Z. du Haut-Kourcibo, Bassin du Sinnamary, 4.473056 -53.288333, 100m

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BRIT553313G. Cremers   146041997-04-02
Guyana, Savane-roche Dachine - Région de Saül, 3.466667 -53.216667, 220m

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BRIT553312G. Cremers   149371997-04-13
Guyana, Mont Chauve, 3.816667 -52.733333, 220m

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BRIT553311G. Cremers   149431997-04-14
Guyana, Mont Chauve, 3.816667 -52.733333, 220m

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BRIT553310G. Cremers   149311997-04-13
Guyana, Mont Chauve, 3.816667 -52.733333, 220m

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BRIT553309G. Cremers   148591997-04-11
Guyana, Mont Chauve, 3.816667 -52.733333, 220m

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BRIT553308G. Cremers   149351997-04-13
Guyana, Mont Chauve, 3.816667 -52.733333, 220m

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BRIT553307Alex Hirtz   341
Ecuador, Pichincha, Lloa. Prov. Pichincha., 2800m

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BRIT553306Rocío Rojas   32542004-09-01
Peru, Pasco, Distr. Oxapampa. Abra de Villa Rica., 10.676667 -75.315278, 2400m

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BRIT553305G. Cremers   146591997-04-03
Guyana, Savane-roche Dachine - Région de Saül, -3.466667 -53.216667, 170m

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BRIT553304C. G. Pringle   s.n.1905-11-15
Mexico, Michoacan, Uruapan.

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BRIT553303M. Nee   246981982-06-29
Mexico, Veracruz, Along trails to base of Volcan Santa Marta, 0-3 km. E of village of Santa Marta, Mun. Soteapan., 18.35 -94.866667, 1100 - 1200m

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BRIT553299John Taylor   174591974-12-26
Costa Rica, Heredia, Collected along the slopes of Cerro Zurqui above the Rio Para Blanco., 10.0592 -84.0332, 1600m

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BRIT553298John T. Atwood   67751973-12-23
Nicaragua, Nueva Segovia, 5 km SE of Jalapa.

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BRIT553297Robert L. Dressler   27511961-07-29
Mexico, Michoacan, Malpais de Curucu, near San Juan Nuevo, ca. 12 km. west of Uruapan.

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BRIT553296Robert L. Dressler   25471959-08-20
Mexico, 3-4 km. north of Temascaltepec.

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BRIT553295F. J. Santana M.   71641995-04-05
Mexico, Jalisco, El Terrero, 2 km al NW, 12-13 km al ENE de Minatitlán., 19.449167 -103.95, 2300m

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BRIT553294D. E. Breedlove   295591972-11-16
Mexico, Chiapas, Laguna Montebello, Montebello National Park. Municipio of La Trinitaria., 1300m

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BRIT553293John T. Atwood   70461974-01-15
Nicaragua, Granada, Mombacho.

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BRIT553292John T. Atwood   69231973-12-29
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, N of Matagalpa, Santa Maria de Ostuma

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BRIT553291Robert L. Dressler   25321959-08-05
Mexico, About 7 km. south of Tenancingo.

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BRIT553290Robert L. Dressler   27521961-07-29
Mexico, Michoacan, Malpais de Curucu, near San Juan Nuevo, ca. 12 km. west of Uruapan.

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Pleurothallis racemiflora Lindl. ex Hook.
BRIT553289Steven A. Marshall   66851973-12-09
Nicaragua, Chontales, Cuapa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pleurothallis racemiflora Lindl. ex Hook.
BRIT553288W. A. Kellerman   s.n.1905-03-10
Guatemala, Sierra de las Minas: opp. El Rancho.

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BRIT553287Robert L. Dressler   25171959-08-02
Mexico, About 8 km. south of Tenancingo.

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BRIT553286Robert L. Dressler   24901959-07-16
Mexico, Morelos, Hill above Tepoztlan.

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BRIT553285Rogers McVaugh   13911
Mexico, Jalisco, Sierra de Manantlán (15-20 miles southeast of Autlán), about 2 miles from Aserradero San Miguel Uno, west and south of the divide toward Manzanillo., 2250 - 2400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pleurothallis floribunda Poepp. & Endl.
BRIT558248Joseph H. Kirkbride, Jr.   9011968-04-20
Panama, Chiriqui, On Chiriquí Trail, Premontane Rain Forest (Oak Forest) between Pionla and Quebrada Hondo toward summit

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BRIT547348R. E. Schultes   75881946-05-27
Colombia, Putumayo, Laguna La Cocha, Ciudadela, above lake on road to Sibundoy near páramo de Bordoncillo., 2200 - 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Jacq.) R. Br.
BRIT474148J. D. Wells   5222010-11-19
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchi, Región: Cusco. Provincia: Quispicanchi. District of Camanti. Community of Vitobamba. Trocha Wilbur. Closest Town: Quincemil., -13.3391 -70.8, 1584 - 1590m

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BRIT438507B. R. Chambi   12442008-05-26
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchis Province; Cusco; Propieda privada o Bosques de Produccion Permanente del Estado. Camanti esta ubicado en un valle, rodeado por montañas boscosas que alcanzan aproximadamente hasta los 800 m. de altura., -13.2749 -70.7587, 600 - 1700m

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BRIT438499B. R. Chambi   10412008-04-25
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchis Province; Cusco; Propieda privada o Bosques de Produccion Permanente del Estado. Camanti esta ubicado en un valle, rodeado por montañas boscosas que alcanzan aproximadamente hasta los 800 m. de altura., -13.2412 -70.795, 600 - 1700m

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BRIT438511B. R. Chambi   13272008-05-28
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchis Province; Cusco; Propieda privada o Bosques de Produccion Permanente del Estado. Camanti esta ubicado en un valle, rodeado por montañas boscosas que alcanzan aproximadamente hasta los 800 m. de altura., -13.2566 -70.7841, 600 - 1700m

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