BRIT38212 H. Garcia 22814 1996-10-28
Philippines, Luzon, Sorsogon, Mt. Bulusan National Park, Brgy. Inlagadian, Casiguran., 14.933333 120.733333, 800m
BRIT38213 Garcia 18145 1995-07-28
Philippines, Luzon, Cagayan, Claveria, Brgy. Kilkiling, Taggat Watershed Area., 18.611667 121.045, 467m
BRIT38214 Reynoso 24086 1996-05-08
Philippines, Visayas, Samar, Paranas, Campo Uno, Central Samar., 11.97 124.716667, 400m
BRIT38215 Romero 15411 1995-02-08
Philippines, Polillo, Quezon, Burdeos Watershed Area, Brgy. Amot, So. Patik., 14.846667 121.968333
BRIT38216 Pipoly 38244 1996-08-22
Philippines, Palawan, Palawan, Sumindap river, Barangay Bundog, Municipality of Quezon. Tributary of Kinlugan river., 9.033333 117.8, 250m
BRIT500422 J. A. J. Verheijen 3422 1974-02-18
Indonesia, Lesser Sunda, Lesser Sunda Isl. Flores.
BRIT806039 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 2570 2019-12-12
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Enrique Villanueva; along the trail of Lake Danao., 9.575526667 123.299495, 993m
BRIT806069 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 2085 2019-12-12
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Balinsasayao; trail to Mt. Guinsayawan, Agathis forest on ridge., 9.3609 123.17509, 1061m
BRIT806156 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 2538 2019-12-11
Philippines, Negros Oriental Province, Municipality of Sibulan, Philippines; Negros Island; Negros Oriental Province; Municipality of Sibulan; Barangay Enrique Villanueva; Sitio Hagunoy, around Balinsasayao Lake., 9.590481667 123.3045833, 904m
BRIT878605 Plants and Lichens of the Southern Philippines Survey 840 2019-06-23
Philippines, Camiguin Province, Mambajao Municipality, Philippines; Camiguin Island; Camiguin Province; Mambajao Municipality; pandan Barangay; Mt. Timpoong: main trail to summit., 9.18411 124.71734, 1152m