Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Taxa: Sobralia
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-14 of 14

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

BRIT464080J. Ramirez   182781995-02-02
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. de Frontino Vereda Venados, Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquídeas Alto Bonito, margen izquierada río venados. 06°32'N; 76°19'W. Bp-T

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT465079Cremers G.   140101995-05-19
French Guiana, Roche Touatou Bassin de l'Oyapock Alt. 120 m. Long. 52° 32' Lat. 2° 57' Forêt basse sur pente d'Inselberg. Versant sud du Mont Touatou., - 120m

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BRIT465078Hequet V.   4111997-07-25
French Guiana, Layon Montagne Prise d'Eau - Bassin de L 'Approuague Long. 52°2' Lat. 4°28'

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT465077Granville   72411985-01-23
French Guiana, HauteCamopi: Mont Belvédère. Forêt basse au sommet de l'inselberg.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT465076M. Nee   250681982-07-15
Mexico, Veracruz, Very narrow and exceedingly steep knife-edge ridge of spur on N side of Volcán San Martín Pajapan, 7 km. NW of Pajapan, Mun. Soteapan. 18°18'45"N, 94°43'W alt. 830-980 m., 830 - 980m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT465075John Taylor   119021972-08-12
Costa Rica, San Jose, Along the Hondura. Where Rio Zurqui flows into the Rio Hondura. Below Bajo La Hondura, … Elev. 1150 m., 10.066455 -83.986938, - 1150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT465074John T. Atwood   69451973-12-31
Nicaragua, Boaco, NW of Camcapa, La Vieja

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BRIT465073John T. Atwood   48061971-03-15
Nicaragua, Elevation 0-100 m Between Waspan and Puerto Cabezas Little France, Francia Sirpi, 0 - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT465072John T. Atwood   70201974-01-10
Nicaragua, Chontales, Elev. 200-500 m Route 7, Santo Tomas, 200 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sobralia amabilis L.O. Williams
BRIT465071John Taylor   11261972-07-30
Costa Rica, San Jose, About 3 km. NW of Cascajal. Near the union of the Cascajal River and the Bajo Maquina River. Elev. 1750 m., 10.029046 -83.971477, - 1750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT547347Richard Evans Schultes   18497

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sobralia candida (Poepp. & Endl.) Rchb.f.
BRIT438484B. R. Chambi   7822008-03-19
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchis Province; Cusco; Propiedad del sr. Bustamante Camanti esta ubicado en un valle, rodeado por montañas boscosas que alcanzan aproximadamente hasta los 800 m. de altura., -13.2319 -70.7785, 600 - 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sobralia withneri D.E.Benn. & Christenson
BRIT438483B. R. Chambi   7142008-03-12
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchis Province; Cusco; En la propiedad de Juvenal Camanti esta ubicado en un valle, rodeado por montañas boscosas que alcanzan aproximadamente hasta los 800 m. de altura., -13.238 -70.7715, 600 - 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT465080J. Pipoly   182781995-02-02

Page 1, records 1-14 of 14


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