Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Taxa: Prosthechea
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-12 of 12

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prosthechea trulla (Rchb.f.) W.E.Higgins
BRIT464939Robert L. Dressler   26831961-06-30
Mexico, Jalisco, Near Puente San Pedro, ca. 7 km. east of Tecalitlán.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prosthechea trulla (Rchb.f.) W.E.Higgins
BRIT464938Chester M. Rowell, Jr.   30951952-07-16
Mexico, Guerrero, 2 mi. S. of Acahuizotla. Approx. 3,500 ft.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT464937Henry K. Svenson   51021971-03-20
Nicaragua, Department of Zelaya Siuna Elevation 200-500 m, 200 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT464936John T. Atwood   53991971-04-04
Nicaragua, Boaco, Road toward Camoapa, Boaco. Elevation 200-500 m, 200 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT464935U. L. Hinze   25391952-06-10
Mexico, Guerrero, Collected 1 mi. W Acahuizotla, alt. 2800 ft., 853m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prosthechea crassilabia Carnevali & I. Ramírez
BRIT464934John Taylor   119481972-08-12
Costa Rica, San Jose, Along Rio Hondura. Where Rio Zurqui flows into the Rio Hondura. Below Bajo La Hondura, Elevation 1150 m, 10.066455 -83.986938, - 1150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prosthechea chondylobulbon (A.Rich. & Galeotti) W.E.Higgins
BRIT464933Robert L. Dressler   27531961-07-29
Mexico, Michoacan, Malpais de Curucu, near San Juan Nuevo, ca. 12 km. west of Uruapan.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT464932John T. Atwood   52531971-03-27
Nicaragua, Rio San Juan, Sea Level San Juan del Norte

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prosthechea abbreviata (Schltr.) W.E.Higgins
BRIT464928John T. Atwood   53591971-03-30
Nicaragua, Department of Zelaya Along Zapote River Nueva Guinea Elevation 100-200 m, 100 - 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prosthechea crassilabia Carnevali & I. Ramírez
BRIT464940Wilson Quizhpe   22382006-04-12
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, El Pangui. Vertiente occidental de la Cordillera del Cóndor. Cuenca del Río Tundayme, afluyente del Río Quimi. Carretera hacia el destacamento militar Condor Mirador., 3.616389 -78.461944, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prosthechea radiata (Lindl.) W.E.Higgins
BRIT892616Dennis Breedlove   
Mexico, Chiapas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prosthechea rhynchophora (A.Rich. & Galeotti) W.E.Higgins
BRIT892625Dennis Breedlove   
Mexico, Chiapas

Page 1, records 1-12 of 12


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