Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Taxa: Stelis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-13 of 13

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

BRIT465170D. C. Wasshausen   3481967-06-06
Dominica, Saint Peter, Syndicate Estate, along trail to Mourne Diablotin., 698m

BRIT465169G. Cremers   121231991-04-09
Guyana, Route Régina - Saint Georges D.Z. 5 - P.K. 43 - Bassin du Ba, 4.05 -52.016667, 60m

Stelis Sw.
BRIT465168John Taylor   11292B1972-07-30
Costa Rica, San Jose, About 3 km. NW of Cascajal. Near the union of the Cascajal River and the Bajo Maquina River., 10.029046 -83.971477

Stelis Sw.
BRIT465167R. John Taylor   46141967-08-20
Costa Rica, San Jose, About 15 km. SW of El Tejar., 9.746486 -84.036375, 2000m

Stelis Sw.
BRIT465165John Taylor   175101974-12-22
Costa Rica, Heredia, Collected along the slopes of Cerro Zurqui above the Rio Para Blanco., 10.0592 -84.0332, 1600m

Stelis Sw.
BRIT465164John Taylor   175081974-12-22
Costa Rica, Heredia, Collected along the slopes of Cerro Zurqui above the Rio Blanco., 10.061096 -84.032174, 1600m

BRIT465163W. A. Kellerman   55741906-02-05
Guatemala, Santa Maria, Depart. Inezaltenango (sp ?)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stelis Sw.
BRIT558232Joseph H. Kirkbride, Jr.   8921968-04-20
Panama, Chiriqui, On Chiriquí Trail, Premontain Rain Forest (Oak Forest) between Pinola and Quebrada Hondo toward summit

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT558249Joseph H. Kirkbride, Jr.   7451968-04-20
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí Trail Cloud Forest betw Quebrada Higueron & Gutierrez

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stelis Sw.
BRIT474143J. D. Wells   7432011-03-17
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchi, Región: Cusco. Provincia: Quispicanchi. District of Camanti. Community of Vitobamba. Trocha Jeferson. Closest Town: Quincemil., -13.3231 -70.8088, 1247 - 1171m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stelis Sw.
BRIT438509B. R. Chambi   12972008-05-26
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchis Province; Cusco; Propieda privada o Bosques de Produccion Permanente del Estado. Camanti esta ubicado en un valle, rodeado por montañas boscosas que alcanzan aproximadamente hasta los 800 m. de altura., -13.2711 -70.7641, 600 - 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stelis Sw.
BRIT474563J. D. Wells   11552011-06-17
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchi, Región: Cusco. Provincia: Quispicanchi. District of Camanti. Azul Mayo River. Closest Town: Quincemil-Camanti., -13.2703 -70.6328, 593m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stelis Sw.
BRIT438487B. R. Chambi   9272008-04-16
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchis Province; Cusco; Propieda privada o Bosques de Produccion Permanente del Estado. Camanti esta ubicado en un valle, rodeado por montañas boscosas que alcanzan aproximadamente hasta los 800 m. de altura., -13.2356 -70.7948, 600 - 1700m

Page 1, records 1-13 of 13


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